In the evening, Zhou ziruo lost sleep again. Even if Lu LiXiao was injured, he couldn't do anything to him. He still covered himself with three layers of quilts, wrapped himself into a ball, and shrunk in the corner of the bed. The sweating man was addicted to love.

Meow, it's easy to be confused when you are so devoted to pets. Do you understand? I'm an upright man. How do you let me endure being touched and kissed by a man?

If Zhou Zi thinks about it, it's all Lu LiXiao's fault to love and become addicted to it. He is evil at the moment and lives on the edge of courage. He lifted his three-layer quilt and turned to Lu LiXiao. When the boy from Shanyi hall came to deliver the medicine, he said that Lu LiXiao's shoulder injury would take ten and a half days to recover. If Zhou Zi planned to let him get more injured now, he would never recover. Let's see how his pet addiction will attack again!

Just as his hand touched Lu LiXiao's injured shoulder, Lu LiXiao opened his eyes.

Zhou ziruo was petrified on the spot.

"Why don't you sleep?" Lu LiXiao was woken up and looked a little cold.

Zhou ziruo touched the white bandage on Lu LiXiao's shoulder with his paw. "Ha ha, I'll see how the master's injury is. Does the master sleep well? Does the shoulder hurt? "

Lu LiXiao reached out and clasped the back of Zhou ziruo's head and touched his lips.

Zhou ziruo's sadness has gone against the current.

What's going on here? How did the man succeed again? Can it be better!!!

Lu LiXiao let him go and rubbed his thumb and index finger against his broken hair: "did you scare during the day?"

Zhou ziruo recalled the scene that Lu LiXiao flew out of the arena in the daytime. At that time, under normal circumstances, he should be shocked and surprised, because Lu LiXiao, who is sure to win, was knocked down by his opponent. But in fact, the surprise was secondary, and worry completely prevailed.

If Zhou Zi couldn't figure it out, could he have been domesticated as a pet and servant under the long-term oppression of Lu LiXiao?

"It's just a small injury. The ink blue and white Jue I promised you will give it to you. " Lu LiXiao stroked Zhou ziruo's face, half sober and lazy.

At this moment, if Zhou ziruo said in his heart that he was not moved, it was a fake. He felt that even if he was really enslaved to Lu LiXiao in a subtle way, he could not be blamed, because Lu LiXiao was really interesting just in terms of master to pet or master to servant.

I remember that when he was a child, he raised a tadpole. He forgot to change the water for three days. He didn't know when the tadpole had four legs. Until one day, he suddenly found that the tadpole in the basin was missing, and he probably jumped away as a frog.

If Zhou ziruo is a person who has no patience with small animals and asks him to take care of cats and dogs, he prefers to sleep more. It was an accident that he became Lu LiXiao's favorite. However, Lu LiXiao didn't show any trouble and impatience for this accident. He has always been a responsible master.

Unconsciously, Zhou ziruo is held in his arms by Lu LiXiao again. When he reacts that his plan to stop physical contact with the man fails, Lu LiXiao has fallen asleep again. If Zhou Zi didn't want to wake him up again, he would lie in Lu LiXiao's arms and think angrily, even tonight, no next time!!

In the dead of night, the whole Qingyang mountain is asleep. A grey rabbit is sleeping in the grass. Suddenly, it is awakened by a heavy noise. The gray rabbit's ears trembled and his Ruby eyes blinked. He saw two people standing under the big tree not far away.

One of them was covered by the shadow of the tree, and the other just showed a clear outline in the moonlight. The man was dressed in Qingyang mountain high-level disciple's clothes. He was very fierce. It was Feng Jing.

As the leaves rustle down, Feng Jing takes back the fist he just hit on the tree trunk and looks resentful.

"Don't you mean to help me win the big match? Why did I beat old four, but Shifu asked me to compete with Lengmo again to count? What's the secret of that set of skills? "

Gray rabbit ears up, the night wind blowing, another person's whisper was submerged in the rustle of leaves. It stretched out its small claws to pick away the tall weeds in front of it, and its red eyes reflected a bright red world.

Half a moment later, a rustle came from the grass, and the grey rabbit hopped away.

The next morning, Zhou ziruo, with two dark circles under his eyes, appeared behind Lu LiXiao. Today's competition between Feng Jing and Lengmo will decide the last candidate of this year's big four (five) competition. It can be said that it has attracted the attention of all the people in the whole team. Even the leader and several elders are not absent. Muqi Jun, the rooster, is looking forward to the chicken wings On the stage, the blue shirt is like jade, holding the sword upright Lengmo.

However, after waiting all morning, Feng Jing didn't arrive. At noon, leader Qiu finally got up and left. The audience left one after another.

Most people think that Feng Jing is angry, but the leader will not take part in today's competition because of the undetermined result of yesterday's competition. Some people also ridicule that Feng Jing won Lu LiXiao by means of ulterior motives yesterday. They are afraid that the leader and several elders will see the clue and dare not show it if he does the same thing on Lengmo.

There are different opinions about Feng Jing's absence, but no one thought that Feng Jing had not appeared in Qingyang mountain for five days.

At this time, some speculation spread among the disciples. Leader Qiu also asked Liu nanqin to inquire about the trace of all the rotating disciples Feng Jing these days, but it was fruitless.Feng Jing, a disciple of Qingyang mountain and the leader's apprentice, disappeared for several days without saying a word. Everyone guessed that he was protesting. This move made headmaster Qiu's face worse. Headmaster Qiu was very angry. If Feng Jing didn't show up for ten days, he would be expelled from the school!

The atmosphere of Qingyang mountain has become very serious recently. Everyone is very careful, especially the disciples on duty in Yunqing hall, for fear that they will be punished by the leader if they are not careful. However, none of this affected Zhou ziruo. Every day, he ran to the chicken pen to talk about life with the rooster, and the leader couldn't even see a hair of him.

This day, if Zhou Zi had just arrived at the chicken pen, the rooster would smile treacherously at him.

Zhou ziruo said, "what have you done to pit me?"

Big cock flapped his wings, "young man, have you ever been cheated?"

"You didn't pit me. Can I be here now?" Zhou ziruo had never seen such a cheeky chicken before, "don't be so particular. If you have something to say, just say it!"

The rooster then said, "didn't you ask me to modify Qiu Cailing's hatred value for you..."

"Have you changed it?" Zhou ziruo was surprised.

Big cock two chicken wings spread, "you don't think who brother is, brother is an excellent programmer! If you want someone else to wear it, you can't even kneel down. Only I, only I can use bug... "

"Qiu Cailing really won't kill me?" Zhou ziruo asked.

The cockerel cocked his nonexistent forehead and said, "I believe brother, she won't kill you. She will bow to you when she sees you. I'd like to die for you!"

Zhou ziruo thinks that although the chicken is a little bit weak, it is still very reliable in terms of professional issues. For example, he's a god like draw, such as Qiu Cailing's hate value.

In a good mood, Zhou ziruo took the initiative to send eggs to the kitchen. He left the chicken pen happily with two baskets of eggs. When he walked on the path to the kitchen, he couldn't help "La La La" jumping in three steps.

An egg rolled out from the edge of the basket and fell to the ground. Zhou ziruo suddenly heard an alert roar: "who is it?"

Through the luxuriant branches in front of him, he saw that several young male disciples of Qingyang mountain surrounded Lengmo in the middle. Lengmo was wearing a white shirt and was splashed with water. There was an inverted basin at his feet. Most of the male disciples were holding swords, and two of them were pointing at Lengmo.

Damn it! Ancient campus violence scene!!

"I, I..." Zhou ziruo wanted to say, "I'm passing by, you go on." I don't know if these people will let him go.

Who knows that after those people saw that the visitor was Zhou ziruo, they were a little scared. The leader, who was like a bamboo pole, glared at Lengmo, gritted his teeth and whispered: "you are lucky! Wait next time! " Then he asked others to leave quickly.

Zhou ziruo is baffled. Lengmo comes over and says to him coldly, "don't mind your own business."

Looking at Lengmo walking away, Zhou ziruo just reflected why those male disciples saw him and ran away. The whole Qingyang mountain knows that he was brought back by Lu LiXiao. Now he lives with Lu LiXiao. Lu LiXiao always takes care of Lengmo. Those people should be afraid that he will tell Lu LiXiao what happened today.

Young man, he is really just passing by. He doesn't mean to be a hero to save beauty!

They are so crowded bully cold Mo, but not afraid of cold Mo to find Lu LiXiao complain, must be eat accurate cold Mo won't talk in front of Lu LiXiao.

Thinking of this, Zhou ziruo was angry again.

Lengmo doesn't talk much. Is he like a person who chews his tongue behind his back?

He decided to tell Lu LiXiao about it when he went back today.

The author has something to say: the tadpole grows four legs and disappears from the basin in a few days, which is my personal experience... I haven't seen it since then, and I don't know where to jump when I become a little frog

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