Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (2)

In the previous mission world, Lily was almost her real name. Except for one time when she failed at the beginning of the mission, she entered the story of "Swordsman" and became Yue Lingshan. Therefore, when the middle-aged man in white robe spoke at first, she did not She didn't realize that this was calling her, but when she woke up now, she saw that in this luxurious space about ten square meters wide, apart from the servants standing with respectful expressions, she was the only two people sitting there. With this handsome young man with blond hair in black clothes, who stepped on the silver wolf.

Except for a few maids standing arm-in-arm, there are no other women here, so the 'Miss Roman' that the middle-aged man calls is most likely her.

It seems that the mission world this time should be more Western-style, so her name has also changed accordingly. Unfortunately, Lily has not accepted the plot at this time. The man in black in front of her does not seem to be easy to mess with. Lily instinctively She felt that he was very dangerous. Although this person was just sitting there quietly, Lily always had the illusion that he could snap someone's neck in an instant if he wanted to.

She pursed her lips cautiously, remembering what the middle-aged man called 'Brian'. It was obviously after the young man known as the 'Paladin' in the scene drove away the monster, and the cold-faced man in black next to him The name 'Burnley' was shouted out, then Brian should be the knight in golden armor, and the middle-aged man said that Brian was the knight of 'Miss Roman'. If it was 'Miss Roman', it was the name of the original owner. , then this Brian is the original owner, and the original owner should be a saint from the Holy See.

Thinking of this, Lily felt a slight headache.

There seems to be something wrong with entering the mission this time. She still felt a little pity for the big man who had just been eaten, but her heart was still beating rapidly at this time, and she couldn't recover at all.

Having entered the mission too many times, Lily is not a person who has so much sympathy. Although the scene just now was bloody, she herself had killed people to complete the task. No matter how compassionate she was, she would never shed tears because of a stranger. I was eager to do something right now.

That feeling was so weird that Lily gritted her teeth and took several deep breaths before suppressing the feeling of wanting to cry in her heart.

After the middle-aged man in white robe answered the question of the man in black, the man in black, whom he called 'Sir', did not say anything. He just stared at the center of the arena expressionlessly. The middle-aged man's indifference towards him seemed to have already faded away. Getting used to it, he straightened up with a smile. He looked over at Lily, and then as if he noticed something strange about Lily, he asked with some concern:

"Is Miss Roman unwell?" Lily could see clearly at this moment that he was indeed speaking to herself. This proved that her guess just now was correct. The 'Miss Roman' mentioned by the middle-aged man was indeed her. , the plot and memories have not been received yet. Lily didn't dare to agree rashly. She didn't know the character and temper of the original owner, nor did she know the relationship between the original owner and the young and handsome man next to her. It seemed that the man was not easy to mess with. She suppressed the weird feeling in her heart. Feeling, he responded softly.

The middle-aged man glanced at the handsome man with a cold and unmoved expression in embarrassment. He was afraid to disturb the gentleman's elegance, but also felt some sympathy when he saw Lily's pale face.

"Sir..." The middle-aged man moved his lips. The man who was originally as calm as a marble sculpture finally made a move and turned his head. As he turned his head. A fresh breath like orchid or orchid from his body passed into Lily's nose. The smell is light and fragrant, almost invisible, and it smells very good, even if it is set off by the large amount of bloody smell around it. Occasionally smell it and feel that the entire air has been purified.

His pale golden hair swayed slightly as he turned his head. His blue eyes fell on Lily. When the man looked at him from the side, he only felt cold and emotionless. Now that he saw the front, Lily felt a little surprised.

His cheeks were thin and narrow, making his already deep facial features appear even deeper. His lips were shallow, and he should have looked cold-blooded, but the corners of his mouth naturally turned up. When looking at his profile, Lily would feel that he looked like him at any moment. With a sneer in his mouth, he turned his head at this moment, and Lily realized that the shape of his lips perfectly neutralized the cold look he originally gave off.

A pair of blue eyes are like the clear sea water under the sky, clean but aloof, but his light eyebrows are extremely long and have a beautiful arc, which neutralizes the indifference in his eyes. This young man's facial features are all cold when taken apart, as if someone has deliberately carved the most exquisite but not half-popular sample, but when put together, it seems to be the most perfect masterpiece from God, forming a picture that will be very beautiful. A face that pleases women.

He was not as imposing as Lily imagined. He just sat there quietly, his expression seemed a bit confused and lazy. His eyes did not narrow arrogantly when looking at people, but an invisible pressure made people feel a bit depressed. Out of breath. There was a bit of indifference and alienation between his eyebrows, but it was hard for people to dislike him. He was staring at Lily so quietly at the moment, but inexplicably it made her become nervous all over. He didn't even say anything or do anything, but Lily instinctively felt a little uneasy.

This was not her imagination, because the silver-white giant wolf that was stepped on by the young man was lying quietly, but at this time the wolf moved, shook its head and raised its head.

A few strands of silver-white hair flew up as the wolf shook its head, and soon flew onto the young man's black velvet robe. The velvet fabric was easily stained with dust, and because he was wearing pure black clothes, When the silver-white hair touched his clothes, it became particularly eye-catching. Almost in an instant, the temperature in his eyes quickly cooled down, and he lifted his foot that was resting on the wolf's head. He stepped on it with all his strength!

'Ouch...' After Silver Wolf received this blow, his originally raised head was forced to step on the ground, and his lower jaw hit the stone slab underground, making a loud sound. The silver wolf let out a painful cry. The young man moved his foot away and kicked the wolf on the head: "I hate having things on me."

The wolf's body was trembling, and he lay obediently on the ground in a surrendering posture. This time, he didn't dare to shake his head. The middle-aged man in white robe on the side looked at Lily apologetically, squatted on the ground, and took out a snow-white handkerchief. Carefully picking up the few strands of hair that were stuck on his body for him, the young man seemed to have been disturbed. He turned his head and glanced at the venue. At this time, the gate in the venue was reopened, and two faces The man with the totem tattooed on his body was pushed out. He was a little bored and took out a handkerchief from the hand of the maid holding the plate. He wiped his hands elegantly and asked:

"Leon. What did you just want to say?"

The middle-aged man picked up a few strands of wolf hair on his body, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and stood up: "Sir, Miss Roman doesn't seem to be very interested in the Colosseum."

As soon as he said these words, the corners of the young man's mouth curled up slightly, even if it was just a shallow smile, but his cold face seemed to break the ice all of a sudden. The whole statue suddenly became alive, but the smile did not reach his eyes. He quickly stopped smiling and threw the handkerchief that had rubbed his palm back into the tray held by the maid, meaning He said deeply:

"You are really a loyal believer of the God of Light." The middle-aged man's face turned slightly pale, and after hearing these words, his back bent even more respectfully.

"Since Miss Roman doesn't have much interest in this place, there is no need to stay any longer." In the arena, two big men were already fighting with weapons in their hands. They didn't know why, but they were working extremely hard. For a while, both sides took advantage of each other.

The blood obviously made everyone in the venue a little excited. There were loud shouts of curses and cheers all around. Lily's eyes did not fall on the handsome young man at the moment. She was worried about the two men fighting together, and her eyes could not look away from the silver wolf who had not dared to raise his head after his head was stepped on just now. Move the body away, this is really a ghost!

She is not such a sentimental person. At this moment, she was sure that she was under the influence of the original owner, whose mental power was definitely not low. That's why she had the ability to influence her. She resisted the urge to step forward to appease the giant wolf. The two gladiators who were fighting in the field suddenly held the weapons in their hands and stabbed each other into each other's bodies!

The two big men let out painful moans from their mouths, and Lily couldn't help but scream out in surprise. Her voice attracted the attention of the handsome young man, and she couldn't help but shout:

"Sir..." She wanted to plead for the two injured men, she wanted to help these two people!

Lily felt like scolding her at this moment. She didn't know where she was from or what environment she was in. Now she actually wanted to do it when she didn't even accept the plot and she wasn't very strong. To help others, she didn't know what kind of character the original owner was. Even if the soul in the body had been replaced by her own, she still had such a great influence on herself. Her shout just now had successfully attracted the attention of the handsome man. , those blue eyes fell on her face, powerful and intimidating. Lily felt like a poultry being stared at by an eagle at that moment, and her whole body became a little tense.

The young man raised his eyebrows when he saw that she had called him but didn't speak. She took a deep breath. She could never say that she wanted him to help the two big men in the scene and asked him to be kind to Silver Wolf, even at this moment. She actually couldn't help but want to do that.

The strong control still overcame the desire in her heart. Lily gritted her teeth. Seeing the young man looking at her in silence, she forced herself to turn her eyes from the arena to the young man and stared at him for a long time:

"You are very handsome!" As soon as he said these words, the faces of the well-trained servants around him showed forbearance and horror. Even the middle-aged man who spoke before looked at Lily in surprise, and then He quickly lowered his head.

Obviously the young man was also very surprised. His cold and slightly reserved face showed a slight smile, and a bit of doubt flashed in his cold blue eyes. He nodded without saying anything and stood up. Come.

He is very tall, about 1.9 meters tall, and his legs are extremely long. I didn't feel it when he was sitting before. But now when he stood up, the sun shone through the arched stone window onto his pale golden hair. On the top, there is a bit of dazzling light. Lily stood beside him, her height only reaching his chest. His black robe was exquisitely made, with a slant collar, revealing a white shirt with exquisite and complicated lace underneath, and his waist was gathered with a golden ribbon. Outlining the shape of his slim waist. He took the lead and walked towards the door at the rear. Silver Wolf, who was lying on the side, also got up and followed him. It should be possible to leave the arena here. The two servants at the door lowered their heads. As soon as he left, the air around him seemed to be much lighter, and it was no longer as oppressive as before. The middle-aged man stood at the door, making a gesture of invitation, and Lily quickly lifted up her skirt to follow.

There is a separate passage coming out from the rear. The road is extremely wide, and the young man can walk in front without making a sound. It was not a long passage, but Lily felt as if she had walked for a long time. The claps and screams in the arena were still coming, but fortunately she didn't see the tragic situation there with her own eyes. The heavy feeling in her heart finally subsided a lot, and the smell of blood was no longer what she smelled in her nose. , on the contrary, there was a vague fragrance coming from the handsome young man, which made people feel very calm.

The first few soldiers holding spears guarding the arena saw a group of people approaching. They all bowed their heads respectfully, and the young man slowly walked out to watch and suddenly stopped. Lily didn't notice that he would suddenly stop, and she couldn't hold back her feet and almost bumped into him. The young man was very vigilant. Before she even touched the hem of his clothes, he moved aside without mercy. Lily couldn't hold back. When he gave way, below was a white jade staircase that was nearly fifty meters long. She When I saw that I was about to fall down. Someone next to her reached out and gave her a hand. The gentle middle-aged man asked with some concern:

"Miss Roman, please be careful."

"Thank you!" Lily came back to her senses, still a little shocked, and she frowned. I am not such a restless person, but after seeing the scene in the arena before. Until now she couldn't calm down.

Rows of gorgeous carriages were parked on the wall below the steps. Lily stood firm. The man in white robe quickly retracted his hand. The handsome young man did not say anything for his avoidance. , but instead started going down the steps as if nothing had happened.

From such actions, Lily could feel that the relationship between the original owner and this young man was probably not very close.

A spacious carriage engraved with the blue eagle totem had already turned around when it saw a few people descending the steps. The two horses pulling the carriage were very strange. They were all white without a trace of color, but there was a long hair in the middle of their foreheads. People around him seemed not to be surprised by the silver horn. The middle-aged man looked around, frowned and asked:

"Miss Roman, the Holy See's carriage has not come, and your knight Brian doesn't seem to be here..." He glanced helplessly at the young man beside him. The young man frowned slightly this time and turned to look. Glancing at Lily and seeing her confused look, he suddenly said:

"Go back to Aturi first and leave people here." He was in a high position and was used to giving orders. As soon as he said this, he didn't even ask Lily for her opinion and got on the carriage.

A smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face. Lily somehow felt that the young man was very dangerous and didn't want to get into the carriage with him. But now she saw the middle-aged man looking a little happy, and then she saw The people who spoke had already got on the carriage and left. She hesitated for a moment, looked around and saw that there was no vehicle coming to pick her up, so she climbed into the carriage.

From the outside, there is nothing outstanding about the carriage. Apart from the eye-catching blue eagle totem, this carriage looks very ordinary from the outside, but it is very wide inside.

The interior layout of the carriage is not complicated. The top of the carriage is hollowed out and carved with patterns. The carriage is covered with soft pure white carpets. A soft couch takes up half of the carriage. A low table is placed in the couch to separate the soft couch. It was divided into two halves. There was an open book on the table with a crystal jewelry pressed in the middle. The young man who had just got in the car was lying on the corner of the soft couch. When Lily got in the car, she suddenly didn't know what to do. Put your foot down.

The young man didn't seem to care about her, and casually picked up the book into the drawer of the low table, then raised his head and stared at Lily.

The car started moving slowly. The middle-aged men before, including the silver wolf, didn't even get on the carriage. Under the gaze of the young man, she walked towards the soft couch and sat down carefully and tentatively. The young man stared at her calmly: "Madam, I don't eat people."

He was indeed not a man-eating monster, but the way he looked at people was more dangerous than a monster. Lily was so tense that she didn't dare to lean her back against the table. She didn't know who the young man was, nor his name, nor the relationship between the original owner and this man. In fact, at this moment, she really wanted to be alone and take in the plot. She instinctively felt that this mission was quite satisfying, but it was a pity that she had not had a chance until now after entering the mission.

"I didn't know you would be such a reserved woman. In fact, I haven't had the opportunity to be alone with women before. I hope I didn't let you down today." He finished. Lily began to analyze in her mind. From what this man said, it seemed that the original owner had no dealings with him before, so this man probably didn't know much about the original owner's character.

If this is really the case, then even if there is something wrong with her, this man who seems cold but is actually dangerous may not be able to see it.

Thinking of this, Lily felt relieved. She nodded. The original owner had disappeared long ago. In fact, she didn't know whether she was disappointed or not.

When the young man saw her nodding, his eyelids drooped, and the blue eyes were blocked under his eyelids. The cold and intimidating gaze seemed to be taken away by him. Lily instantly felt a lot lighter. Then, she breathed out a breath that was imperceptible. Beads of sweat broke out on his back.

The young man who was cold before and spoke no more than five sentences in total in the arena, now that there is no one else around him after getting on the carriage, his attitude is not as cold as before. He occasionally speaks, but his eyes are fixed on the ground, and his eyes are blocked. Behind my eyelids, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

Every time she said a word to him, Lily always thought carefully and carefully, fearing that any flaws would be exposed. Fortunately, the young man didn't seem to notice her tension. All the way back to the manor, the carriage stopped. Lily was breathing a sigh of relief and had not yet gotten up. The gentle voice of the middle-aged man outside the carriage rang:

"Miss Roman, Mr. Bryan's carriage is already waiting outside the manor. He wants to take you back."

When Lily heard this, her tense body felt a little relaxed. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Just as she was about to stand up, the half-lying young man asked lazily:

"I heard from Leon that you like Guy Ritchie's medical book very much. Is it good?" His tone was soft, and he seemed to have a kind of hypnotic magic power. It sounded as if he could hear the beating notes in his voice. It makes people feel addicted involuntarily. Lily nodded subconsciously. When she came to her senses, she felt that something was wrong. She felt even more wary, but the man didn't seem to realize the coldness and longing in her eyes. Feeling eager to leave, he continued: "Send greetings to His Holiness the Pope for me."

"I will." Lily was eager to leave. As soon as the man finished speaking, she thought of the identity of the original owner's body as a church saint. There was also a popular paladin beside her. She must have a high status and be able to meet the Pope. It didn't seem like it was anything surprising, so she responded in a low voice, said goodbye and got off the carriage. She didn't see the cold-faced man reveal a hint of smile after she left the carriage. He smiled slightly and said softly:

"really interesting."

The carriage that came to pick up Lily was already driving towards the manor very quickly. Lily didn't care to look at the scenery of the surrounding manor at the moment. When the two horses pulling the carriage stopped in front of Lily, panting heavily, the man in his clothes Brian, who was in golden armor, jumped down and stood beside the carriage. He quietly watched her thank the middle-aged man who had been taking care of her today. When he saw her turning around to leave, he stretched out his hand to her. Lily put her hand on it. Ryan easily held her hand and helped her onto the carriage.

The appearance of the original owner's car was a bit cleaner than the carriage Lily rode in before. The car was engraved with an embossed image of a scepter, shield and sword. She got into the car and leaned into the soft couch, followed by Brian. He got on the carriage and sat next to Lily without hesitation, taking off the helmet he had been wearing on his head. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: A two-in-one update. Today I have something to do and I have to go out and code the third update when I go home, so I can definitely tell you today that there will be a third update, but it will be later... Please give me a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month. Dear friends, I am so serious and thoughtful, and apart from chatting and eating every day, I sleep, go shopping, and play on my phone. The rest of the time can be spent constantly refreshing the webpage to see if there are any new monthly tickets. This stupid behavior of mine has been going on for several years. I have eaten it. I can’t control the medicine! Whenever I see my monthly bills increasing slowly, as if I can never lose weight, you know my crystal clear tears are dripping down my jade-like face!

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