Zhou ziruo is devoted to the investigation of Feng Jing's case, but he doesn't hear what happened outside the window. But what happened outside the window is to find him. The semi-final of the 30-year-old disciple Dabi is coming.

Although there was a strange incident in the door, one did not confirm that Feng Jing was killed, the other did not confirm that the hands and feet belonged to the disciples of the door, and three days ago, the atmosphere in the door was dull. To sum up all the reasons, the leader and the elders decided to continue the big match.

This is really a bolt from the blue for Zhou ziruo.

Feng Jing is missing, Wei Heng is injured, and Lu LiXiao is injured. There are only four people who will be promoted to the semi-finals! That is to say, his lunkong * * broke free of attack!!!!

If Zhou Zi wants to compete on the stage, his disciples will be excited. Dabi has never seen Zhou ziruo show his talent. The rumor that he had hidden himself has reappeared in the river and lake. It's so vivid.

However, if Zhou Zi knew what he was, and let him go to the stage for a serious competition, that is to ask him to send sh ǐ a soul light!!

At this time, the only one who can save his life is the big rooster. Zhou ziruo ran into the chicken pen and carried the big rooster into the woods. The big rooster covered his mouth with chicken wings and looked at him with a smile, as if he was saying "you have today too"!

Zhou ziruo kicked on his chicken butt: "bang, a piece of wool! If you are eliminated, there is no hope for your ink blue and white Jue! "

The rooster immediately changed a serious face: "that must think of a way!"

A few days later, in the morning of the semi-finals, Zhou ziruo entered the competition with full confidence.

Lu LiXiao stood beside him and glanced at him with undisguised doubt, "do you really want to go on stage?"

Hum! Male Lord, you look down on me? I'll open your eyes later!

Zhou ziruo's proud nose is about to rise to the sky, and he waves his hand with confidence, "of course!"

Lu LiXiao stopped caring about him.

The result of the draw is Zhou ziruo against Lengmo and Lu LiXiao against the last disciple of the top four. Zhou ziruo gloated and raised his eyebrows to the big rooster in the arms of the little fat man under the stage. He hummed and took turns in geomantic omen. Later, your beloved beautiful boy will be compared with you. It's all caused by you! Regret it! Tremble! Dead fat chicken!

The competition between Zhou ziruo and Lengmo was arranged in the first match. The competition reached the semi-finals, and the scale of the competition was up to a higher level. Not only the arena and arena were grandly arranged, but also several powerful disciples were specially selected to challenge the drums.

The loud sound of drums brought up the atmosphere in the stadium, and the spectators cried out. Zhou ziruo stepped onto the stage with his head held high in the noisy cheers. In the expectation or tense gaze of all the people, the excitement in his chest was just like a surging wave, which was about to topple the sea!

Stupid human, today, I, Zhou ziruo, let you see what is amazing! set the Thames a great coup!!

"Draw your sword." From the other side of the stage, the beautiful young man said without expression.

Zhou ziruo's Sabre is a decoration. Yesterday, he experimented with the result of rooster's modification of force value. He concluded that no one can withstand his attack except the man with a heavy Aura! However, in order to show respect for his opponent, he humbly went to the little fat man and asked for a brass sword which was distributed to new disciples in batches.

"Brother Leng, do you really want to quit?" Zhou ziruo closed his mouth with his hand and asked with concern. Although he intended to give the dead fat chicken a bad impression, he was always a generous and clear-cut man. The beautiful boy didn't offend him. How shameful it would be for such an icy young man to be beaten down later!

All the people present were from Xianmen. Even though Zhou ziruo's voice was not very loud, he was heard clearly. Lengmo's strength in this contest was obvious to all. Zhou ziruo's words added a bit of surprise and awe to everyone's eyes.

Cold Mo way: "need not."

Zhou ziruo sighed helplessly. He glanced at the nervous Rooster under the stage with regret. You can see it too. It's not my fault for a while.

The battle drum stops and the contest begins.

Lengmo pulls out his sword inch by inch. Xuehua sends out cold light and brightens his eyes. When the sword comes out, it sounds clear and sharp. Lengmo doesn't have any airs. Take Zhou ziruo directly and attack him head on!

Zhou ziruo bravely faced the attack and drank: "look at the secret skill of Zhou's ancestral system - exterminating the white bone claw!"

The audience held their breath -

half a moment later, the audience was silent.

In the expected battle, Zhou ziruo's claw is on Lengmo's shoulder, and Lengmo is undamaged. Then Lengmo takes back his sword and kicks Zhou ziruo off the stage.

Zhou ziruo is like a flattened frog lying on the grass under the stage, completely out of breath.

In the vast arena, everything was quiet, even the floating clouds in the sky were still. In the petrified world, only Lu LiXiao lazily held his sword, a look he had known.

Zhou ziruo played dead in his room for three days.

Not only did he dare not go out of Lu LiXiao's yard, he did not even dare to go out of the door. Half of the failures of the regional missions are the second, mainly due to the lack of face. On the day of the semi-finals, if Lu LiXiao hadn't broken through his fake dizziness and asked little fat man to send him back to his room, he would have harvested a pile of rotten eggs on the spot! Nima is still worried about the shame of the beautiful boy on stage. The most humiliating one is him. Now he is the number one joke of Qingyang mountain!!Zhou ziruo is dying of grief and indignation. He sits on the bed wearing a quilt and bites the sheet. Then he Yu, a little fat man, comes to visit him with a big rooster.

The naive little fat man thought that if Zhou ziruo was really hurt by Lengmo, he would care for him, and then said, "this chicken misses my younger martial brother these days, so I've brought it to see you!"

Zhou ziruo wanted to ask him how he understood the idea of a chicken, but he didn't ask. The little fat man was busy with business and left soon. Lu LiXiao was away in the daytime. Only Zhou ziruo and big cock were left in the room. As soon as Zhou ziruo changed his weak appearance, he lifted the quilt and rushed up to pluck the big cock's hair.

"You have no sense of loyalty! You value color over friends! I'm so stupid and naive to believe you! "

"Don't be impulsive, young man! It's none of my business this time! I'm here to explain to you today! " Big rooster escaped from Zhou ziruo's demon and gasped, "my tampering with data was discovered by the system, so your force value was passively restored at the critical moment..."

"What about Qiu Cailing?" Zhou ziruo asked.

The rooster dodged his eyes and said to his fingers, "Er, this..."

Zhou ziruo falls!

Nima should not restore the value, should not restore the blind restore! But TM is killing him!!

"In fact, in fact, I came to you today because the system issued a serious warning for this data tampering. In order to put an end to the inhuman punishment, I decided to help you find out the case of Feng Jing!" Big cock road.

Zhou ziruo fell into the well and said, "is it cruel and inhumane? Should it be the remnant chicken road? What's more, whether we can find out the case has something to do with whether you are punished or not? "

Investigation of the case, of course, starts from the scene of the crime. Half an hour later, Zhou ziruo, who covered his whole body with only a pair of eyes, came to the ancestral hall where Wei Heng was attacked with a rooster in his arms.

The rooster looked at Zhou ziruo in disgust, "in fact, you are more eye-catching, like deep well ice!"

"Better to be noticed than recognized!" If Zhou ziruo lifted the headscarf and put it on his shoulder, he reached out and tore off the seal on the gate of the ancestral hall. After Wei Heng's accident, this place became a forbidden area in the gate.

The light in the ancestral hall was dim. If Zhou ziruo came prepared, he lit two candles on the altar.

Although this ancestral hall has a large area, it used to be an important place in the gate. Even if it is now abandoned, there is not too much junk in it, so it is almost clear at a glance.

Zhou ziruo went to the altar. This is where Wei Heng was found and where he saw Feng Jing standing through the crack of the door. The altar is about as high as his nose. If Feng Jing stood here, the altar would just cover his shoulder, not to mention that he was too anxious to confirm that Feng Jing's arm was still there. Even if he remembered, he couldn't see it because of the angle.

"Last time I was in the yard of the elder martial brother. The elder martial brother's position just avoided the sweeping disciple's shoulders Is this an accident? Or do you mean to do it? "

The rooster jumped on the platform and said, "one time can be regarded as a coincidence, but it's a little strange that it prevents people from paying attention to his shoulders twice. But if it's not a coincidence, it seems too obvious So far, we are not sure whether those hands and feet belong to Feng Jing, and if not, whose? Who's the one to blame? Is the purpose of the murderer to confuse us all? "

"Regardless of these, there is still a problem in front of us. At that time, the door of the ancestral hall was locked, and I did see someone in it from the crack of the door. No matter how many people were in the ancestral hall except the second elder martial brother, we disappeared after we came in through the door! This is the same as Lengmo's, how did he get out? "

"The chamber of Secrets again?"

If Zhou ziruo screwed his brows, a gust of wind came from nowhere and blew out the two candles. The light was dim immediately. Zhou ziruo was stunned, "I closed the door!"

"It's up there! It blew in from above The rooster points high with his wings.

If Zhou ziruo looked up, it turned out that there was a small patio on the roof of the ancestral hall which was surrounded by walls!

The rooster said, "that guy left from the patio!"

Zhou ziruo moved the old stool in the corner, put it on the altar, and then climbed up. The patio is not big. At most, it can only be used for his head to pass. His shoulder is just stuck. Feng Jing is much stronger than him. He can't get through. Of course, if the murderer is not Feng Jing, but a slim man, it is possible.

Zhou ziruo and the rooster examined the ancestral hall carefully, and found nothing. One person and one chicken came out of the ancestral hall dejectedly. As soon as they pasted the seal back, they heard someone say with a smile: "the leader has orders to forbid anyone to come near here, otherwise they will be punished severely!"

The author has something to say: the next chapter will be updated at 12 noon tomorrow. At 8 am, I'm afraid I can't remember it on the bus

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