Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 299: Liu Biao was poisoned and Jingzhou changed its owner

Xiangyang City, Prefecture Mufu.

In the study room.

Liu Qi said to Liu Biao with a look of shame: "My child failed to live up to his father's expectations and failed to invite Mr. Kong Ming back."

Although it wasn't Zhuge Liang's fault that he didn't want to come back with him, he still felt that he didn't do a good enough job.

"I already know."

Liu Biao was not surprised by the news. He shook his head and said, "You mobilized the garrison in Nanyang County to search for Zhuge Liang. I received the report early in the morning."

"The noise was a bit too loud."

He asked Liu Qi to act secretly this time, but Liu Qi mobilized the garrison to search for Zhuge Liang. It was impossible to hide such a big movement.

Liu Qi explained: "Father, I was following Mr. Kong Ming's ruts, but there were too many carriages on the official road and the traces could not be distinguished. I had no choice but to mobilize the garrison to search."

"It's just that the child still couldn't keep Mr. Kong Ming. He seemed to have known my intention early on and chose to reject me."

Liu Biao snorted coldly when he heard this: "Pang De and Sima Hui must have told him about this in advance. Wolong is just looking after him."

He had heard Duke Pang praise Zhuge Liang so highly before, and he was a disciple of Sima Hui, so he felt that this man must be a great talent.

In addition, he was eager to seek talents at that time, so he paid special attention to Zhuge Liang.

But now he has realized that Pang Degong is just lending him to Zhuge Liang to support him. Even if a twenty-year-old young man is talented, where can he go?

The reason why I rejected his recruitment this time was probably because I was worried that my shortcomings of insufficient talent and learning would be exposed after becoming his subordinate.

It's simply ridiculous to be able to live in peace with a dragon and a phoenix...

"No, Father."

Liu Qi shook his head when he heard this and said seriously: "Mr. Kong Ming is an extraordinary person. Before he said goodbye to me, he gave me a gift."

"He said that I made too much noise this time to find him, and asked me to be careful."

Liu Biao couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this, and asked: "Did he really say that?"

Liu Qi nodded.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Liu Biao was inevitably surprised, because Zhuge Liang could remind Liu Qi like this, which showed that he had seen through many things.

This is by no means a vision and level that mediocre people can have.


Liu Biao's eyes flickered, and he finally believed Pang Degong's evaluation. Zhuge Liang was indeed a hidden talent.

It's a pity that it can't be used by him.

"In addition, Mr. Kong Ming also said that Shen Sheng of the state of Jin was executed at home, while Chong'er was safe in exile."

"But I don't know how to interpret this statement."

Liu Qi also said the other half of Zhuge Liang's sentence. He could understand the last half of Zhuge Liang's sentence, but not the first half.

Liu Biao frowned and said nothing after hearing this. After pondering for a while, he couldn't figure out what he meant, so he could only give up: "Go down and rest first."

"Jingzhou is full of talents. Even if there is no Zhuge Liang, there are other great talents. I will choose slowly."

It's a pity that we couldn't invite Zhuge Liang, but in such a vast land of Jingchu, we can't find anyone better than Zhuge Liang?

There is no need to continue to dwell on this.

What he needs to consider now is how to appease his counselors, because his move will inevitably cause them to have a big reaction.

Liu Qi nodded in agreement, bowed and stepped back.

Cai Mansion.

As the largest wealthy family in Jingzhou now, the Cai Mansion is even more impressive than the Zhou Mu Mansion, but no one will say anything about it.

Because Cai Mao was Liu Biao's brother-in-law and a military advisor, he would basically intervene in and even make decisions on all matters in the state. This allowed Cai to firmly sit at the head of the Jingzhou family.

As night fell, Cai Mansion still had the lights on.

Today, Cai Mao invited Kuai Liang, Liu Xian, and Pang Ji to his house, and they were all gathered in the study.

"Everyone has heard about it, right?"

Cai Hao glanced at everyone, his face was very gloomy, and he said: "My lord sent Liu Qi to invite Sima Hui's disciple Zhuge Liang."

"This matter is extremely secretive. If that idiot Liu Qi hadn't mobilized the Nanyang County garrison, we might have been concealed!"

Pang Ji sighed: "It's not just Zhuge Liang. My lord also visited Pang Degong before this, and wanted to invite him and Sima Hui to come and serve in the house."

Cai Mao's expression became even more gloomy upon hearing this.

Kuai Liang and Liu Xian also frowned.

Recruiting talents is not a big deal, but Liu Biao went to recruit new talents after they formed an alliance with Liu Zhang without authorization, and even went so far as to hide it from them. This was different.

The signals revealed are very dangerous.

Because this means that Liu Biao no longer trusts them and is looking for new advisers, probably to replace them!

"What we did last time was indeed a bit excessive."

Liu Xian looked complicated and sighed: "Although the alliance with Liu Zhang is for the overall situation, we should persuade the lord and should not hide it from him."

"Why don't we go and confess our mistakes to the Lord?"

The ministers banded together to make decisions on their own without telling the lord. This kind of thing is indeed not tolerated by ordinary people, and everyone would be angry.

Liu Biao's reaction was not surprising.

"Admit your mistake?"

Cai Hao sneered when he heard this and turned his attention to Liu Xian, "What's wrong with us? Alliance with Liu Zhang, defeat Liu Bei and take the opportunity to enter Yizhou. Such a good opportunity cannot be given up!"

"If we let him know, the result will be that the alliance will be cancelled, all our efforts will be in vain, and we can only watch the opportunity slip away!"

"He has already welcomed the false emperor into the city, and he does not do anything in the name of the false emperor. If he continues like this, will he wait for the emperor's army to move south?"

"This is not indecision, this is cowardice and incompetence!"

Cai Mao's tone was full of anger.

He had been full of resentment towards Liu Biao ever since he welcomed the puppet emperor. He did something but didn't do it right, so why did he do it?

On the one hand, I felt that this false emperor was like the real emperor, but on the other hand, I didn't dare to confirm it. Then I simply didn't let this false emperor enter the city in the first place and killed him with one knife!

"What now?"

Kuai Liang frowned and said, the worry in his eyes could not be concealed, "Let's not talk about the pseudo-emperor, just talk about the thoughts in my lord's heart."

"After we made the decision without permission and agreed to the alliance, the Lord no longer trusts us. I'm afraid it will be useless to admit our mistakes."

They had done too many things that were out of bounds over the years, which could not be solved by just admitting their mistakes. He could see that Liu Biao was determined to change everything.

The replacement of these counselors is the first step.

"That's why I invited you here today." Cai Mao said in a deep voice: I have a plan that can change the current situation and even win a bright future! "

"What's the plan?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Cai Mao.

Cai Mao's eyes flickered and he said word by word under everyone's gaze: "Establish a new master!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was horrified.

Everyone looked horrified.

Because they understood the meaning of Cai Mao's words. The prerequisite for establishing a new leader was that the old leader abdicated and passed away. But Liu Xian was still in good health, so how could he die?

The answer... is only one.

"You're crazy!"

Pang Ji stood up in shock and said to Cai Mao in disbelief: "Conspiracy to murder the lord, is this the work of a minister? Once word spreads, we will definitely die!"

"Besides, he is your brother-in-law!"

Kuai Liang also looked solemn, shook his head slowly and said: "Degui, your idea is too radical. This matter is absolutely inappropriate. Don't say it again!"

He was one of the first people to follow Liu Biao. How could he possibly kill Liu Biao if he was asked to do so?

Cai Hao snorted coldly: "Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters! Unless Liu Jingsheng dies, we will all be liquidated by him one by one. Do you think he will let us and the family behind us go?"

"Moreover, he welcomed the false emperor into the city but did nothing. If this continues, when the emperor sends his troops south in the future, we will also be implicated!"

"So the only plan for now is to support my nephew to ascend to power and make him the new Lord of Jingzhou, and then we will expand in the name of the Emperor!"

"My nephew is also a member of the Han clan. In the future, my nephew will become the emperor, and we will all serve as heroes of the Dragon! Don't you want this merit of the Dragon?"

Facing Cai Mao's words, everyone remained silent.

But their eyes slowly changed.

From the power of the dragon.

These four words seem to carry a strange power, deeply engraved in their minds, and they are difficult to erase and linger in their minds no matter what.

" should we act?"

Liu Xian swallowed and looked at Cai Mao.

His eyes were filled with fiery color.

Although Kuai Liang and Pang Ji didn't speak, their silence said everything.

They acquiesced to Cai Mao's proposal.

When Cai Hao saw this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said: "This matter is extremely simple. In two days we will hold a banquet in the name of the false emperor and invite Liu Jingsheng and Liu Qi to go."

"All you need to do is prepare two pots of poisoned wine at the banquet, poison them to death, and then announce that they died of a sudden illness."

Killing is always the easiest thing to do.

The hard part is how to deal with the aftermath.

But as long as they unite, it will be easy to hide it. By then, outsiders will only know that Liu Biao and Liu Qi died of a sudden illness.

Then let Liu Cong succeed, and everything will go as planned.


After telling the whole plan, Cai Hao picked up a pot of wine that had been prepared on the table, poured a glass for everyone present, and looked at everyone with a bright look.

"It's time for us to follow the dragon!"

Kuai Liang, Pang Ji, and Liu Xian raised their wine bottles one after another and collided with the wine bottle in Cai Mao's hand.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty has been living quite comfortably recently.

After entering Xiangyang City, he abandoned all his previous ambitions and unwillingness to have fun every day in the mansion specially prepared for him by Liu Biao.

This also made him feel more and more that he had lived too hard in the past. He didn't have to bear any responsibilities as an emperor, he just needed to enjoy life.

I just occasionally think about the Queen late at night.

He heard that Queen Fu had arrived in Yecheng and admitted that the emperor of Yecheng was real, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect that even the queen would betray me."

"What else is true in this world?"

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty looked at himself in the bronze mirror who was fatter than before, and said to himself sadly, sighing deeply.

The maid on the side was helping him arrange the dragon robe. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty looked at the soft little hand stretched out in front of him, and the sadness in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help but touch it.

The maid exclaimed, her face slightly red.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty took her into his arms and asked with a smile: "Why are you so unfamiliar? You are new to the palace, right?"

The maid did not dare to resist and could only say awkwardly: "Your Majesty, the banquet is about to begin, we can't waste any more time..."


Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty let go of her with some regret, and at the same time reminded her persistently: "Come to my palace to sleep with me in the evening."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the room.

Yesterday, Liu Biao's brother-in-law, Cai Mao, came over and told him that Liu Biao planned to hold a banquet at his house to entertain celebrities from all over the world, so that everyone could admire the emperor's holy face.

Everyone must be almost here now.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty arrived at the banquet hall accompanied by his maid. Liu Biao, Liu Qi, Cai Mao and others had already arrived. After seeing him, they all lined up to salute.

"My lord, please see your majesty——"

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty walked to the main seat and sat down. He smiled and said to everyone: "My dear friends, there is no need to be polite. Get up quickly. Get up quickly."

"Thank you, Your Majesty——"

Only then did everyone get up.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty glanced around the banquet and found that there were only five or six people present today, and there were no celebrities from all walks of life. He couldn't help but feel a little confused.

But he didn't think about it. It was just a banquet anyway. He didn't care how many people came, as long as the singing, dancing, wine and food were all there.

"Uncle Huang."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty held the wine bottle and said to Liu Biao in a friendly manner: "I have been in Xiangyang for a long time. The emperor treated me with great care and courtesy, which makes me feel very happy."

"Therefore, I want to promote your uncle to the rank of Taiwei, and grant him the title of Duke Wu, to show my respect for your uncle."

His time in Xiangyang City was the most comfortable one for him. No one threatened him or forced him to do anything. Liu Biao also treated him with great respect.

So he felt that he had to give some indication.

Although he has no power in his hands, he is still the emperor, and giving official positions and titles is a matter of his words.

"Your Majesty, I am terrified."

Upon hearing this, Liu Biao hurriedly attended and said respectfully: "How can I deserve such a reward even though I haven't done any meritorious service, let alone a title? Your Majesty, please take back the order."

"Hey, the emperor's words are wrong."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty shook his head and said sternly to him: "Now that the rebels are in power, only the emperor is loyal to me. This is the greatest contribution."

"I have made up my mind, Prince Huang, just accept it."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty insisted again and again, but Liu Biao had no choice but to kowtow and thank him.

After giving the reward, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty raised his wine bottle and smiled at everyone and said, "Come, congratulate me on becoming Duke Wu!"

After that, he drank the wine in one gulp.

Everyone also drank wine.

Liu Biao put down the wine bottle and wanted to say something, but suddenly he felt a severe cramping pain in his abdomen, and he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"Father, what's wrong with you?!"

Liu Qi was greatly surprised when he saw this, and quickly stood up to help him, but as soon as he stood up, he felt severe pain in his abdomen and fell to the ground.

He clutched his stomach, sweating profusely from the pain.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was stunned when he saw this scene, and said in panic: "Uncle Huang, what's wrong with you?"


Liu Biao knocked the wine bottle on the table to the ground, vomiting blood and said with difficulty: "The wine is poisonous!"

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