Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (18)

The alarm is located in the middle of the two ends of the covered bridge. Lily has roughly calculated that even though she is light and can jump five or six meters away, the warning range of the alarm is only three meters. In other words, except for this The alarm device was three meters long and she had to jump over it. There should be three meters left at the front and rear ends. She needed to jump ten meters in one step to avoid the alarm device.

If she was given another year or two to practice martial arts, let alone ten meters long, she could jump up even if she was longer. However, she has not been practicing martial arts for a long time. At this time, if she wants to be completely It is impossible to avoid this by relying on dexterity. Lily looked at the guard who was about to die on the ground. There was an electronic screen on both sides of the covered bridge similar to the one used when exiting each secret room. There was a hand sign next to it, which meant that if you wanted to cross this bridge, everyone on the island would You should enter your fingerprint into it.

Therefore, everyone who passes through this bridge will swipe their hand on the electronic display screen, so that when these people pass through this covered bridge again, the siren will not sound. Thinking of this, Lily turned around and was about to drag the guard on the ground to get up, but as soon as she squatted down to lift him up, there were several footsteps coming from the curved stairs downstairs, mixed with the voice of someone speaking:

"Now I have searched all over the garden, but I still can't find the whereabouts of that person."

Hearing this sound, Lily threw the dead guard in her hand against the wall without hesitation, and quickly ran towards the covered bridge. The bridge was fifteen or six meters long in total. The moment she stepped onto the bridge Then he stopped again.

It's not possible to step on it in a hurry here, if you retreat to the walkway. People could see through that corridor at a glance. Others had guns in their hands. Although she also had a gun, she would have been injured in the hard fight. The opponent's overwhelming numbers were not favorable to her. But there were people coming from behind. If there were only one or two people coming, she would not be afraid even if they had weapons in their hands. But listening to the footsteps, there were more than one or two people coming. When there were more people, it would not be beneficial to her, so she had to hide.

Lily's heart felt a little heavy. There was an alarm here. She couldn't touch this thing, otherwise it would draw attention to itself once it started to sound. The people downstairs were almost coming up. There was no place for her to hide here. She glanced at it and her eyes fell on the relief above her head. If she spread her body flat and pressed against the top of the wall to hold her breath, she might be able to escape. One calamity.

Normally, few people look above their heads. Most people would not have thought that Lily would be hiding here in a place above their heads where there is no auxiliary object to grab and hide. The people on the island probably would not have thought that the Lily they had been pursuing would appear next to them.

The most dangerous place is also the safest place, but the disadvantage is that if the other person looks up at her, Lily may be in danger. But there was no time for her to hesitate at this time. Lily put the gun away from her waist, jumped up, and touched the relief above her head. It happened that the sculpture above her head was a flying eagle, with the corner of the eagle's mouth Slightly curved. She clasped the olecranon in one fell swoop. The other hand used spiritual power to push it into the stone.

This island is engaged in the business of killing people. The decoration is extremely luxurious, and the stone used for the relief above the head is also valuable. Lily's practice time was still too short, so it was not easy to dig her fingers into the stone. It took a lot of effort, and I was sweating all over my body from the tossing, before I managed to hold on firmly.

The people who came up below had obviously noticed that something was wrong. The surroundings were so quiet that only a few people's voices and footsteps could be heard. Because the guard's throat was cut, the large amount of blood flowing out gave the corridor a strong smell of blood. Son. The footsteps below suddenly stopped, and someone paused for a while before shouting:

"Chai Si, are you okay?" Lily heard this greeting and clasped the relief tighter with her hands. She carefully took off the high heels she was wearing and bit it in her mouth. She raised her lower body and lifted her toes. Hold the top of your head tightly so that your back is pressed against the ceiling relief.

As soon as she attached it, the people below rushed up and saw the lifeless man sitting on the edge of the corridor with his head tilted to the side. There were a total of five people who came up. When they saw that something happened to the man called "Chai Si", one of them, a tall man, squatted down and took a look at his wound: "Kill him with one knife."

The person who did it was quick, ruthless and accurate. From the scene, it looked like Chai Si was killed without any struggle at all. Generally speaking, Chai Si is not a helpless man. He has learned fighting skills. If his physical fitness is not bad and he still has a weapon in his hand, he can be beaten without any strength to fight back. Killing, the faces of the five people who came up were already very ugly.

"Everyone, be careful. This woman is very powerful. Chai Si's hands and feet are not weak, but it seems that he died in the hands of this woman before he could even take action." Chai Si had completely lost his breath. The man looked at his eyes and said, His pupils had completely dilated. He finished speaking with a sullen face and dialed the communicator above: "Something happened to Chai Si. Well, I don't know. Yes, we will find out and we will definitely catch him... I guarantee it before dawn. "

There was a bitter look on the man's face. Apparently the person on the other end of the communicator had scolded him. He hung up the communicator, then looked at the four people who were silent and just looking at Chai Si's body, and sighed: "The boss An order has been given, if we can’t catch that woman before dawn, we will all be fed to the dogs!”

When several people heard this, they were all shocked. The man said: "First let people carry away Chai Si's body, and then let people borrow ten dogs to smell Chai Si's body. Be sure to Catch that woman!"

When people on this island used to talk about Lily, they always used the word "prey" instead of "prey", but now they discovered that she was not a prey, but instead "hunters" like themselves died at her hands time and time again. Everyone had an inexplicable feeling towards her. Fear comes. Although everyone was extremely afraid of the owner of the island, thinking about the elusive Lily made everyone feel numb.

Many people have even had the idea that they might be fighting against ghosts.

"Where did she hide before?" Someone asked in a deep voice. The man who spoke held the gun tightly in both hands, with a desperate look on his face: "Where did she hide before? Why did she suddenly appear again? This is an alarm. The alarm has never sounded." The speaker became more and more excited as he spoke, and angrily walked towards the covered bridge without swiping his fingerprints on the electronic screen nearby. Therefore, he took a few steps and the siren suddenly shrieked. Yelling, he shouted frantically: "I didn't hear the sound, and there was no one inside. Where is she hiding, and how did she appear?"

When everyone came up, there were guards downstairs. When everyone came in, the guards downstairs were still alive, which proved that Lily did not come up from downstairs. Someone has contacted me at the other end of the corridor, and the guard there is still alive, and they said they haven't seen anyone coming. The most important thing is that there is only one passage between the corridors. Every room and corner inside has been carefully searched. There is no one at all, but this woman suddenly appears without a trace and kills Chai Si.

"She, does she know invisibility?"

Someone spoke bitterly, and the leading man looked sinister: "I don't care if she knows invisibility or not, and I don't care if she is a human or a ghost. In short, we must find her. If she doesn't die, we will die! Go!"

After being scolded by him, several people stood up tremblingly. The man informed other people that something had happened to Chaisi. The people downstairs came up quickly. Except for a few people who were left to guard the place, the other people went to search every secret room again, but nothing happened. No one was found.

"F*ck!" the man cursed angrily, and when he heard the people who were divided into several teams came back and said they couldn't find Lily, he finally couldn't help but plucked his hair in boredom: "It's really a ghost." It is almost dawn now, but the whereabouts of the woman have still not been found. Everyone is annoyed and afraid. Although they know deep down that they may still be in vain, the leading man is still helpless in the end. sighed:

"Teams 1, 2, and 3 went outside again to check. Team 4 sent two more dogs to the main entrance to check. Teams 5 and 6 also sent dogs to the left and right entrances to check to see if she had escaped! Team 7 Stay downstairs, Team 8 will guard Exit 12 of the villa area, others follow me."

There are alarms at both ends of this corridor. This is the reason why the man did not leave anyone here. Passing this corridor bridge, either going over or coming over, you need to put your hand on the computer monitor to swipe your fingerprints. If it has been brushed, the alarm device on the bridge will not sound when passing this bridge. Lily is not a staff member on the island, so her fingerprints are useless, so if she approaches the bridge, the bridge will emit a warning sound that can be heard clearly from dozens of meters away. Especially in this dark night, I'm afraid it can be heard even outside the villa area.

Unless she has the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and fly three meters away from the bridge alarm device, she will definitely trigger this thing. However, no one heard the sirens coming from here before, so the leading man guessed that Lily had not taken this route. He was relieved that no one was parked in this area for the time being, but only on the stairs. There was someone left at the lower exit.

Because now there is almost no trace of Lily, and the manpower in his hands is starting to be insufficient, and he can no longer keep people in such a place.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

Please give me a monthly ticket. If the ticket reaches 200 today, I will update it three times~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please give me a monthly ticket. If the ticket reaches 200 today, I will give you the third update! ! ! ! !

Everyone, look here. (To be continued ~^~)

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