Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 300 If you don’t obey, I will have to ask His Majesty to die.

Seeing Liu Biao falling to the ground due to poisoning, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty couldn't help but scream. His face turned pale with fright on the spot, and the wine bottle in his hand was thrown out as if it was hot.

Then he began to bend over and press his throat, trying to quickly spit out the drink he had just drank.

But no matter how much he retched, he still couldn't spit it out.

In fear and panic, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty even felt a faint pain in his stomach. He couldn't help but sit on the ground and cried loudly: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

"Stop yelling, there is no poison in your wine." Cai Mao suddenly said, looking at Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty with contempt and disdain, "You are so timid, I don't know where you got the courage to pretend to be the emperor."

Liu Biao and Liu Qi, who were lying on the ground, had looks of shock and anger on their faces after hearing Cai Mao's words.

"It's you!"

Liu Biao stared at Cai Mao, his eyes full of anger and disbelief, "You actually poisoned the wine, how dare you!"

He couldn't believe this was actually true.

Cai Mao is his brother-in-law. Without him, it is impossible to have such a status in Jingzhou. No matter in terms of kinship or all aspects, it is impossible to poison him.

But Cai Mao had just said that the emperor's wine was not poisonous, and coupled with his calm appearance, there was no doubt that he was the one who had poisoned him!

"We are also forced to do so."

Cai Mao didn't speak. It was Kuai Liang who spoke. He looked at Liu Biao with complicated and pitiful eyes, and sighed: "The master wants others to replace us, we can only protect ourselves."

"And my lord, you are getting old. I remember how energetic you were when you rode into Jingzhou alone, but now you have become timid."

"You welcomed this false emperor into the city, refused to kill him, and refused to act in the name of the Emperor. If this continues, we will eventually become rebellious officials and traitors and be destroyed by the king's master."

"In this current situation, change means survival, and change means death."

"We neither want to be replaced, nor do we want to be labeled as traitors."

Kuai did not want to take action against Liu Biao in his conscience, but Liu Biao would only become a threat and obstacle if he lived. For the benefit of the family, he had to choose to kill Liu Biao.

"Zirou, you-!"

Liu Biao was furious when he heard this. He never expected that Kuai Liang was also involved. He was so furious that he vomited a large mouthful of black blood again and died.


Liu Qi struggled to crawl towards Liu Biao, ignoring the blood spilling from his mouth and nose, and lay on Liu Biao's body and cried bitterly.

Until this moment, he finally understood the meaning of what Zhuge Liang said to him before he said goodbye that day.

Shen Sheng died inside, while Chong'er lived outside.

Zhuge Liang was persuading him to leave Xiangyang as soon as possible so that he could survive, but he did not understand the meaning.

"Mr. Kong Ming, did you expect that..."

Liu Qi had tears streaming down his face and said sadly to himself.

At this time, he felt that his vision was getting blurry. At the last moment of his life, he tried his best to scream at Cai Mao, Kuai Liang and others: "You group of lord killers! You will not end well." !”

"I'll wait for you underground!"

After saying this sentence full of resentment and hatred, the poison took effect, and black blood flowed out of Liu Qi's seven orifices, and he died.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was so frightened by this scene that he huddled in the corner and looked at the bodies of Liu Biao and his son tremblingly. He wanted to cry but could not.

What on earth is going on!

Cai Hao went up to check the bodies of Liu Biao and Liu Qi. After confirming that they were both dead, he said to Pang Ji: "Move troops to blockade the mansion and get rid of everyone in the mansion."

"Make sure no word gets out."

The death of Liu Biao and his son could only be caused by a sudden illness, and no other news could be allowed to leak out, otherwise they would be doomed.

Pang Ji nodded and left.

Cai Mao turned his attention to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty again, his face became cold, and said: "You should know what to do, you don't need me to teach you, right?"

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had no master at this time and said in a trembling voice: "I, I don't know, what do you want me to do?"

The corners of Cai Mao's eyes twitched, and he suppressed the impatience in his heart and said: "Draft a decree that Liu Biao and Liu Qi's father and son died of a sudden illness, and his son Liu Cong was appointed as the new shepherd of Jingzhou."

"Your status as a false emperor still has some uses. As long as you are honest and obedient, I will give you whatever treatment Liu Biao gives you."

"If you don't obey..."

Cai Mao sneered, picked up the pot of poisonous wine from Liu Qi's table, and looked at Emperor Xian of Han with an unkind look.

"Then I have to ask Your Majesty to die."

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was so frightened that he finally burst into tears. He waved his hands and said, "I will do as you are told, I will do as you are told! Don't let me die!"

Cai Mao even dared to kill Liu Biao, and killing one more was not a problem for him. He had finally lived a stable life for a few days, and he didn't want to die so soon!

Seeing Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty who was already frightened out of his mind, Cai Mao's eyes became even more disdainful. He left the wine baron behind and left the banquet hall with Kuai Liang and others.

Liu Biao and his son died, and they had to deal with a lot of things.

Only Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty and two corpses were left in the banquet hall.

He looked at the dead bodies of Liu Biao and his son. After much hesitation, he suppressed the fear in his heart and stood up to help them close their eyes.

Then he staggered up and returned to his home.

At this time, a large number of soldiers had broken into the mansion and were carrying out a bloody massacre of the servants in the mansion. There were screams everywhere.

"Your Majesty, save me!"

When Emperor Xian of Han passed a corridor, a maid ran over, fell at his feet, grabbed his clothes and cried.

It was the maid who changed clothes for Emperor Xian of Han before.

When Emperor Xian of Han was about to speak, the maid was beheaded by the soldier who caught up with her, and her beautiful head rolled to the ground.

Her face was still filled with despair and pleading.

The soldier glanced at Emperor Xian of Han, bowed slightly to him, and then turned around to continue killing others.

Emperor Xian of Han was pale and couldn't bear to look at the body of the maid again. He ran all the way back to his residence and hid in the quilt, trying to isolate himself from the outside world.

"Sikong, I miss you..."

Emperor Xian of Han said to himself in tears in the quilt.

After experiencing so many things, he felt more and more that the time in Xu County was the best. Cao Cao was actually very respectful to him and had no intention of harming him.

If Yang Biao, Fu Wan, and Dong Cheng had not done things in private and betrayed him, Cao Cao would not have thought he was a false emperor.

It was all Yang Biao's fault!

If he was given another chance, he would definitely choose to stay in Xu County honestly, eating, drinking, and having fun every day without thinking about anything.

It's a pity that he can never go back.

Xu County.

Since Cao Cao and Sun Quan negotiated peace and formed an alliance, they withdrew the troops deployed in the Jiangbei area.

Sun Quan deployed a large number of troops in Guangling County and Danyang County to prepare for the attack on Xuzhou. Both sides put aside their past grudges and fought against the enemy together.

Now that spring is approaching, Zhou Yu came to Xu County as a representative to meet with Cao Cao and discuss specific battle plans.

"At the end of this month, we will launch an attack on Xuzhou, take over the entire territory of Xuzhou with a thunderous force, and then build a defense line around Xuzhou and plot against Qingzhou."

"How is Sikong's military deployment in Yanzhou?"

After Zhou Yu elaborated on their offensive strategy against Xuzhou, he began to ask about Cao Cao's situation.

Cao Ren heard this and replied on behalf of Cao Cao: "Our main force has been transferred to Guandu to guard against the offensive of the imperial army."

"With the geographical advantage, it is not a problem to delay the imperial army for three months. Although it will eventually return to Yuzhou, I think three months should be enough for Gongjin to capture Xuzhou."

In terms of overall strategy, Yanzhou must be abandoned. The last line of defense is Yuzhou and Xuzhou, but it needs to be delayed for a while before that.

After all, it takes time for Sun Quan to lead his troops to capture Xuzhou.

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "Xuzhou has few troops. We are well prepared this time. Three months is more than enough."

The court's army is now in Bingzhou and Jizhou. If they can't conquer Xuzhou with empty troops in three months, then there is no need to talk about resisting the court.

Just go home and wait for death.

When Zhou Yu and Cao Ren finished their discussion, Cao Cao stood up and said with a smile, "Gongjin, it's rare for you to come to Xu County. I have to show my hospitality as a host."

"I have ordered people to prepare a banquet. I will entertain you later and welcome you."

Cao Cao's tone and attitude were very enthusiastic.

But Zhou Yu refused directly after hearing this, saying, "Thank you for your kindness, Sikong, but there is no need for the banquet. I have important things to do and can't stay for long. Goodbye."

After that, he led people out of the hall.

Seeing Zhou Yu go away, Xiahou Dun said with some dissatisfaction: "The lord invited him so kindly, but this guy has such an attitude. How rude!"

"And he came all the way here just to discuss this matter? I think he is really bored!"

Although Zhou Yu was very polite on the surface, everyone could feel his coldness under his politeness, and he didn't give face at all.

Besides, if you want to send troops, you can just say no in the letter. Why go all the way from Yangzhou to Xu County for a face-to-face meeting?


Xun You shook his head and said: "Coming here to discuss sending troops is just a superficial appearance. The real purpose of Zhou Gongjin's trip is to confirm whether we have deployed troops in Yanzhou."

"He is very defensive against us."

If it was just to discuss sending troops, Zhou Yu would not have to make this trip at all. It had been confirmed before.

Zhou Yu came here with this excuse, and at the same time secretly sent spies to various places in Yuzhou and Yanzhou to inquire about their troop deployment and see if they had really deployed the army.

Of course, they were also doing this kind of thing.

Both sides were deeply defensive against each other.

"This is normal." Cao Cao didn't care about it, and cast his eyes on Cao Ren, "Have you done everything I told you to do?"

"Don't worry, my lord, it has been arranged."

Cao Ren nodded and replied: "I have built a large number of camps in various garrisons, disguised as a large army stationed, and will never let them see the flaws."

"At present, our main force has been deployed near Lujiang County. As long as the lord orders, we can cross the Yangtze River and take Jiangdong directly!"

Cao Cao nodded slightly and felt relieved.

He had no intention of resisting the court's army in Yanzhou. He just wanted to delay until Sun Quan attacked Xuzhou and lead his troops to take Jiangdong directly.

The so-called deployment of troops and plans were just a cover, made for Zhou Yu and Sun Quan to see, otherwise how could they feel at ease to send troops.

Yanzhou is now a completely empty shell.

Supplies, population, etc. were basically moved to Yuzhou by him, and there were only less than 5,000 troops to make a show.

Not to mention delaying the imperial army for three months.

He wasn't going to delay it for three days!

As long as he sees the imperial army approaching, his troops in Yanzhou will retreat directly and will never confront the opponent head-on.

"Sikong, is this inappropriate?"

Xun Yu frowned and said with some worry: "If we take Jiangdong while Sun Quan is fighting with the imperial army, he may turn his spear and attack us."

He could already imagine how angry Sun Quan would be then, and he would probably retake Jiangdong at all costs or attack Yuzhou.

"He doesn't have the energy."

Cao Cao did not agree with Xun Yu's words and said calmly: "With Jiangdong's military strength, how can they resist the imperial army and start a war with me at the same time?"

"Besides, there is nothing wrong with this move. If you don't believe me, you can ask Zhongde for his opinion."

Cheng Yu on the side was suddenly called upon by Cao Cao. He couldn't help but froze for a moment. After pondering for a moment, he said: "There is nothing wrong with Sikong's strategy."

"I think that after capturing Jiangdong, it is best to take the opportunity to attack Sun Quan with the imperial troops and annihilate him together."

Cheng Yu expressed his opinion and said: "Last time I proposed to make the corpses of the dead soldiers into dried meat. How did your lord think about it?"

"This move can greatly reduce the loss of food and grass, and as long as it is done secretly, the soldiers will not be able to find it. I have already thought about it..."

"Stop it!"

Cao Cao interrupted Cheng Yu's excited speech with a loud shout, but immediately felt that his tone was a bit too much, and said to him with a pleasant tone: "There is no shortage of food and grass in the army at the moment. Let's discuss this matter later. Zhongde has taken the trouble."

He had always thought that his character was cruel and ruthless, but since he heard about the dried meat Cheng Yu brought him last time, he felt that he was a saint compared with Cheng Yu.

"All right."

Cheng Yu sighed with some disappointment.

Cao Cao withdrew his gaze and then said to Xun Yu: "If I don't take Jiangdong, I will face the emperor's army in Yecheng directly. With my current strength, I will definitely not be able to defeat them."

"Is it possible that Wen Ruo hopes that I will lose to him?"

When he said this, he stared closely at Xun Yu's face, observing the changes in his expression.

Xun Yu was shocked when he heard this and quickly said: "Sikong misunderstood. I am just worried that Sun Quan will take revenge. Since my lord has his own plan, it will be fine."

"I see."

Cao Cao gave Xun Yu a meaningful look.

Xun You on the side saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he took the initiative to change the subject and asked: "Sikong, how is Xu Ziyuan's illness? Isn't it getting better now?"

Xu You suddenly reported illness at home three months ago and has never been seen again.

Cao Cao said calmly: "He is seriously ill, but he is not seriously ill at the moment. He just needs to rest and rest. There is no need to worry about him."

After saying that, he left the lobby directly.

The other side.

The three embroidered clothes envoys heading to Jingzhou have quietly escorted Zhuge Liang into Jizhou.

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