When he came to Wei Heng's residence, Wei Heng was already awake and was drinking medicine at the head of the bed. Liu nanqin stood by the bed, looking serious, as if shocked by what happened today.

Seeing Lu LiXiao and Zhou ziruo come in, Wei Heng drinks all the black medicine in the bowl and puts down the bowl. "Fourth younger martial brother, little younger martial brother, I heard that you found me in time. This time, I was lucky to get my life back. Thank you here. Elder martial brother, it's inconvenient to move. I'll come back to the door another day to thank you

"Second elder martial brother, I can see that." Lu LiXiao road.

Wei Heng is not a person who likes to do superficial Kung Fu, so he no longer talks about gratitude.

Lu LiXiao asked about Wei Heng's injury, and then turned to the main topic: "second elder martial brother, do you have a clear view of who attacked you?"

Wei Heng's pale face sank down, and Zhou ziruo expressed his understanding. The second disciple of Qingyang mountain, who was responsible for the force in his sect, was almost killed by someone's obscene means of enchanting incense. It can be imagined that he must be upset.

"At that time, as soon as I stepped into the ancestral hall, I was attacked from the rear. I didn't see the assailant."

"Well, second elder martial brother, do you see the elder martial brother?"

"The air was full of fragrance, and the incident suddenly didn't adapt to the light..." Wei Heng shakes his head. Yu Guang turns around Zhou ziruo. Obviously, he has heard from Liu nanqin that Zhou ziruo saw Feng Jing.

Lu LiXiao narrowed his eyes slightly. Wei Heng was attacked as soon as he entered the door, which showed that the other party was hiding by the door. He might have planned to attack him. "Second elder martial brother, why did you go to that ancestral hall?"

Wei Heng hasn't answered yet. Liu nanqin's face is very bad and says, "I asked the second elder martial brother to go."

Lu LiXiao and Zhou ziruo are surprised to see.

Liu nanqin said: "the headmaster asked me and the second elder martial brother to search the gate and look for the elder martial brother and suspicious people. The ancestral hall is remote and deserted. Few people usually set foot on it. It's very suitable for Tibetans. So I asked the second elder martial brother to have a look when he has time. Who wants to..."

"Yesterday, the third younger martial brother mentioned the ancestral hall to me. This morning, when I passed by, I suddenly thought of it and went to have a look. It's all temporary, so I don't think the person who attacked me should have targeted me at the beginning. " Wei Heng added.

Zhou ziruo said, "can we speculate that the man is really hiding in the ancestral hall these days? No matter who went to the ancestral hall, he would kill people?" With that, he shivered with fear. If Emma changes his mind on the way to the ancestral hall, he is entrusted by Liu nanqin to go to the ancestral hall to find Wei Heng, and then he just hits the muzzle of the gun? He's the one who's half dead in bed now!

"After the accident, I asked younger martial brother Leng to take someone to inspect the ancestral hall carefully. As for the result..." Liu nanqin just said this, the door knocked, he laughed, "ask brother Leng directly."

Lengmo pushes the door in and bows to the elder martial brothers in the room. Then Qiu Cailing rushes to the bed with red eyes. Zhou ziruo hides behind Lu LiXiao and tries to be invisible.

Liu nanqin asked Lengmo, "brother Leng, what's the result?"

Lengmo shook his head: "I carefully searched the ancestral hall, not like someone hiding."

"That is to say, the man who attacked the second elder martial brother was in the ancestral hall for other reasons. For example, what is he looking for in the ancestral hall? " Liu nanqin guessed.

It's a dilapidated ancestral hall. It's a big place. What can you see at a glance?

At this point, the clue is broken. Wei Heng doesn't see the person who attacked him, and there is no trace left in the ancestral hall. I believe Qiu Xigui and Ou Yangyi will come back later to ask what happened in Wei Heng's ancestral hall. Wei Heng just escaped from death and needs a rest, and the rest of them will leave.

Out of Wei Heng's yard, Lengmo called Zhou ziruo and asked him, "is that chicken yours?"

"Chicken?" Zhou ziruo frowned.

Lengmo said: "the chicken has sucked the fragrance from the ancestral temple. Now it's not very good. He Yu said that you are responsible for taking care of the chicken every day..."

"Where is the chicken?" Zhou ziruo asked in a loud voice, and even Liu nanqin and Lu LiXiao, who were talking, looked over.

I'm dying! Dead fat chicken will not have any advantages and disadvantages! He is a little bit cheap, two is also a little bit, but after all, he is the only companion in the world who understands him! Besides, the second phase of the regional mission has not been completed yet!

Lengmo for Zhou ziruo so nervous a chicken feel some strange, but did not ask, turned to lead the way. Lu LiXiao said goodbye to Liu nanqin and followed him. Before he left, Liu nanqin did a good deed and took Qiu Cailing with him.

Zhou ziruo rushed to the good doctor's hall at sixes and sevens. The rooster was lying on the bed with his wings hanging down beside his body. His eyes were closed and he was dying. He Yu, a little fat man, squatted beside the bed, his eyes flushed as he was squeezed into soybeans.

When Zhou ziruo's nose was sour, he saw the big cock's eyes narrowed open and closed quickly.

Zhou ziruo's heart ten thousand grass mud horses ran by, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching.

Peat dead fat chicken, your YD's eyes directly penetrate the beautiful young man who fell behind me. With my insight, can you not know that you are deliberately pretending to be weak to win the attention of the beautiful young man! Tang Tang, the good doctor of Qingyang mountain health care center, was fooled by a chicken??Zhou ziruo grabs two chicken feet without expression and raises the rooster upside down.

"Master, elder martial brother, this chicken is still very weak..." The children of Shanyi hall stammered.

Zhou ziruo gave him a kind smile: "it doesn't matter. Originally, this chicken should be sent to the kitchen today to stew chicken soup. I don't want to be run away by him. I'll take him over now. I'll have chicken soup in the evening. "

At the moment before, the dead Rooster turned over and broke free from Zhou ziruo's hands. Immediately, Zhou ziruo said "ah ah", and his smile became more brilliant: "so spiritual? That's great. The more lively the chicken, the more fragrant it is! "

In view of the presence of outsiders, the rooster had to round his eyes and scold Zhou ziruo for interrupting his plan. Zhou ziruo raised his drumstick and threw him into He Yu's arms, clapped his hands and turned away.

Back at his residence, Lu LiXiao opened the cupboard and took out the items for dressing change. Zhou ziruo was stunned and suddenly responded: "master..."

"Well?" Lu LiXiao raised his eyes towards him, and the ending of the pick seemed to be a bit severe.

Zhou ziruo turned his eyes and said, "brother Xiao..."

"What's the matter? Go ahead. "

Are you the door between Alibaba and the forty thieves? You have to have the right password to continue with the next step!

"How do you know where to look for me?" he asked

Today, I met Lu LiXiao in a remote place. No one would walk there on weekdays.

Lu LiXiao took off the clothes of the injured arm and said carelessly: "he Yu ran to say that you are missing from the chicken pen. I went to find you and met the Third Elder martial brother on the way."

If there were no "from the chicken pen", Zhou ziruo would be more moved. However, just because he was missing for a short time, Lu LiXiao even left to change his dressing and went to find him in person, which was enough to melt Zhou ziruo's heart.

"Brother Xiao, I'll help you!" For the first time, Zhou ziruo willingly took the initiative to serve Lu LiXiao. Lu LiXiao didn't insist on anything. He sat by the bed and asked Zhou ziruo to help him change his dressing.

Lu LiXiao's injury has begun to heal. I believe it won't be long before it affects his daily activities. Seeing the sword wound, Zhou ziruo thought of Feng Jing's case again, "brother Xiao, you also saw the legs. Do you think that's

"Brother master, I haven't heard of any marks on his legs." Lu LiXiao's implication is uncertain.

"Is the elder martial brother I saw in the crack of the door today the elder martial brother?"

"Aren't you sure you read it right?"

"I was sure at that time, but I'll think about it later..." Zhou ziruo's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Lu LiXiao raised his hand and rubbed his head. "I believe you, and you should believe your own judgment."

Zhou ziruo admitted that he was moved at this moment.

In fact, after the suspected Feng Jing's arms appeared, there was speculation in the door that Feng Jing had been killed, but no one was talking. Today, he said what he saw Feng Jing. Except for Ouyang Yi, who was mad and wanted to find the assailant, few people would believe him when it got around the door.

As a matter of fact, even he is a little uncertain now.

What if I read it wrong?

What if there's something missing?

It's not a trivial matter, maybe it's about human life! If he provides the wrong clue, maybe someone will be killed next! He can't bear the weight of life!

Even he was doubting himself, but Lu LiXiao told him that he believed in him and made him believe in himself. Lu LiXiao's simple but reassuring tone seemed to tell him that even if he was wrong, even if he was accused, he would stand beside him and bear the burden with him.

For the first time, Zhou ziruo had the impulse to get close to Lu LiXiao. Before he could react, he had already done so. Like a real little pet, he leaned over Lu LiXiao's face and rubbed his lips back and forth.

Lu LiXiao's lips opened with a smile. He put his arms around his waist, raised his head slightly and bit his lips. After sucking, he put his long tongue into his mouth and licked it.

Zhou ziruo stood half a head higher than Lu LiXiao. As Lu LiXiao's arms around his waist tightened, he unconsciously put his arms around Lu LiXiao's neck, and his lips and tongue intertwined slowly and fiercely.

He thought that Lu LiXiao might be wrong, but he couldn't figure out what he was wrong. His mind is in chaos, and his only thought is at least now. He doesn't want to leave this man's arms

The author has something to say: Children's Day is my festival, so I don't wish you happy children's day, you wait for Tanabata

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