Cannon Fodder Strategy

Carp Girl Revenge (7)

When Lily was hesitating how to answer this question, Yun Munan frowned, as if he could smell the faint fishy smell on her body, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and a bright red flashed in his eyes. Fierce Light: "Don't go out easily recently. I will send some black cats to keep you company tomorrow." He was not asking for Lily's opinion, but giving an order directly. After he finished speaking, he backed away. After a few steps, there was a look of disgust in his eyes, and he shouted loudly outside: "Bring some water for Madam to take a bath."

This person has a very serious eccentricity. It can be seen from Guan Lily's understanding of Yun Munan in the plot. He is very cautious and methodical in doing things. At this time, Lily couldn't stand the smell of her own body, but when she saw When Yun Munan was even more disgusted than herself, she still couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth twice.

Yun Munan's orders were obviously much more useful than Lily's words. Although the servants were still afraid, when they heard the master's instructions, hot water was quickly delivered. Lily was originally planning to stay up tonight and practice the Starry Exercises She didn't take a bath until dawn. Thanks to Yun Munan, she took a hot bath and came out. Yun Munan was still sitting outside, and he didn't mention that he had gone out. , and didn't ask her why, as if she didn't take it to heart at all. This attitude made Lily feel both puzzled and suffocated.

"I want to go back to the official's house. I wonder how my mother, uncles and brothers are doing." In the plot, the official's mother died inexplicably in a few days. After losing her doting grandfather, father, brother, etc., Lily thought that the official mother might follow in the footsteps of these people. She couldn't help but feel a faint pain in her heart. She was no match for the carp demon at the moment, but she had drawn several talismans in the past few days. She was going to return to the official's house and hand them over to the official's mother, no matter how big or small they were. Effect, but it is better than doing nothing. As long as you can temporarily drive away the ghost of the carp demon and delay it for a while, the situation will become more favorable to you.

"No." Yun Munan turned around and smiled at Lily. But she refused mercilessly, and Lily's brows suddenly furrowed: "I am the only daughter of the official family. If something happens to Mr. Yu and the private official family, I should go back and see, otherwise what will others think of me? If my grandfather were still alive and knew that I was so unfilial, he would probably jump up and beat me to death."

Guan Baihe in the plot first came because she suspected that Yun Munan had killed the official's family to seize power. Secondly, it was also because Yun Munan was very indifferent to the Yue family's accident after the incident happened to the official family. Not only did he not show up, but later he also began to prohibit Guan Lily from returning to the official family. Although Guan Lily later knew that Yun Munan was It was for her own good, but when Guan Baihe didn't know the inside story at first, she felt a little unhappy. After all, it was her relatives and elders who died, but Yun Munan forbade her from going back to attend the funeral. This couldn't help but make her have some thoughts. The two couples were in a quarrel over this matter. Lily didn't want to quarrel with him because of this matter at the moment, so she seriously reasoned with him. Unexpectedly, Yun Munan attacked her. Zhao, he said warmly:

"If you don't go back, Mr. Guan may jump up and beat you to death if he is alive. But if you want to go back, I will beat you to death." He emphasized the words 'Old Mr. Guan is alive'. He glanced at Lily threateningly.

When Yun Munan said such shameless words, she had a look that was perfectly justified. Lily hesitated for a moment, and the blood surged in her chest. She frowned, sat down on the bedside, and wiped her head with a handkerchief. Her hair was still wet. I wonder if it was her imagination. At this moment, she always felt that she had a faint fishy odor after taking a shower, even if she used soap imported from Nanyang. But at this moment, the two smells mixed together made Lily want to vomit: "Why don't you let me go back to the official house? My grandfather died mysteriously, my father and eldest brother also had strange accidents, and people in the family have been in panic recently. , Master even bought a large number of black cats, what happened, Master, can you please tell me?"

Lily originally wanted to trick Yun Munan into telling him something, but unexpectedly, this man looked gentle and elegant. When he heard Lily's words, he smiled reservedly as if he had heard some joke. Get up:

"Don't you think that I have long wanted to take over the official family?" After Yun Munan said this, he seemed to be amused: "But I think you should know what happened, otherwise in the middle of the night It’s midnight, where have you been?”

He didn't mention where he was going just now. Lily thought he wouldn't ask again, but she didn't expect that she couldn't get him out of his words at this time. Instead, he started to talk to him. Lily hesitated for a while, wondering whether she should Don't tell Yun Munan clearly about the matter. At this juncture, she doesn't care that Yun Munan will doubt her. When such a person notices something is wrong with her and doubts her later, it is better to speak openly now. After all, There was a carp demon ghost in front of them like a heavy boulder weighing on their heads. The current plan should be to work together to kill the carp demon. She paused and was about to say that she went out to find a way to deal with the carp demon. Yun Munan But suddenly he walked behind the screen: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

"..." When Lily heard what he said, and looked at his expression that didn't seem to matter at all, even asking where he went just now seemed to be just a casual mention, she couldn't help but have an urge to scratch the wall. , she saw that Yun Munan began to unbutton his shirt generously, then took out his pajamas and put them on. Then he glanced at Lily, lay down on the bed, and was silent as expected.

Resisting the urge to pull him up and tell him clearly about the carp demon ghost, Lily sat aside silently, wiping her hair, and after a while she gritted her teeth: "I want to return to my official post. A trip home.”

Her mission is to kill the carp demon and protect the people she cares about. Even if she is not the opponent of the carp demon ghost at this time, if she does nothing, she may not be able to complete the mission in the end. Lily does not want her mission to fail. , so she still insisted on going to the official's house. Yun Munan, who was lying on the bed, didn't know if he heard her words or not. His body, which was sleeping straight, did not move.

With such an extra person tonight, Lily couldn't practice the star training skills at all. After her hair was dry, she carefully lay down next to the half bed left by Yun Munan. At first, she was worried about what he would do, but Yun Munan Munan sleeps very well. He lies on his back and puts his hands on his lower abdomen. He behaves well and has no intention of moving at all. As time goes by, Lily becomes relieved. Even if he can't practice physical skills, She also started to run the Tao Te Ching in her body with her eyes closed. Lily didn't know that after she started practicing the Tao Te Ching, Yun Munan, who seemed to have been sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at her. A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he closed his eyes again.

The night passed quickly, and before dawn, Yun Munan had already gotten up. When he sat on the edge of the bed, he stretched out his hand to tuck Lily's quilt. After getting dressed, he gently closed the door and left. Until the unhurried footsteps were accompanied by the shrill meow of a cat before dawn, Lily, who had practiced the Tao Te Ching all night, also opened her eyes. Now when Yun Munan leaves, it feels like he will not After coming back, Lily quickly opened the quilt and jumped to the ground. Every day, Guan Lily's daughter Yun Qiao would come to greet her in two hours. In the plot, because Yun Qiao died so tragically, after seeing her daughter At this time, Lily couldn't control herself at all and always wanted to stay with her daughter for a while. As a result, Yunqiao's relationship with Lily had grown rapidly recently, but naturally Lily couldn't do anything in the morning. She wanted to take advantage of this I practiced star training once before.

Just when she made the fifth move, the originally closed door was suddenly pushed open. Before Lily could straighten up, she saw Yun Munan leaning against the door and staring at her with a half-smile: " Very interested."

There have been more and more cats meowing outside recently. I wonder if it’s because the Yin Qi in Yun Mansion has also increased. Recently, a group of black cats have been so noisy that people can’t calm down. When did Yun Munan leave and come back? , Lily didn't notice it at all. When Yun Munan left just now, she was still sleeping soundly. Now when he turned around, he saw that she had gotten up and was still practicing some weird moves. Two thoughts went through Lily's mind. She didn't know whether she was going to Thinking of an excuse to make up for what she had just done, or telling him that she already knew about the carp demon, she was now thinking of ways to deal with her, but she couldn't tell the secret of Xingchen's physical training. Lily was While hesitating, Yun Munan made a gesture:

"Go on, I came back to get some clothes." He was still wearing a thin white shirt. In this cold winter weather, he seemed not to feel the cold, especially as it was very gloomy outside and there was heavy fog at the moment. The entire Yun Mansion is trapped in it, even when there are bursts of Yin Qi in the house, because Lily has practiced physical training, her whole body moves and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is introduced into her body to become the real power of the Taoist sect, so she feels uncomfortable. It was cold, but Yun Munan must have felt it. He didn't bring a jacket in such a cold weather. It was obviously intentional. He might have turned around and went out on purpose to make himself think that he was gone. Come back in the name of clothes.

Lily was speechless for a moment. As expected, Yun Munan went back to the house, took out a military coat and put it on himself, and this time he really went out without looking back. In order to prevent this person from coming back again, Lily suppressed the feeling that she had only done half of the physical training and waited for two quarters of an hour. This time, Yun Munan really didn't come back. She wasted a lot of time. , now the only option was to start over, and Lily couldn't help but want to curse Yun Munan. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Second update...

Third, the code is completed faster. . . Although it's late, it's made up for.


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