Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (8)

At this time, the improvement of strength is imminent. After Lily robbed things these days, she did not dare to stay in the same place for a long time. She divided the food she robbed into many portions and only ate some every two days, as long as it could keep her alive. , it is definitely impossible to fill her stomach. Sometimes she spends most of her time practicing physical skills and martial arts. Two months later, after finishing the food in her hands, she can endure it for a while, and then she Entered the city once.

This time Lily entered the city again, and the security in the city was much tighter than before. Most of the homeless people who could be seen everywhere when she first entered the city were missing. She was targeted as soon as she entered the city. After two months of recuperation, Lily's injuries from the last time she was beaten have long been healed. And in the past two months, as her injuries healed, once the movements of Xingchen's physical training were standardized and neat, the introduction of There is naturally more starlight power in her body than before, and she is stronger now than she was two months ago.

But similarly, among the shops on both sides of the street, there are obviously more people guarding the shops than before.

When Lily entered the city, someone was following her. Although the people in the store didn't catch her during the food robbery two months ago, they were obviously alert. Many food-selling shops were mostly guarded by four or five people instead of two. There seemed to be no people there, but Lily could feel that these people were much more dangerous. This time she was stronger than two months ago, but Lily did the opposite. She no longer stared at the shops with fewer people, but instead spotted a shop with more people and rushed in.

If it were two months ago, she would definitely not have done such a thing. At that time, her strength was still very weak. He had just recovered from his injury, and he rushed into a crowded place rashly. He was unable to defeat four people with just two fists, and the end would definitely not be good. She picked stores with few people simply because the stores with few people must be powerful and powerful. Generally, no one would dare to take advantage of the people in these stores, so she grabbed them by surprise.

Now it is clear that these people are asking you to enter the urn. Naturally, she would not go in stupidly again. She rushed into a crowded shop. Although these people were generally quite strong, Lily still managed to escape by snatching part of the food, but this time the price paid was also high. Although she used her spiritual power to wrap up the food left by others, The mental mark on her body was still there, but before leaving the city, someone threw a heavy object on her back vest, leaving a wound that was deeply visible to the bones.

Lily endured the pain and used her spiritual power to seal the wound. But I don’t know if it was because the injury was too serious, or if she pulled the wound while running. It wasn’t until she ran nearly ten miles out of the city that the wound stopped dripping blood. The people following her no longer had any mental imprints to detect, nor did they. She was slowly shaken off from the pursuit of the smell of blood.

This time she grabbed more food. It was enough for her to eat for a long time. She practiced martial arts while recuperating from her injuries, and stayed dormant for nearly half a year.

Time flies by in a blink of an eye. It has been more than five years since Lily was thrown from the spaceship. In the following time, Lily has been lurking outside the city, occasionally going into the city to rob when she is hungry. As time goes by With the passage of time and the fact that Lily spent all her free time practicing star training and Tao Te Ching, her strength increased rapidly. Started about a year ago. She can no longer get hurt when she goes to the city to rob, and there are few people in the city who can no longer be her opponent.

She found that whether it was because Rong Li gave his thousands of years of cultivation to her, or whether there were other reasons, her practice of the Tao Te Ching was far more effective than the Nine Yang Scripture combined with physical training. .

As strength increases. Lily discovered that the body of the original owner did not have any mental power at all during the past five years. She went to the city several times to rob food, and each time she was left with a mental mark. If it weren't for her own spiritual power and being very sensitive to these external mental marks, she might not have noticed it. These are spiritually imprinted. She couldn't use her mental power to get rid of these marks left on her body by others. She had to use her spiritual power to forcibly remove them every time.

Moreover, on the Pluto Prince, the formulas for cultivating mental power in the original master's book are not of much use to Lily. It is as if this body was born abandoned by the Huashi bloodline and has not inherited any of the spirit of the people on the Pluto Prince. talent. She had tried to practice mental strength and physical training at the same time. After all, if the two complemented each other, Lily believed that her strength would increase quickly, but it had no effect.

But in addition to the lack of mental power, this body is unexpectedly suitable for practicing physical skills. And half a year ago, Lily faintly felt another energy hidden in the body's blood, as if it was sealed by something. If it hadn't been accidentally The flow of spiritual power while practicing spells resonated with this blood volume, and I'm afraid she couldn't feel it at all.

In the plot, the original owner has no memory of this at all, so the original owner must not know about this inexplicable power. There was something unknown hidden in her body, so Lily naturally wanted to find out what it was. I don’t know what kind of existence this unknown thing is, and I don’t know if it can hurt herself. However, in half a year, no matter how many methods Lily used, she failed to successfully draw out this power. After thousands of tests, she was sure that there was such a thing in her body. Any other tests she did were like holding many keys, but none of them were correct enough to open the door.

Lily kept practicing star training, feeling that her body seemed to be integrated with the power of the surrounding stars. She led a spiritual force to swim through her body, and there seemed to be something following her in her muscles, veins, bones and blood. The spiritual power moves around and is ready to move, but it always fails to break through the cage. Lily performed the star training technique twice, sighed a little depressedly, and stopped.

In the past six months, she had been trying to try this energy every day, but she was disappointed every time. It had been several days since she had eaten. There were compressed food packages lying around. There was still enough water in the water bottle for her to take two or three sips. It seemed that she was going to go into the city to rob again today.

By now Lily was no longer as nervous as she was at the beginning when she went to the city to rob again.

No one has come to Camilla Planet in the past five years or so. There are very few outsiders, and because women are rare, the probability of newborns being born here is not high. So far, the city has once again moved closer to the center. In just five years, the city outside that day had been abandoned, and many more abandoned houses had appeared.

It is conceivable that if this situation continues, within a few thousand years, this world's famous exiled star will become a real exiled planet, with few humans living here. .

She entered the city, dressed in shabby clothes. In the past few years, she came regularly to rob food. Her strength became more and more fierce every time, and she gradually made the people in the city wary of her. Fortunately, she only robbed certain things at a time and did not kill anyone. Therefore, when people in the city saw her entering the city, many people recognized her and showed a bit of fear on their faces, but they also knew that she was not easy to mess with. No one dared to follow her anymore.

Lily was walking on the street and accidentally landed on this planet. For more than five years, she devoted her mind to practicing martial arts every day. Whenever she went into the city, she would either rob food or run away in panic. She rarely had that free time. Went into the city during the day to look around the city.

There are still many homeless people in the city, and many of them are huddled in the corners, with very numb expressions on their faces. She entered a store. Most of the people who have survived to this day on this planet are already masters. When they saw Lily entering the store, many people were already familiar with this inexplicable outsider who suddenly appeared more than five years ago. There is simply no one as terrifying as her. Her strength is getting stronger every time, and she has no mental power. She can compete with those with superior mental power by purely using force.

The physical strength of the people in Sin City is not as strong as hers, and for physical practitioners, mental practitioners are like a nightmare and have no effect on her. Even if the spiritual mark was sometimes left on her body, it was a pity that it was always interrupted for unknown reasons. For five years, no one found a solution.

At this moment, he saw Lily coming to grab food again. The big man in the store couldn't beat her, and he couldn't do anything to her, so he ignored her actions. On Planet Camilla, the strong are respected, and whoever has the bigger fist is the boss. Fortunately, Lily is measured and will not take too much at one time.

The big man watched Lily's actions with cold eyes. Seeing that the crystallized glass, which could not even be penetrated by ordinary mechanical bullets, shattered under the gentle pressure of her hands, she picked out a few packages of compressed food with a matter-of-fact expression, and took another The water went out. The big man squinted his eyes and saw that her figure was out of sight, so he took out a machine with red light from under his clothes:

"Sir, she's out."

When she was getting food and preparing to leave the city, Lily tore a bag of compressed food and stuffed it into her mouth. She hadn't eaten for several days. This move made people on both sides of the street shine green in their eyes, but everyone knew what she looked like. It was not easy to mess with, so even though many people were extremely greedy, they did not rush forward rashly. She left the bustling area of ​​the city and was less than 500 meters out of the city when a small group of burly men in leather armor stopped her. The leader was a man who was about forty years old. He had black hair combed back and was tall. As for Wang Shou, when he saw Lily coming out, there was a dangerous look in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he had been waiting for Lily for a long time.

"Are you full?" He asked her gently like a friend who had known Lily for many years. The big man behind him stood like a wooden sculpture. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~!

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