Cannon Fodder Strategy

My Unparalleled Hero (15)

Zhang Hongyi was suppressed, and he didn't dare to move. When Lily fell down, she was startled at first, and instinctively grabbed his clothes. But she found that Zhang Hongyi was fine at all, and after catching herself very steadily, she He breathed a sigh of relief, first patted Zhang Hongyi's chest, and then reached out to touch the collar he had just held. Her move suddenly seemed to bring Zhang Hongyi, who was already a little stiff, to life. He let go of the hand holding Lily's leg and held her hand tightly. Lily felt his heart beating through her clothes. He was beating like a little rabbit, and Zhang Hongyi's lips had begun to tremble a little. His bronze face was now flushed red and purple, and he was obviously very embarrassed.

"What, what are you doing?" He looked a little pitiful, without his usual fierce look, his voice was trembling a little when he spoke, his eyes were shaking, he just didn't dare to look at her, and even his cheek muscles were twitching.

This look actually made Lily, who was a little nervous, relax and almost want to laugh. Her palms were held tightly by Zhang Hongyi. In the cold weather in Yingzhou, the back of her hands was cold, but Zhang Hongyi was wearing thin clothes. , but his body was like a heater, and the palms of his hands were very warm. Lily struggled twice, and then answered with a smile:

"What are you doing? I brought the comb and you brought it down. I didn't blame you. How dare you be so cruel?"

She raised her eyebrows, and Zhang Hongyi stuttered: "No, no, there is no comb."

"You're talking nonsense. I didn't know until I touched it!" Lily retorted to him. She didn't know which words she said hit Zhang Hongyi's Achilles' heel. His body felt a little tense at first. The face turned purple at first, then turned black, and then turned red. After a while, he grabbed Lily and jumped up from the ground. He jumped three feet high and brought someone with him, but he seemed to I don't feel any weight at all. Lily felt like the world was spinning, and she was already standing up from the ground when he grabbed her. He pushed Lily onto the stool. Look at her sitting firmly. He took seven or eight steps back like a frightened rabbit, his face turned red:

"You, you woman, are so shameless! Already. Already said. There is no comb, and you, you still want to touch me..." I don't know if I am anxious. His voice was trembling when he spoke. Lily stood up from the stool. When he saw Lily's movement, he jumped back several steps. He stared at her warily at first, then seemed to react. Normally, he turned his head and didn't dare to look at her, and half of his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"What are you ashamed of? It was obviously you who dragged me down, but you still dare to say that I am shameless. Why are you hiding? Come here!" Lily took a step forward, and he took a step back. When he finally saw that he was about to leave the yard, he Just then, as if he had reacted, he quickly ran out of the gate with agility, grabbed the two courtyard doors, and closed the door again with a 'bang'!

Just like the situation after getting into trouble that day, Lily pulled twice: "Open the door."

"No!" He answered firmly outside, and Lily replied: "You can hide outside for the rest of your life."

"If you have the ability, you will stay at the door for the rest of your life!" This conversation is somewhat familiar. Zhang Hongyi bought a comb for her that day, and when he wanted to comb her hair, he got into trouble and ran away. The situation was exactly the same as this time. When he said After a pause, both of them recalled what happened that day, and couldn't help but laugh.

The door was locked for him like that day. This time Lily did not leave to cook, but stood in the corner with her chest folded. Not long after, Zhang Hongyi appeared with his head peeping out from the top of the wall. He carefully exposed only his top hat at first, and then raised it a little higher. He glanced around the room for a few times, but saw no one. , just about to breathe a sigh of relief, when her eyes looked down, they happened to meet Lily standing under the wall. She didn't know how much she had looked at, and at this time she picked up a few pieces of broken wood and threw them at him.

She smashed them randomly, and when one or two pieces hit, he covered his face and cried out in pain, but refused to fall to the ground. After Lily threw the pieces of wood in his hand, he reached out and rubbed his forehead. For some reason, his eyes It becomes softer:

"Daughter-in-law, step aside, I want to jump in." Lily could obviously open the front door, but he wanted to jump out of the wall. Lily took a few steps to the side, and in a few breaths, his body was like a wild goose, holding on with his hands. At the top of the wall, he climbed in with a quick movement.

"You're not hiding anymore?" Lily asked him, and he shook his head honestly: "I'm not hiding anymore, but I can't give you the comb anymore. Don't ask, I'll give you a better one in the future. I heard there's something for that. Fragrant wood is used by wealthy people."

The blush on Zhang Hongyi's face was not gone, and his voice was not loud. Lily sat back on the chair and waved to him. This time, he honestly walked towards him and stopped hiding. He didn't want to take out the comb, although Lily didn't know it. Why, but everyone should have a secret, so she didn't ask. She stopped asking, and Zhang Hongyi felt a little disappointed. But as her slender fingers gently combed his head, the smell of the girl was different from the smell of the rough man on him. The blood in Zhang Hongyi's body seemed to be concentrated in his head, and he seemed to be able to hear the blood flowing rapidly in his body. There was a "squeaking" sound every now and then, and the beating of blood vessels in my mind.

Those ten slender fingers pierced his head, like the mother's gentle and soothing hands when he was a baby.

"That's called rosewood." Lily explained softly. Zhang Hongyi heard her speak, but in fact he didn't hear what she said at all. He seemed to have stepped on cotton under his feet, and he answered in a daze, "Lily" Combing his hair, men and women have different natures. When combing his hair, Zhang Hongyi pricked it randomly. The hair had not been combed for a long time and was messy. Lily combed it with her fingers and carefully straightened it out for him one by one. Inadvertently, she saw When she came to a place that was missing about the size of a finger, she brushed Zhang Hongyi's hair twice and said "Eh":

"Zhang Hongyi, you have dysentery. Why is there such a big piece of hair missing?"

One moment, Zhang Hongyi felt like he was swimming in a warm ocean. The next moment, Lily's words rushed towards him like a basin of cold water, chilling him to the core. It took him a while to realize what Lily had said, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand. When he touched it, he became a little annoyed and retorted unwillingly:

"You're talking nonsense! I'm only twenty, when I was young and strong, how could I have a scabby head?" He stretched out his hand and touched where Lily was pointing. There was indeed a piece of hair missing there, which was particularly obvious compared with the surrounding area. , he touched it twice, and suddenly he seemed to remember something. He suddenly shut up and stopped talking, but his cheeks became redder and hotter, and he even became angry with embarrassment:

"So many questions! Maybe my hair will fall out one day and it will grow back. Why is it a leprous?"

When he was feeling guilty, his voice would be loud. Lily stretched out her hand to pluck the hairless area of ​​his hair, feeling a little suspicious:

"There are still some broken hairs, and they are injured and scarred in some places. They seem to have been torn off." After she finished speaking, Zhang Hongyi obviously wanted to struggle again. He had the experience of trying to escape once. This time he moved, and Lily stretched out her hand. He slapped him on the head:

"Don't move!" After she yelled, Zhang Hongyi was stunned and didn't dare to move. Lily thought for a while and suddenly said: "Could it be? You pulled my hair off that day, and I felt a little sorry, so Did you deliberately pull out a strand of hair to compensate me?"

Zhang Hongyi was already extremely guilty. When he heard this, he felt as if Lily had stabbed him in a sore spot: "Nonsense, nonsense! Am I that kind of person? I didn't mean to hurt you. I've already apologized, and so have you. You have beaten me, let alone now I let you play with my hair, how could I feel guilty? How could I deliberately pull a strand of hair, please don't talk nonsense, otherwise, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

"Why are you so loud? It's not right. People with a guilty conscience always talk too much." Lily snorted. Zhang Hongyi's face turned even more purple. He was about to jump up, but his hair was pulled by Lily in his hand. He thought about how he jumped just now. When he got up, he also recalled the scene when she fell down. He didn't dare to move, but he was not convinced: "I said no, what do you mean, people with a guilty conscience always talk a lot? I usually talk a lot."

He muttered something in his mouth, but Lily ignored him and carefully combed his hair. Some places were frizzy. She even reached into the bucket aside to wet her hands and smoothed Zhang Hongyi's frizzy hair with water. She fixed Zhang Hongyi's hair on top of her head, and finally took out a square scarf from her arms. This was the green cloth square scarf wrapped around Zhang Hongyi's head. Lily washed it first. The sun in Yingzhou is very strong during the day, so such a small piece The towel was washed in the morning and dried at noon. She used it to wrap Zhang Hongyi's head, but she thought that the cloth rope he originally tied his head had thrown away because Lily thought it couldn't wash out the color. Now he needs to tie his head. Yes, Lily suddenly remembered the red hair tie that Zhang Hongyi gave her that day. She took it out, twisted it around her hair several times, tied it tightly, and added a beautiful bow at the end. Then he patted Zhang Hongyi on the head and said: "Okay."

When Lily said this, Zhang Hongyi didn't react immediately. When she slapped his head, he seemed to remember something and looked at his reflection in the bucket.

His originally fierce bronze face was now neatly combed, and the stubble that used to feel prickly was gone. The square scarf was also tied up very neatly. In the impression, he had never been able to tidy it up. It's been organized like this. But the red hair rope seemed a bit inconsistent with his fierce face, and it looked a bit ridiculous, but Zhang Hongyi seemed to like it very much and took a long look at the water in the bucket. (To be continued...)

ps: Sixth update~

I’m tired today, and I won’t be able to update on time tomorrow, so there are so many updates today, and everyone won’t give me a vote, so I’m going to give you a compliment, touch my little hands, etc., so I can only take advantage...

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