Cannon Fodder Strategy

Carp Girl Revenge (3)

"Does it hurt?" The girl grinned, wiped the red blood on her face, and began to chew. Her white teeth were covered with flesh and blood. The sound of chewing was creepy. She looked at it. Guan Lily smiled as if she was appreciating a work of art: "I showed up in front of Yun Munan, confessed my love, and he accepted me. I thought we would live happily like this in this life. "

The girl's expression became more ferocious with every word she spoke. As she spoke, she began to bite the flesh on Guan Lily's body and began to eat it, starting from her palms and arms, then from the soles of her feet to her thighs. She started biting from the least lethal place, Guan Lily. It was like being tortured by a thousand cuts, but there was no way to express the pain, and there was no way to complain.

From the beginning, the girl talked about her love for Yun Munan. Later, she talked about Yun Munan abandoning her and joining the official army. The girl was very unwilling to be separated from her lover, so she quietly followed Yun Munan. In the official family, Yun Munan broke up with her at that time, but the girl was very unwilling to do so. She was originally just a simple fish demon, and thought that falling in love with a human would be like a legend and she should live her whole life. She pestered Yun Mu for the rest of her life. Yun Munan asked him to leave the official family with her. In the end, Yun Munan not only did not leave, but instead married the only daughter of the official family.

Such a thing naturally made the girl heartbroken. She used the most ferocious curse of her fish demon clan to cast it on Yun Munan, a heartless man. Once this curse took effect, Yun Munan would be killed in 77 or 40. Within nine days, he died of excruciating pain all over his body. The ulcers started from the inside out, and the pain that was like gnawing at the heart of thousands of ants was enough for this heartless man to get the punishment he deserved.

Originally, the girl thought that her revenge was complete, so she left with satisfaction. She couldn't get Yun Munan, and she couldn't let Yun Munan abandon her after playing with her. She originally thought that if Yun Munan wanted to survive, he had to break off the engagement with Guan Lily. When he returned to her, this curse There are only two ways to resolve it. One is for Yun Munan to return to her and beg her for forgiveness so that he will never be a playboy again. You can't betray her for the rest of your life, and the other way is to use her flesh and blood to eat her and then lift the curse. Yun Munan doesn't know the second way, so the girl thinks that her sweetheart will definitely return after suffering the pain. Come to her.

Yun Munan did arrive at the pond where the two first met after holding on for more than half a month, and the girl thought he had changed his mind. Unexpectedly, he got some kind of Taoist talisman paper from somewhere and stuck it on her body. The girl couldn't control herself and transformed into her original shape. Yun Munan took her home, and the girl started to feel a little... She became frightened and begged loudly to Yun Munan. But Yun Munan didn't pay attention to her. Instead, he got the method to lift the spell from somewhere. He scraped her scales off, washed her and put her into the pot.

Having said this, the girl sneered, looking at Guan Lily, whose limbs had been almost eaten by her, leaving only the pale bones, she smiled slightly: "In order to undo the curse I gave him, he ate me , eating every drop. Not even the internal organs." After she finished speaking, she bit Guan Lily's belly. He used sharp teeth to disembowel her: "I swore that I would let him taste that pain."

Curse to eat me. When you fight, do you feel hopeless? I was so desperate before! "The girl said angrily, while eating Guan Lily clean.

In agony, Guan Lily learned the truth of the matter, and she began to feel resentful. Her family, her daughter, and her close relatives were killed for such reasons. She herself was in extreme pain. She died in despair. Thinking of these years of torture, Guan Lily hated her to the core. She had no enmity with this carp girl. Even if Yun Munan abandoned her, what did it have to do with her? She didn't know anything about Yun Munan's past. She married Yun Munan at the discretion of her parents and elders. It was okay for the girl to kill all her relatives. Why did she still torture her in this way?

She was not the one who ate the girl. Why did she die in such a horrifying way? She was unwilling to do so. She wanted to avenge her family, she wanted to avenge her daughter, and she wanted to kill this dead fish monster. The ghost will not die a good death, and his soul will be scattered!

After watching the girl finish eating the last piece of her meat and carefully licking away the blood on her skeleton, Guan Lily felt the girl wipe her face clean and leave. The pain before death seemed to still haunt her, and she made a deal with Li Yanxi without hesitation.

When Lily finished receiving this plot, she couldn't help but trembled in excitement. From the beginning to now, Lily has carried out many missions. In the plot, every original owner who needs her help has had countless kinds of situations. The way of death included pain and regret, sadness and loss, and the experience was that of being deceived by a man and leaving him desperate. But only in this case, the original owner was eaten alive by the wronged soul.

Even Lily had seen such a way of death, and even dealt with them during missions. But now when she thought of Guan Lily's pain before her death, she still felt chills, as if that kind of pain As if the pain is still lingering on Guan Lily, the ghost of the carp demon is very vicious. Her experience is certainly worthy of sympathy, but after all, just as Guan Lily thought, the person who harmed the carp demon is not Guan Lily, even if she wants to When looking for someone to take revenge, you should have someone to blame. You should not vent your anger on others, especially not on the official family and Guan Lily's three-year-old daughter. After all, the child is innocent, even if Guan Lily did it without her knowledge. The situation ruined the relationship between Carp Jing and Yun Munan. If she wanted to kill Officer Lily, she shouldn't use such a painful method.

When she opened her eyes, Lily let out a long breath. She had been soaking in the bathtub for more than an hour on a cold day. By now, the scalding water had already cooled down. Fortunately, her mental strength had improved. She is also quick to receive plots. Otherwise, if it took two or three hours to receive a plot like before, she would probably get frozen.

At this moment, Lily shivered and quickly stood up from the water. Outside the screen, a girl with a runny nose had been standing outside the screen. She stamped her cold feet and asked in a low voice: "Madam, wash it well." Yet?"

Lily responded, and the little girl handed over a thick coat. Lily endured the cold and wrapped it up. After leaving the screen, after struggling for a long time, it started to get brighter outside. The morning air was very fresh, mixed with... There was a fresh smell of mist and earth, but she didn't know if it was due to Lily's psychological reasons. She always felt as if she smelled a faint fishy smell.

Calculating the time, Guan Lily's grandfather had just passed away at this time, and her biological father and eldest brother also passed away inexplicably half a month ago. The official family was so secretive that they did not dare to make a big deal about it. In such a situation It inevitably aroused a lot of discussion among the people in Huainan. When Guan Baihe could not see her grandfather for the last time, nor her father and eldest brother for the last time, she also doubted whether there were other reasons for the death of her relatives. After all, she had Her mother had a look of horror on her face when she mentioned this, as if she had seen a ghost. Guan Lily naturally understood what was going on later, but at that time in the plot, she didn't think so much about it. She just heard the discussions outside and speculated whether the death of her relatives was the reason why Yun Munan crossed the river and burned the bridge, so she started a fight with Yun Munan.

Yun Munan naturally denied the matter at first, but the official Lily at the time had already suspected her husband, and naturally refused to believe Yun Munan's words. Therefore, the couple broke up on bad terms, and the shadow of the Yun family came over In the last few days, the husband's indifference, the death of relatives, and the horrific and bizarre death of her daughter, the permeating shadow of the Yun family was like a dense web of fear, tightly entangled in Guan Lily's heart.

"Where's the master?" Lily wiped her hair, feeling a little flustered and depressed at the moment. Now the Guan family has begun to kill people, which proves that the carp spirit has begun to take revenge on the Guan family. Once the Guan family is dead, She would reach out to the Yun family, and the first person to seek revenge from the Yun family was Guan Baihe and Yun Munan's daughter. The Guan family originally had many heirs, but they all died out in just half a year. It was just the beginning, but fear had already begun to take root and sprout in the hearts of the officials like a seed. Lily could almost imagine how scared the officials were at this moment. Unfortunately, she When I first arrived, I learned about Taoist scriptures such as the Tao Te Ching of the Heaven and Earth Sect, which can exorcise evil spirits and cure ghosts, but I couldn't use it at all.

Thinking that she could only watch the official family fall into such a situation but was helpless for a while, Lily couldn't help but feel a little heavy. A sudden resentment surged into her heart, making her want to immediately kill the carp in the plot. The ghost of the demon was dragged out and beaten to pieces.

In the past few days, Lily had had a quarrel with Yun Munan for the first time because of official matters. The two couples had a fierce quarrel this time. Yun Munan hadn't even come back to the room for seven or eight days. Lily spoke up now. Asked, the pale little girl trembled and knelt down without saying a word, unable to speak.

Because Guan Baihe has been unhappy with her husband in the past few days, she doesn't treat her servants well. This little girl who is close to her has not dared to breathe when facing her recently, for fear of making her unhappy, so she replied at this time No problem, Lily sighed and saw that it was still early. She waved her hand and said somewhat annoyed: "Let's go out." The little girl looked relieved. Before she could actually leave the room, Lily Then he thought again: "By the way, buy me some talisman paper and cinnabar. Recently, my parents' family seems to be inviting Taoist priests. Buy more. I will send them home when I have time." (To be continued. If you like this This work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: First update~

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