Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (9)

The car is no longer usable and the front two tires have been punctured. From the time of the accident at Exit 9 to now, the people on the island have reacted and there is no time to delay any longer. Although it would be much more convenient to have a car. But people from the island will arrive at any time.

"Get out of the car." Lily glanced at the car behind her. Those people were huddled in the car. When she was fighting with the two big men just now, the people in the car were hiding in the car and did not dare to get out. Now the two big men have been dealt with. The people in the car seemed to be still waiting to see if there was any danger. Lily frowned and drank, and someone in the car said with a crying voice: "Someone is injured..."

Two people were injured in the incident just now. Although the wound on one of them was not fatal, he was so frightened that he had no strength to get out of the car. As for the other boy sitting in the back seat, his right shoulder was penetrated by a bullet. The blood that flowed out turned the seat red. He was screaming in pain and needed help from others.

The people around looked at Lily timidly, as if waiting for her idea. Lily glanced around. Everyone on the island was very unfamiliar. She was worried that she had taken the wrong road and fallen into a trap. At this moment, the people in the car Still lingering and refusing to come down. Picking up the two guns on the ground, she looked at the people in the car coldly through the broken window: "You know what kind of place this is, do you still want to wait for the doctor to come? "

In such a situation, if you are injured, you can only bear it yourself, and there is no chance for others to heal their injuries. As soon as she finished speaking, the people in the car couldn't make up their minds. These people had already been frightened and finally escaped from danger. This small car once gave everyone infinite courage, and they all dreamed of escaping from this terrible Alcatraz Island in this car. But at this time, Lily forced everyone to get out of the car, and some people were injured. Once you get off the car and walk, you can't walk fast with just your legs, so some people hesitate and make suggestions:

"Why don't we go back and grab another car..." This place is not far from the parking lot. If we run faster, we can get a better car and then we can avoid taking this road.

The 'KING' that 'Mr. Random' mentioned should be the leader who organized all this on the island. There are many buildings on the island. I don't know which island he will live in. Lily wiped her face and escaped. The secret room until now. Her body was tense and beads of sweat never stopped. She glanced at the people in the car and said, "It's okay then."

Anyway, she was out of the secret room, and she had done what she could for these people. She threw one of the two guns she had just grabbed towards the car: "But I remind you, the people on the island may be killed at any time. It will come, you have to act fast.”

Plus the gun he just threw over. These people already have two guns. Whether they can escape from the island and how long they can survive is all their own business. As soon as Lily finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.

When the people in the car saw this scene, they couldn't help but become anxious. She ran far away and heard someone shouting: "Come back..."

Her figure gradually disappeared into the grass on both sides of the road, and it was starting to get dark. Lily only ran four to five hundred meters away. The sound of a car could be heard not far away. It hadn't been long since she escaped from the secret room, but her body had been in a state of tension. At this time, her physical strength was also exhausted, and she heard the sound of a car. Lily guessed that the people on the island must have known about the "prey" escaping, and someone must have come to hunt them down. She lay down on the ground. While quietly recovering his strength, he put his ear close to the ground and could vaguely hear:

"...Escaped from Exit '9' and killed two people at 'No. 17'. According to the direction, we escaped this way. Others will be responsible for other directions. Our group is divided into ten teams, each team Five people... There are people with terrifying strength among the 'prey', and something has happened to 'Mr. Random'. Please be careful... Once you find traces of..., you would rather kill them by mistake than let them go! If you are defeated, use... to contact, Everyone arrived in time..."

Lily tried to slow down her breathing. These people roughly assigned the direction of the search. She stood up and took a look. This place was not small, and there were many hiding places for those who escaped. The island is full of all kinds of plants. Once these temporarily mobilized armed forces are distributed, it will take a certain amount of time to come over. Rather than expending energy to escape and possibly encountering other search teams, it is better to just be there. If you just sit back and wait to recover your physical strength, your chances of winning may be even higher.

If someone discovers her, as long as she can kill the person who discovered her before other teams come to support, then she has a chance to escape again. Lily thought of this and sat up. The spiritual power in her body had been consumed a lot just now, and the time to practice physical skills was still too short. The teams that came to catch the 'prey' again must be equipped with better equipment than those used before. The four gun-wielding men she killed were much more powerful. In this hellish place, she could not relax for a moment. Taking advantage of the time when these people did not come, she got up and started practicing physical skills.

Judging from the location where the sound just came from, these people should be at a certain distance from her. Judging from the words, these people should be conducting a carpet search and would not arrive here within ten minutes. She did a few With this movement, she felt that the spiritual power in her body had been replenished, and now she could hear the footsteps of the searching team.

Due to Lily's martial arts practice, her ears are much more sensitive than ordinary people, so she has noticed the approach of these people, but it seems that these people should not have noticed her whereabouts. There were several coconut trees not far away. If it was daytime, the leaves of the coconut trees were not dense, which was not a good hiding place at all. She would definitely not dare to go up there. But it was already dark at this time. Although there were street lights at regular intervals, the lights were dim and because most of these lights only reached people's knees. When looking up, the tops of the coconut trees were only pitch black, and even a few stars overhead The coconuts that have formed a knot look blurry.

Although Lily had already made up her mind to kill someone and silence her if she was unfortunately found out, if she could escape from the sight of these people, it would be good to hide for a while longer. Thinking of this, she stood up, jumped onto the coconut tree, and climbed to the top in two or three steps.

The coconut tree was still swaying from the movement of her climbing up the tree, and the leaves were rustling. The search team in charge was already coming here. After standing taller, Lily could see the surrounding scene in her eyes. Some of the ten teams were no longer visible, but there were several strong flashlights not far away. One direction was exactly the same. Go to the garage location. Less than twenty minutes have passed since Lily killed the last two men who blocked the road and separated from the group of 'prey' in the iron cage until now, and she doesn't know if those people have escaped. This thought flashed through her mind, and Lily's attention soon focused on the group of people heading in her direction.

These people are indeed well-equipped. In addition to many of them holding weapons, the most important thing is that these people have infrared sensors in their hands! When Lily saw this situation, her eyes suddenly darkened. As long as the infrared sensors held by these people are pointed at the surrounding objects, all living things within the infrared range will be illuminated. In other words, she originally thought of hiding in the coconut tree and being surprised by these people. The attack is simply impossible!

The search teams on the island were very careful. The sensors held by each team of five were responsible for different directions. In addition to the ground, they checked left and right, overhead, and even the rear that they had just walked not far before. When Lily discovered this, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom! These people all have weapons in their hands and carry a special box on their backs with a skull and crossbones logo on it and a spray nozzle next to them. They also wear gas masks on their faces. They know that the contents of this box cannot be anything good. . Once her location is found, these guns can rip her body into pieces in just a few seconds, unless she takes advantage of them before they notice and takes action first.

She has a gun in her hand, but there are not many bullets in the gun. The most important thing is that unless she has learned special shooting skills and aims at the necks of these people to make them incapacitated at the same time, otherwise these people will He was fully armed, wearing a body armor and even a gas mask that looked like a special material on his head. Once one of them was injured, it was not necessary to kill all of them in an instant. Once these people reacted, they would be dead. By myself.

Even though her shooting skills were great and she could kill people with one shot, the bullets in the gun were not enough to kill five people, and the thing made a lot of noise and could easily attract other people. Lily gave up the plan of using the gun and focused on herself. Those coconuts from the coconut trees under my feet. She has weapons, but when the opponent's weapons are more powerful than hers, an ax is of little use. Although these coconuts may not work, Lily is not willing to wait for death, so she naturally wants to give it a try. Her hand touched the coconut and was about to tear it off, but someone in the search team not far away suddenly stopped and made a pause gesture.

The man tilted his head and responded. The people in the team temporarily stopped using infrared detection. After a blink of an eye, the man who had just responded said, "We'll be here right away."

After saying this, the man turned around and ran in the other direction: "Let's go! Team 3 has found the trace."

After hearing this, the remaining four people also ran away together. Lily was left sitting alone on the coconut tree, exhaled slowly, and took back her hand on the coconut. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update!

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