Cannon Fodder Strategy

Qing Dynasty Time Travel Heroine (10)

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Lily thought for a moment and shook her head. A weird smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, remembering that An Ning's favorite clothes in the plot were nothing more than light blue, plain silver, or light green, which seemed to be elegant and dust-free colors. From the clothes she usually wore to Wu You can tell by the way Ranarashi dressed when greeting her. She looked like a fairy with temperament. Lily motioned to Xiuzhi to help her up, and said:

"Take out the rose-red cheongsam for me, and you also dug out all the clothes from the bottom of the box and put them on for me."

Every servant has one or two pieces of clothing at the bottom of the box. Whether they are green or blue, they are reluctant to wear them on weekdays. They are only turned out and caged outside during the New Year and festivals. Some of these clothes are old clothes appreciated by the master, and most of them are old clothes. The colors were bright and bright. As soon as Lily said this, Xiuzhi's face froze. Just when she was about to ask a question, Lily waved her hand. Xiuzhi had no choice but to say "yes" and went out to call her mother-in-law and told everyone to go back and change clothes. .

In the evening, when lanterns were already lit in Prince Yong's palace, a group of masters from afar were supported by maids and mothers-in-law and arrived at Ulanala's courtyard. An Ning was also wearing a light green satin cheongsam and was being hugged. Walked this way. The top of her head was decorated with sparkling gems. Unlike most women in the backyard who liked to wear silk flowers, the gems on her head shone under the light, making her whole body look radiant. And his cool and quiet temperament is very extraordinary. When An Ning appeared, the originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet, and she suddenly became the focus of the crowd. Li and others were envious and jealous. At this moment, everyone gritted their teeth and twisted their handkerchiefs, staring at An Ning.

There is no woman who does not love beauty. Even Uranala endured the jealousy in her heart and stepped forward to ask what the jewelry on An Ning's head was.

"This is a gemstone that I, Amato, retrieved from outside the territory. I made several sets of jewelry for my dowry..." An Ning was surrounded by people. She was a little bored and a little arrogant. These ancients didn't know what beauty was. They wore big silk flowers on their heads, which looked tacky and dull. She didn't like the popular jewelry in Beijing before, wasn't it too much? She is old-fashioned but has no new ideas, so she asked someone to find a lot of gems in the early years. At this time, ancient gemstones were cheap, and the ancients did not know the value of these gemstones. She made a lot of money selling ginseng and other products, and bought many gemstones to make jewelry according to her own ideas. Now it is natural to wear them. It caused a sensation.

What she wears today is an emerald that matches the color of her clothes. Each of the hanging tassels has a drop-shaped emerald on the tip. The style is not old-fashioned and complicated. The brilliance of the gems flashed as she walked around, giving off a moving brilliance under the moonlight. She did not just wear jade like ordinary women on her wrists, but instead wore a bracelet inlaid with green diamonds, occasionally revealing the pure white. The wrist is so beautiful.

Everyone's jealous looks made An Ning sneer. At the same time, An Ning lazily found an excuse for the origin of the jewelry on her body and was about to excuse it. At some point, the voice of a girl greeting Yinzhen was heard. Everyone turned their heads to look. I saw Yinzhen in the corridor wearing a black silk dress. Covered by a black and white plaid vest. Wearing a small green leather hat, his eyes were deep and he was staring at An Ning.

When Li and others saw this scene, they felt sour and a little angry. Just when a few people were about to throw off their veils and kneel down to say hello to Yinzhen, someone suddenly made a 'puff' sound. All the tea he was drinking in his mouth spurted out in one gulp.

When Yinzhen's eyes fell on An Ning, the kind of concentration and appreciation actually made An Ning feel a little satisfied. As a woman, she could charm the indifferent and scheming Fourth Master in later generations. Vanity, and just when she was a little proud, she heard the sound of Mrs. Wu coughing after spraying the tea. An Ning always felt that Mrs. Wu was jealous of herself, and looked at her with some annoyance, and saw Wu at this moment. As if she had seen a ghost, An Ning stared in the direction of the courtyard door. An Ning followed her gaze and turned her head. The corners of her mouth that had been pursed impatiently suddenly widened.

Lily herself was wearing a rose-red festive cheongsam with piping. She was waving her handkerchief and stepping on her flowerpot-soled shoes as she swayed out of the courtyard surrounded by servants. Lily has looked good in the past few months. Excellent, Nian Lily's body is now in its youth again, and her skin is so tender that it can ooze water without maintenance. In the past, her complexion was just too bad, and even her eight-point color was reduced to six points. Now that I have taken good care of my body, even if I just draw my eyebrows and put a little rouge on my lips, I will look more colorful.

Not only did she wear a brightly colored robe, but she also wore a peony on her head made of silk with the same color as the clothes. Two pearls hung from her temples, swaying as she walked, matching her arrogant look. The arrogant expression and the bright color not only did not make her look tacky, but inexplicably gave her a bit more momentum.

It's just that Lily is not the most surprising one at this moment. The reason why she made Wu squirt out the tea in her mouth is because the maids around her are dressed in colorful clothes, red, orange, blue, green, purple and pink. Almost all On weekdays, people in the backyard wore all the colors imaginable when making clothes, including an old lady next to her who wore an extremely gorgeous sky blue cheongsam. Following Lily, it was like a team of clowns came out. Wow, the color can shine wherever you go.

When Yinzhen saw Lily, his eyebrows began to twitch instinctively. After not seeing each other for several months, Lily not only did not calm down because of falling out of favor, but she still looked arrogant.

After entering the courtyard, Baili's eyes glanced at everyone's faces one by one. A somewhat arrogant smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She threw away her handkerchief and said hello to the Uranala clan, then moved towards Yinzhen. She was smeared with a very strong ointment, which was a bit unaccustomed to the smell at first, but paired with her brilliant attire, there was an indescribable harmony. Lily greeted Yinzhen, and Yinzhen looked at it. Seeing her look like this, she was originally a bit stunning. But when he saw the colorfully dressed servants behind her, Yinzhen lost his temper. Such a bunch of servants would make a fool of themselves wherever they stood. He waved his hand in confusion. He motioned for Lily to stand further away, but Lily rolled her eyes and moved towards An Ning.

"Sister An Ning is so beautifully dressed today." As soon as Lily stood over to An Ning, the servants behind her naturally followed and surrounded her. These Finnish servants dressed in colorful clothes are the focus of attention wherever they go, and can easily overwhelm anyone's brilliance, even An Ning, who is dressed in jewels and has extraordinary taste today, is now caught by Lily and Xiuzhi beside her. When people surrounded him, the majesty and brilliance all over his body were instantly like a pearl dropped into pig food, and no longer exuded any unique flavor.

"Hmph." An Ning snorted coldly when she saw Lily coming over. She didn't appreciate her compliment, and was about to stand up and walk away, but when she moved, Lily also moved. The light green cheongsam that An Ning wore today began to look dull in front of the bright and colorful colors of the rainbow.

At the beginning, Li and others could not understand why Lily was making such a fuss today, but now when they saw An Ning's face that was holding back her anger and surrounded by colorful colors, they all couldn't help but grin. He laughed silently. Everyone has long been dissatisfied with An Ning. When everyone is trying their best to please Yinzhen, An Ning wants to show off a unique appearance like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl. How can a group of women like her? They are all happy at this time. Read the joke.

Tonight, Lily seemed determined to entangle An Ning. Lily would follow her wherever she went, so much so that An Ning almost tore the handkerchief in her hand. She had dressed up carefully and thought about making a blockbuster appearance. When Lily made such a fuss, An Ning seemed to have become a joke. She hated Lily so much that she gritted her teeth. At this moment, I felt like I wanted to eat Lily alive.

When sitting down, Ulanara deliberately placed Li on his right hand side, while Yinzhen sat on the left. Next to Yinzhen was An Ning, and next to An Ning was Lily. Xiuzhi and others stood behind the two of them wearing various cheongsams, turning An Ning into a scumbag!

When Yinzhen subconsciously turned his eyes to An Ning. Those bright colors will always grab your attention first. It is human nature to notice the brightest colors first when seeing a bunch of colors. An Ning's original dress is just right. Her appearance is not particularly outstanding, but her temperament is elegant. Pleasant, not suitable for heavy makeup, but very suitable for such a simple dress that looks like an orchid in the empty valley. Logically speaking, between prosperity and elegance, generally speaking, people with temperament will always win, but Lily is on a secluded creek path, hard. Shengsheng suppressed An Ning's temperament with her extremely vulgar prosperity, and this time she was clearly victorious. Although An Ning tried to remain calm, her expressionless face still showed an unconcealable embarrassment and a sinister gaze. From time to time it would fall on Lily, her eyes penetrating.

"I haven't seen you for several months, but now that I see you, I wonder what kind of magic medicine I have taken, and it seems that I look much younger!" Lily made An Ning sick enough, and when she saw her livid face, she His attention turned to Yinzhen. As soon as she said these words, Yinzhen frowned and scolded: "Nonsense! You are not upright all day long, and you are already fifteen, and you still talk like this childishly." !”

This year, Yinzhen is already thirty-four. For the ancients, when he was thirty, Yinzhen had already started to grow a beard. Although he was in the prime of life, he could never be called young. He originally thought Lily He was bold enough to make fun of himself. Unexpectedly, as soon as Lily said this, Ulanala hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Sister Nian is right. I look much better lately." (The novel "Cannon Fodder Strategy" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign "Add Friend" in the upper right corner, and search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued~^~)

PS: Second update! Thanks to: zxy Wei, He Shibi who was kindly rewarded by Weiwei, and the third update... I suddenly discovered that the chapter title of the previous novel should have been about the heroine who traveled through the Qing Dynasty, but it seemed that one word "Chao" was missing, forcing People suffering from the disease have a little pain in their balls, what should they do...

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