Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar Sisterhood (9)

There were people with mental powers in this group of people, and their levels were not low, so Lily only discovered the existence of these people when she was about to get close. I just don't know if these people already knew that she would leave from here, or if they have ambushed their men everywhere.

At first, these people seemed to be standing dozens of meters away, but after taking two steps, they seemed to have walked ten meters away in one step. In the blink of an eye, they appeared in front of Lily. It seemed that they did have some skills.

Her eyes turned cold, and she temporarily put the half pack of compressed food in her hand on the ground. She took out the water bottle and took a few sips, swallowed the food, and then began to look at the people in front of her.

"There is news about me all around the planet Camilla. We have already noticed your presence when the young lady entered the city." The tall and thin man seemed to know what she was thinking, grinning at the corners of his mouth, his eyes There was a probing look in it, as if he wanted to see through her embarrassed appearance to see into her heart: "In the past few years, you have eaten a lot of my food and injured many of my men. As an outsider, don't you think, Should you say something to me?"

Lily didn't say anything, and she didn't feel guilty because of the man's words.

On this planet, there is violence and crime everywhere. The food store in the city can belong to a powerful person today, but if there is someone stronger than him tomorrow, it will be easily taken away. It doesn't matter whoever robs them, this man might have made his fortune by robbing other people's things, just to survive.

However, this man claims that the food store is his territory, which proves that this man's strength is definitely extraordinary, and Lily has been in the food store in these five years. I have visited several stores one after another, but the store I go to each time is not necessarily the same one. There are so many places selling food that all belong to the same person. You can imagine how dangerous this man is.

He tightened the water bottle in his hand and placed it on the ground. Lily took a deep breath, and a large amount of spiritual power from heaven and earth began to pour into her body.

After the man finished speaking, he seemed to realize that what he said before was a bit ridiculous, and laughed. But follow Lily's actions. The smile on his face gradually faded.

"What kind of ability is this?" He grinned and stretched out his right thumb to wipe the corner of his mouth with a dangerous look in his eyes: "It looks like a physical practitioner, but it's a little different. It's really interesting!"

He closed his eyes, and the old shirt on his body began to shake slightly. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of evil:

"What kind of skill? It's really weird. It's a bit like physical training, but physical training can't be so powerful. People who have dealt with you said that you were as weak as an insect five years ago. Where were you born? Planet?" He asked, and Lily opened her mouth. She had not spoken to anyone for several years, plus the compressed food she had just swallowed. Her throat was still a little hoarse at the moment.

She was unable to answer immediately. The man seemed to have never been so neglected before and sneered:

"It's okay if you don't want to say it. People who have just come to Camilla Planet will always have such an adaptation process. It's really rare to be a woman and an individual magician. A woman like this will never die easily. take away!"

In the past few years, the man first heard someone robbing his food store. It was very shocking at first. But he sent his men to search. The planet was so big, and this woman seemed to be very good at hiding, so she had to change her residence every once in a while. His men were never able to find her.

Originally it was just some food, which was in short supply for ordinary people. But to this man, it was nothing. But since more than a year ago, the news reported to him by his subordinates has made this man gradually uneasy.

Although the woman who robbed the food seemed to be brave and not afraid of death at first, her strength was still very low. Under the siege of his two men, even if she could escape, she would have to pay a price. But I don’t know when her strength began to grow. It became more and more terrifying. In just five years, she was able to calmly escape from a group of big men who she could not defeat even two, and successfully escaped without any harm.

His subordinates can no longer keep her, and this woman is not a person with outstanding mental power. The people who deal with her replied that she does not have the slightest mental power fluctuations on her body, but every time someone else imprints a mental power mark on her body, it will appear every time. It will be forcibly eliminated after a while. It was not that he used mental power that was much stronger than his own to cut it off, but that he used a method that the people who used mental power didn't know to eliminate these marks.

The terrifying strength growth pattern, coupled with some weird behaviors, made this man decide to kill Lily half a year ago.

I don't know what she practices, nor which planet she is an exile from, but if Lily is allowed to grow, one day she may not even be her opponent. In the past five years, each time he allowed her to take away a certain amount of food, it had an impact on his reputation on the planet. If he could conquer Lily, he originally planned to conquer Lily, but to his surprise Unexpectedly, Lily was a woman, and physical training aroused his interest. At this time, the man changed his mind and his eyes shone.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lily only saw him take a step back. It was obvious that the step was not big, but it seemed that he had retreated ten meters away in one step. Several strong men wearing leather armor came towards her. She was about to When he wanted to take action, the man not far away laughed: "I know you are very skilled."

When this man spoke, his voice seemed like an extremely sharp needle, piercing into her mind. The large amount of spiritual energy surrounding the body suddenly stagnated, and the spiritual energy in the body suddenly became somewhat chaotic.

Lily was shocked and angry. This man was a man with outstanding mental power, and his mental power level should not be low, because as his words fell, the tingling pain in his mind did not dissipate, but became more and more serious. She She suppressed her headache, mobilized her spiritual power and began to wrap up the spiritual power that invaded her mind. When this spiritual power was controlled and her expression gradually returned to calmness, the man opposite was obviously surprised that she was so quick. Time will dissipate his attack.

"Huh?" He questioned her, and the big man surrounding Lily had already rushed forward. Physical practitioners have no advantage in front of Lily. Those who rush to the front are the first to be knocked to the ground by her, losing the ability to fight back.

Seeing that the situation was not good for him, the man obviously did not expect this at first. His face was gloomy, his hand suddenly made a strange seal, and he began to shout: "Slow down, mental restraint."

For an instant, Lily felt like she was stuck in a quagmire, and the changes in the surrounding scenery began to become slow and dull. Her eyes saw that her actions were much slower than before, as if she was watching a slow movie, but on the contrary Yes, the leather-armored men surrounding her seemed to move more than ten times faster than before. A fist hit her lower abdomen heavily. Lily knew clearly that she should avoid it sideways or use spiritual power to move her body. Wrapping it up, but she just moved slowly.

With a 'bang' sound, the fist hit her lower abdomen, and a sharp pain spread from her lower abdomen, and her body was suddenly bombarded by the punch.

However, the sequelae caused by the mental attack did not dissipate. She should have moved extremely fast when flying out, but in her eyes, everything became slow motion.

Once those big men succeeded, they rushed forward quickly, and a chill ran down Lily's back. If she allowed this to continue, no matter how strong she was, she would fall into the hands of these people sooner or later.

Although the memory of the original owner proved that people with psychic abilities are very powerful, but the first time they fought against a powerful person with psychic abilities, it couldn't be described as just powerful, it was simply too scary!

Mental attacks are not limited to physical attacks. After discovering that mental attacks were useless to her, this man began to use mental powers to invade her nerves. He knew clearly that the slow movements were his own illusions, but the illusions created by mental powers were , but she couldn't escape at all!

She can resist ordinary mental attacks with her spiritual power, but this kind of cooperation is so pervasive that she has no way to block it for the time being!

She had known that the characters in this evil star were scary, but because she had not encountered such masters before, she could retreat every time she grabbed food. But this time she got into trouble, and Lily decided to run away. She didn't even look at the food on the ground. When the group of big men rushed forward and punched her again, she groaned, and there was a sound of breaking ribs in her chest.

Fortunately, she had a strong body. Although her bones were broken after the punch, it was not a fatal injury.

The most important thing was that she recovered a little under the severe pain. When her body was blown away, she used the force to escape in the opposite direction.

When the man not far away saw this, a cold look appeared on his face:

"Want to run? Stop, mental brand!" He made a weird gesture in his hand, and Lily's body, which was originally flying, fell from the air with a 'bang' and fell heavily to the ground. A far stronger mental attack than before An even greater amount of spiritual power invaded her mind, giving her a splitting headache. After invading her spiritual sea, it began to spread to her body muscles.

This kind of severe pain seemed to be torn into two parts, causing Lily to break out in a large amount of cold sweat on her back. She let out a quick gasp, suppressed the splitting headache and sat up. At the same time, he summoned a large amount of star power into his body.

Although the man's mental imprint was powerful, it was gradually controlled under the influence of spiritual power. It seemed that it had been sealed in his body, even though the mysterious power that Lily had been trying to draw out all these times was now in his mind. Under the intertwining of the power and the spiritual power of the stars, it began to tremble. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update~! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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