Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 284: Ma Mengqi disobeyed the order and unified the north on New Year's Eve

Chang'an, Liangzhou Army Barracks.

Ma Chao prepared a simple banquet in the commander's tent and was welcoming Cui Lin, who came from Yecheng to convey the emperor's will.

He picked up the wine bottle and said apologetically: "The angel came all the way from Yecheng. I couldn't welcome him from far away. Please don't blame the angel."

It has been a day since Cui Lin arrived at the military camp.

He hurried back after receiving the news.

Cui Lin smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. General Ma is busy with his affairs, so I have to be considerate of him. There's no point in talking about blame."

"Moreover, General Ma killed Tian Feng, the leader of Yuan's remnant party, and also killed Han Sui, who wanted to rebel. This was a great achievement."

Cui Lin smiled broadly and his attitude was very enthusiastic. His words were full of praise and compliments for Ma Chao.

Ma Chao shook his head and said, "Angel is overrated. I just fulfilled my responsibilities as a minister."

"To be honest, I don't expect any credit. I just hope that Your Majesty can forgive me for beheading first and then reporting, and for killing the court ministers without permission."

Cui Lin said with a smile: "Thieves who rebel against the party will be punished by everyone. Han Sui wanted to rebel and betrayed your majesty's trust. It is just right for the general to kill him. Your majesty is happy before it is too late. How can you blame the general?"

"No, His Majesty was very happy when he learned about this. He specially ordered me to come and deliver the message, and asked General Ma to return to Yecheng with me to receive the reward."

Hearing this, Ma Chao suddenly showed a look of embarrassment on his face. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "This matter... forgive me for not being able to obey."

"Why?" Cui Lin frowned.

"The angel doesn't know something." Ma Chao put down the wine bottle in his hand and said solemnly: "Although Han Sui is dead, he has deep roots in the army and has many die-hard loyalists. Once I leave, the Xiliang army may not be stable."

"Whether I can be rewarded is a small matter, but the mutiny of the Xiliang army is a big matter, so forgive me for not being able to follow your majesty's order and follow the angel to Yecheng."

Ma Chao gave this reason very well.

It's hard to find anything wrong with it.

After all, there were tens of thousands of Xiliang cavalry. Once a mutiny occurred, the consequences would be unimaginable.

When Cui Lin heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

But a smile appeared on his face again.

"What the general said is absolutely true. It is naturally important to prevent the Xiliang army from mutiny... But I have a question, and I would like to ask the general to clarify it."

Ma Chao smiled and said: "If my guess is correct, what the angel wants to ask must be the rumor that Han Sui was killed by the Huns, right?"

He didn't seem surprised that Cui Lin asked this question.

"That's exactly what happened."

Cui Lin's eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded and said: "Han Sui was killed by the general, but when I arrived in the army, what I heard was that Han Sui was killed by the Huns."

"I wonder why there are such rumors?"

These are two completely different versions, completely different from what Ma Chao said in the memorial.

Ma Chao sighed and said: "I spread this rumor. It is also a helpless move to stabilize the morale of the army."

"I invited Han Sui to the banquet that day, intending to settle the old feud with him, but Tian Feng also came and suggested that Han Sui would rebel, so I had no choice but to kill him."

"Although I have a clear conscience for killing Han Sui, if his die-hard subordinates learn about it, they will definitely think that I deliberately set up a trap to invite him over and take the opportunity to ambush him."

"Therefore, I had to conceal the news of Han Sui's rebellion from the outside world, and blame the Huns for Han Sui's death to appease his soldiers."

"I haven't had time to report this to His Majesty yet."

Ma Chao explained it to Cui Lin.

"I see."

Cui Lin suddenly understood, and then praised: "The general's wisdom is extraordinary and admirable. I will report this matter to your majesty truthfully."

"After all, things happened out of urgency. I don't think His Majesty will blame him, so don't worry, General."

Ma Chao said excitedly: "It's so good! Thank you so much for your trouble. I'd like to toast this glass to you!"

As he spoke, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the bottle.

Cui Lin also raised his glass in return.

The atmosphere at the table was quite harmonious.

The two chatted and laughed with each other. After three rounds of drinking, Ma Chao's face became a little drunk and he asked casually:

"I recently received news that His Majesty has sent troops to attack Bingzhou. He has now conquered Leping and Xinxing counties and is approaching Taiyuan."

"I dare to ask the angel, why did your majesty suddenly send troops to attack Bingzhou? There are many inconveniences in fighting in winter. Why don't you wait for me to send troops together after next spring?"

He had already learned that Lu Bu and Zhang Liao jointly led an army of 50,000 to attack, and they captured the two counties in less than ten days!

The impressive performance is simply jaw-dropping!

Aren't the soldiers of the imperial court afraid of the cold?

Cui Lin said drunkenly: "His Majesty alone decides on major military affairs. How can I guess His Majesty's thoughts?"

"But I think His Majesty probably decided to send troops to attack Bingzhou after he learned that Tian Feng was dead. He could have taken the opportunity to catch Yuan Shao's remnant party by surprise, and even recapture Bingzhou in one fell swoop."

Ma Chao kept watching Cui Lin's expression, and when he saw that he looked drunk and didn't look like he was lying, he looked back and continued to toast.

"Stop talking about this, let's drink and drink!"

The two of them drank until late. Ma Chao arranged for Pang De to send Cui Lin to sleep. Then he stayed alone in the camp, picked up the imperial edict and the frontline military information, and checked it repeatedly.

His expression changed a little.

The emperor sent an imperial edict to him to go to Yecheng, and suddenly sent troops to attack Bingzhou. These two seemingly unrelated events made him feel a deep sense of crisis.

The first thing is to let him go to Yecheng to receive the reward. If there is any reward, it is enough to just pass on the decree. Why do you let him go?

In addition, he sent troops to attack Bingzhou.

He could have waited until the beginning of spring next year to send troops, but he chose to do so in the winter when marching and fighting were extremely difficult, and he didn't even notify him.

These two things show that he sent Tian Feng's head to show his loyalty, but it did not dispel the emperor's suspicion, at least not completely.

The emperor still suspected that there was something wrong with Han Sui's death, or was afraid of his strong army.

"Should I send troops now?"

Ma Chao's eyes flickered and he fell into deep thought.

According to the current siege speed of Lu Bu's army, if he didn't send troops, it would be a matter of time for Taiyuan County to be captured by Gao Gan's troops alone.

Bingzhou, a key throat, is of vital importance. If Bingzhou is captured, he will never find a chance to enter Jizhou again.

"General, the angel has been settled."

Pang De walked into the tent and reported.

Ma Chao nodded, and then asked Pang De: "Ling Ming, do you think I should send troops to attack Jizhou now?"

He wanted to refer to Pang De's opinion.

Pang De thought for a moment and said, "General, although we have incorporated Han Sui's army, we have not yet fully reorganized it, so it is not appropriate to send troops without authorization."

"Besides... General, do you really think that His Majesty has been held hostage by Lu Bu? Why do I feel that it is not the case?"

"Why don't you let me go back to Yecheng with the angel to have a look?"

Pang De still had a little concern in his heart. He always felt that the emperor did not look like he was being held hostage, so it would be more reassuring to go and confirm it in person.


Ma Chao immediately shook his head and said calmly, "My father and brother are in Yecheng, and I sent Tian Feng's head there. With the emperor's mind, he should not doubt me, but the emperor still ordered me to go to Yecheng."

"This means that the emperor has been held hostage by Lu Bu! Because only a narrow-minded villain like Lu Bu would doubt me!"

"So I tell you not to go back with the angel. If you go back, I'm afraid you will never come back again!"

Ma Chao persuaded Pang De earnestly.

Let him give up the idea of ​​going to Yecheng.

Pang De is a capable general in the Xiliang army, one of his right-hand men, and knows everything he has done during this period of time.

If Pang De really went to Yecheng and found that the emperor was not held hostage, then the plan between him and Tian Feng would definitely be exposed by Pang De.

So he would never let Pang De leave.

He is different from Pang De. He has no loyalty to the emperor. All he wants is to be a vassal.

He doesn't care whether Lu Bu holds the emperor hostage or not.


Pang De had to give up the idea after hearing this.

Ma Chao changed the subject and said, "What you just said is right. It is indeed not suitable to send troops now. Let's continue to reorganize the army."

As long as the Xiliang army is unified, even if Bingzhou is lost, even if he cannot march into Hebei, he can still dominate Liangzhou and Guanzhong without having to look at anyone's face!


Bingzhou, Jinyang.

After the army of Lu Bu and Zhang Liao settled outside the city, they did not launch an attack, but were busy cutting down trees and making siege equipment such as catapults.

In addition, they also openly trained the army.

Tens of thousands of troops were training in the ice and snow, and the whole Jinyang City could hear the deafening shouts of killing during their training.

On the Jinyang City Wall.

Gao Gan leaned against the cold parapet and stared at the Han army team outside the city that was training in the snow, never moving his eyes away for a moment.

"Why? In such a cold day, why are their soldiers willing to train outside? Are they really not afraid of the cold?"

Gao Gan's eyes showed deep confusion.

In such cold weather, let alone training soldiers, even letting soldiers patrol and guard is a job that everyone complains about.

But the Han soldiers are willing to train in the ice and snow, and it is not the kind of perfunctory training. Even if he looks from a distance, he can feel the momentum that soars to the sky.

Gao Gan looked at Sui Yuanjin and asked, "Have the scouts sent out found out clearly? What are they wearing?"

There are only a few types of cold-proof clothing.

The first is a coat made of heavy silk or satin, stuffed with wool to provide more warmth, but it is expensive.

The second is fur coats made of animal fur, such as fox, mink, wolf, etc., which can provide good warmth in the cold winter and are also very durable, and the price is even more expensive than the former.

The third is a sheepskin coat made of sheepskin, which can provide good warmth and is cheaper than the first two, but it is too bloated to wear.

However, most ordinary people wear cotton clothes, that is, a silk coat is covered with silk, chicken and duck down, etc., and then covered with a layer of linen.

Some poor families even stuffed inferior plant fibers such as bananas, kapok, etc. into their clothes.

The clothes distributed by Gao Gan are mostly sheepskin coats and cotton clothes.

However, due to limited supplies, he could not ensure that all soldiers would wear them, so he could only equip them to the soldiers responsible for guarding the city and patrolling.

How good were the warm clothes equipped by the troops outside the city to train in this icy and snowy place?

Sui Yuanjin stammered: "Reporting to the general, the scouts said... they were just wearing armor normally, and they didn't see any warm clothes."

"Do you believe this yourself!"

Gao Gan was furious when he heard it, "They didn't wear any warm clothes. Don't the enemy soldiers outside fear the cold?"

"Go and check it out for me!"

He must find out the secret of the Han troops outside who are not afraid of the cold, otherwise this battle will be impossible to fight because the weather is too cold.

Sui Yuanjin could only accept it.

Guo Yuan asked: "General, why haven't they launched an attack? They have been stationed outside the city for several days."

In the past few days, the enemy troops outside the city have not only made siege equipment but also trained their troops. It seems that they have no intention of attacking at all and just want to besiege the city.

"They're dragging!"

Gao Gan's eyes were extremely sharp and he said in a deep voice: "Their soldiers are not afraid of the cold, but our soldiers cannot withstand such severe cold, but they have to defend the city every day."

"Every day we delay, our morale will be depleted. He is waiting for us to relax, and then directly launches an army attack!"

"That reckless man Lu Bu doesn't have such a brain. There must be a clever counselor on the other side making suggestions!"

After all, Gao Gan was a general who had experienced hundreds of battles. He clearly understood the opponent's plan, which was to continuously drain the morale of the defenders.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Guo Yuan and asked: "How many days are left for the New Year? They definitely want to launch an attack on the New Year's day!"

Guo Yuan sighed: "Tonight is New Year's Eve."

Gao Gan was shocked when he heard this. He had been so busy these past few days that he didn't even notice that today was New Year's Eve.

After pondering for a moment, he ordered: "We must strengthen defense tonight, double the number of patrols, and cheer up all the soldiers in the army. No one is allowed to return home!"

"In addition, tell the kitchen to slaughter the pigs and sheep, add meat to tonight's meal, and distribute some wine to everyone."

If the city has to be defended on New Year's Eve, the soldiers will definitely be miserable, so it is necessary to increase the food supply to reduce the complaints of the soldiers.

Although doing this will consume a lot of supplies, there is nothing we can do and we cannot let morale continue to decrease.

Outside the city, the Han army camp.

Sima Yi was watching Lu Bu train his soldiers.

Seeing the tens of thousands of soldiers showing great momentum, he couldn't help but praise: "Gong Wen's training is really good. Not long ago, these Black Mountain troops were just a bunch of rabble, but now they have the demeanor of an elite army."

Of the 50,000 troops dispatched this time, 30,000 were from the Montenegrin Army that had just taken effect, which was the group being trained in front of them.

"I don't have this ability. This is all Wen Yuan's credit."

Lu Bu shook his head and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "But no matter how well they train, it's just a show. They are still far behind. Only by winning a few big battles can they be called elite."

War is always the fastest way to improve the strength of the army. Those elite troops are all trained through war.

Only those 30,000 Montenegrin troops who can survive after the Bingzhou campaign can be called an elite army.

Lu Bu looked away from the soldiers and asked Sima Yi: "Sir, the siege equipment is almost ready. When will we attack Jinyang?"

"It's the Chinese New Year tomorrow."

As he kept putting it off, his patience was almost gone.

Sima Yi smiled slightly and said calmly: "Don't be anxious, Mr. Wen. Tonight, New Year's Eve, is a good time to attack the city."

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