Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (10)

Although these people had just said they were leaving, in order to prevent these people from leaving and coming back, she still sat on the tree for a while. Only when she was sure that these people would not come back again did she jump down from the tree. The people in this area should have all run in the direction of the so-called 'Team 3'. Lily guessed that the traces found by these people should be left by the 'prey' who escaped from the iron cages that were separated from her before. But at this time, she didn't have the ability to go back and rescue these people. She herself was also a mud Buddha crossing the river, and she couldn't save herself. She just hoped that these people would have a longer life, at least have a car to escape farther, and not be killed easily. died.

She was not familiar with the road on this small island, so she had to walk in one direction. She did not dare to wander in. She had discovered several sensors on this island before. In order to avoid these things and not attract other people's attention, Lily did not go out. It was such a long distance, but it took nearly an hour to walk.

During the random dodging, in order to avoid the guards, cameras and sensors, Lily was forced into a corner of the island. Compared to the messy situation in other places, Lily was relatively quiet. She ran up a coconut tree and hid in the dark, staring into the distance. Two or three hundred meters ahead, near the bay, there was a group of townhouses blocking the way. There were a large number of people guarding the door. Lily took one look and already backed down. This time she was unlucky to go in the wrong direction. She was about to go back the way she came, but there was only one way to go back, and there was already someone leading her back. Several ferocious-looking dogs came towards us.

Her heart sank. This was a corner with no way to retreat. The only way was to hide in a townhouse not far away. It's just that there are a lot of people guarding the main entrance in front. There are gates on the left and right sides. The most important thing is that they are unguarded. They are about a hundred meters away from the main gate. People from far away can't see the direction here at all. But there must be other reasons why there are no guards here.

Lily hesitated and jumped down from the tree. She hesitantly approached the door on the right. But I found that the gate on the right was indeed unguarded, but the ground was densely criss-crossed with electric grids. This passage was about fifty meters long. To enter from the right, there was no other way but to drive in. .

Car tires are insulators and can block electrical current. But when a car drives in, the sound will definitely attract the attention of the guards at the main gate. Presumably the gates on the left and right sides are in this way, so the gate on the right side is unguarded. The situation on the left side should be similar. The pursuers from behind are almost here. They have brought the dog. Once the dog smells her scent, she will definitely not be able to escape from the gate on the right. Lily must find a way to get in!

The voltage of these power grids should be very high, and the grids laid out are extremely small. The remaining space is less than a quarter of the size of a palm. Lily gave up the idea of ​​jumping into the grid and looked at the coconut trees above her head. There were a few coconuts growing there, and Lily started groping on the ground. These coconuts will fall when they mature. She just hopes that there are some dried coconuts under the tree. She touched it for a long time, and sure enough it was there.

Some have just been dropped, and some have been dropped for a long time. It has shrunk a bit after drying. Lily touched it, picked out four or five dried coconuts, held them in her hands, and threw one on the power grid.

The guard with the dog in the distance was not far away, and she could almost hear the dog barking in the dark night. Lily took a deep breath and jumped up. When she landed, she accurately stepped on the desiccated coconut. Without waiting for her body to settle, she threw another one far away.

The current here must be quite high, because Lily immediately smelled the smell of coconuts being burned by electricity coming from under her feet. After throwing four of them, she had already jumped over the nearly fifty-meter-long passage. In front of her was the garage. There was no one guarding the side. Lily was about to walk into the darkness when footsteps came from the opposite side. Someone seemed to be coming to the garage. She got into the flowers on the side. The guards leading the dogs not far away were also heading this way. Coming.

"Woof woof woof..." Several dogs barked fiercely at the coconut tree where Lily had been staying before, looking extremely angry. Someone among the guards picked up the walkie-talkie: "Found it, at Gate A in the West District!"

"She should have stayed in the tree, and the dogs reacted to it." The dogs kept barking, and Lily frowned when she heard the sound.

"Okay, we'll track it down!"

The people who got into the car were also lucky, because with the appearance of this group of dog guides, Lily gave up her original idea of ​​killing people. The man got into the car and drove away. When she went out, she greeted the people who were leading the dogs. Lily quietly walked into the villas. Shortly after she left, after the car left, the guards who were leading the dogs looked a little ugly: "Gone."

They drove the dogs around, and the smell seemed to disappear in this area. The dogs were still barking, and the gatekeepers had been greeted at the main entrance. During this time, not to mention the 'prey' that escaped from the cage, even if Not even a fly has flown in.

There are so many people at the main entrance, and there are surveillance cameras and sensors here. The people guarding the gate have said that no one is going this way, so the woman who escaped must not be here. The person who led the dog search retreated from the main entrance again. It seemed that he had lost the clue for a moment. After the leader reported to his superiors, he seemed to have been scolded and his face was a little gloomy:

"I don't believe it. She flew into the sky and escaped!"

No one has entered the front door, and everyone behind them followed the smell all the way through a carpet search. On the left and right are doors covered with circuits, about 20 meters wide and 50 meters long, paved with high-voltage electricity. This person neither took the front door nor retreated. It was a dead end for both sides, but where did she go?

There was no one on the coconut tree, it seemed like it had disappeared out of thin air!

The leader gritted his teeth bitterly: "I told you from above that if we can't find anyone, we will all be in trouble!"

The owner of the island is not a good person. He kills people without blinking an eye. Lily can't be found after all. If she doesn't die, it will be the turn of these useless people to get into trouble. After hearing this, everyone trembled all over. The dogs were extremely angry and had to use force to tie them up. A man hesitated and glanced at the high-voltage electricity not far away: "Is it coming from here?" Did both sides go in?"

It is impossible for a living person to disappear for no reason. There is no front door and no back door. There are no guards on the left and right sides due to high-voltage electricity. If she entered from the left and right sides, it is not impossible.

But as soon as this person said the words, the leading man laughed:

"Are you going for a walk?"

"Am I serious?" the guard explained, and the man snorted coldly.

Those currents are enough to turn a person into coke. Who would go up there if they are tired of living?

"If she really goes there, it will save us trouble." The task everyone received is to kill her and not leak the secret of the island. If this 'prey' chooses to die on its own, everyone can make a difference. But judging from what happened tonight, she is not only not stupid, but also extremely cautious and rational.

Not only was she powerful in killing people, but she was also good at evading people. People on the island chased her for nearly three hours but could not find any trace of her. Not to mention that the island was covered with all kinds of surveillance cameras and alarms, but they were stunned. No sign of this cunning 'prey'!

This devastated the guards.

"Now what?"

The order from above has been issued. It has been three hours since the problem occurred in the 'G Size' secret room. The news from above is that KING is very angry. After all, a big shot died on the island this time. This is very important to the island. The blow to the island's reputation was very fatal. In the past, everyone treated these 'prey' as beings like kittens and puppies, torturing and playing with them. In the many years since the island has established a 'playground', this is the first time that a 'prey' has turned against them. The hunter killed him and escaped from the island, which was very detrimental to KING's prestige.

'Mr. Casual' has extraordinary strength. He has been a mercenary for many years, and now he is in the arms sales business. He is very skilled. Many guards on the island may not be his match, but an ordinary woman who was chosen took his hand. Life shows how powerful this woman is.

Lily's escape made many people who came to play on the island panic. Many "old players" know the strength of "Mr. Casual". If the "prey" cannot be caught after escaping, it will also have an impact on the island's business. Yes, the guests would be worried about their own safety. The man who left before was afraid that something would happen here, so he left in a hurry.

Three hours have passed. If Lily can't be caught again, it will prove that the guards on the island are incompetent, and more people will leave by then!

The guests are not in bad luck, but it may be these incompetent guards who bear the wrath of KING!

Thinking of this, the faces of several people holding dogs showed fear.

In the past, it was okay to watch the captured 'prey' die. Everyone was already accustomed to death and blood, but it didn't mean that these people were used to handling other people's corpses, so they would like to die in the hands of KING.

As soon as the man who asked 'what to do' finished speaking, everyone fell silent. The person must be found now. The superiors will not accept the reason they said that the person is missing. If the person is still not found before dawn, the business on the island will be affected. I am afraid the superiors will use them to feed the dogs alive. !

Several people shivered excitedly, with a look of fear on their faces when they looked at the leashed dogs. These dogs look extremely ferocious, precisely because these dogs usually eat processed 'prey' carcasses, have violent tempers, and are not afraid of people.

What KING said about finding no one to feed them to dogs was not just a random statement. Instead of waiting for death at that time, it would be better——

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

The author has something to say that Tencent girls can’t see.

Please vote, today we will add an update and ask for votes. Little fairies, if we get 150 votes today, we will add an update, and we will add another 3,000 words~!

I will upload two updates first. Looking forward to welcoming you all! (To be continued ~^~)

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