Zhou ziruo came to the kitchen with two baskets of eggs. The disciple on duty in the kitchen ran out in a hurry and reached for the basket: "younger martial brother, you are here at last. You are waiting to use it!"

There was only a short delay on the way. If Zhou Zi didn't understand what they were doing in such a hurry, before he asked, the disciple spontaneously said, "you can't have steamed eggs for senior brother's lunch. Steam them for him right away!"

"Gun Well, the elder martial brother is back? " Zhou ziruo was surprised.

The disciple nodded: "yes, in the morning I went to clean the yard of the eldest martial brother and saw him leaning against the window."

"Oh, didn't you tell him the headmaster was looking for him?" Zhou ziruo asked.

The disciple laughed awkwardly: "at that time, the elder martial brother seemed to be taking a nap, so..."

He didn't say that Zhou ziruo understood that if Feng Jing told his leader that he would be expelled if he didn't return in ten days, he would not know how to spread his anger on the messenger!

Zhou ziruo didn't stay in the kitchen for help. He hesitated to go back to the chicken pen or walk around, and finally chose the latter. No way, today he is in a good mood, Muqi Jun changed Qiu Cailing's hate value, mother no longer need to worry about him being cannon fodder!

Who would like to come, just a few steps out of the kitchen, they saw Qiu Cailing face to face. Zhou ziruo's first reaction was to turn around and avoid, but then he thought, what's good to avoid? So Da Fang waved his paw to Qiu Cailing: "Hello, elder martial sister!"

Qiu Cailing breathed, pressed her hands tightly on her heart, and looked at Zhou ziruo with her big watery eyes shaking.

Zhou ziruo's mouth twitched: "how, how..." Did Muqi deceive him into not changing his hatred value?

"Younger martial brother, you are finally willing to say hello to me! I'm so happy Qiu Cailing wept with joy and flew with open arms. Zhou ziruo started running.

A few moments later, sweating and angry, Zhou ziruo kicked open the door of the chicken pen, picked up the spicy pheasant lying on the ground in the sun and ran into the woods.

"Dead fat chicken! What did you do?? Let you change Qiu Cailing's hatred for me. What have you changed? "

The rooster was pinched by Zhou ziruo and gasped in the color of vegetables: "cough I only changed the hate value Just, just... "

"Just what?" Zhou ziruo is fierce.

The big rooster was guilty and whispered: "once he was not careful, his hatred value dropped too much and became negative, so his favor value increased greatly..."

Zhou ziruo: "I killed you!"

"Wait, wait, wait!! What's wrong with the increase of liking value? In the original plot, you are always in love with Qiu Cailing. Isn't that what you want? "

"If your sister's wish is fulfilled!"

Zhou ziruo's blue veins are exposed, his hands twisting the chicken's neck are clucking, and the big rooster is shivering. Just at this moment, Qiu Cailing's call is heard in the woods: "little younger martial brother, are you there?"

If the rooster saw the Savior, he cried out in a hurry: "yes! Zhou ziruo is here! "

"Dead fat chicken!! You die! " Zhou ziruo throws out the rooster and turns to run for his life.

There is a strange scene in Qingyang mountain. The younger martial brother, who just started recently, is running like the wind in front of him. The headmaster's daughter, who has always been arrogant and unattainable, is chasing after him with the wind under her feet. While chasing him back, she yells: "younger martial brother, wait for me!"

The onlookers discussed deeply, and finally came to the conclusion: Qiu Cailing abandoned Lu LiXiao and moved to Zhou ziruo! Or if Zhou ziruo took advantage of sleeping and eating with Lu LiXiao, he pried away Qiu Cailing who loved Lu LiXiao!

for the melon brain, what if there is nothing to make complaints about.

Qingyang mountain sect covers a large area. In a panic, Zhou ziruo doesn't know where he has gone. He comes out of a path breathlessly and meets Liu nanqin from the other side.

Liu Nan Qin saw this scene, a Leng, Qiu Cailing's life-taking jiaochen followed.

"Younger martial brother, don't hide from others. They are so sad!"

Zhou ziruo did not dare to stop. He ran and cried to Liu nanqin, "Third Elder martial brother, help

Liunanqin slowly shakes the folding fan, overflowing with a happy smile: "your feelings have become so good, it's really gratifying!"

"Congratulations, P!! I will remember you

A string of gnashing echoes reverberate in the air. Liu nanqin shakes her head with a smile in front of their two black spots.

All the way, Zhou ziruo's legs have already begun to disobey him. His legs tremble and he runs out of a small courtyard. He doesn't want to push the door to bolt it. Then he sits on the ground with his back against the door panel and gasps.

Meow I lost half my life, but I'm so tired

Qiu Cailing's physical strength is better than him

Zhou ziruo stood up with one hand fanning and the other hand holding the door panel and looked around. This small courtyard is a little bigger than Lu LiXiao's courtyard, and the flowers and trees are not as casual as Lu LiXiao's courtyard. The owner of the courtyard is probably not low in the door.Zhou ziruo wanted to leave when he returned, but when he faced the closed gate and thought of Qiu Cailing outside, he decided to say hello to the owner of the yard. The most important thing was to ask him to hide here for a while!

There are four rooms in the yard. The one in front of it is the largest and looks the most tidy. It seems to be a living room. If Zhou ziruo came forward and knocked on the door, he didn't respond. He knocked a few more times and asked, "is anyone there? Excuse me There is still no response.

No one?

Zhou ziruo tried to push the door open. He immediately heard a crisp metal sound and found that the door was locked from the inside. He grabs the crack of the door and looks inside. The light in the room is dim. He vaguely sees the table and the tea sets neatly placed on it. Looking down, there are two round stools. It seems that there is something hidden under the stool in the shadow, that is

That's an arm! Someone fainted in this locked room!

There was a loud noise behind him. Zhou ziruo looked back and said: "Niang!! Qiu Cailing actually took a sword to directly split the door of the yard!!

"Younger martial brother, what are you doing in the yard of elder martial brother?"

"Elder martial brother?" Is that Feng Jing?

Qiu Cailing stepped forward and took Zhou ziruo's hand to the gate of the courtyard. "Come out with me. Elder martial brother hates people touching his things. When he comes back, if he knows you've intruded into his courtyard, he'll make trouble for you."

Zhou ziruo silently looked at the two door panels that fell to the ground.

"Elder martial sister, elder martial brother fainted in the room!"

"Why? When did the elder martial brother come back? "

"I came back today. It's inside, but it's locked."

Qiu Cailing looked into the crack of the door and nodded: "that's the elder martial brother. There is a scar on his wrist, which was scratched by me when I was a child." She pushed the door and wondered, "why should elder martial brother lock himself in the room?"

"Are we going to call someone?" Zhou ziruo said.

"Elder martial brother may be ill. Let's send him to Shanyi hall directly." Qiu Cailing takes out his sword, inserts it into the crack of the door and cuts down the lock. With a "Dang" sound, the lock is broken into two pieces and falls to the ground. Qiu Cailing pushes the door open. As soon as they see the situation inside, they are all stunned!

There was a man in the room, but not Feng Jing, but Lengmo! Lengmo's side has a pair of arms, only a pair of arms, no body, is just they saw Feng Jing's arm!

Qiu Cailing lost her face, threw away her sword and rushed in Younger martial brother Leng

Zhou ziruo hesitated and ran into the room. He squatted down to help Lengmo up and called him: "brother Leng? Elder martial brother Leng

Lengmo's eyelashes trembled and slowly opened his eyes. He was stunned for a while and said in surprise: "Why are you here? What about elder martial brother? "

Zhou ziruo's eyes involuntarily moved to the ground that pair of arms, Lengmo then looked past, face a change, obviously also recognized the hands.

"Ah --!"

Suddenly, a sharp scream broke the quiet air, and a female disciple stood at the door. The lunch tray overturned and the soup bowl spilled all over the floor.

Half an hour later, Zhou ziruo, Lengmo and Qiu Cailing knelt in the Yunqing hall. Their arms were placed on the white cloth. Qiu Xigui stood on the high level with his hands down. His face was shocked and pale, staring at his hands for a long time.

Du Hanfeng, Ou Yangyi and other elders exchange complicated eyes. The person in charge of the door, including several senior disciples, are standing quietly in the hall, and even Lu LiXiao, who is recovering, arrives.

Yunqing hall was full of people, but it was silent. After a long time, Qiu Xigui moved his eyes away from his arms and roared at the three people kneeling on the ground: "tell me clearly! What the hell is going on? "

"Dad! It's none of my younger martial brother's business. Don't punish him! "

Qiu Cailing dissatisfied with a word, listen to Zhou ziruo that call a cold sweat dripping.

Girl, your father didn't say it's none of my business! It seems that this matter has something to do with me when you clarify it like this!

Qiu Xigui glared at her daughter, then looked at the silent Lengmo, and raised her finger to Zhou ziruo: "you say."

Zhou ziruo smashed his mouth bitterly and said, "it's just Today, she, um, I Well, you know And then I Well, I mistakenly went to senior brother And then I found these arms. "

"What are you talking about?" Ouyang Yi blows his beard and stares.

Zhou ziruo's face is full of cattle.

You can't let him say that he found an unreliable 250 and accidentally changed Qiu Cailing's hatred value to a negative value. Qiu Cailing showed her love and ran after the whole school. As a result, he ran to Feng Jing's yard and found Feng Jing's arm unloaded by someone, right???

The author has something to say: in the case of murder in the secret room, the door is locked, unless Lengmo is the murdere

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