Cannon Fodder Strategy

The Queen from Another World Arrives (8)

Leaving the border of the Lanya Empire, we slowly approached the orc area, and the houses on the road began to become sparse. As the scenery here gradually became desolate, the pursuers behind us also began to be thrown away.

In the evening, when they took a break in a house that had been abandoned for a long time, a few people found something to eat. They found an old pot in the house, washed it, and threw the wild mushrooms they found in it to cook.

The big pot in the middle of the fire had already boiled, but now there was no oil or water in the pot. At this moment, Lily thought that she had finally paid off her debts and had a huge sum of money but couldn't use it. She was intoxicated by the sight of eating wild vegetables in the wilderness with this group of people. Even though she had sworn to live and die with this group of unreliable people, she really couldn't laugh at this moment. Came out loud.

"Further north, we will reach the Lanya Empire." Yue Shangzhao pushed up his glasses, picked up a piece of firewood and threw it into the fire. Everyone looked excited at this moment, and there was no sign of escaping. The Lanya Empire was sad to leave their hometown: "Next door is the Raymond Empire. Anyway, the Raymond Empire also has a mercenary guild. Why don't we go there?"

Yue Shangzhao seemed a little excited after escaping Caroline this time. The suggestions he made made both Rong Shujin and Rong Shujin a little excited, but Lily frowned slightly and said nothing. She didn't just enter this mission to mix with the mercenary group. She has been on the mission for such a long time, but she has never even met the mission target brother Lianjing. Lily doesn't know about brother Lianjing at this moment. How far her strength had reached, she also vaguely understood that she might not be Ge Lianjing's opponent at this time. It's not easy to kill him, but no matter what, you should still be prepared.

A group of people seemed to be out for an outing. When they talked about going to the Raymond Empire, their faces were full of joy. Gold coins are the currency in circulation throughout the continent, so Caroline's Wanted can be used in any country. Lily turned over Rolling eyes, just as he was about to expose their words, a sharp cry came from far away. Hearing the voice sounding like a woman's pleading, Lily's face suddenly darkened. Yue Shangzhao and Tianfeng Ichiro's expressions remained normal, while Rong Shujin's pupils shrank. They sat without moving, but Lily Some can’t sit still:

"I'll go out and take a look."

Tianfeng Ichiro frowned unconsciously. He also stood up and said, "Let's go together."

At this time, everyone has fled to the border of Lanya Kingdom. The Lanya Empire has a special location. Going forward is the country of the orcs, on the left is the dangerous frozen forest, and on the right is the Raymond Empire, and behind is the Lanya Empire itself. At this moment, everyone is located at the fork of the Lanya Empire, and there are not only dangerous monsters that may appear here. It is more likely that there will be a team of ferocious orcs that are more dangerous than Warcraft. If Lily encounters them alone, she may not be afraid of fighting alone, but if it is a group of orcs, the consequences will be disastrous.

Several people looked at each other and stood up. The crying sound was getting closer and closer. Accompanied by a burst of laughter from the orcs:

"Human women are really good. Let's take down the Human Empire as soon as possible. Then we can enjoy more women!"

"Okay!" At this time, the orcs were also using the common language of the mainland. When Lily heard this, a surge of sorrow and anger surged out of her heart for no reason. This was the anger of the original owner. Her father and brother both died at the hands of the orcs. The most important thing is The mother of the original owner died in a military accident, so she had an instinctive anger towards women being treated like this. Lily suppressed her feelings at this moment, raised her sword and ran towards the source of the sound, followed by the other few People followed her.

The direction from which the sound came was not close. Before Lily and the others could reach there, the smell of blood came over. There was a fire in the distance, and a team of nearly twenty orcs was surrounding the fire. Four or five human women were now tied naked to the tree pole. Some of them had lost their voices. Only one woman was left groaning in pain. Her belly had been cut open and her intestines were scattered all over the floor. The conditions of the other dead women were similar to hers. The pot surrounded by the orcs was already boiling. When they heard the sound, several furry orcs stood up and picked up the rough axes lying next to them.

"Damn it." Rong Shujin, who had always been laughing and joking, saw such a scene, and his face quickly darkened. Lily drew out her sword and rushed into the group of orcs without saying a word. This group of orcs did not expect to meet again in this place. The humans were all shocked. Before they could react, the head of an orc with thick brown hair on his face had already been picked up by Lily.

A group of orcs roared, and their already tall figures began to change, looking much stronger than before. Seeing such a scene, the two brothers Rong Shujin and Rong Shuyan exchanged looks. When they were hesitant, But there was only a soft sound of the long sword being unsheathed, and only the shadows seemed to be passing by around him. When Tianfeng Ichiro put the long sword into the scabbard again, a dozen orcs who had not yet fully transformed stood frozen. There was a "bang" sound, and the bodies of these orcs were torn apart, blood spattered, and the remaining limbs and broken bodies around them had long been silent.

Lily looked at Kaede Ichiro with some surprise. She had just killed two orcs before she could take action. Kaede Ichiro had already killed a group of orcs by himself. In the past, this was just a showy show in her mind. She didn't expect the swordsmanship. It is so outstanding that the original owner has reached the level of a small swordsman. However, the speed and posture of Tianfeng Ichiro in drawing the sword are definitely beyond the reach of even ten of the original owners. I am afraid that this person is no longer at the level of a swordsman, and may even have reached the level of a sword sect. To this extent, she never expected that such a powerful person would appear in the mercenary team she randomly chose to join this time.

"I haven't died yet." Yue Shangzhao was not surprised by Tianfeng Ichiro's strength, as if he already knew it. On the contrary, the eyes of brother and sister Rong Shujin and Rong Shuyan were a little heavy, and Lily suppressed the pain in her heart. Surprised, when he saw the moaning poor woman, he sighed and held a sword flower in his hand. The woman who was still panting in pain finally took her last breath.

"The orcs are too arrogant." Rong Shuyan, who is usually carefree, couldn't help but sigh now: "We can only save a few people. We only hope that General Lianjing can drive these orcs out of Lanya as soon as possible. outside the borders of the country.”

I heard Brother Yeonjing’s name. Lily's brows instantly furrowed even more tightly and she said nothing. Tianfeng Ichiro glanced at her, but his mood was not affected by the miserable scene in front of him: "Where are you going to go in the future?"

He didn't speak too much. I don't know if it was because of what he had just done, but everyone was still a little shocked. As soon as he opened his mouth, the place became quiet, and the only sounds left were the sound of firewood starting to burn and the boiling pot. There was a sound of soup splashing everywhere.

"I'm sorry everyone. I may not be able to be with you in the future. I have my own things to do." Although Lily had always thought about breaking away from this group of unreliable people before, now she actually said that she wanted to separate. She felt a little regretful, but this sigh had not withstood the test of time. Yue Shangzhao pushed up the glasses frame coldly: "Xiaohe. You are not a literary and artistic person, so you are not suitable for pretending to have such a deep tone. "

"..." Before they broke up, she originally wanted to get together and relax, but when she saw Yue Shangzhao's face, Lily moved her fingers again and again, and then she reluctantly swallowed her desire to beat him up. She felt deeply Take a breath. Don't argue with Yue Shangzhao: "Let's say goodbye..."

"In the future, why don't we enter the Raymond Empire and take over the task of killing orcs." Rong Shujin ignored her heavy expression at all. Instead, he started to make suggestions enthusiastically. Lily couldn't bear it anymore: "I said I was leaving!"

"Let's go together." Rong Shuyan was a little confused, and Lily's eyelids jumped: "I want to kill brother Lianjing."

After she said this, everyone looked up at the sky except for Tianfeng Ichiro whose expression remained unchanged.

"My brother Lianjing and I have a grudge, and I want to kill him in order not to hurt everyone. So we parted ways." Now that she had made her purpose known, Lily had no intention of hiding it anymore. Thinking that she was leaving anyway, Lily wanted to say a few nice words before leaving. Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Yue Shangzhao said quietly: "You can't hurt us, because you can't kill brother Lianjing."

"..." After hearing this truth, Lily's palms started to move. She gave Yue Shangzhao a sinister look, and Yue Shangzhao became a little excited:

"But assassinating Brother Lianjing is quite interesting. Why don't we go negotiate terms with the orcs and exchange Brother Lianjing's head for the bounty?"

Although it was Lily herself who proposed to kill her brother Renjing, when she heard Yue Shangzhao's unscrupulous words, Lily still couldn't help but despise him. The two brothers Rong Shujin did not say anything, Tian Fengyilang He looked around with some disgust: "Let's leave here first."

The strong smell of blood around made people want to vomit. After hearing this, everyone naturally had no objection. They returned to the previous wooden house. The wild mushrooms in the pot had been boiled, but after what had just happened, several people They all had little appetite. Since Lily had revealed her purpose, there was no need to hide it now. Under the gaze of everyone, she revealed the life of the original owner, including the death of her father and brother and the villa that her brother Lianjing looted.

"...I can't go to the orcs to ask for money in exchange for brother Lianjing's life, because my father and brothers will die in silence because of this. I killed brother Lianjing just for my mother and sister, and just for the villagers in the village." Lily. When she said these words, her heart suddenly became enlightened. She had always felt that the original owner's wish could not be as simple as killing her brother Yeonjing. She had done many complicated tasks in the past, so she never believed that the task would be so straightforward, but everything turned out to be so simple. It's all possible. It's possible that the original owner's wish was really to vent her anger on her mother and sister for the villagers. She really just wanted to kill her brother Yeon Kyung, but she didn't finish it for some reason. Now she said she wanted to remember the original owner. When she took revenge on those familiar faces, she felt indescribably relaxed, as if she had let go of a burden she had carried for a long time. This made Lily confirm her guess.

Everyone was silent for a while. Rong Shujin suddenly took out a handkerchief and began to wipe her tears. The corners of Lily's mouth twitched:

"My life experience is not that tragic..."

"No, I didn't expect you, Xiaohe, to have such a stand. I misunderstood you before. I thought you were a human being who would sell his soul as long as he had money. I didn't expect that you would be willing to kill only brother Lianjing without using him. Life in exchange for money."

When Lily heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore. The uncomfortable feeling in her heart was swept away. She grabbed Rong Shujin and started beating him.

Amidst Rong Shujin's screams, the remaining members of the mercenary team decided to advance and retreat together with Lily. Originally, a group of people just got together accidentally, and Lily tried to throw them away several times. She didn't expect that she was going to kill her brother Lian Jing, but these people were willing to help. Lily didn't say anything, but she felt a little moved in her heart.

"Brother Lianjing's current reputation is not something that you, Xiaohe, can kill alone." Yue Shangzhao looked serious and pushed up his glasses: "I'm afraid he is about to break through to the Little Grandmaster realm now. You can kill him with your strength." If you can't help him, although Ichiro can help you, Brother Renjing is a general of the empire. Naturally, there are people around him to protect him. My brother, as far as I know, there are at least three people from the Great Sword Sect around him." And Brother Renjing also has There is an army, and his prestige in the army is unparalleled in the hearts of humans in all countries. If you want to kill him. It is not an easy task. Going against a brother, Lian Jing, is equivalent to going against the entire human world. If one bad move is made, not only will Lily be unable to complete the task this time, but it may even make the original owner's family infamous. The father and brother of the original owner died for their country, and their reputation was very important to them. That kind of result is definitely not what the original owner wants to see.

The original owner didn't do any homework at all when he wanted to kill Yeon Kyung. He only knew that he wanted to kill Yeon Kyung, but he didn't know what his strength was. The more information Lily knew, the more she couldn't help but smile bitterly. got up.

"If you want to kill him, you must first have the same strength as him, and the power and prestige must be equal to his." Yue Shangzhao's image now looks much more upright and serious. At this time, his back was straight and his expression was serious: "If you want to kill him, you must not only kill him physically, but you must also kill him mentally."

Lily listened silently. This time Li Yanxi said he would give her a simple task, but now it seemed that the task was not simple at all. Yue Shangzhao frowned:

"The military is a piece of cheese that is hard to touch. If we want to win the hearts and minds of the people, we have to find other ways."

"Thoughts." Tianfeng Ichiro suddenly said two words, Yue Shangzhao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Thoughts!"

The two people didn't know what they were doing. Lily sighed, threw away the cloth covering her eyes, and fell back softly. Rong Shujin and the others were still discussing enthusiastically, until At dawn, several people finally came up with a plan.

"We are going to build a temple." Lily had just fetched water and brushed her teeth in the morning when she heard Rong Shujin say these words with a serious face. Lily almost sprayed him in the face with a sip of water.

The so-called temple uses the name of God to call on ordinary people to join it and become believers. This trick has been broken in other worlds, but in this world, people do not believe in any gods, they only believe in Power only worships the strong and only believes in oneself. Even the totems of various countries are based on the mythical beasts signed by many founding kings as their beliefs. How can a messy temple be accepted by others?

But after last night, Yue Shangzhao and others had already discussed it. At dawn, they urged Lily to rush to the nearby bustling cities. After thinking about it, everyone decided to temporarily use the Raymond Empire as their base. After all, the Lanya Empire still had There was a Caroline here, and after having just cheated Caroline, Yue Shang Zhaoshen was afraid of being caught back as a ready-made groom, so he didn't dare to go back.

After driving for nearly half a month, when everyone entered a prosperous town under the name of the Raymond Empire, Yue Shangzhao first spent gold coins to buy an open space, and hired people to build a church. Several fake magicians Started wandering around the city.

At the beginning, it did not attract the attention of the soldiers of the Raymond Empire. After all, there will be people who cheat in every country. These are just small troubles. Many people also worship strong strength. In the case where the folk customs are already very strong. , it is not easy to brainwash these people. Lily was wearing a ridiculous white robe, and several of them were like people from a cult organization. They said to the mercenaries and merchants coming and going:

"Believe in the Goddess of Light, and devout faith can give you eternal life."

"..." The people around them acted as if they had not heard this at all, and went their separate ways. Yue Shangzhao looked serious, and finally grabbed a passing mercenary: "Believe in the goddess of light. God said that there is light in this world. Therefore, there is light in this world!”

"It's your uncle! Bastard, let go!" The mercenary began to struggle hard, but in the end he was held tightly by Yue Shangzhao. He listened to him read a lot of random beliefs that he didn't know what, and in the end, not only did he fail to put this The mercenary was moved to tears, but this verbosity made him a little irritated. Seeing his companions walking further and further away, the mercenary couldn't bear it and finally clenched his fists and punched Yue Shangzhao.

"Soldier, he hit someone." Yue Shangzhao straightened his glasses calmly, grabbed the mercenary and reported to the passing soldiers.

Unrestrained fighting is not allowed in the town. It would be fine if the guards didn't notice it. Now this mercenary dared to beat someone in broad daylight and was reported by the victim. The soldiers just wanted to pretend they didn't see it. Impossible. The poor mercenary who was on the verge of collapse was captured by a group of soldiers with no tears after beating someone.

After such a thing happened, the people around him instinctively moved away from Yue Shang Zhao, and Yue Shang Zhao started to grab the next person and started chanting. With the fate of the poor mercenary just now, even if it is Some people were recited to the point where veins jumped in their foreheads, and they did not dare to resist anymore. They had no choice but to let Yue Shangzhao read for a long time. After listening to a whole set of so-called creeds that he had concocted, he walked away with a dull expression.

Others followed the same example and began to lead the crowd to spread the word. Some of them couldn't bear to take action, but they were all arrested by the soldiers for fighting and disturbing peace. With lessons learned from the past, many people even endured the bursting of their blood vessels. , and didn't dare to do anything again, so a group of people started to spread the so-called creed of the Goddess of Light in an extremely arrogant manner. Lily followed behind a few people, feeling both embarrassed and speechless.

For several days, the so-called goddess of light began to gain popularity in this small town of the Raymond Empire with the help of Yue Shangzhao and others' thick cheeks. After a few days, Yue Shangzhao began to bribe a group of people with money. A group of people spread the belief in the Goddess of Light in the city. Half a month later, half of the residents in the town began to be brainwashed. The temporary Temple of the Goddess of Light began to have a group of believers in the town, and even the first batch of fans began to donate. money.

Two months later, the Temple of the Goddess of Light began to have die-hard fans. The more than 50,000 gold coins invested in it from the beginning. In the past two months, with the donations of loyal believers, 80,000 gold coins were recovered. Mercenaries The team was officially renamed the Temple, and Lily was promoted as the Holy Queen. She began to act as the spokesperson for the fictional goddess of light in the world, attracting everyone's attention with her different blue eyes.

Half a year later, the Temple of the Goddess of Light has firmly established itself in this town. During this period, Lily has accumulated a lot of likes and fans. Many young mercenaries are willing to die for Lily because of her status as the King of Goddess of Light. Loyal knight, join the temple.

This group of knights began to be trained by Tianfeng Ichiro and achieved great success in this city. With his excellent eloquence, Tsukigami Akira attracted a group of backbones to manage the Temple of the Goddess of Light, and several people began to set off to the next town. , in less than two years, the Temple of Light Goddess swept the Lei Meng Empire. When one person said that there was a Goddess of Light in the world, everyone would call him a fool. But if a group of people said that there was a Goddess of Light in the world, the rest A small number of people will also begin to waver and believe that the truth is in the hearts of a small number of people, which is perfectly demonstrated at this time.

The Temple of the Goddess of Light began to have huge appeal in the Raymond Empire. By the time the emperor of the Raymond Empire reacted, it was already too late.

Among the people, many people are accustomed to saying that the goddess of light is above them in their first words. When the royal family wanted to ban this illegal non-governmental organization, not only the common people, but also many people in the army began to defect to the embrace of the goddess of light. .

The world has been fighting against the orcs, and many people need a belief to deceive themselves. At this point, prohibition is no longer possible, and at this time, Lily has gathered more than nearly ten thousand die-hard knights under her command. After taking over the market of the Raymond Empire, everyone began to move towards the Lanya Empire. Recently, the goddess of light has become a bit popular. Many ordinary people in the Lanya Empire have already heard of this organization. With the poor Raymond Empire, this As a precedent, the Lanya Empire became somewhat strict in interrogating the Goddess of Light. When entering the town, Lily and others went through a strict inspection. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Two updates in one. . .


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