Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Island of Bloody Massacre (19)

At this time, although the man was already vaguely afraid of Lily, he began to worry about himself after dawn. He even hoped that time would pass more slowly, but when he led the people to swipe their fingerprints and walked under the covered bridge, he He didn't notice the person above his head, whom he had been trying to find. He was watching them pass by in front of him coldly.

Lily waited until these people left and saw that they had left the other end of the covered bridge. There was no one left to guard the two sides, so she slowly pressed her body against the top of the wall and started to move. This movement is extremely difficult. It is very difficult to keep the body close to the relief. Not to mention that there is nowhere to start on the relief. Lily has to spend more effort than climbing next to it.

When she was about to move to the middle, she was still thinking about the worst outcome. If she set off the alarm, she would jump down and leave. However, when she carefully moved to the middle, the alarm did not go off. When she moved to the second half, At this time, the alarm did not make the slightest sound. It was not until she left the range of the alarm that Lily turned over from the relief and landed. In this short distance of more than ten meters, she climbed for nearly two quarters of an hour!

Her fingers were all scratched and bleeding. She was so nervous that she didn't feel it. When she came back to her senses, she felt a cold numbness first, and then a heartbreaking pain. She shook her palms twice, and the group of people from before She had already left. It was almost four o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn soon. After dawn, it was not conducive to her actions, so she had to leave before dawn.

Coming out of the covered bridge, there is a four-story small building in front of you. This is the last building in the villa area. The building is now brightly lit. Behind is the endless sea.

The sound of sea water lapping against the shore was heard in waves, mixed with the fishy and salty smell. Lily bent her waist and leaned towards the building. At the end of the corridor, except for going down the stairs, she could leave the villa. At the other end is a balcony, about three meters away from the platform on the second floor of the small building opposite. The platform is covered with unknown flowers, and underneath are a large number of armed guards. Lily took a deep breath, glanced at the small building, climbed onto the balcony, and suddenly jumped towards the second floor platform opposite.

She rolled into the flowers. She didn't know what kind of flowers they were. The stems were covered with thorns, which made her whole body tense, but she couldn't scream in pain. Lily gritted her teeth and jumped up from the flowers. She didn't have time to pluck out the thorns pierced into her flesh, so she hid sideways in the corner of the wall and plucked out some of the thorns pierced in her body. Then she climbed along the second floor to the third floor. The place where she climbed up was just right. In the room, a huge floor-to-ceiling glass appeared in front of her, with a window on the other side. The window was locked. Lily climbed up and saw that the room was quiet and no one was there. She carefully broke the window lock with her spiritual power, pushed the window open and hid behind the curtains.

The bathroom door in the house was closed, and a man's figure was revealed in the translucent glass. The hot water was running inside, and it was obvious that a man was taking a shower.

She looked through the curtains into the room, where there were two alarm devices. The people who live here seem to be very afraid of death. However, the furnishings were not like the secret rooms she had seen before. Apart from the two alarm devices, it looked like a brand new luxurious home, spotlessly clean.

Lily hid here and didn't move. Before she could figure out how to escape the alarm device so that it wouldn't sound, a crazy dog ​​barking suddenly came from the distance. Mixed with the voice of someone speaking:

"There's a smell here!" The voice of the speaker was a little excited, and Lily's heart sank. It was obvious that these people had brought more dogs and found her location. She was hesitant to rush out at this time. Try your best to escape to the seaside. Before Lily could think about it, the bathroom door that had been closed suddenly opened with a click, and the naked man inside came out with water droplets and cursed: "A bunch of trash, they have been making noise all night. It's so noisy that I can't sleep, and I can't catch a single 'prey'..."

When he spoke, he was not as elegant and gentle as Yao Baihe remembered it, but the man coming out of the bathroom swaggering in front of her was Yao Baihe's biggest nightmare in her life!

This is the devil Hua Dongming who tricked her into boarding the ship and finally sent her to this devil's island, where the original owner was tortured to death.

Lily narrowed her eyes and slightly raised the corners of her mouth. Unexpectedly, there was really no place to look for, and it took no effort to get it. The devil who had deceived so many people in this plot finally fell into her hands! Hua Dongming was naked and came out of the bathroom with a gun in his hand and stared around cautiously. He had been doing this for a long time and had gained countless wealth and a special status for this. His conscience has long been rotten.

But he also knows that he has done too many bad things, so in order to avoid retribution sometimes, he will carry a gun with him for defense. Even when sleeping, he never leaves his body with a gun. At this time, even in his own room, he does not feel the slightest sense of security. He has seen too many people tortured to death by various methods. , so this man who regards other people's lives as nothing, is the most afraid of death.

He approached the window, unaware that Death was right behind him. He didn't realize that the lock on the previously closed window was broken. The curtains shook slightly. He opened the window and saw a group of dogs and a large number of people running towards him not far away. He was about to run away at the sight of it. When he arrived, he couldn't help shouting:

"It's so noisy!" It was said that someone escaped on the island tonight. Hua Dongming also knew about this, but he didn't expect that these people on the island didn't catch a "prey" all night, which made him feel uncomfortable all night. Can't sleep at night. He had trouble sleeping and was prone to irritability. He relied on fine wine and forbidden drugs to stay awake. He already had a headache, but it was almost dawn and he was still not over the farce. He finally took a shower and was about to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, These people ran towards him again. As soon as 'Hua Dongming' finished drinking, he closed the window and loosened his hand holding the gun. The curtains flickered. He instinctively felt that something was not right. When he was nervous and wanted to aim his hand behind the curtains, it was a pity that He moved quickly, Lily was faster than him.

Before he could pull the trigger, Lily had already grabbed the curtain and covered his face. The curtains were pulled loudly. Although it was late at night, fortunately, the room where 'Hua Dongming' lived was on the third floor. In addition, the doors and windows were tightly closed, so the sound insulation effect here was also good, so the sound Nothing spread.

His body was wrapped in this thick cloth, and the hand that was about to shoot couldn't move at all. For a while, he was so covered that he couldn't even breathe. Just as he was panicking, Lily kicked him on the knee. His body went limp, and his wrists were caught through the curtains, trying to grab something to stabilize his body and pull the thing off his head, but his wrists were grabbed by a soft hand. He grabbed it with cold hands, and the next moment the bones of his palm were bent back with great force. With a "click" sound, Hua Dongming was about to open his mouth and scream, but Lily had already strangled his neck with his arms and covered him. The curtains were pulled back around him. The sound he was about to scream suddenly turned into a "hissing" sound of rapid breathing. His mouth was wide open, and his mind couldn't recover for a while.

The gun in his hand was already hanging on his fingertips when his wrist was broken. At this critical moment, Hua Dongming did not rush to grab the hand that was holding his arm. Instead, he endured the pain and difficulty breathing. Feeling this, he took the gun hanging between his fingers and shot the woman behind him to death.

He had already guessed that the person who was choking him now might be the 'prey' that escaped tonight. He is one of the 'salesmen' on the island, responsible for the supply of 'prey'. I don't know if he brought this escaped 'prey' to the island, but it should not be possible, because he handles the people and things himself. I knew in my heart that it was impossible for such a powerful person to exist. He complained in his heart about the person who brought this person to the island who shouldn't have been brought to the island, causing the trouble tonight. After he killed this 'prey', he would suggest to KING that the person who brought this 'prey' should be brought to the island. Kill people!

'Hua Dongming' was still complaining in his heart. He was so dizzy from the lack of oxygen in his mind. When his fingers almost touched the gun, before he could show his ecstasy, a hand suddenly pinched his wrist. .

"Mr. Hua." Lily called the man's name with a smile. Seeing that his face was purple from holding back, she couldn't help but loosen her hand. He opened his mouth wide and gasped desperately. He just took two breaths, and before he could scream, his neck was strangled again. If he repeats this twice, 'Hua Dongming' will look ashen as if his end is approaching.

Lily took the gun out of his hand and threw it to the ground. She stepped on it and touched the back of her waist with her free hand: "Maybe I shouldn't call you Mr. Hua. Maybe your name is just 'Mr. Casual'." , 'Mr. Eagle', it's just a code name." Although there was a smile on Lily's lips, her eyes were cold. She took out a dagger in her hand. Seeing that the man was still breathing with his mouth wide open, she bit the dagger in her mouth , the free hand dragged his tongue out of his mouth, 'Hua Dongming' had a look of fear on his face, his nose vibrated rapidly, Lily's arm tightened, forcing his head to rise higher, and his face was pointed Lily, see Lily's face.

A look of doubt flashed in Hua Dongming's eyes. He seemed to have seen this face somewhere, but he couldn't remember it. He struggled desperately, his feet still kicking on the ground. Just now he cursed those idiots. He couldn't catch anyone all night, and now they came to disturb him. But at this time, he complained that these people came too late. He wished that these people would appear downstairs immediately and find out that something had happened to him. .

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Second update~~(To be continued~^~)

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