Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar female supporting role (2)

As for ordinary people who do not have mental power, they must practice specialized physical training skills. Although physical training skills are somewhat inferior to those with mental power abilities, those with physical training skills who can reach level eight or above can , are still the talents needed by the empire. At present, the entire empire is almost dominated by physical training warlocks, and only a small part of them have mental powers. However, because Su Feier had certain mental fluctuations, That's why he was taken back to the Su family.

Lily tried to pull her mental power as the original owner did in her memory and began to practice slowly. At first, she didn't dare to make too big a move, for fear that she would develop problems because she was not familiar with it. Things can attack others, and a bad thing can also hurt herself. She tried to circulate her mental power in a circle, and soon she was immersed in the wonderful realm of spiritual arcana.

This body is not yet 18 years old and has not yet reached the age of coming of age, but his character is stable and down-to-earth. The family education he received since childhood made him not good at words, but he is extremely mature and reliable. The most important thing is because of He Bai He was very handsome. In the future interstellar world, where almost everyone was filled with beauties and handsome men, He Bai stood among a bunch of handsome men, and he was still the most outstanding one.

Because of this, Concubine Su knew that He Bai liked her, but she still had an affair with him for several years, even though she clearly didn't like him and despised him. This was all because of He Bai's appearance. .

When Lily got up to wash up after working hard all night, she didn't feel any fatigue on her body. Instead, she felt very refreshed. She saw the strange and weird version of herself in the mirror. The boy had red lips and white teeth. Maybe it's because he's still young and doesn't have a beard. And because there is a woman’s soul living in the body. Therefore, he seems to have an extra temperament compared to his previous silence and coldness. He is indifferent and seems to be more outstanding than the original owner's impression of himself.

This time, her appearance was perfect, which somewhat made up for Lily's uneasiness after becoming a man again. She kept comforting herself that although there were many inconveniences after becoming a man, at least what she became this time was not An extremely ugly monster like Jinghe Old Dragon is more important. It was because she didn't have to worry about the possibility of encountering the same intimacy issues that required Li Yanxi's help again during this mission. Thinking of this, Lily's resistance to becoming a man disappeared even more, and she calmly accepted that she could become a man again. fact.

I had just finished washing up and was still feeling a little inconvenient when going to the toilet, when a rhythmic knock on the door suddenly rang:

"Young Master, are you awake? Ah San comes in to clean up the house." Lily pressed the button on something like a watch on her wrist, and the door was suddenly opened, and a robot with red electronic eyes came in pushing a dinner plate. After putting breakfast aside, he started cleaning the house.

In an era when robots are widely used. Naturally, the He family also uses artificial intelligence robots, which look similar to humans. He can even answer questions fluently, but he himself is actually not intelligent. He cannot be compared with the intelligence that Su Feier snatched away from the original He Bai in the plot. This time he became that intelligence. He Bai, who had been robbed of good things, Lily would naturally not let such a thing happen again. Calculating the time, it will take at least three months for Concubine Su on earth to come to this future planet. Lily is ready Until then, get what you should have.

In the setting of this plot in the future, people are much older than the age of the earth. If a person with ordinary physical skills can practice physical skills to level 8 or above, he will have a life of at least about 500 years, and people with mental powers will The lifespan of those with abilities is even longer. The only level 10 mental power user in the empire is said to have lived for nearly 800 years. Precisely because human lifespan has increased so much, in this plot everyone is 30 years old. Before, they were considered minors, and they had to undergo training in various aspects such as physical skills, mental skills, and mecha operation in school. He Bai was no exception. After Lily had breakfast, the robot Asan drove the aircraft and directly launched herself. It was sent to a location in the imperial capital that was similar to the Earth University in its previous life.

The teaching here is free. Whether you go to class or not every day, you must stay in school for a certain amount of time. What Lily lacks now is basic knowledge, so she chooses basic theory for several days in a row. Her body is beautiful and beautiful. After sitting in the classroom for half a month, a group of little girls came. Lily didn't feel it at first. It wasn't until a girl had the courage to send a courtship note to her that Lily finally realized it. .

She had always been a woman in the past, so she didn't feel there was anything weird about being surrounded by a group of girls. Now Lily received a love letter from the same sex for the first time in her life, even though she was a man in appearance. She still couldn't help but run away.

After being chased in the classroom, Lily changed places. She was going to the school library to read some theoretical knowledge. This should be the reason why the original owner's mental power was very strong. The original owner had his own unique talent in mental power. Now, With Lily's extra soul, his mental power is even stronger than before. If he was at level 2 of mental power before, then under Lily's practice during this period, his mental power has steadily reached the peak of level 3. He can reach the peak of level 3 at any time. There is a possibility of advancement.

After becoming mentally strong, the books he has read and the words he has listened to can almost reach the point of being unforgettable. After listening to the class for a few days, Lily has understood some of the things that she did not understand before. Naturally, she is not ready to go to the classroom again. She started practicing physical skills instead.

Generally speaking, most people with mental power will not waste time practicing any physical skills. Firstly, people's energy is always limited. Secondly, doing the same thing at the same time can easily distract people. Skills are more expensive than finesse. There are many people who practice at the same time, but most of them have little achievement.

Lily felt that her current mental power was slightly beyond the limit of what she could bear, so she suppressed her mental power and did not dare to upgrade, for fear that her body would not be able to bear it, which might cause many sequelae.

Taishu training is only divided into 36 movements in total. Each movement is more difficult than the previous one. There are very few people who can complete all the movements. The so-called taijutsu in this world is not only for physical exercise. In addition, the most important thing is that this set of physical skills will induce the power of the stars to cooperate with the transformation of one's body, making the body full of power. However, the same contradiction is that after practicing, if a genius advances too quickly, it is generally possible that If your mental strength cannot withstand the massive power of the stars caused by physical training, you may die violently.

These summaries are not only what Lily figured out after listening to the teacher's explanations during this period, but more importantly, they are the news she learned from Concubine Su in the plot. This is the most contradictory part of the original author's setting. The best way is Physical skills and mental strength are practiced at the same time, but if they want to practice at the same time, many people may not have the resources in their lives. Even if they practice until they are 500 years old, they will only be able to practice half a tune.

Lily was lucky enough to be born into the largest family on the planet, and she is the heir to it. Therefore, she can say that she has all the family resources. In the early stages of the plot, He Bai, after falling in love with Concubine Su, signed her name The resources given to Su Fei'er allowed Su Fei'er to lay a perfect foundation in the early stage, allowing her to go further and further on the final path of physical skills and mental strength. Naturally, Lily would not do such a stupid thing this time. .

The classroom for practicing taijutsu is divided into many single rooms. Each room has a virtual teacher teaching the movements. The images of these teachers are synthesized by the optical brain, and the movements are standardized and perfect. The only drawback is that these things are fake. It won't attract the power of the stars. Lily took off her coat and connected to the function. She soon appeared in a virtual room, and a young man wearing a white uniform appeared in front of her.

"The first move of the star training technique." The shadow in the white uniform did not say any unnecessary nonsense. After telling the name of the move, he began to bend down and do it. Lily didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly followed suit. After finishing the first set of movements, she was already sweating all over her face, and she was so sore that she could hardly stand up.

"I asked for a simulation test." Lily did it again, with cold sweat breaking out all over her body. Fortunately, in addition to her physical fatigue, her mental power was so strong that she didn't feel too tired at the moment. At most, it was just physical pain, but her spirit was still high. After studying twice, she asked for a simulation test.

In the interstellar, simulation test is a rigorous training method that requires those who practice it to perform exactly the same movements as in the perfect textbook. Once they are in the wrong position even a little bit, they will be struck by lightning.

Because of the above reasons, this lightning strike will not cause real harm to people, but the pain is there, and the pain is unbearable. Therefore, there are very few requirements for simulation tests in the interstellar, so the intelligence The young man also paused and asked Lily with certainty. After seeing that she was very sure, he turned on the simulation test system.

Lily used to think that her rules were pretty standard, but after she was struck by lightning twice, and her soft golden hair was so electric that it started to smoke, she shivered slightly, and the two lightning bolts did not stop her. It hit her without hesitation, causing her to groan in pain, but she didn't dare to make any wrong moves again. She even controlled the twitching sensation in her body after the instinctive pain. It wasn't until she received more than a dozen electric shocks that she finally cut it off. The first move passed.

Originally, her body was very sore because she had practiced the first form of physical skills several times. Now she received the electric shock again, and her whole body was in terrible pain. Lily gritted her teeth and rested for a while before starting the simulation test again. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update~~~~~~.

For: 123 out of 456, 4 more updates will be added to my beloved spiritual pet. . . . . .


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