Cannon Fodder Strategy

Interstellar female supporting role (3)

The time between interstellar and real time is 1:5, which means that it took 5 hours in the game, but in reality it was just over an hour. Lily practiced in the game for nearly 20 hours, and just practiced over and over again. For the first time, her whole body was completely covered with electricity. Under such a thunder and lightning bombardment, her first move slowly became more standardized. Although she may not be able to achieve the same perfect angle as the virtual instructor, she started from one point of view. In the beginning, he was shocked more than 30 times in the first movement, and gradually it became a maximum of 10 times. Although he was still shocked, Lily was satisfied because of the rapid progress.

After coming out of the classroom, Lily felt that her hands were still shaking a little, probably due to the sequelae of the electric shock, and she was already covered in cold sweat. Her clothes clung to her body tightly, making her feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was a simple bathroom in the school's single training room. She took a shower and closed her eyes without daring to look at other parts of her body, let alone touch it randomly. She wiped it dry and then left it alone. Putting on the clothes from before, he recalled the physical skills he had just practiced in the interstellar world.

At this rate of progress, if physical skills are as legendary as it becomes more difficult each time she practices one move after another, if she wants to practice all 36 moves, it will probably take a long time if she goes by the current progress. It takes more than half a year, and during this period you still need to practice regularly. Lily immediately decided to practice her mental power at home, and spend all her time practicing physical skills at school. Although it was a bit harder, at least after Su Feier traveled through time, her strength could easily defeat even those who knew... Concubine Su suppressed the plot and took shortcuts.

Time flies like this and half a year has passed. Lily originally planned for herself to learn 36 physical movements in half a year. But every day after she learned a move on StarCraft, she would practice it through simulation tests. Each movement is more difficult than the next. So far, she has only learned a total of 23 movements. Although each of the movements she has learned is very standardized, it is still far away from the goal of 36 movements she originally set for herself. But fortunately, her physical skills have not improved these days. The training was not in vain. Although the results of her practice on the interstellar world could not attract the power of the stars, and her physical skills are still at the first level, her movements are perfect and she only needs to practice unremittingly. Upgrading physical skills is a matter of time, and Lily's mental power has reached level 4 now.

Because of the great power of the entire He family, there is also an 8th level psychic power user in charge, but that 8th level psychic power user is now 600 years old, and there is no news that Lily has risen to level 4 at this time. Spread the word, otherwise the entire family may cause turmoil. During this period of her hard training, Su Fei'er on Earth finally traveled through time.

"At 6:30 this evening, the head of the Su family brought Miss Su Yu'er to visit the head of the house. The head of the house hopes that you, young master, can also attend this dinner." Asan, the responsible robot butler, reported to Lily in an orderly manner the things that needed attention today. Su Yu'er from the Su family is a genius that the Su family claims is rare to see in a hundred years. She is similar to the original owner of Lily's body. They are all born with mental powers. She is half a year older than He Bai and is now a third-level mental power user. It is very rare at her age. The Su family treats her like a treasure and deliberately wants to keep her. She married into the He family precisely because Su Yu'er and He Bai were as talented and beautiful as each other. They were always praised as a perfect match. This made Concubine Su, who secretly had a crush on He Bai, cry countless times. Su Yu'er on earth After Fei'er entered her body, she accepted her memory. From then on, relying on the plot of the novel she had read, she determined that He Bai was a scumbag, so she decided to show him off, and finally caused him such misery. , just to vent his anger for the original owner.

Lily was sure today that in addition to seeing Su Yu'er, she might also be able to see Su Feier, one of her future mission targets. She couldn't help but laughed softly: "We will definitely arrive."

She had guests to meet today, so she naturally didn't want to embarrass herself too much, so she only practiced a few previous movements on the star, letting her body use the pain as a lesson, and remembering the instinctive movements without making even the slightest mistake. After not getting out, Lily got off the interstellar, took a shower and then got on the speedster and returned home.

The people from the Su family haven't arrived yet. When Lily went upstairs to take a shower and changed her clothes and came downstairs, there were already several people sitting in the hall. The original owner's parents, who were usually busy with official duties and were not at home, had a rare moment. Stayed at home.

"He Bai, come here." He's father waved to Lily. Seeing his son who seemed to have grown a lot recently, he said happily: "Your uncle Su rarely comes over recently. You can take Yu'er outside for a casual walk." Come on, I have something to discuss with Uncle Su."

This was not the first time that Su Yu'er met Lily. She herself had naturally heard that Su's father had told her that she might marry Lily in the future, so when she saw Lily, her face turned red and she whispered That’s it.

Lily's eyes swept around Su Yu'er. She was indeed a rare beauty. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her. She looked playful and lively. She wore a white suspender on her upper body, which was girlish. There was a bit of temptation in her youthful body. After Lily herself was no longer a woman, she always felt a little greedy when she saw Su Yuer's body. However, Su Yuer obviously misunderstood, and two red clouds appeared on her face, and she asked softly:

"Brother He, I feel like I don't understand something about mental training recently. Can I ask you for advice?" She followed Lily out of the hall. Concubine Su, who was standing behind her like a ghost, hesitated for a moment. Then he followed out.

As early as two months ago, she discovered that she had traveled through time in this novel called "The Mighty Marshal of the Future Star" and became the heroine Su Yu'er, the concubine Su who had never been favored and whose whereabouts were not even mentioned in the end. Son, after receiving the memory of the original owner, Concubine Su felt some sympathy for the original owner. When she read this novel before, she felt very unworthy of the Concubine Su who had the same name and surname as herself in the book. They both had the same surname of Su. Girls, but the Su family is partial. They only love Su Yu'er who has the aura of the heroine, but instead bully Su Feier into that. The hero is also a scumbag, his eyes will always fall on beauties, not on beautiful women. He will notice the figure who has been secretly in love with him.

Su Feier said unintentionally at that time that if she became this Su Feier, she would definitely torture the scumbag, trample Su Yuer under his feet, and vent her anger on Su Feier's behalf. Unexpectedly, as soon as she said the angry words, when she woke up and opened her eyes, she would become the unknown Concubine Su in the story book. In addition to being a little frightened at the beginning, Concubine Su now quickly She calmed down, and when she saw Lily and Su Yu'er walking together in front of her, she sneered twice, pursed her lips, and suddenly ran towards Lily, reaching out to pull Lily's sleeve: "Brother He, too Please teach me, there are many things I don’t understand, usually..." When Concubine Su said this, she glanced at Su Yu'er timidly. Although she didn't finish her words, she was obviously alluding to the Su family's usual mistreatment of her. The way Su Yuer usually bullies her.

Lily raised her arm subconsciously, avoiding Concubine Su's outstretched hand, and frowned: "If you have something to say, say it properly, and don't move your hands or feet."

She was not polite to Su Fei'er at all, but in Su Fei'er's eyes, this coldness was nothing more than the coldness described in the book. She didn't take it to heart at all, but showed an even more pitiful look, biting He pursed his lips, looking at a loss.

"You go back to the hall first." Su Yu'er's face was very ugly now, but she tried her best to appear calm in front of Lily, but Lily saw the red blood in her eyes from anger.

Su Fei'er came here shamelessly just to interrupt Su Yu'er and Lily's getting along, and didn't want them to hook up behind her back, so she would listen to Su Yu'er's words and go back obediently, but now she pinched herself hard After a while, she started to cry softly: "Does my sister dislike me? Doesn't my sister not want to see me?"

Although Su Yu'er is nominally Su Feier's sister, in fact Su Feier has lived on earth for more than thirty years and worked for many years. She is not someone like Su Yu'er who, although talented, has always been protected in some way. The girl could compare. When she cried like this, although Su Yu'er was shaking with anger, she couldn't say a word. She just pursed her lips tightly, gritted her teeth very tightly, and stared at Su Fei'er speechless.

Judging from the situation at this moment, it seemed that Su Fei'er had been stumbling upon Su Yu'er after she traveled from the earth. Lily smiled slightly. Originally, she didn't want to care about the little intrigue game between these girls, but because Su Fei'er Since Er was originally one of her mission targets, she naturally sided with Su Yu'er.

"Miss Su Er, this is the He family, not the Su family." Lily took out a neatly folded handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to Su Yu'er's hand. She glanced at Concubine Su as if warning: " I think Miss Su is not ready to be a guest in other people's homes. I don't want to see you again in He's home."

As soon as Lily said these unceremonious words, no matter how thick-skinned Su Feier was, her expression still couldn't help but change when she heard these words.

She gritted her teeth subconsciously and glared at Lily bitterly. She originally thought that Lily, with such a handsome appearance, should not be as cold as what was written in the book, but now it seemed that it was more than just cold, it was simply colder than She imagined it was even worse. In her previous life, she had not yet gotten married, and she actually didn't like the cool men who were popular at the time. After seeing through the world, she originally wanted to marry an ordinary and gentle man, but she didn't expect it. She traveled through time when she couldn't get married, and even traveled into this book. Now Lily is still so ruthless towards her. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update today~~~~Please give me some fan votes, dears. . . .


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