Cannon Fodder Strategy

My Unparalleled Hero (14)

"One day, you will know that what I said is right!"

Ye Er turned around and left. After leaving these words, the brothers looked at each other, a little embarrassed to stay. Zhang Hongyi clenched his fists, his expression was a bit scary. Although he was usually scary, but at this time his face was so gloomy that he seemed to be able to Like dripping water, Ye Er left, but the words he said when he left were like a thorn in his heart.

After a few words of persuasion, the brothers succeeded in persuading one side, and then hurried out to persuade Ye Er's side. Until these brothers were sent away, there was no smile on Zhang Hongyi's face.

Everyone broke up after the meal. When Lily heard the noise and came out, those people had already left. Zhang Hongyi put away the bowls and chopsticks in silence. Lily asked him what happened, but he just shook his head and said nothing. , Lily pressed the question urgently, and he gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

"Why don't you drink any more?"

His expression was a little unattractive. He was obviously happy when he went out in the morning. He also said that he had started a family and started a business, and he wanted to find a serious job and no longer be a fool like before. After a while, his expression changed.

The wine jar on the table was knocked open, and there was more than half of the jar of wine left in it. Several bowls were not finished yet. Lily wanted to put it away, but he put it away first, looking a little gloomy.

"Is the executioner's business dirty?" Lily asked tentatively. Today, Zhang Hongyi invited his brothers to come back for dinner and drinks in order to enter the yamen and do the executioner's business. He had been talking about it several times, and he was fine before. Damn, Lily guessed that the change in his kung fu was related to the errand he was planning to do, and sure enough, it was true. As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Hongyi reacted this time. He glanced at Lily and did not answer her question. Instead, he asked:

"Lily, don't you like me being an executioner?" Zhang Hongyi doesn't care about other people's opinions. He doesn't care at all whether he is cheap or not. As long as he lives happily in this life, he will not look down on himself. . People's eyes. He didn't care at all.

But Ye Er's words really touched on the hidden worries in his heart. When he said that he wanted to be an executioner, Lily had repeatedly opposed it. At this time, she guessed the problem as soon as she came. This made Zhang Hongyi hesitate a little. He is not an indecisive person. But it was difficult to make a decision at this time, speaking from the heart, in Zhang Hongyi's heart. Real money is far more important than the illusory face. If he were alone, or if he was not looking for a wife from such a high family background, there is no telling that he would definitely choose to be an executioner. Executioners are passed down from generation to generation. , although he has an unfavorable reputation, he can always get a reward of silver every time he cuts off his head. Plus the monthly salary from the county is enough for him to support his wife and raise Lily well.

But things are different now. Lily was originally from a wealthy family. Although her family is now in decline, she has not suffered enough because it has not been long. Now that the eldest daughter who was born directly from the Hou Mansion has been reduced to a slave, she must be unhappy in her heart. Willingly, such a delicate girl, do you really want her to be like him in the future, from a wealthy village to an executioner's wife?

When Zhang Hongyi usually calls Lily, he still calls her "daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law" even though he knows that Lily doesn't like it. He can't take advantage of her, so he always wants to take advantage of her in his mouth. But now he is so confused that he He could no longer shout out the words that he could usually say smoothly. His lips trembled twice, Zhang Hongyi asked, and as if he was afraid of hearing Lily's answer, he hurriedly took the bowl and hid in the room:

"Forget it, let me think about it, let me think about it before I talk."

Seeing him running away in a hurry, Lily frowned slightly.

In the middle of the afternoon, Zhang Hongyi quietly rubbed and hung up his clothes. He didn't speak or do anything. He just sat in the yard in a daze, looking at his hands and feet for a while, with his eyes sometimes sad and sometimes sad. After some struggle, Lily called him several times, but he didn't say anything. Finally, Lily couldn't bear it anymore. She took the water ladle in her hand and hit Zhang Hongyi on the head with a 'snap'.

"Ouch!" He screamed while covering his head. The water ladle was originally made by the gourd elder. It was extremely strong, but no matter how strong it was, it couldn't compare to Zhang Hongyi's head. As soon as it was hit, he was stunned. He was not hurt by the beating, just shocked, but the gourd and gourd shattered in response. He covered his head, with a few strands of broken gourd foam on his forehead, and a few strings of water droplets running down his forehead. The drops wetted a few strands of frizzy hair, flying with teeth and claws. He felt aggrieved and held his head:

"Why are you beating someone?"

"What did your brothers come over to say at noon? You feel like you have lost your soul. Did someone introduce you to someone? Did your brothers say that I am unreliable and want you to send me away?" Lily thought about the worst plan and asked Zhang Hongyi. Unexpectedly, when he heard this, he shaved his hair, spread his legs with his hands on his hips, looked at Lily up and down, and suddenly burst into laughter. :

"Hahahahaha, sending you away?" He grinned, pretending to be melancholy and overwhelmed before, but now his true form was revealed: "Have you got any money? Let me tell you, how much do you owe me? You have money, you can do the math yourself, five coppers in one day, twenty-five coppers in two days, twenty-five coppers in three days, and so on, you will never be able to pay off your debts in this life, and if you want to run away, you will None, it's impossible to give you away for nothing!" He smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyes. Lily had just washed his hair in the morning, and now he was scratching it into a mess: "Don't take me for granted. Silly, your man knows it all, you can’t lie to me!”

Seeing him like this, Lily stretched out her legs to kick him. Unexpectedly, his calves were strong and hard, as if they were tied with steel plates. He didn't get any pain from the kick. Instead, Lily's toes seemed to have hit the leg of a table, and she gasped in pain. He took a breath and bit his lip.

"Where does it hurt?" Seeing her like this, Zhang Hongyi squatted down and grabbed her feet, wanting to show her. Lily reached out and grabbed his hair several times, and he screamed in response, knowing full well that he was not hurt by the tug. But hearing him scream, Lily felt much more comfortable.

"What did your brothers say?" Lily shrank her legs and tried to hide, but Zhang Hongyi didn't allow her to dodge at all. He reached out and grabbed her feet. He didn't mind that her shoes were dirty. He hesitated for a while, and then he held her feet in his palms. Inside, he rubbed her toes, her expression gradually became gentler, and the sneer in her brows seemed to have faded a lot.

Up close, Zhang Hongyi doesn't look that bad. Although his skin is dark, he also has thick eyebrows and big eyes. It's just that he is usually tall and has tangled muscles. He looks really scary, so when people see him for the first time, She would only be afraid of him and ignore his appearance. His strength increased, and the toes started to hurt when he rubbed them, but they gradually got better. Lily couldn't struggle with him anyway, so she let him go. She just grabbed his hair and motioned for him to lean over. His hair was pulled, but his eyes rolled around and refused to obey. A red vine flew from the base of his neck and ears. He seemed to be breathing a little disorderly:

"You woman, why are you pulling my hair? No matter how big or small you are! I am your husband. When you get married, you will obey your husband. You should say it a hundred times and remember it in your heart! I won't argue with you this time, but I won't spare you next time!" "He still couldn't change his tough-tongued character. When Lily heard what he said, she couldn't help but pull his hair several times. He screamed, and seemed to be pulled to him unwillingly. Lily pulled him Her tied hair spread out and she stretched out her hand towards him: "Congcongcong, from your head! Where is the comb?"

The last time he bought it, he said it was a comb for himself, but it turned out that he didn't use it and he took it back again. Lily was afraid that he would mention combing her hair again later, so she never took care of the comb. He asked for it, and now he reached out to ask for it. Zhang Hongyi covered his chest in panic, and his big head shook like a rattle: "No!"

He had a look of death on his face. The comb was not only tangled with her hair, but also with a strand of his own hair. If he took it out now and Lily saw it, Zhang Hongyi would feel as if a very important secret of his was being tangled. It seems like people know. He didn't want anyone to see him, and he didn't even know why. He secretly married Lily in his heart. He didn't want anyone to know such a secret, let alone Lily to see it. Zhang Hongyi himself didn't even know that kind of subtle mood. for what. His eyes were a little panicked, like a frightened rabbit, and his expression showed a guilty conscience. He didn't dare to look at her, and his hands were still covering his chest tightly. When he saw it, the comb was hidden in his chest. Lily was too lazy to say anything to him. , reaching out to touch his chest.

With a bang, a red tide spread from Zhang Hongyi's neck and cheeks. He covered his chest with his hands. He could feel his heartbeat speeding up in an instant. His body was stiff. At this time, he didn't care that his hair was still covered by Lily. It was in his hand, and he twisted his body to hide, but he was still holding Lily's feet in his hand. During this hurriedly dodging, he realized that his hair was still being held by Lily, as if his life gate had been taken away and he couldn't run away. By then, the inertia of his body had caused him to sit down on the ground.

Lily's foot was in his hand, and his fall was equivalent to pulling Lily. Lily couldn't sit firmly on the chair and fell down. Zhang Hongyi stretched out his hand to help her, but his hand hadn't touched her body yet. She shrank back again as if she was electrocuted, but in the end she sat down on his chest. He was strong and strong, so he was completely fine after receiving this blow. He just felt the girl's soft body sitting on him, her palms still supporting his chest. For a moment, Zhang Hongyi seemed as if he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. Her face was so red that it looked like it was about to bleed, and smoke seemed to be rising from the top of her head. Her body was stiff, and one hand was still holding her foot. She was dumbfounded by the sudden intimacy between the two. (To be continued...)

ps: Fifth update...

Is this surprise big enough? At this time, it has already reached 15,000 words. I have been saving the manuscript for several days, but it has all been handed over to the little goblins. I only have half a life left, but even if I have one breath left, I will still ask for votes...

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