Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (5)

In the end, Aturi asked him to say hello to His Holiness the Pope, and Lily responded by agreeing.

However, the former pope of the Light Cult died unexpectedly together with the Saint of Light when he was fighting with the people of the Dark Temple more than seven years ago. In the past few years, there have been constant battles in the temple, and several archbishops have divided themselves into factions. , just to ascend to the throne of the Pope. At this moment, there is no Pope in the palace at all.

The deaths of the pope and the saint left a vacancy in the temple without a backbone for ten years.

It is precisely because of this that the status of the temple has plummeted and its strength is not as good as before. Therefore, several archbishops of the Temple of Light claim to have been instructed by the Goddess of Light. They want to re-select the servants of the Goddess of Light this year. This year, the selection of the saint is particularly important. In the hope that the Saint will become the new backbone of the Temple of Light, the special nature of the Saint this time allows the Saint to control the real power of a certain part of the Temple of Light. This is a very important reason, so important that the Romans even hope that their daughter Sell ​​your body to gain supporters.

Not even the Pope, but she agreed to say hello to the Pope for Arturi at that time. Lily just wanted to laugh at this moment.

The consequences of meeting a man as cunning as a fox when he didn't accept the plot were really disastrous. Lily couldn't believe that a man like Aturi who looked so cold could tell lies with his eyes open.

If he acted playful or serious, maybe she would be more cautious. But he looks like he has no desires and desires, as if he is a person who does not change his expression even if the mountain collapses. He has a face that does not look like he can tell lies. I wonder if it is influenced by the original owner, or maybe It was Arturi who performed too well. The lie sounded just like the truth. If she hadn't accepted the plot, she wouldn't have even noticed that he was lying to her when she got into her carriage.

Lily didn't understand when she showed her flaws and made him realize that something was wrong. So that in the end, I used words to trick myself. It was obviously the first time that the original owner met him. How did this cunning man sense that something was wrong? Lily is really puzzled.

It is said that beautiful women can lie. Now that she was deceived by a beautiful man, Lily really wanted to cry.

"Why didn't he talk to you? You are so charming. Didn't the Grand Duke invite you? I don't believe it! Don't try to deceive me. Is it because of Brian? Do you want to refuse the Grand Duke's invitation because of Brian?"

The countess narrowed her eyes with a sharp expression: "My dear girl, don't be stupid, Brian is just your knight, just your servant! He just comes from a small baron family, he can even only Kneel on the ground and lick your toes. From now on, he will be just one of your many lovers at most. You have to like him. I don’t care about your dealings with him after you become a saint. But there is only one Grand Duke Aturi, and he will only be with you. Norey stays for two months, only two months!”

"You must use your charming and lovely appearance to make him fall in love with you within two months and let him help you ascend to the position of saint. Aturi is powerful. If he is willing to help, the position of saint will be Yours, the Pope hasn't been elected yet, don't be stupid for a mere Brian..." The countess wanted to pinch her daughter. Lily was so confused at the moment that she had no time to say more to the countess. , she glanced at the countess:

"There are still things in the Holy See. I'm going back first. You can get out of the car!" The original owner is a candidate saint. However, the Holy See has no mandatory arrangements for these candidate saints. As long as the original owner does not announce her departure from the temple, she is free to do what she wants, as long as she does not do anything that violates the laws of the temple.

Starting half a month ago, the Roman couple coaxed the original owner back to live in the Earl's Mansion. In order for them to arrange for the original owner to date a powerful man in the Norei Empire, Lily mentioned that the Holy See had something to go back to. The Countess was not stupid, she knew that her daughter was unhappy and wanted to leave with an excuse.

She couldn't help cursing twice, and sat aside without moving. Lily stood up and pushed her out, and then she reluctantly lifted up her skirt and got out of the carriage:

"Damn it! You can't have anything to do with Brian. Even if Arturi despises you, you must find a strong man. They will help you become a real saint, you fool!" Lily didn't want to hear what she said at the moment. She reached out and closed the carriage door. She just thought about the way the original owner used his mental power to drive the unicorn to turn around and leave the Earl's Manor. Then she sat back on the couch and began to feel a little distressed. got up.

In the plot, Arturi is a well-known person, but he does not appear much in the Nore Empire. According to rumors, his private life is very strict, and he is not as corrupt as other nobles of the Nore Empire. His arrival attracts the attention of the Nore Empire. Many nobles made a sensation and wanted to make friends with him, but this man seemed to have no interest in anything. He has been in the Nole Empire for several days. Every day, countless people want to date him, but he has not met many people. The personality of such a low-key man who does not match his status is almost like a mystery. In general, Lily didn't know how he could tell that something was wrong with her. Although he had no interaction with the original owner after the plot, she was still a little worried at this moment. The two words Arturi asked unintentionally were like It was like a curse hanging in her heart.

When they returned to the Holy See, the people in the Holy See did not pay much attention to Lily's return. Many priests in the Temple of Light had archbishops who supported each other. Each room has its own separate room. When Lily returned to the room, Brian had not returned yet.

In fact, life in the Holy See is not as easy and comfortable as the Romans imagined. There are also partisan disputes in the Holy See. The original owner is simple and kind-hearted, and has no involvement in the filth behind the scenes. In fact, this time the battle for the saint is not that simple.

If the original owner, the countess of the Roman family, can really get the support of Grand Duke Aturi, there may be some hope of ascending to the position of saint, but if Grand Duke Aturi is not willing to support her, even if the Romans really treat their daughter as a plaything Sent into the hands of those powerful people, her chances of becoming a saint are still not great.

She does not have a deep foundation. Although she is a pure body of light, the qualifications of the candidate saints who may enter the temple are not much different. The relationship between the original owner and the several archbishops is not very close. There were not many people supporting her. At this moment, Lily entered the body of the original owner, but vaguely remembered that several candidate saints were introduced into the temple by the archbishop with a high reputation. Obviously, the bishops would not support it. The disciples she introduced into the sect came to support her.

Fortunately, Lily did not have a certain affection for the Roman family like the original owner. She carefully analyzed the plot and memories she received this time. She did not let anything go. The things that the original owner had experienced since childhood were recalled by Lily. Several times, she even recalled carefully the several marquises before dating Aturi, but these people were obviously passers-by and could not have anything to do with this mission. In the end, Lily had to go back again. Back to the starting point, focus on two names.

One is naturally the original owner's personal knight Brian, and the other is Anna who was liked by Brian and betrayed the Holy See for him.

In the plot, although the original owner does not hate this Anna, Lily still decides to find a way to meet her. After all, there is no clue in this mission, and she does not want to let it go even if there is only a little clue.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s because the plot was cut off halfway, but Lily doesn’t have the slightest impression of this Anna. Apart from her name in her mind, she doesn’t know what this girl named Anna looks like or who she is. As for her parentage, I only vaguely knew how Brian met her. It should have been after the original owner had a meeting with Prince Aturi, and the two slowly got to know each other.

But the entire capital of the Nore Empire is so big, and there are so many people of all kinds in it. In this era, girls' names are all fixed. If you call her Anna on the street, there may be a dozen girls looking back at you at the same time, which is the name of the Holy See. Among the fourteen candidates for the saints, excluding Lily, there are three girls named Anna. If you want to find them by your own ability, it is like finding a needle in a haystack. This matter also needs to start with Brian.

When she thought of Brian, Lily's heart began to feel pain like a needle pricking her heart. The pain was not life-threatening, but it still made her frown involuntarily. She didn't like this feeling of being controlled by others, but The original owner is poor in other aspects, but has very strong mental power. Lily has just entered the mission, so it is inevitable to be affected by her. Unless she slowly practices herself, until her mental power is enough to suppress the original owner, she can truly control this body. .

Lily didn't sleep that night. After washing, she resisted the original owner's habit of praying to the goddess of light every night and started practicing physical skills. She had been very cautious, fearing that Brian would come back and find out, but that night Brian did not return.

Brian did not return to the Holy See until dawn the next day.

Obviously, the Roman couple treated their daughter like a commodity and let the original owner send it to their door for men to choose from, which completely hurt the proud knight commander's self-esteem. It was even the first time for him to leave his post without permission.

Lily wondered if he had already met the girl named Anna in the plot. She was planning to go out today to find Brian's whereabouts and extract words from him.

Before praying in the morning, Lily came to the main hall wearing a pure white robe. The Temple of Light prays to the Goddess of Light every morning and evening for blessings. If you are not in the temple, you can read the Bible of Light by yourself, but generally only priests in the Temple of Light can Candidates for the saints will consciously start their day with prayers before the sun comes up. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Second update... I really fell into a willful mode today where I didn't want to write. I drove in the dark room from 10:30 to 5:30. For seven hours, I was deeply fascinated by myself. ...But I still have to be strong and brave and agree to the third update. . I know that there are tigers in the mountains, but I still want to go to the tiger mountains. At this moment, I feel like I have been possessed by Wu Song... Please give me some encouragement with your monthly ticket!

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