Cannon Fodder Strategy

My Unparalleled Hero (16)

Zhang Hongyi's parents died early. He suffered a lot in order to survive. Yingzhou is a place where people cannibalize people. If you are a little weak, you may be bitten to the bone. He only cares about making friends. Brother, if you are so fierce and indulgent in evil, if you are thinking of learning how to kill pigs, if you are thinking of how to survive and make a living, when will you be able to comb your hair in such a leisurely and leisurely manner?

In my impression, even when his parents were reborn, they had never been so attentive to him. He was a boy, and his parents were busy working for a living, so they would not have raised him so seriously and carefully. Zhang Hongyi did not feel that such a life was valuable in the past. Why is it bad, but now someone is washing his hair, someone is combing his hair, the movements are so gentle, the words are so nice, and he even likes the force of the blow on his head, he knows that he is finished.

He touched his hair and giggled. When Lily asked him if he had any unpleasantness with his brothers at noon, he didn't say anything. He hummed songs all afternoon and was having fun until dinner. Lily ignored him. She was still gloomy for a while, but she was happy in the afternoon. She put away the dishes, boiled a pot of bath water and wiped her body with the cold. When she returned to the room, she saw Zhang Hongyi sitting by the bed, smiling and sad at times. Yes, he was about to sleep. His hair was still neatly tied up. Lily gathered her clothes and reached out to take them off for him. He was quite alert. He raised his head and stared at Lily defensively:

"What are you doing?" Zhang Hongyi felt that Lily's hand was heading straight for his head, and he quickly reached out to protect his bun, while falling down on the bed: "Don't touch my hair anymore, it's messy. Tomorrow How to meet people?"

"It sounds like you usually have your hair neatly trimmed. I'll just take it off and tie it up again tomorrow." Lily pulled the clothes around her shoulders tighter. When Zhang Hongyi heard this, She shrank further into the bed and kept shaking her head: "I won't comb my hair today. I'm not as dishonest as you, and I won't be messy when sleeping. I'll sleep with you quickly and leave me alone." Lily said so easily. He also refused to remove his hair. After doing it for a long time, Lily seemed to have come back to her senses and thought for a moment: "Don't you want your newly combed hair to be torn apart today so that you can go out and show off to others tomorrow?"

Her words suddenly seemed to speak the truth. Zhang Hongyi became a little angry: "It's none of your business. Whether or not I can sleep. It's already dark, and I have to get up early tomorrow!"

Unexpectedly, he really thought so, and Lily wanted to laugh. Generally, only children will be reluctant to leave when faced with new things. How old is Zhang Hongyi? What’s more, she can’t see that he, who was such a slovenly person before, would care so much about his hair. She treats him like a child and coaxes him. , promised him to get up early tomorrow morning and comb his hair again. Zhang Hongyi was hesitant at first, but later he saw that Lily was serious about it. Thinking that they had been together for a few days, Lily had never told a lie to deceive him, so he finally believed it. When Lily grinned and let her hair fall apart, her expression was still a bit ugly.

The hair that was combed for the first time was not fresh for a long time before it was torn off. Unfortunately, Lily didn't see his resentful eyes. She untied Zhang Hongyi's hair. When Xixi turned around and went to bed, Zhang Hongyi turned to look at her, and when Lily turned around When he looked at him, he quickly looked away and closed his eyes.

After getting along for a long time, Lily found that Zhang Hongyi was not difficult to get along with. He didn't have a particularly good temper. Sometimes he spoke loudly when he was anxious, but he usually looked fierce. In fact, when the two of them got along, Zhang Hongyi would mostly say: Two sentences, but if Lily got anxious and stretched out her hand to beat him, he would not dare to fight back. Most of the time he would hide. For two months, he still got up early every day to kill pigs and sell meat, and came back early. Almost every day, he would come back with a piece of pork left over. In the afternoon, he would either cut some bamboo at home and make something for home use or sell it. Occasionally, he would be directed by Lily to do some housework.

For example, he took apart the quilts at home and washed them. He even cut down the wood frame beams again because the lilies in the room they lived in were too dark, which was equivalent to repairing the house.

He seemed to have had a falling out with his brothers last time, and they haven't interacted with each other since then. But just because he didn't go out to drink and eat meat with his brothers, he had saved some money in the past few months.

Four months passed by in a flash, and the Chinese New Year was just a few days away. During this period, there were a lot of pig killings, so Zhang Hongyi immediately started to get busy. Unlike before, he went out early and returned early. Now he went out in the morning and sometimes had to arrive. She just came back in the evening. Lily has been practicing Xingchen Taijutsu in the past few months. Just because Zhang Hongyi was at home most of the time, she didn't have much time to practice, but there were still changes.

In the past few months, due to eating well and being well-fed, Lily's cheeks have become plumper. Unlike the skinny skin before, she has gained some meat, and because of her physical training, she looks Yes, but it was just right. When the original owner was raised in a boudoir, she was famous for her beauty. Now that Lily has entered the body, her temperament and body are no worse than the original owner. Zhang Hongyi has guarded her even more closely and has to warn her before going out every day. Don’t go out for several times.

The window had been dug larger because of Lily's request, and now it could fully accommodate a person to get in and out. Even if he locked the door, it would not help. Fortunately, during his free time some time ago, he had raised the wall of his home.

Every day when he goes out, as long as he has free time, he will try his best to go home, come back to see if Lily is okay, and say a few words to her. Even if he is beaten out, he feels at ease. After a few days like this, he still With the Chinese New Year approaching in two days, the number of people looking for him to kill pigs gradually decreased.

When the two of them soaked their feet and climbed into bed at night, Zhang Hongyi lay on his side on the bed. He didn't know what he was counting, but he could only hear the sound of "ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-dang" copper coins, which sounded like dozens of coins.

He started to earn money by killing pigs. Since it was not much, he spent most of it with himself. After saving the money recently, he kept it at home. This should be the money he earned today. Lily listened to him counting it over and over several times, and then When I heard him fiddling there, I couldn't help it anymore and turned to glare at him:

"Zhang Hongyi, have you finished counting?"

Recently, he went out early and came back late at night. If he didn't go to bed earlier, he wouldn't be able to sleep for a few hours at all. He heard Lily shout suddenly, his hands shook, and a "ding-dong-dang-dang" sound sounded. The pile of copper coins fell into a ball, and he became a little angry. He hurriedly propped up half of his strong body, touched the bed with one hand, and complained:

"The sudden words shocked me. Look where I counted, but then forgot, and the money jumped to nowhere! This time I have to count again."

"You are so cowardly, why did I scare you when I said something?" He didn't sleep himself and made others uneasy. Lily lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on slippers, sat on his bed, and put him on the bed. The arm holding the money was lifted. During their recent days together, she had figured out Zhang Hongyi's character. He was hard on the outside and soft on the inside. She was not afraid of what he would do to her. On the contrary, Zhang Hongyi was frightened by her approach. When she lifted him up, he shrank to the corner of the bed holding the quilt. He went in, his face turned red, and he didn't dare to look at her while his eyes were wandering around. He said loudly: "It's scary to scare people to death. How can you be cowardly? What's more, you are just talking now. Who knows whether you will be able to do it next moment?" Beater?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lily couldn't help but stretched out her hand and slapped him. He was wearing single clothes while sleeping. When he hit his arm, there was a 'pop' sound, but he didn't feel any pain. Lily's palm felt a bit hot due to the shock. , he acted as if nothing was wrong and was still proud:

"Look, did you hit me?"

He looked like a villain who had hit the mark. The shrinking look on his face made people unable to bear it. Lily wanted to reach out and hit him again. The person Zhang Hongyi was hit didn't feel any pain, but the one who hit him hurt his own hand. But he had one good thing, that was, the hit was on him. Regardless of whether it hurts or not, he would scream "ouch", as if he was being tortured, which made the person who beat him feel particularly accomplished.

Lily didn't want to hit him at first, but he was sometimes unbearable. After beating him, he screamed twice, and then Lily started to touch him on the bed. After a while, she found a lot of money. After a brief count, I found that there were more than a few dozen coins, probably hundreds of coins, and there were a lot of them spread out on the bed.

She counted the money in threes. Zhang Hongyi's expression softened when he saw her lowering her head to count the money.

At first she pretended to be impatient and hit him, but Zhang Hongyi actually knew that Lily was very patient and that she was just joking when she hit him sometimes. Knowing that she was joking, he would also scream in response. Zhang Hongyi actually couldn't help but want to laugh every time he saw the way she laughed when he called her. She counted the money seriously. This action was full of the smell of copper, but when she did it, in Zhang Hongyi's eyes, she just said no. Look good.

The lights hadn't been turned off in the room yet. Under the dim light, half of her white and tender face had already gained some baby fat. The girl's jade-like skin was like the winter melon that had just grown from the tender seedlings after the flowers had fallen. The fluff seems to be powdered, making people want to touch it. She had been well nursed back to health after several months. Her face showed a healthy and moist red cloud, her lips were pursed tightly, and her two black eyes were like the most beautiful gems Zhang Hongyi had ever seen.

Because she was going to bed at night, she took off her hair. The smooth and thick hair was spread over her shoulders and tucked behind her ears, exposing her beautiful chin. The girl sat not far away from him. Although she didn't touch him, the vague aura on her body made Zhang Hongyi feel as if a deer was living in his heart. The "dong dong dong" heartbeat sounded as loud as the heart of his heart. Jumping out of his chest, he felt a little guilty inexplicably, as if he was afraid that some of his thoughts would be discovered by Lily, so he suddenly stretched out his iron palm-like hand and slapped his heart, hoping to use this to To hide his fast and loud heartbeat. (To be continued...)

ps: Happy National Day everyone. I was too tired yesterday, so I went to bed early and didn’t do much typing. Today’s update is just starting now~

I originally wanted to be the flower of the snowy mountains, cool and noble...

But, hurry up... I'm so cold, please use your monthly tickets to hug me tight!

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