Cannon Fodder Strategy

Meeting the Palace Concubine System Again (1)

After completing the mission and returning to the starry sky, she had known that Li Yanxi was trapped somewhere and could not come back, but when she saw the deserted space, Lily still couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Her information appeared in the starry sky:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 87 (out of 100)

Appearance: 92 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 77 (100 full points)

Force: 75 (out of 100 points)

Spirit: 82 (out of 100)

Reputation: 34 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua (slightly dabbled in)

Charisma: 65 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

In addition to the force value, even the other attribute values ​​​​that have not increased for a long time have unexpectedly increased a little this time. Although it is the appearance that has increased and nothing else, the extra things still make Lily happy. She was refreshed, but it was a pity that Li Yanxi didn't come back at this time. She sighed silently. Until now, she couldn't do anything to help Li Yanxi. She didn't know how he could return to the starry sky last time. She only hoped that she Now the fastest task is useful to him.

The dizziness during the transmission mission came over, and Lily closed her eyes.

"Mom, please calm down!" When entering the mission, the original owner's body seemed to be slapped on the table hard, causing Lily's palms to ache, and the teacups and bowls next to her could not help beating. Lily felt as if the blood vessels in her head were beating suddenly, as if many people were kneeling on the ground, saying words that made her angry.

The surroundings were so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, and Lily had a splitting headache at the moment. But he couldn't even open his mouth to say a word.

"He'er, how old are you, and you still have such a big temper? What are you talking about?" A series of footsteps came from far and near. A stern female voice with a hint of reproach sounded beside Lily. Before Lily raised her hand, tears rolled down her eyes. She opened her mouth. This body should have suffered a great deal. Stimulating, Lily's mental strength has now reached over 80, but under this pain, it is almost unbearable. It seemed that he had returned to the time when he had just entered the mission and was in extreme pain when receiving the plot. When he heard the woman's voice, he felt as if someone was stabbing him with a needle in his head, and he fainted.

"My wife was so angry that she suffered from irritation, and she was so irritated after the miscarriage that she couldn't help but fainted. As long as she takes more care of herself, it won't be a serious problem. It's just that this medicine can heal the body, but not the mind. Master, you..." A deep female voice whispered in Lily's ear. A hand was combing her broken hair by her ear and cheek. Feeling that Lily was about to wake up, the owner of the hand paused. Dun: "I know what I'm doing. You need to take good care of my He'er first. If there's any serious harm to her, I'm going to skin Jiang Minzhu alive!"

There was a hint of sinisterness in the woman's voice. Unspeakable resentment and murderous intent. The people around him were so quiet that they didn't dare to make the slightest sound. After a while, the deep female voice responded, saying goodbye and going out first, waiting for others to leave. The room became quiet again, and the woman's palm had been resting on Lily's ear and cheek. Then he raised it up and said, "Now that you're awake, why are you still pretending to be asleep in front of my mother? With this trick of yours, you can deceive others, but can you also deceive me?"

Lily smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't know how this woman saw through her and woke up. But since she called herself A Niang, she shouldn't be disadvantageous to the original owner. Otherwise, when she was asleep just now, she would have known what she was going to do. The opportunity was given to act, but it was a pity that he had not accepted the plot yet, so he had to be careful at every turn.

"Look at your little potential, a lowly maid raised by a down-to-earth family has caused such a mess in your life. It's really ruining my Tao family reputation!" The woman's fingertips suddenly touched Lily's forehead. Her fingertips were cold, which made her even more tactile. Delicate, this woman is about thirty years old, with indescribable sternness in her eyebrows. She wears a gold set on her head, and a large drop-shaped gold ornament on her forehead is inlaid with a large piece of Hetian jade. It hangs in the middle of her forehead, shining out Her face was full of brilliance and arrogance, looking graceful and luxurious. At this moment, her eyes were staring at Lily, with a bit of unconcealable worry in her eyes.

When she saw this woman, an unspeakable sadness surged out of Lily's heart. Just as she was about to open her mouth, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind:

"The system has been bound. Lu Ronghe is encouraged to teach Jiang Minzhu a lesson. If the task is completed, Yang Liu Yao will be rewarded. There will be no punishment for failure!"

This voice sounded inexplicably like it was coming from Lily's mind, which made her tense up all of a sudden. This was a large inner hall, and there were several palace missions among the missions that Lily had entered. Naturally, it seemed It can be seen that this is like the decoration of the inner room of the palace. There are many palace people standing around, but in front of this woman, none of them dare to express their anger. The inexplicable voice just came from nowhere, which makes Lily Feeling a little creepy.

She has done a lot of tasks, but this is the first time this strange situation happened. Her pupils were constricted. The woman immediately noticed something strange about her and reached out to touch her forehead:

"I'm not happy to say a few words to you. I have my temper, but I can't imitate your mother-in-law's cleverness! Useless things, Jiang Minzhu has made you like this. I can't save the child. Don't tell me, the majestic Queen Zhao , even passed out in public. If the news spreads, wouldn't it mean that people would laugh at me, Mr. Tao?" The woman's beautiful face showed a bit of anger, and she stood up with a cold snort: "That bitch from Changping If you insist on being against me, I will skin Jiang Minzhu and give her the skin to make shoes for her!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the strange male-male voice in Lily's mind rang again: "Ding! Encourage Lu Ronghe to finish!"

After the mechanical voice finished speaking, Lily keenly felt that the clothes she was wearing seemed to have fallen inside. Others did not notice this slight change. Maybe if it were someone else, they might not be able to notice it. However, her character has always been keen and cautious. When she discovered this mysterious and weird voice, she had already tensed up her body. Even if the change was very subtle, she still felt it. Thinking of what the mysterious voice just said, she felt a surge of emotion in her heart. It cooled down a bit, and my energy suddenly became somewhat highly concentrated.

After the woman finished speaking, before Lily could speak, she snorted coldly and strode out. The golden steps on her head made a soft sound when she walked. When the jade pendants hanging on her waist collided with each other, a clear and sweet sound rang out. The long hem of her clothes trailed behind her, and a group of maids followed her step by step. , until she disappeared out of sight around the corner, the scent of fragrance still seemed to surround her nose. She was a strong and fierce woman.

It's just that Lily has no intention to care about this woman at this moment. She wants to urgently understand her current situation, especially where the inexplicable sound comes from. She still hasn't figured it out yet. She feels a little chilly and doesn't know. Where was the thing that was talking to me hiding? I had to concentrate very hard. I didn't know who the voice was, and I didn't know what the purpose of this so-called mission was. At this moment, the voice could directly contact me through my mind. Lily didn't even know if it could peek into her thoughts. For a moment, she didn't even dare to accept the plot, and her heartbeat was so fast.

This is not the first time I have done a mission, but it is the first time I have encountered something as difficult as this. It is a pity that Li Yanxi is not in the starry sky at this time. Otherwise, if I encounter such a trouble, I can ask him for a clear explanation. Okay, Lily bit her lip and forced herself to get rid of the panic and calm down. Now she was not sure what was talking in her mind, so she was not ready to accept the plot for the time being. She was afraid that the inexplicable thing would be hiding behind her and find out. own identity.

Without the plot and the memory of the original owner, Lily could only explore from the few clues she had so far. She licked her lips that were dry due to nervousness, and recalled what the people she met after entering the mission said. I probably figured it out in my mind.

The woman who just claimed to teach Jiang Minzhu a lesson claimed to be her mother-in-law, and said that the original owner's actions had ruined the Tao family's prestige. It is conceivable that the original owner should be named Tao. According to the setting Li Yanxi gave to herself, this body should be called Tao Baihe. There is no doubt about it. The woman once said that as a dignified queen of Zhao, she actually fainted in public. From this, it can be inferred that the place she was in was Da Zhao, and Tao Baihe was the queen of Da Zhao, and the reason for her fainting was that she had just woken up. When we came here, someone whispered that it was because the original owner was so out of breath after having the baby that she was pregnant. Tao Baihe probably gave birth to her baby just now. As for the outburst, the woman previously claimed that she was harmed by a person named Jiang Minzhu. Just to be jealous.

Lily has sorted out the general plot. It should be that the original owner came from a prominent family and had an extremely powerful mother. She should be named Lu Ronghe. After marrying the emperor of Zhao Dynasty, she competed with Jiang Minzhu for favor, but lost to Xiaochan and was so angry that she was half dead. She also needs her maternal family to stand up for her. Although some details are still unclear, as long as the general things can be cleared out, it will be like building a house. The foundation steel bars are laid, and the remaining bricks and tiles can be laid slowly.

What made her feel a little embarrassed was that she didn't know the original owner's wishes and purpose because she didn't receive the plot and the memory of the original owner. Lily didn't dare to relax for a day. She could only think about the mission slowly.

"Your Majesty, do you want to have a meal? The imperial doctor has prescribed a warm tonic prescription for your Majesty, and it has been prepared in the imperial kitchen." The young palace lady knelt in front of the couch, trembling with fear and not even daring to raise her head. His voice was trembling when he talked to Lily. The original owner must have a very arrogant temperament and was not someone who was easy to serve. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: First update~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A new month has begun. Alas, I have to start asking for fans’ votes again. When I think about asking for fans’ votes, I am so scared. It hurts, and you ask me where the eggs came from, I have a face... I am so proud of this story, and I wanted to praise myself. . . But I’m too lazy to type, so you’d better vote for me as a fan, keep your compliments to me, and let your imagination run wild…

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