Cannon Fodder Strategy

My unparalleled hero (10)

Zhang Hongyi was still opening his mouth to speak. He didn't expect that she would suddenly splash water, and he was splashed all over his face. He wiped his face, like a dog that fell into the water, shaking his head to hide, but that However, his hair was held in Lily's hand. He wanted to struggle, but he was afraid that she would be dragged off the stool and fall. During the struggle, Lily took water to wet his hair, and then rubbed it twice with soap locust. The water As it flowed down his face, he screamed loudly. The scream made Lily feel accomplished and happy. It wasn't until two buckets of water were washed that Zhang Hongyi's hair was washed clean.

The sky in the east is white, and his disheveled hair is now attached to both sides of his face after washing. It looks like more than half of his hair is missing. His face, which is not small at all, is much bigger, and his clothes are all wet. , he was about to cry while wiping the water stains on his body: "Look at the good things you did, your clothes are all wet." Zhang Hongyi wore the coat that Lily had mended for him last night. He couldn't bear to wear it, so he put it on with great care after picking it out. Unexpectedly, Lily dragged him to wash his hair. Before he could put it on to show off to his brothers, it was obvious that he couldn't put it on anymore. He twisted it twice and felt a little Dumbfounded, his wet hair was hanging on his body. Although he still looked as fierce as usual, I wonder if it was because he was in such a mess right now. Although his voice was still loud, the momentum was much weaker:

"Look at the good things you did, it's so lawless. Not only did you beat me, but you also pulled my ears and hair. What woman is as fierce and unreasonable as you..." He kept mumbling, and touched it with some heartache. Touch your clothes. Not only was Lily not afraid, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

It was indeed getting late, and Zhang Hongyi did not dare to delay any longer for fear of losing his time. Seeing Lily leisurely packing away the buckets and stools, he said goodbye and finally moved her things into the house. , I reluctantly changed into old clothes and went out. Before leaving, I still warned:

"Give me your clothes and put them on the stove. I'll wear them in the afternoon." He wanted to show off to his brothers that he had a wife. I have someone to help me mend my clothes. Seeing Lily nodded, she still didn't believe it, so she put her clothes on the stove and let the sparks that were not completely extinguished bake the wet clothes. Then he hurriedly took his own set of tools for killing pigs. He hurriedly locked the door and went out.

This time he leaves. Lily was so tormented that she no longer felt sleepy. When his coat was roasting on the stove, it gave off a sour smell of sweat, smoked by the fireworks. The smell became much more obvious.

I don’t know how long it had been since the clothes had been washed. Lily ignored Zhang Hongyi’s instructions when he left and just took the hot water she had just washed her face with and threw the jacket in to soak. She was going to soak it for a while before washing it and drying it before returning. Wu began to practice physical training.

It's just that Zhang Hongyi came back very quickly today. When he came back, he didn't come back alone. When he heard the sounds of footsteps, Lily slowly stopped his movements, and the sound of Zhang Hongyi unlocking the door rang out. A strange man's voice sounded:

"Brother, I heard that you brought back a bride a few days ago, and it seemed like she was hiding something. My brothers said they wanted to come over for a wedding drink several times, but you refused. Why are you rarely free today? You want to invite your brothers. coming?"

The voice was very loud, and another person then spoke: "It is said that she is a female prisoner's wife in the post house. I have inquired clearly. If I can support him, my eldest brother will be considered to have slept with a top-notch good woman. I will be blessed in this life. Enough enjoyment, I'm afraid even our Yingzhou magistrate might not be able to touch such a girl before... Oops!" Before he could finish his words, the sound of unlocking the door suddenly stopped, and the man who spoke looked like Someone was beating her. Lily couldn't hear clearly in the room. She only heard the man outside shouting in panic:

"Why are you hitting people, brother?"

"I told you that you can't spit out ivory from that smelly mouth! If you act more honestly in front of my mother-in-law, do you think the magistrate is a fool? If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will shake all your teeth!" Zhang Hongyi was a little angry, and his voice was much more ferocious than usual. There was a bit of sinisterness in his tone at this moment. The other people seemed to be holding him back, and repeatedly advised him: "Ouch, brother, Lu Laosan poured it into his mouth." It smells like shit. He just said it casually. We are all brothers and grew up together. How can you not know his temper? Why bother with him? "

"Brother..." The man known as Lu Laosan called out tremblingly, and Zhang Hongyi snorted, still a little angry: "I'm warning you, Lu Laosan, if you let me hear you again next time, Similarly, if you have no control over your words with your sister-in-law, I will tear away your life! Brothers will never have to do anything in this life!"

"Okay, okay, big brother, when I said brothers, we will be brothers for life. Didn't everyone say that we don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month, the same day? It's just a woman. The third brother is wrong, big brother Just give me a lesson. If you are not a brother, you must not say it again. It will hurt the relationship between brothers..." A gentle male voice said. He obviously had different weight from the previous ones, because he said After saying this, Zhang Hongyi sneered twice, and then the sound of unlocking the door rang again: "You don't need to say anything anymore, second brother, I invited you to drink here to meet my sister-in-law, not for you to use words to spoil her. If she looks down on her, she means looking down on me, and if I look down on me as a sworn brother, get out of here as soon as possible, my small temple cannot tolerate big Buddhas like you!"

"They are just angry words. Brother, please calm down."

People outside were coaxing and persuading, but Lily was sitting in the room, a little stunned.

Zhou Baihe has also seen this group of brothers in the plot, but none of these people seem to be easy to get along with. Zhang Hongyi has made friends with people from all walks of life. As long as he has eyes for any kind of people, he can get along with them. After drinking, Lily spent some time with him and figured out some of his character. It was not unusual for people like him to have many friends.

In the plot, Lily Zhou doesn't like Zhang Hongyi and other sworn brothers. Most of the people who associate with Zhang Hongyi are not kind. Every time Lily Zhou sees her, she tries to hide away. At first, Zhang Hongyi even brings people back. As time goes by, it turns out that She even wanted to dodge herself, as if she was frightened every time she talked to him, let alone meeting his brothers. He seemed carefree, but in fact he was not that stupid, so naturally he no longer brought Brother comes back.

However, Zhou Baihe knew that he had several sworn brothers. He was sworn brothers with a total of seven people. He was the oldest and had the strongest fists among them, so he was called the boss. There were eight brothers. Excellent, Zhang Hongyi usually goes out to drink with them. Among these people, only Da Liuzi is the most serious one, a policeman. The rest are just gangsters in the market, playing tricks all day long. dog.

As soon as the door lock was unlocked, several people came into the courtyard. The door to the hall outside was opened. Zhang Hongyi was still angry and no one dared to clamor to call his sister-in-law out to greet him. He snorted and stared at the stove. He originally wanted to show off his coat, but unexpectedly, it was all in vain. The coat he had hung on the stove when he went out in the morning was gone. This time, Zhang Hongyi couldn't bear to get angry and hurriedly In a hurry, he shouted:

"Daughter-in-law, where is my coat?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lily came out of the house. Several people heard the footsteps and turned to look. They saw a petite girl turning out from behind the broken wall and pointing to the barrel in the corner of the room:

"It's blistered."

When Zhang Hongyi heard this, his eyes turned red with anxiety: "I told you in the morning that it will be done by drying it. Why did you soak it in water?" He spoke loudly in anxiety, and everyone sounded like It was as if he was already losing his temper and yelling. He was still angry just now. Everyone was afraid that he would beat the delicate little lady half to death in his anger. They were about to open their mouths to persuade him, but they didn't see Lily glance at Zhang Hongyi. , the man who was so fierce just now, when she saw him, his voice subconsciously became smaller: "I said you can wear it after drying it, why did you just soak it in water?"

"..." The beaten Lu Laosan covered his chest. He had been punched on the cheek by Zhang Hongyi before, and his fist hit his ear. At this time, he was buzzing when he heard people talking, and his chest was kicked by him. A kick. It hurt to breathe now. The man who was so fierce just now was like a docile dog in front of the little girl. He didn't even dare to speak louder. He dared to be angry in his heart but didn't dare to speak. He just coughed. Don't dare to speak out twice.

"Soak it in water. It will be easy to wash in the afternoon." Lily said softly. He felt a little distressed, but seeing that his clothes were all soaked, there was nothing he could do at this time.

Several people came back early, and they haven't started cooking yet. The house is narrow, and a few brothers went out and sat in the yard. The wine had been brewed long ago. He came back with a leg left of the meat he sold today. She also bought some broad beans, and Lily lit a fire to cook. Zhang Hongyi sat among the brothers, listening to the sound of the fire coming from time to time in the room, and the sound of chopping vegetables from time to time, but his heart felt like a cat scratching.

In the past, he liked to drink and eat meat with a group of brothers, but now for some reason, he found that these brothers usually didn't come to disturb him. He and Lily were having a good time. He didn't hear her voice for a long time. , Zhang Hongyi couldn't sit still. The pot in the room was very heavy, and he didn't know if she could move it carefully. The knife was big, and there were bones with meat that she brought back today. Her fingers were thin and tender. , if you accidentally cut it, you will probably cry.

He was thinking wildly in his mind, wondering if he was pretending to be someone else. He was always worried that she would get hurt. He couldn't sit still. He was about to find an excuse to run away when he suddenly heard Lily in the room:

"Zhang Hongyi." (To be continued...)

ps: First update~

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