Cannon Fodder Strategy

My unparalleled hero (11)

"Coming!" Zhang Hongyi jumped up as soon as Lily called. Regardless of the brothers still talking to him, he kicked the stool, patted his butt and ran into the house: "That little bitch can't do anything. , you need me to do anything." He looked very happy, but pretended to be annoyed, and cursed a few words: "Brothers, let's talk first, drink wine, brother, I'll go Teach her a lesson, no matter how big or small she is, no matter how decent she is, my husband won’t call me, just call me by my name, how can I teach her the rules so that she doesn’t dare to be disrespectful anymore!"

Several people saw him sneaking away involuntarily, looking like a rabbit, and they all shook their heads.

"Daughter-in-law, you can't call me by my name anymore. If you want to call me husband, forget it at ordinary times. You have to give me some face in front of my brother, right?" He entered the room, and Lily held her hand as expected. He was holding a knife in his hand and preparing to chop the bones. He took it easily. This is what he usually does. He chopped the bones with quick hands and feet. He threw them all into the pot according to Lily's instructions, and said sincerely: "Also with the name I call you a man, where do you want me to put my face?"

When Lily heard this, she shook the firewood stick in her hand. Zhang Hongyi's eyelids twitched when he saw her action, and he subconsciously took two steps back. Lily has become fierce these days, and she beats him at every turn. He is thick-skinned and fleshy. It was so thick that she was not afraid of pain, but if she was chased out of the house in front of the brothers, she would really lose face. He shut his mouth and did not dare to speak anymore. After a while, he asked with a straight face: "Call me What to do?"

"Didn't you do it all?" Lily called him in and asked him to chop the bones. Zhang Hongyi grinned when he saw her talking, but for a moment he didn't want to leave the room.

"Zhang Hongyi!" He walked around trying to help, talking to Lily at one point or another. However, the brothers outside couldn't wait any longer and called him while holding their throats and pretending to be Lily's voice just now. Lily was not embarrassed this time. As he looked, Zhang Hongyi's face turned red all of a sudden. He didn't dare to find trouble with Lily, after all, his daughter-in-law felt distressed when he encountered her. But he is not so good-natured towards his brothers. He cursed and clenched his fists and went out. After a while, screams of 'ouch' came from outside.

At noon, I cooked a large pot of braised pork ribs. The remaining pork bones were cooked with melon soup, and the broad beans were fried dry in oil. Sprinkle some salt on it to go with the wine. During this period, men and women ate at different tables. As soon as Lily finished setting out the food, she carried the bucket to the corner of the yard, ready to rub his clothes.

None of the men looked at her. Instead, they were all drinking. One of them, a thin young man wearing a green long coat with gray patches, suddenly spoke:

"Brother, have you really decided to be that executioner? If you get involved in this, you will be a lowly person for the rest of your life, and I'm afraid you won't be able to get away from it."

This young man is the second eldest among several sworn brothers. His real surname is Ye. As for his name, Lily has no idea. After all, Lily Zhou originally feared Zhang Hongyi like a tiger, and was not only unwilling and resistant to contact with him, but also felt unwilling to contact him. He also tried his best to avoid and avoid his group of friends. He was afraid in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it with his mouth.

As soon as Ye Laoer finished speaking, Zhang Hongyi said nothing. The big six hesitated for a while, and when he was about to speak, Zhang Hongyi held a bowl of wine:

"Think so much? Now we are not lowly, but in the eyes of the officials and their wives, we are much better?" As soon as he finished speaking, everyone fell silent. A few of them were not well-known in the market, and they were mixed with various religions, but He is a low-life person, a gangster and a green-skinned gangster. How can he be famous or not?

"Brothers, there are certain things I can only say once. Even if you ask me again later, I will never say it. Now that I have a family, I don't even have any money left in my hands. I can't even buy a new dress for my wife. I don’t have enough money to buy clothes. If I don’t find a job, it will be difficult to live in the future. How can I talk about whether I am a humble person or not?” When he said this, he paused and laughed: “My wish is not that big. As long as I can afford to support my daughter-in-law so that she can eat well every meal and not have to eat porridge with me every day and have a sallow face, I just need to buy her flowers and wear them. If I can afford clothes so that she won't lose anything by marrying me once, that's it. If I can save some money and buy a girl to wait on me, so that she doesn't get rough on my hands by doing laundry and cooking, that would be even better. As for those with bad reputations, that stuff can’t be used as food, I don’t care.”

Zhang Hongyi didn't want to be a glorious hero, nor did he want to be famous throughout the ages. He didn't have that many wishes. In fact, he only wanted to have a wife and children who could live on the kang, and be a gentleman in the city. I'm not envious, someone who wears silk and satin can get by even if he wears a bad coat. There are thousands of ways to live. The only regret is that I have to please a spoiled little daughter-in-law. It's a pity that I don't have the ability. Just let her be the way she was before.

He knew that Ye Laoer was arrogant and was unwilling to be trapped in Yingzhou City all his life. He also always wanted to be the master and tried to persuade him to do something big. Unfortunately, several of them had limited backgrounds. Apart from his amazing brute strength, he , I don’t know a lot of Chinese characters. After Zhang Hongyi finished speaking, the wine bowl was handed to his mouth. It’s strange to say that the wine that usually tastes fragrant was handed to his mouth at this time, but he couldn’t open his mouth to swallow it no matter what. Went down. He turned his head and looked towards the corner of the yard. Lily was still sitting there. There were several large pots of fragrant meat on the table. She was not bad at her craftsmanship. The sight of the color and smell made people drool. Several brothers were here. While eating and drinking, she had been busy in the kitchen for a long time. Now she was hungry and had to help herself wash her clothes.

The cotton wool was originally large, but it was obviously a little heavy after being stained with water. Lily rubbed it with some difficulty, her plain face turned pale, and calluses began to form on her tender palms. When she used her hands to hit herself, He felt it when it hit his palm. My heart felt heavy for some reason, and I couldn't drink the wine anymore. Zhang Hongyi put down the bowl he picked up again. He kept staring at Lily from the corner of his eye. Seeing her lowering her head, he didn't know if he noticed it. There was movement here, and occasionally her hair hung down. She stretched out her wet hands to hook them behind her ears. That half of her face was not as big as his palm. He felt itchy in his heart. The more he looked at it, the happier he became, and the more he looked at it, the more he looked at her. gentle. He didn't notice it himself, and thought that his actions were very secretive, but unexpectedly, the sight of him staring at Lily fell into the eyes of several sworn brothers. They were both surprised and a little surprised by this brother's infatuation, and sighed. He shook his head.

Zhang Hongyi's words just now made the brothers feel uncomfortable. Someone raised his wine bowl:

"Oh, elder brother is right. Only when you have a family can you build a career. Now that you haven't established a family, what's the point of talking about a career? Although a good man has ambitions in all directions, he has no heirs at home, so everything is just empty talk."

The big man in the police uniform shook his head and sighed: "Oh, time has not waited for me, time has not waited for me."

"That's not necessarily true." Ye Laoer looked a little sad at first, and then seemed to remember something: "I heard..."

"Okay, eat, eat, drink, brother, why are you talking about so many useless things?" Someone interrupted Ye Lao'er, he frowned, sighed, and raised the bowl as he was told. Come on, Zhang Hongyi also raised the bowl and saw someone reaching out to grab the meat. Somehow, he suddenly remembered that Lily had been busy for a long time and had just made a fuss in the kitchen just to serve the brothers. Now she was hiding aside to serve. While he was washing clothes, he was eating, drinking and having fun with a few brothers here. Although women were not allowed to serve at the table, which was a rule from ancient times, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He saw one of the brothers holding up chopsticks to hold the food. He moved faster than his brain, used his hand as a knife, stretched it out and hit the big man on the wrist with a 'snap'.

"Ouch!" The big man screamed. The blow he received was worse than being hit with a mallet. He could hardly hold the chopsticks steadily. His hand shook, and the chopsticks were connected with the chopsticks. A piece of meat was spilled into the pottery basin. He retracted the sore hand into his arms, gasping in pain, holding his wrist and shouting: "Brother, eldest brother, my brother, What are you doing?"

"Hey," Zhang Hongyi hit someone before he realized what good thing he had done. He quickly got up and apologized to him: "Brother is reckless, but your sister-in-law has been busy for a long time and hasn't eaten yet. You kid doesn't know the rules and you kidnap her first." It’s up, you wait, I’ll get some bowls and put the food aside for her to eat later.”

He was as tall as an iron tower. When he stood there, a few people dared to have other opinions under his threat. They all looked like they dared to be angry but dared not speak. They pursed their lips and did not dare to speak out.

Zhang Hongyi entered the room, looked around, washed the two largest bowls, and came out to use chopsticks to eat half of the dishes. The brothers watched his movements in silence. He frowned and thought for a while: "Your sister-in-law is young. Now is the time to grow taller. Eat more so that you can give birth to a fat boy for me later. You are growing strong and strong, so it doesn’t matter if you eat less." His words made several people choke. I was speechless for a long time.

The vegetables in the basin were almost exhausted. Da Liuzi swallowed his saliva:

"Brother, it's almost gone." He reminded. Before anyone could use their chopsticks, Zhang Hongyi had already driven away half of the food. How could a woman, whose waist was not as thick as Zhang Hongyi's thighs, eat so much?

There were eight brothers outside, and they only shared half of the dishes. She had to eat half of them alone.

As soon as he said this, Zhang Hongyi thought for a while and poured some more food back. There was only a small bowl of two dishes left, one with a bigger fist, less, but it was enough for a woman to eat. The remaining dishes The basin was still full, and the brothers breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that was enough. (To be continued...)

ps: Second update~~~~~~~~~~

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