Cannon Fodder Strategy

Borrowing the body and returning the soul to marriage (1)

It was not a solution for Li Yanxi to be stuck in the mission, but he told Lily that he already had a solution. As for what kind of solution, he just gave Lily a meaningful look in the end and said nothing.

Information about Lily in the Starry Sky slowly emerged:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 90 (out of 100)

Appearance: 95 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 90 (full score of 100)

Force: 96 (out of 100)

Spirit: 91 (out of 100)

Reputation: 11 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Tiandimen Tao Te Ching (Zong), Southern Territory Gu Technique, Star Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua skills (proficient), bee control skills

Charisma: 60 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

This time, except for the increase in force, there are no other changes in the attribute values.

"Senior brother, who are you going to send to participate in that Taoist Association this time?" An old male voice suddenly spoke. As soon as he finished speaking, someone said: "Last year's Taoist Association was too boring. A group of people wearing clothes The Taoist monk Shang Pi has organized some kind of association. He knows nothing about the things passed down by his ancestors, and he still talks about being a president. At best, it is just a cover-up for outsiders and embarrassing. Anyway, I won't go."

"Every time when a council is organized, they don't know anything, so they just ask us to stand there and be a foil. Last time, Lao Ding was fooled and didn't say a word. He just stood there with a silly smile." As soon as he finished speaking, the place fell silent quickly. Lily was drowsy and slowly opened her eyes. This is a hall with wooden pillars around it. The glass is covered with bright yellow talisman papers. There are about a dozen people in the hall. He is sitting now and seems to be in a meeting.

Sitting in the middle is an old man wearing a gray Mao suit. He has long hair tied into a bun and fixed on top of his head with a wooden hairpin. He has a serious expression. Most of the people in the venue are elderly, both men and women. The older ones sit in front. , a younger and slightly younger one like Lily, sitting in the corner of the back row. She closed her eyes just as she entered the mission. But because she was sitting in the back, the people in the room seemed to be discussing something, so they didn't notice her distraction.

"Alas." The old man in gray tunic suit sitting in the middle sighed, and reached out helplessly to touch his gray hair: "I am helpless. If there were other ways to think of, I would not take this trick. Yes. You also know our situation. If we don’t go..." The old man didn’t finish his words. Everyone was silent. It took a while before someone suggested: "Since we are going to send people, it doesn't have to be us, let's let the younger generation go. Anyway, those people from some association are just pretending to be gods and ghosts, and they are just deceiving ordinary people. In my opinion, Xiao Song It’s good with Shen Chun.”

Upon hearing these two names, the person next to Lily turned to look at her. The man was about twenty-five or six, and he didn't have a bun like most of the people here. Instead, he got a popular haircut. Press with hairspray. The man has red eyes with raised corners and is wearing a suit. He is incompatible with the people around him and this antique house. When he turned to look at Lily. Seeing Lily looking at him, he grinned at Lily. He even reached out and put his hand on Lily's waist. His movements were natural and his expression was a bit intimate. It was obvious that he knew the original owner, and maybe he had some special relationship with the original owner.

"This is a good idea." As soon as the person who made the suggestion finished speaking, someone made a fist with one hand and slapped him hard: "Xiao Song and Shen Chun are good-looking, and they look good when taking pictures."

The old man in the middle was a little hesitant and frowned: "These two people haven't memorized a few Taoist formulas yet..." When he spoke, everyone in the room turned to look at Lily. Silly has come to his senses, I am afraid that one of the Xiao Song and Shen Chun these people are talking about is her.

According to her past experience in tasks, even if her surname changes, her name should not change. So if nothing unexpected happens, the Xiao Song these people are talking about should be her. As for Shen Chun, she turned around and looked She glanced at the handsome man next to her. Just when the man turned around, someone suggested that Xiao Song and Shen Chun should join some Taoist association, so she guessed that Shen Chun should be this young man.

"Senior brother, don't worry. Generally speaking, the pretentious people in the Taoist Association will do some stunts to increase their influence. Last time Lao Ding went there, there was nothing wrong at all. The so-called thing was just to perform for those people. Seeing this, Lao Ding went to work as a helper and took a few photos. He was watched a few times like a monkey, but without doing anything, he came back dejected and was embarrassed for several days. They are willing to meet people. Although Xiao Song and his two brothers are not very good at practicing, they are just going for a trip. How dangerous is the urine of people from the Taoist Association? Just take pictures, nothing will happen." As soon as the man finished speaking, the old man in Chinese tunic suit sitting in the middle hesitated, glanced at Lily, and finally nodded.

When this matter came to an end, a beautiful woman in her forties said, "Now that this matter has been settled, I would like to ask when can I get Xiaochun and Lily's wedding wine?"

She had a joking look on her face, and the man sitting next to Lily already laughed: "Aunt Gu, stop joking, what are you talking about?"

"Just hold it off. You two have grown up as childhood sweethearts. When you were young, you were still talking about marrying Lily as your bride. You are not young yet, and you are still holding it off." As soon as the woman finished speaking, someone spoke up: "I'm afraid Senior Brother Shen is impatient with the wait."

Everyone laughed, and the old man sitting in the middle also laughed and said: "If you two get married, the old man will also give you something good..."

When the man heard this, he couldn't sit still: "I don't know much about Taoism. Since it has been decided that Xiaohe and I are going, I will go and prepare first." After he said this He stood up and pushed away the chair and ran away. When the woman saw this scene, she shook her head and sighed: "This child..."

"Maybe it's fate that hasn't come yet, so don't force it." The man sitting next to her comforted her, and the woman nodded and stopped talking.

Lily had originally guessed that the so-called Chen Chun was that man, but now she was convinced. Everyone said a few words, and the old man told her to leave in three months, and also told her to stay here and not run around in the past few months. Although Lily had not yet accepted the plot, she still forcibly wrote down what the old man said. , nodded one by one, and then exited the hall.

Outside the hall is an old courtyard. The courtyard is quite large, equivalent to a small basketball court. It is full of flowers and plants. The house still retains its earlier layout, and even has a good Feng Shui position. To be particular, Lily only took one look and saw that the house was built according to the Eight Diagrams Formation, which has the function of gathering fortune. However, the person who set up Feng Shui was not very good at setting up Feng Shui, so he made a specious arrangement, but the effect was not very good. .

Seeing this courtyard, and then thinking about the conversations she heard from those people when she was in the courtyard, Lily still didn't know that she might have to deal with ghosts and the like again on her mission this time. She had just entered the mission and had not yet received the plot. There were many houses in this courtyard house and the place was large. The young people who had just left had already disappeared. The group of people in the house were still talking about something, but they were just talking to each other. It didn't matter to Lily, so let her come out first.

There was no one in the courtyard at the moment. She walked around the back of a house. Rows of wintersweet trees were planted on the wall behind. The wintersweet flowers were not in bloom in midsummer. Not far ahead, there was a wide corner. A stone table was set up in the place, with a chessboard printed on it. There was no one around, and it was quiet here. Lily simply sat over, put her hand on the stone table, and began to absorb the plot.

In the Age of Ending Dharma, the spread of Taoism has been very weak. After the founding of the Republic of China, as science gradually developed, feudal superstition was naturally eliminated. In this era, the development from generation to generation has caused many things passed down by the ancestors to be lost day by day. When Song Lily's grandfather was a child, because his family was poor, his parents sent him to a Taoist temple in the mountains to become a Taoist priest. Song Lily's grandfather was quite talented in learning Taoism. At that time, the development of the times was not so fast, and many people believed in the theory of ghosts. He went up the mountain when he was a child, and when he came down from the mountain in his late thirties, he usually replaced him. He read fortune tellers, exorcised ghosts and drew talismans, but he also saved a fortune. At the age of thirty-two, he married a wife and gave birth to Lily Song's father.

After Song's father was born, Lily Song's grandfather thought that after giving birth to a son, he would naturally inherit his family business, so he taught him Taoism from an early age. Unfortunately, Lily Song's grandfather had caught up with the good times at that time, and learned Taoism. Later, he had food to eat, clothing to wear, and even a daughter-in-law. But when it came to Song Baihe's father's generation, things gradually declined. Firstly, Song's father's qualifications were mediocre, and secondly, what Song Lily's grandfather himself learned was patchy and not very refined. Taoism was passed down from generation to generation, so naturally one generation was inferior to the other. At that time, Father Song could only draw a few talismans and sell them to some villagers at low prices.

In the later period, the Song family moved to the village. Several of Lily Song's grandfather's former senior brothers did not do well, so they jointly built a large courtyard and took root in the village. They occasionally tested and measured calligraphy for the villagers. Measuring graves, calculating horoscopes, and selling some peace charms to make a living.

These people who have some ability are forced to have no way out, but the funny thing is that those who are trying to sell their dogs are the so-called masters of metaphysics who know nothing and can only talk about some bullshit. Instead, they are regarded as Celebrities have formed a so-called Taoist association. They give sermons on TV all day long and earn a lot of money.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...This New Year's Day is double. I really want to thank you all for your unwavering support. I went to Shanghai to attend the press conference. I coded the words on the plane on the 5th. On the 6th, the press conference started. As a result, I was there early in the morning. I posted a chapter and then went to bed late. I didn't eat breakfast after sleeping in the morning. I was so nervous that when I held a press conference in the evening, I started putting on makeup at 3 pm and went back after 11 pm. My feet were broken from wearing a pair of high heels.

I was so tired and paralyzed that I couldn't write at all. I'm sorry to everyone, and I will remember to make up for whatever I owe.

As a result, I was also heartbroken, the photos didn’t look good, the words were poorly coded, I owed so many updates, and I made the babies anxious.

Also, if you want to see my photos, follow Sina Weibo and guess which one is me... (To be continued ~^~)

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