Cannon Fodder Strategy

Pseudo brother and sister love (18)

Lily nodded, and the next moment Mother Wei showed a relieved smile. Seeing her look like this, Lily knew that nothing good was going on. As expected, Mother Wei laughed the next moment: "I'm in prison." I got to know a lot of inmates in prison. These sisters are also hard-working people. Your beauty salon has a good business, but it needs people to work anyway. I heard that the starting salary for those beauticians is seven to eight thousand a month. Why not hire these sisters? , they can also learn and give you a helping hand. It can not only help them, but also help the country solve the employment problem of these sisters after they come out. Those young girls have skills anyway, and they can also find other jobs... "

He had already guessed the character of a person like Mother Wei. Lily was not surprised at all when she said such words. Mother Wei was so annoying that she could forget about bothering her before. At most, she would just go to The money in Wei's mother's name now extends even further, and she even has to take care of her own business. If she is allowed to continue like this, one day she will cause even greater trouble. Thinking of this, Lily sneered in her heart With a sound, his eyes narrowed, with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes, and he became more determined to deal with Mother Wei:

"I opened a beauty salon that made money, not a charity center. I thought you had learned well, but now it seems that you are still the same. Zhu Mingchu didn't teach you a lesson at first, but now that you are in jail, you still I was thinking of these ideas. I couldn't afford to play in the nursing home, but I thought of playing on me. If you have the ability, I don't have any problem with you asking hundreds of people to do things for you, but my career is mine. It doesn't belong to you. Just stay alone, I won't come here again."

Mother Wei originally thought that this was just something Lily did casually, and she never thought that she might refuse. From Mother Wei's point of view. Lily needs to hire someone to do some work. These women in jail need to work after they are released from prison. They have criminal records, and most of them can only do hard work and low wages after they get out. It was difficult to live well. She sympathized with these people, so she wanted to arrange work for these people. After accidentally revealing to others that she could arrange work for them, she had already helped many people in prison. She had agreed to this, and this was precisely because she was not beaten, scolded or bullied by others in prison.

After all, a soft peach like Wei Mu can not only do laundry and work for others, but also arrange a job for herself after being released from prison. Who would be stupid enough to hit her again in vain? Mother Wei didn't think about that, she just thought that everything in the world was bright. She casually mentioned work to Lily today, but she didn't expect that Lily not only refused to agree, but also hurt her.

This time Lily came to see her, and the mother and daughter broke up unhappy.

After returning home, Lily started spending money to find someone. It was not an option for Mother Wei to continue making trouble like this. All the gold and silver could be emptied by her. She was here to fulfill Wei Baihe's wish, not to serve Wei Baihe and satisfy her troublesome old mother. The reason why Wei's mother had not been dealt with before was just because Lily didn't want it. It was just something that went wrong with the mission when Li Yanxi was away. Now that she was sure that there was no way to change Wei's mother's character, she was naturally ready to do things in her own way.

When Wei's mother came out of prison after the six-month period, no one came to pick her up. When she came out of the prison gate alone. Even the prison guard felt sorry for her and drove her back in a car.

After being released from prison, Wei's mother refused to give up. She also wanted to talk to Lily about solving work problems for the inmates in the prison, but Lily didn't even want to see her. Wei's mother knew this too, and would wait for Lily's return every time by Wei Rui's side. This trick of sitting back and waiting was very useful. Lily didn't want to see Wei's mother, but she always wanted to see Wei Rui. She would always care about her brother's situation every day. Only then did Wei's mother come out of prison. She had no job and no place to go. She was originally in the nursing home. She had given up on everything, and now she had to solve work problems for the inmates, which naturally entangled Lily.

Lily was pestered endlessly in a few days, especially when Mother Wei told the people in the prison her mobile phone number. Since half a year ago, people have been calling her one after another, or running to the beauty salon to ask for her name. The women who came here to learn the craft were introduced by the boss's mother. Except for a small number of these women who came out of the prison, they were still reasonable, and most of them had a toughness about them. It is impossible to live in a civilized place where people are living. When the people who came to make trouble heard that there were no jobs for them, they immediately felt that they had been cheated. Sometimes they would make a lot of noise, and some security guards could not even stop them. Among them, Lily once hit a woman who came to the door and refused to leave, screaming "Wow!" After that, she hired a few more security guards, and things gradually became peaceful.

"Why aren't you willing to give these poor people some re-employment opportunities? It's not like they eat and drink from you for free. Those young girls have skills and abilities and can go out and find jobs on their own. These are all An honest person, I won't suffer any loss if I work for you, why don't you want to help others more?" Mother Wei really didn't understand why she, a helpful person like herself, would be so cruel when giving birth to a daughter. It was ruthless, after she blocked Lily in Wei Rui's room, she asked Lily with some disappointment.

"I opened the store to make money, not to do charity. I know the virtues of the people you introduced." One or two of them had good character. Lily stayed and worked as a sweeper, but the salary would definitely not be the same as before. Mother Wei boasted about her high status, so these honest people felt a little disappointed and went to find another job. However, they never thought that they had a criminal record and the jobs they could find were limited, so they finally left again. Ask to come back.

However, jobs are not always waiting for them, so when their jobs are gone, these people inevitably come to Mother Wei to complain, and the conflict arises again.

Lily thinks the most annoying thing about Mother Wei is that she will always stick to her own opinions. She won't listen to what others have told her hundreds of times. Mother Wei is the biological mother of the original owner. If he beat her by himself, Lily Wei won't do it. She must be able to accept it, not to mention Lily also has to worry about public opinion, so she has to endure it if she bothers her again before taking care of Wei Mu.

After she finished explaining, Mother Wei still didn't listen: "They are all good. You will know it after you get along with them for a long time. Many of their families have elders and younger children. There are so many mouths in the house waiting for food and drink. Why? You can't do good things..."

"Can you shut up sometimes? Do you think you are annoying?" Mother Wei has no temper, she is like a soft dough person. She wouldn't talk back if you scolded her, she would just stare at you hurt or cry, but after wiping away her tears she continued to talk about herself, and Lily scolded her. Her eye circles were a little red. Lily stretched out her hand to straighten Wei Rui's hair. He fell asleep, still chanting under the dim light: "...Dongpo meat, delicious..."

Compared with Mother Wei's nagging, Wei Rui's words in her sleep made Lily couldn't help but smile. She sat for a while, ignoring Mother Wei who wanted to talk to her again. She walked out of the room directly. Mother Wei originally wanted to follow her, but Lily quickened her pace and slammed the door shut with a bang before she could enter the room.

Mother Wei's matter could no longer be delayed. When Lily went out the next day and was blocked by Mother Wei again, she motioned to Mother Wei to follow her into the car.

Along the way, Mother Wei thought about how difficult life was for her friends in prison. Lily turned a deaf ear and when the car arrived at the beauty salon, she threw Wei Mu into the reception room and asked a security guard to keep an eye on Wei Mu.

This security guard is about forty years old, and he is the oldest veteran among the group of people Lily is looking for. He has a slightly impulsive temper, but he is not a bad person. His family was too poor in his early years, and he got older after he retired, which delayed the marriage. So I have been single till now. From that day on, Baihe deliberately took Wei's mother to the company every day. Every time, the security guard kept an eye on Wei's mother and told her not to run around for a few days. Mother Wei looked a little uncomfortable.

Although she is in her forties and almost fifty years old, she is naive by nature. In addition, she had good looks when she was young, so she looked about forty years old, even slightly younger than the security guard. She was originally sympathetic, but the miserable life experience of the security guard named Zhang aroused Wei's mother's concern. She sympathized with him, so she could not help but take extra care of him sometimes. She was a dog that could not change her shit-eating character. At first, she only tried to comfort others verbally. Later, she even saw that this old man had no woman to take care of him at his age, so she volunteered to do the laundry for others. .

It seemed to everyone else that it was clear to everyone what it meant for a woman to wash clothes for men, but Mother Wei didn't think about it that much. She was used to washing clothes for others in prison, so she didn't think about it at all, but then A few days later, Lao Zhang looked at Wei's mother with something strange in his eyes. She looked full of love.

In his early years, when he was young, many people despised him for being poor and refused to marry him. He also saw through that these women were unreliable, and his favorite was a compassionate, gentle and kind-hearted woman like Mother Wei, even though she was more than ten years older than him. , but it gave him the warmth of home, but because Mother Wei was the mother of the landlady, he did not dare to do anything. Seeing that Mother Wei often did his laundry, Lao Zhang became a little excited. If he could marry Wei, Mother, not only will he have a daughter in the future, he will have someone to rely on, and he will even have a family of his own. The situation at home may also improve. If he becomes the stepfather of the boss lady, how can he be just a small security guard in the future?

His words revealed his pity from time to time, urging Mother Wei to say something nice for him in front of Lily. He originally hoped that Mother Wei would make their relationship public, but who would have expected that Mother Wei didn't think about it at all and just thought that He thought the security guard's salary was low, so when Lily came to see Wei Rui again in the evening, she started nagging in Lily's ear again:

"There is a man named Xiao Zhang in the club. I think he is not bad. He is honest, but his salary is a bit low. He is a man in his thirties and almost forty. He has not yet found a wife. How about you pay more every month? Give him some wages and let him save more."

Lily was fed up when she heard Mother Wei's ignorant words, "If he adds one person, can the others be added? How much does he add alone, how much should the others add? I said, I This is not a charity, but a place for business. What’s more, this is my business. Why are you here to dictate? Don’t you realize that you can ruin the same thing just by doing the same thing? Can you not care about others? Can you just do it by yourself? You are not young anymore. If you have nothing to do, can you take care of Wei Rui at home? You haven't washed his clothes yet, but you still wash them for the security guard? Have you ever thought about it? People in the company have spread the news that you two are getting along, can you save me some trouble for a day?"

Hearing Lily's words, Mother Wei was greatly shocked. She thought she was loyal to the sun and the moon, but she didn't expect that others would see her like this. She originally wanted to say good things for the security guard again, but Lily said Her gossip with the security guard. She also flinched a little and didn't dare to mention it again.

Since then, Wei's mother no longer dared to go to beauty salons. She stayed at home every day and stopped contacting Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang is obsessed with her and chases her fiercely every day. To put it nicely, Mother Wei has a good heart and is willing to help others. To put it harshly, she was a good person who didn't know how to reject others. Two months later, under Lao Zhang's persistent pursuit, she ended up with him inexplicably.

At first, Lao Zhang tried to act like a boss, but later he felt bored when he saw that Lily ignored him and insulted him again. One time when he wanted to point fingers at the people at the beauty salon, Lily scolded him. He felt so shameless that he turned around and resigned in anger.

After resigning, Lao Zhang initially lived with Wei Rui, but later felt a little angry and moved back to his own rented home. Wei's mother was his girlfriend. They also moved together, and Lily felt that the whole world had become quieter. When she invited Lao Zhang, she thought he was a good candidate to take Wei Mu away, but the matter did not end there. Wei Mu's character could not be changed, so she moved to Lao Zhang's house not long ago. Oh my god, Lily received a call from the hospital half a month later, saying that Wei’s mother was paralyzed!

Her spine was broken by Lao Zhang. The broken bones damaged the nerves, causing her to lose feeling in the lower half of her limbs.

When we got to the hospital. Mother Wei was lying on the hospital bed. In a few days, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight. The bruises on her face were still there, and she was wearing a ventilator. Lily looked coldly through the glass door of the ward with an indifferent expression. She had expected this day. She expected that Mother Wei was beaten. With Mother Wei's character and Lao Zhang's character, this day was inevitable. She couldn't beat Mother Wei, but she could borrow the help of others to deal with Mother Wei and teach her a lesson. She just didn't expect it. How could Lao Zhang be so ruthless and stop her worries all at once!

Lily opened the door, but Wei's mother hadn't woken up yet. The police who arrived later told her what had happened.

Wei's mother had a boyfriend, but she still couldn't change her character. She took the 40,000 yuan that Lao Zhang had spent most of his life and donated it all to a nursing home! This Lao Zhang was not easy to bully like Father Wei at the time. When he found out, he became furious and immediately asked Mother Wei to come back. Mother Wei couldn't bear it. She explained a few words. Not only did she not ask for it, but she persuaded Lao Zhang to do it with her. For a good deed, Lao Zhang got angry and beat her half to death with his fist. Later, when he was drunk and still not relieved, he hit Wei with something and hit her hard, who was lying on the bed to rest after being beaten. The bones in his mother's body were broken and nerves were cut. When she was sent to the hospital, her mother was already unconscious.

The doctor waited for the police to finish speaking, and then began to explain the situation of Wei's mother. She needed an operation immediately, but the possibility of paralysis of the operator was very high, so he could only do his best.

Lily signed. Wei's mother was in an emergency and was pushed into the operating room. The result of the operation was as the doctor had expected. She was paralyzed. When she knew all this, Wei's mother was completely blinded. She didn't dare to do it every day. Believing, he beat his legs that had lost all feeling and muttered to himself:

"I always do good things, why is this happening?"

She always did good deeds, but no matter whether it was the people she helped or the people who were forced to help others with her, no one remembered her and was grateful to her, especially the few things she did. There were very serious consequences. Lao Zhang was introduced by Lily, and he was indeed determined to cure Wei's mother's cancer at once. But the plan depends on the person, and the success of the matter still depends on Wei's mother's own wishes.

If she had been more restrained back then, not to get involved with Lao Zhang, and not to do things for others that she was not supposed to do just because they were pitiful, how would Lao Zhang have the chance to get involved with her? If Mother Wei and Lao Zhang manage their lives well after they get together, instead of taking other people's money as money and donating Lao Zhang's money like before, she will not be angry. The irrational Lao Zhang was beaten like this. After all, she was the one who sought death. As the saying goes, if you don't seek death, you won't die. Lily dug a hole for Mother Wei, and she jumped in because of her own fault. Now Lao Zhang Being locked up, Lily also breathed a sigh of relief.

When she first thought about how to deal with Mother Wei, she had already thought of today's ending. Mother Wei cannot be beaten or killed. As a daughter, she cannot take her life. Solve her once and for all. Mother Wei is dead, and the original owner She will definitely feel unwilling to do so. No matter how bad or annoying she is, she will always be the biological mother of the original owner. Only if she is allowed to live like this, living like Wei Rui, is neither a human nor a ghost. Not only can he get rid of Lily's bad temper, but he can also spend money to hire someone to take care of her and gain the reputation of being a filial daughter.

Lily would rather lay paralyzed Wei Mu than have her running around alive!

Things that can be solved with money. It's always better to be as irritated as ever. Although Mother Wei asked for money after she became paralyzed, the money was just a drop in the bucket compared to the money she had lost before, if the 100,000 yuan she had donated to the temple were still there. It was enough for her to hire a caregiver for several years.

Now Lily's beauty salon business is gradually getting on the right track, making more money, and raising a guardian mother is not a problem at all.

After waking up, the police originally said that they would charge Lao Zhang and discuss the issue of compensation. However, Wei's mother had become like this now, but she still thought about pitying others. In the end, Lao Zhang was charged with wounding someone. He was sent to prison, and the sentence was not severe. Lily did not ask him for compensation anymore, so the matter was settled.

After Wei's mother became paralyzed, Lily hired several people to wait on her as usual. She couldn't go anywhere, and no one talked to her all day long. She is now a disabled person and can no longer help others. Sometimes when the nurse does not speak, she can only sit in the room and stare outside. At this moment, Wei's mother feels that her son Wei Rui has spent more than ten years. How did she get here? It was as if she was put in a cage by Lily and could no longer move around.

After the matter was completed, without Mother Wei's interference, Lily felt that she could walk with ease. Her marriage to Zhu Mingchui had reached the standard of two years of separation. The court announced the couple's divorce last month. The matter with Wei's mother has come to an end, and now Lily's business is gradually picking up. Many customers who come to the club to spend money also jokingly want to introduce new relationships to this beautiful landlady, but Lily refuses.

The club house was bought by Lily. It has expanded even more than before, and some people are even starting to want to join the partnership. Wei Baihe's life took a turn when Baihe entered the mission and began to turn to a different life path. After she separated from her relationship with Zhu Mingchu, she did not turn to the arms of other men because of the depression of married life. , all this is just because of the difference of sympathy between thoughts, the results are completely different.

Downstairs of the beauty salon, Zhu Mingchu, whose assets have increased a lot now, is standing in front of the car. He has been chasing Lily very closely recently. When his wife is by his side, he always thinks that the two of them will spend a long time together, so he does not He didn't cherish her much until she really lost it. After seeing that the person he called his ex-wife was living a good life, even better than before, and there were many people competing with him, Zhu Mingchu began to feel sour in his heart. Wei Baihe was the first He is a man. If the woman who belongs to him is with someone else in the future, he will be very unwilling to do so.

"If I said that I had sent Yuanyuan out of the country, would you consider remarrying me?" When Lily went downstairs, he stopped in front of Lily and stared at her with his eyes.

He had dug a hole to set up a trap and even set a trap for Wei's mother, but in the end he failed to trap this woman. She was more ruthless than him. Even before he could use Wei's mother to force Lily to return to him, Wei's mother was trapped. The mother was gone, and now that Lily's wings were hardened, she no longer had to be trapped by his side. Zhu Mingchu couldn't hold her, and was unwilling to let go, so he had to lower his body.

"If I say, even if you send Zhu Yuanyuan away, I will not consider remarrying you at all. Will you come back again, Mr. Zhu?" The matter of Zhu Yuanyuan and Zhu Mingchui in the Zhu family has been spread throughout the upper class society. Most of the people who spend money here at Baihe are women from the upper class. She can find out some gossip. The Zhu family cannot afford to lose this person. Although Zhu's father and mother Zhu like Zhu Yuanyuan, the girl they picked up, she has always just picked him up. Those who come back to raise them are not their biological children.

As long as it didn't harm the Zhu family's reputation, Zhu's father and mother could pamper her, but if it harmed the Zhu family's reputation, Zhu's father and mother would naturally not tolerate her.

In the past, Zhu Yuanyuan always took her back to Germany to scare her adoptive parents, but now she has been sent back, and all financial support has been cut off by the Zhu family. Now her life is very difficult.

"Yuanyuan is already married. I will pursue you again. Give me a chance." Zhu Mingchuo reached out to pull Lily. Only after Zhu Yuanyuan went abroad did she realize that without the Zhu family's money, although she had some friends in Germany, they had left her. After entering this circle, many friends saw that she could no longer keep up with their own standards, so they gradually alienated her. What's more, there were no secrets in this circle. Her love for Zhu Mingchu could not be hidden from the international student circle. Later, in order to maintain expenses and avoid being sent back to China, Zhu Yuanyuan could not afford to lose the person who came back, and she did not dare to come back and hear other people's rumors, so she took the initiative to marry the classmate who had been chasing her before.

But when others were chasing her, she had Zhu Mingchui in her heart who was unwilling to marry, so they naturally regarded her as a treasure. Now that she is down and wants to marry in order to survive, she is naturally nothing to them, and you can imagine her future life. Zhu Mingchu was not without sighs about this. After all, she was the sister he had watched since childhood. Even if she was not her biological child, she still had some feelings for her. However, Zhu Yuanyuan was too arrogant at the beginning, thinking that Zhu's father and Zhu's mother would indulge without any bottom line. He looked at her, but he didn't expect that after she came to make trouble with Lily that day, another young man from the upper class named Zhou noticed that she was beaten by Lily, and he later spread the word to her.

"She is not my biological sister, she was just adopted by me. Now I know that I was wrong before, give me a chance." Before getting married, Wei Lily had not pursued Wei Lily, but Wei Lily still married his man obediently. , the man who had wronged his wife endlessly for Zhu Yuanyuan after marriage, and finally made Wei Lily intolerable, now started to act romantic.

There was a car full of perfumed lilies in his car. Lily vaguely remembered that Zhu Mingchui rarely sent her flowers in the original owner's impression. Maybe Zhu Yuanyuan didn't like it. Even if he did, he never sent lilies. Most often, his secretary would do it for him. The roses I ordered were really thoughtful at this moment, but unfortunately the person who should have received them is long gone.

After rejecting Zhu Mingchu, he did not give up. I don't know whether it was because he was unwilling to give up, or whether it was because things that are easy to get are always less cherished. Things that are not easy to get, but the world just takes it as a challenge and tries every means to get it. Zhu Mingchu chased Lily for several years, from his prime to middle age, and finally gained a reputation as an infatuated lover. The fact that the eldest son of the Zhu family chased his ex-wife became a topic of laughter among everyone in the circle. .

Some people were envious, others were jealous, and some sympathized with Zhu Mingchu, but in the end, Zhu Mingchu got married again in order to have a child for the Zhu family. After Lily's business grew, the two met at a party once, and Zhu Mingchu When Cui saw Lily, he wanted to come over. A woman grabbed his hand and stared at Lily with some vigilance. However, Zhu Yuanyuan had long since disappeared in the circle of Hua Kingdom, without a trace. Occasionally, when someone mentioned her, they only thought of Zhu Yuanyuan. Who will care about the life or death of the girl who fell in love with her brother and was eventually married abroad by the Zhu family? (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Facts have proved that I have integrity, the update on the 30th is 7,000 words! ! ! ! Seven thousand words! Seven thousand words! I’ve said important things three times. Don’t say again that I didn’t update on the 30th. Also, please give me some fan votes!

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