Something's going to happen!

Something's going to happen!!

Big things happen!!!

Zhou ziruo's heart was roaring wildly, but his body was stiff and motionless. Lu LiXiao's face is getting closer and closer, and his hot breath has been sprayed on his lips, making his brain more blank.

At the critical moment, Zhou ziruo's stomach was full of "gululu", which completely broke the strange atmosphere to the extreme.

Lu LiXiao's eyes fell from Zhou ziruo's face on his still complaining stomach. Zhou ziruo quickly rubbed his stomach and laughed: "ha ha No lunch... "

Stomach! I'll give you a compliment!!

Lu LiXiao pulled up the cloth on his body and wrapped him tightly. He said, "go to get dressed, and then go to eat."

If Zhou ziruo was granted amnesty, he ran into the house and wrapped himself up in three layers.

Don't blame me for being so vigilant. If you want to blame me, blame the man for being possessive! It's not enough for me to be the master, but I'm also the object of love! Are you addicted to pet?

From the next day on, Zhou ziruo consciously went to the chicken pen and continued to feed the chickens. When he was free, he took the big cock missing for a while. In the woods, he talked about the philosophy of life from poetry and ode.

After a few days, he Yu found Zhou ziruo and told him that he wanted him to take turns to do other daily activities. Zhou ziruo held the big cocks and told him that he fell in love with the job. These cocks have become his family. The big cocks also cooperated very well to make a posture of fasting after the breeder left. The honest little fat man felt the back of his head and opened his mouth several times, In the end, Zhou ziruo became the only new disciple who didn't have to take turns to feed chickens.

It's Zhou ziruo who occasionally cleans the chicken coop and feeds the chickens. He often sleeps in the woods with the big rooster, and Dabi, a disciple of Qingyang mountain who has been working for 30 years, comes here unconsciously.

The new disciples' participation in the Dabie is pure torture, so they are very excited about Zhou ziruo. If the news that Zhou Zi was brought back to the door by Lu LiXiao spread like wildfire, his disciples all speculated that he must have the ability of not showing himself, and the eyes looking at him were full of expectation.

Zhou ziruo felt very painful. He doesn't have any plans to make a blockbuster. He's definitely a game over type!

Lu LiXiao learned that Zhou ziruo had signed up for the contest and didn't express any words, but Zhou ziruo knew that he was waiting to see his joke, just like Liu nanqin, brother of abdominal black master!

Muqijun's little bug is really unreliable. Zhou ziruo is under a bit of pressure. The night before the official start of Dabi, he dreamt that he was climbing on the stage in the eyes of everyone's expectations, and then he was punched out. The burst of laughter from his disciples made him wake up from his sleep.

Big than that day, Zhou ziruo came to the stadium with two black circles under his eyes and a face of vegetable color behind Lu LiXiao. As soon as he stepped into the stadium, he heard the earth shaking cheering sound. He thought it was Lu LiXiao's fans who formed a cheerleading team. But when he looked around, the cheerleading team was real, but it wasn't Lu LiXiao's, it was his!!

The new disciples drew a big banner and drew a flying stupid bird to shout for Zhou ziruo. The excited little fat man with a red face also held a lazy Rooster and cast such hot eyes at Zhou ziruo from a distance as "I know you can do it".

Zhou ziruo tears.

It's not good for him to be beaten out of office in silence? Why do you have to come to watch him in such a big way!!

"This year's new disciples are very impressive." Soft harmless to the heinous laughter sounded behind, if not look at Zhou Zi also know liunanqin.

"Second elder martial brother, Third Elder martial brother." Lu LiXiao said hello.

Liu Nan looks at the vigorous new students in the stands happily and is very interested in Zhou ziruo's cheerleading team, while Wei Heng is still calm and serious.

Lengmo and Qiu Cailing also entered the competition. Qiu Cailing was startled by the voice of the new disciples. After seeing the banner clearly, she made a teasing "hum", looked at Zhou ziruo contemptuously, and hugged Lu LiXiao's arm: "fourth elder martial brother, I will cheer you up!"

"Just be careful and don't get hurt in the game." Lu LiXiao pulls out his arm.

This is plain and ungrateful to Zhou ziruo, but the woman who falls in love has a negative IQ. Qiu Cailing has a sweet smile on her face, which probably means that Lu LiXiao cares about her.

Lengmo asked Zhou ziruo, "do you also want to participate in the contest?"

"Yes, yes..." Zhou ziruo said.

Lengmo didn't respond to this in a real sense, as if Zhou ziruo, a rookie, had nothing to do with him when he took part in the contest.

However, Lengmo doesn't care. Naturally, some people care. Feng Jing, who just arrived, sneers at the banner and looks at Zhou ziruo from the corner of his eye: "it's not a shame to be beaten down from the stage with such a big momentum."

Zhou ziruo: ha ha. That's right.

As Chen approached, the headmaster and several elders arrived. All the disciples who took part in the contest gathered in several rows. Ouyang Yi spoke seriously about the contest system, rules and punishment for violation of rules. Then Du Hanfeng ordered two disciples to lift out a big wooden box and announced that they would begin to draw opponents and the order of appearance.There are more than 200 students in Qingyang mountain who participate in the Dabie. They are divided into five groups, and each group is divided into many groups.

The disciples draw lots one by one. Zhou ziruo thinks that his destiny is in the wooden box. If he can draw a soft footed shrimp, he can still struggle and draw a normal disciple, then the branch line mission will fail. At that time, his counter attack degree will not know how much to reduce!

Zhou ziruo's legs were a little weak when he arrived, and Lu LiXiao said, "it's our turn."

Lu LiXiao takes the lead to lift a step, Zhou ziruo looks at his back figure, the body moves first than the brain, pulled his hand from behind.

Lu LiXiao looked at him slightly. Zhou ziruo said, "are you Also think I will be eliminated in the first game? "

Zhou ziruo can't tell what's wrong with him. Maybe he has the element of holding Qi, but also has the fear in it. This kind of behavior is like anger, coquetry and help seeking. Except for Lu LiXiao, he can't find another person to let him do it.

Lu LiXiao picked Junlang's eyebrows and raised his hand to brush open Zhou ziruo's hair in front of him, which was blown by the wind. "Don't think about it."

All of a sudden, Zhou ziruo's mind was no longer in chaos.

After everyone finished drawing the lottery, two elders led several disciples to post the table. Zhou ziruo took a few deep breaths repeatedly, summoned up the courage and looked up. The next moment, he was silly.

The number of students participating in Dabi is odd. There is one more member in one group than other groups. This person has no opponent in the first game, and is on the air.

That's Zhou ziruo.

Zhou ziruo looks suspiciously at muqijun in the audience stand. The big rooster sits on the little fat man's body and swings his wings lazily.

The wheel is empty? This is the legendary little bug?

It turns out that this is the case. After more than ten days of Dabi's training, 90% of the participants have been cut off. None of them left behind has won more than ten games, except Zhou ziruo, who hasn't played a round all the way and hasn't even been on the stage.

If Zhou ziruo became a myth, the new disciples no longer expected him to be a blockbuster, but began to worship his luck. After all, luck is also a kind of strength. Not only the new disciples, but also the old disciples of the sect are willing to bow down after witnessing Zhou ziruo's amazing luck that he can always take turns in drawing lots anyway.

During this period of time, Zhou ziruo could feel warm eyes everywhere he went. Some people hid behind the pillars that could not cover their bodies completely. Some people stood in front of him generously. Some people simply didn't know where to rush out and touch him. By the way, they pulled away some of his hair, saying that they would be lucky if they went back to burn it.

If Zhou ziruo can't stand the day when he is regarded as a rare animal, he will go to the rooster and get a bug to let him go on stage. The rooster looks scornful: "just you? On stage? One punch and you're beaten away. "

Zhou ziruo, who had been hit by his self-confidence, went back to Lu LiXiao's yard and decided not to go out these days except to draw lots.

When Lu LiXiao comes back with a thin sweat, Zhou ziruo is sitting on the bed sulking. Lu LiXiao leaned his sword against the bed and rubbed his head: "who made you unhappy?"

Everyone makes me unhappy! Where I go, I'll be pointed out like a monkey in the zoo. Would you be happy?

Zhou ziruo turns his head to see Lu LiXiao's masculine face after the movement, and turns his head back.

Lu LiXiao took off his shirt and took a cloth towel to wipe his neck. "Don't you want to lose? Isn't it good to be on the air all the time? "

Who likes to be promoted by rotation???

Zhou ziruo said, "did you go to practice sword?"

Lu LiXiao said, "well, there are few competitions. Naturally, we have to practice more and do our best."

"Do you really want to win?" Zhou ziruo asked, his hands could not help but nervously grasp the quilt.

Maybe his tone made Lu LiXiao feel strange. Lu LiXiao turned to look at him and threw away the cloth towel, "do your best to listen to fate. It's you, "he leaned over and supported the bed with his hand, looking into Zhou ziruo's eyes," what about you? Want to win? "

Of course! Eliminated that damned counter attack degree, had to drop again!!

Zhou ziruo nodded: "yes! I want ink blue and white Jue! "

"What do you want moqinghuajue to do?"

"That's a spirit thing! I'm a fox, and I like spirit things! " Zhou ziruo made a pitiful appearance and grabbed Lu LiXiao's skirt. "Master, if you win, will you give me the ink blue and white Jue?"

Zhou ziruo just casually said that even if Lu LiXiao was addicted to pet, he would not give such precious things to pets. Who knows Lu LiXiao is after thinking, nodded: "there is nothing can not."

"Really?" Zhou ziruo's eyes shine.

"Ink blue and white Jue is our most precious treasure. If I give it to you, what will you pay for it?" Lu LiXiao asked.

"What the master says is what he says," he said

"Is it?" Lu LiXiao bent his lower lip, "then I'll take the deposit first."

If Zhou ziruo didn't know why, his warm touch was already on his lips.

Lu LiXiao left his lips, and as if nothing had happened, he got up and went out to take a shower. He left Zhou ziruo on the bed alone, and his whole body was petrified.The author has something to say: I really want Xiao Lu to give ruoro a chance_ ╰)╭

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