Zhou ziruo lost sleep.

I didn't expect to avoid the first day of junior high school, but I couldn't avoid the 15th day of junior high school! He's in shape now! It's shaped! It's shaped!! How can Lu LiXiao kiss you?? What a pervert! He's not a real fox. He can't take it!!

If Zhou Zi couldn't sleep and didn't dare to roll over and over, he was afraid that Lu LiXiao, who was sleeping by his side, would wake up and do something to destroy the three outlooks. He can understand why Lu LiXiao forces him to sleep with him no matter where he goes. This is a pet addict!!! It's insane!

Zhou ziruo sat up abruptly and looked at Lu LiXiao in deep sleep.

His meow little master can't sleep at night. You're sleeping. It's not fair!

Why don't you do it now! Maybe the counter attack will succeed!

Zhou ziruo's hand reached Lu LiXiao's neck. Yu Guang glanced at the sword leaning on the bed and shook it.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We have to get rid of this sword first.

Zhou ziruo jumps out of bed around Lu LiXiao. Originally, he just wanted to put the sword where Lu LiXiao couldn't touch it, but when he touched the exquisite engraving on the scabbard, he couldn't help thinking about something else.

He hasn't seen the sword come out of its sheath yet Last time he was held in Hanfu, Lu LiXiao just opened an inch of scabbard.

Lu LiXiao is such a treasure. This sword must be the legendary magic weapon!

Zhou ziruo's itching heart is unbearable. He secretly looks at Lu LiXiao on the bed. Lu LiXiao's eyes are closed, his breath is long, and he sleeps deeply. He remembered that when he first met Lu LiXiao, Lu LiXiao woke up vigilantly at night whenever he had a little noise, but he didn't react from just now to now.

Because I believe in him, there is no defense.

Thinking of this, Zhou ziruo's heart suddenly disappeared after he became Lu LiXiao. He left the room with his sword in his arms and sat on the bluestone steps outside the door, holding the handle of the sword and holding his breath to draw it out.

I didn't expect that it would come out of the scabbard. It was just a broken sword in the scabbard.

Disappointed, Zhou ziruo waved his broken sword to study what was precious. Dare to love Lu LiXiao, is he afraid of humiliation? But as one of the disciples of Qingyang mountain, it's not difficult for him to make a good sword, is it?

Zhou ziruo put the sword back into the scabbard, went back to the room with light steps, put the sword back to its original position and climbed into bed. When he lay down, he accidentally met Lu LiXiao. Who knows that Lu LiXiao didn't wake up just now when he tossed for so long. He opened his eyes with such a touch!

Did he wake up long ago??

Lu LiXiao's eyes only opened a crack. Zhou ziruo looked at him in horror. As a result, Lu LiXiao frowned, put him in his arms and closed his eyes.

Zhou ziruo's whole face bumped into Lu LiXiao's solid chest, his nose hurt and his face was indignant.

For the sake of your sleep, I don't care about you. Hum.

The next morning, Zhou ziruo woke up with a hazy sleep and felt his chest close at hand. Lu LiXiao also just woke up and seemed to wonder when Zhou ziruo was sleeping in his arms.

Zhou ziruo raised his head in his head and met Lu LiXiao's eyes. He saw Lu LiXiao's eyes with a smile of melting ice and snow, and then his lips were wet.




Damn it!!!

Why does the man's pet habit break out in the early morning!!!

Just when Zhou ziruo was in a storm in his heart and numb outside, Lu LiXiao's tongue ran straight in, caught his tongue, sucked it in a very provocative way, and his hand also came into his clothes.

Zhou ziruo gradually became confused, and his lips and tongue were intertwined. After a long kiss, Lu LiXiao finally let go of his lips and licked his neck. Zhou ziruo trembled with a little pain.

Zhou ziruo thought it would be over. It was as if he saw small pills passing in line.

At this time, the door of the outer room was pushed open, and Qiu Cailing's voice came in: "fourth elder martial brother, I've come to have breakfast with you!"

Zhou ziruo suddenly pushed Lu LiXiao away, but Lu LiXiao buckled his waist and bit him on the lip, then let him go and got out of bed.

Qiu Cailing was blocked at the door of the dormitory. Lu LiXiao still said in his voice that he couldn't hear emotion: "come in and knock on the door later."

"People didn't have to knock before..." Qiu Cailing complains in a low voice.

Zhou ziruo blushed and covered himself with a quilt. After a while, he felt anoxic. He put on his clothes in a hurry, stood in front of the mirror and patted his face to make himself look normal. Then he went out.

Lu LiXiao is not outside. Qiu Cailing sits alone at the table and kicks her legs. When she sees Zhou ziruo coming out of Lu LiXiao's bedroom, she stands up and says, "Why are you here?"

“…… I... " If Zhou ziruo can't say it, it's also his bedroom. After last night and just now, TM has a different meaning to him now!"He lives with me." Lu LiXiao came back from the yard and turned to Zhou ziruo, "go to wash and eat."

Zhou ziruo ran away quickly.

Qiu Cailing's hatred for him should have risen again, right? The sword of fate is coming, isn't it? Hen Jun, change the data as soon as possible!!!

Since the new disciple Dabi decided to be the top 33, he changed to a three-day battle, giving all the promoted disciples time to rest and recover their physical strength. When eating breakfast in the canteen, Zhou ziruo meets he Yu with a big rooster in his arms. The little fat man is very concerned about Zhou ziruo's two black eyes and pale face. He hisses and asks for warmth and cheers. Zhou ziruo waves his paws to reassure him.

Anyway, he's just going to draw a draw. It doesn't matter if he lies down on the court.

Today is the competition between the top nine and the top five. Without any suspense, Zhou ziruo once again takes the turn. He walks to the audience in the eyes of shock, envy and hatred. He takes the rooster from the little fat man and sits alone in a corner where there is no one.

The big rooster only looks down to eat the corn flour and corn kernels prepared by the little fat man, and has no interest in the upcoming competition. Zhou ziruo took a photo of his chicken head mercilessly: "if you eat, you know how to eat! Have you changed Qiu Cailing's hatred to me? "

The rooster still buries his head in the bag full of food, and answers him with a loud voice: "it's fast, it's fast, don't worry!"

"Why not? If you don't change your mind, I may go to see Yama ahead of time! "

The rooster finally raised his head, opened a pair of round eyes and asked him, "what happened?"

Of course, Zhou ziruo couldn't tell him that Lu LiXiao was addicted to love pet and gave him Qiu Cailing's hate value. He raised his hand and patted him on the chicken head again: "change it now! Change it quickly! Change it now! Do you hear me

"Change! Go back and change! A gentleman will talk but not fight

"You are also a gentleman..."

There was a sudden commotion in the competition. Zhou ziruo looked up and understood after a while.

Today, there are only nine people left in Dabi. Except for Zhou ziruo, a rookie, the other eight people are the elites who have experienced a lot of battles. There are only a few competitors. The chance of meeting each other is very big. The result of the draw just came out makes two of today's four competitions very attractive. That is, Wei Heng vs. Liu nanqin, Lu LiXiao vs. Feng Jing.

All of the four disciples of Qingyang mountain have excellent skills. Everyone knows that the winner of this contest will be selected among the four, and the three losers will occupy the remaining three places in the top four. Who knows that the draw out of the unexpected situation, after today, two of the four disciples will not be the top four!

All the disciples who watched the battle were boiling. Zhou ziruo looked at Feng Jing with sympathy and silence. Alas, it's not easy for everyone to be cannon fodder.

These two plays are arranged in the back, the first one is Lengmo and a nine foot strong male disciple.

For the third time, Zhou ziruo took a photo of the rooster who was eating: "don't eat! Watch the game

"What's good to see? Anyway, the result is like that... " The rooster looks up with his mouth full of corn flour, just to see that the competition on the stage has just begun. Lengmo uses a natural and elegant sword technique to force his opponent who is as heavy as Mount Tai off the stage.

The little crowns on the head of the big rooster in Zhou ziruo's arms were red and purple. The mouth of the rooster was slightly open, and a pair of eyes were staring at the stage.

"Hey, how can you..."

"Who is that?? Who is that? Who is that? Who is that? " The big cock threw away the whole bag of food and jumped up. The two chicken wings grabbed Zhou ziruo's neck. In a moment, Zhou ziruo's face turned black.

"Cough! Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough Let go of me! Cough... "

Big cock instead grabbed Zhou ziruo's collar and pointed to Lengmo on the stage with one wing: "tell me quickly! Who is that man? Who is it? "

Zhou ziruo opened his wings and said, "as a member of the game production team, you don't even recognize the game characters?"

"I'm not a screenwriter, and I don't set up people. How can I know every character? Tell me who it is? "

"Qingyang mountain disciple, Lengmo!"

"Lengmo..." Looking at Lengmo's grim figure who took back his sword and stepped down, the rooster murmured to himself, "the stranger is like jade. You are unique in the world Lengmo, Mo It's really a good name

Zhou ziruo

This far fetched science student shows off his literary talent

Brother, don't you fall in love at a glance???

The author has something to say: hehe...

I'm also a science student. I have no literary talent...

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