Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (35)

"Archbishop, you should ask me as the client first, and you should not ask Lord Aturi this question first. If the temple can show some strong strength that convinces me, let me believe that after I become a saint, I will not I will end up like those candidate saints, and I have to make a public oath to make me feel at ease. Otherwise, I will not become this saint. No matter how nice you say it, it will not be good for me, no. ?"

Lily looked at Andrew with a smile, and the faces of several archbishops turned ugly for a moment. They originally thought that the biggest obstacle to this matter was Arturi, but they didn't expect that this person, who has always been honest and should have heard that he could become a saint, The candidate saint, who should have been ecstatic afterwards, actually expressed her objections at this time, which really surprised several archbishops.

The original owner was sent to the Temple of Light because he was found to have a body of light when he was very young. He has always been influenced by the Temple of Light and has a deep belief in the goddess of light. If it was the original owner, if he knew that he could become the goddess of light, he would definitely be willing to dedicate his life to the goddess of light. Andrew and the others never dreamed that Lily would refuse, and they were speechless for a while.

They were silent and didn't speak. Lily wasn't angry either, she just said slowly:

"A lot of things happened in the Frozen Mountains this time. I think some of you should think carefully about my words." She pretended that Anna was a saint of light, killed several knights, and used the blood of a candidate saint of light. As an important prop for unblocking, he talked about getting the Scepter of Light, and expressed his suspicion: "This Anna is very powerful now. She has killed so many saints, maybe it will be the next one." I'm sorry, gentlemen, if you don't say enough to impress me, even if the Grand Duke has promised something, these transactions will not count."

When they heard that Brian had betrayed the Temple of Light and got involved with a slave girl, and that the slave girl named Anna had also taken away the scepter representing the identity of the Pope of the Temple of Light, the expressions of Andrew and other archbishops all changed.

It's come to this point. Naturally, they would no longer suspect that Lily said such words just to coax them, because Lily didn't know how to unlock the seal and get back the scepter of light. This was a secret in the temple. Several archbishops had caught After arriving at the believers in the Dark Temple. Lily was trying to get the secret out of his mouth, but now she revealed it. It was obvious that at this point, she was not lying or deceiving.

The loss of the Scepter of Light and falling into the hands of others caused the expressions of the people in the temple to change drastically. You must know that the existence of the Scepter of Light, in addition to representing the supreme identity of the Pope of Light. And because this scepter possesses magical power, it might as well be taken away by people in the Dark Temple after the scepter was lost many years ago. Such news has been tightly kept and no one knows about it. But now it has fallen into the hands of this so-called Anna, and she does not seem to have a good impression of the temple. If this light scepter falls into her hands, it may bring great trouble to the temple.

the most important is. Lily's guess might be true. The candidate saints went out to participate in a simple trial. It was supposed to be back in ten days at most, but the team has not returned so far. This situation is not normal. The entire Temple of Light has been filled with a stormy atmosphere recently. This Anna is full of malice towards the temple, and she has With magic in his body, it is entirely possible to kill these candidate saints.

Andrew and the others looked at each other and closed their eyes. Even Andrew's hand holding the Bible began to tremble slightly.

"What? Don't the archbishops believe what I say?" Lily asked when she saw that these people were silent. When she spoke, for some reason, Arturi did not interrupt her, but indulged her in speaking. , as if she was trying her best to get out of the trap he had set, and it was not that important to him. If anything goes wrong, he would be a monster. Lily couldn't tell what was wrong, but she instinctively hoped that the Temple of Light could take it. In order to impress herself, she asked. Since the faces of these archbishops showed struggle, they exchanged glances, and Andrew suddenly said:

"My child, are you sure you heard this slave girl named Anna, holding a scepter of light, kneeling in front of the statue of the Dark Goddess, saying that she wanted to sacrifice him?" His expression was very serious, as if this question meant a lot to him. It was very serious: "Ms. Roman, you must answer my question truthfully and in detail."

Lily was keenly aware that when Andrew said this, the muscles in his cheeks began to twitch. He seemed to be extremely frightened, as if he had thought of something terrible. Lily frowned, looked back at Aturi, and saw Aturi. Li lowered his eyelids, and a strand of hair that had been neatly combed and wiped back fell down, creating a small shadow under his right eyelid. His expression remained unchanged, and there was no clue at all. She bit her Gritting his teeth, he nodded:

"Yes, and her injuries began to recover quickly at that moment, and Brian died at the same time." Not only that, Anna seemed to suddenly become much more dangerous at that moment, and she seemed to be able to use magic. . Lily didn't say the next part, but Andrew went on to say it for her:

"And she can suddenly use magic, right?"

Andrew's eyes were heavy and hopeful, as if he hoped Lily would deny it, and as if he had already guessed something: "It's just because Miss Roman you saw the changes in her body and knew that her strength has greatly increased, so you guessed the temple's The children all died in her hands. If, if I guessed correctly, the warning from the oracle finally appeared."

"Darkness will permeate the entire earth. The energy of the Dark Goddess will be reawakened from the Dark Saint. She will receive the Black Goddess's inheritance. The people of the Loland continent will become the servants of the Dark Goddess. The last glimmer of light will also come from this continent. Disappear on the ground.”

An archbishop wearing silver-white sacrificial robes suddenly sighed and read out such words inexplicably. As soon as he said these words, the faces of several archbishops turned ugly.

"This is the warning oracle from the goddess that we got from the Altar of Light half a year ago. Now it seems that the Dark Saint must have appeared, and according to what you said, she has used the blood of Ina's light body to activate The seal of the scepter, and sacrificed it to the Dark Goddess with a light knight like Brian. The power of the Dark Goddess has been resurrected from her body." One archbishop spoke slowly, and the other couldn't stop saying: "Otherwise she It is impossible to have such great lethality in an instant, otherwise she would not target the Saint of the Temple of Light."

"Darkness and light have always been incompatible. Now Miss Roman, the temple needs you now. At such a critical moment, we should work together to drive the Dark Goddess back into her seal!" Andrew spoke slowly, subconsciously. He glanced at Aturi and saw that he was silent, so he gradually became bolder and his voice became louder: "You are a body of light, and you are also the only person left who is most suitable to become the Saint of Light. The Saint of Darkness In order to eliminate any differences, she will not let you go. You should be with us at this time."

After Andrew finished speaking, when Lily didn't speak, he gritted his teeth:

"We have a method that can give you divine power in a short period of time. Not only will your strength increase greatly, but you may also be able to restrain Anna's enemy. Are you willing?"

After he finished speaking, several other archbishops in the temple remained silent. Obviously, Andrew's words were correct. The temple did have ways to improve her strength in a short period of time.

Lily's heart suddenly pounded. In fact, she had no choice at all. She didn't want to be a chess piece, she wanted to be the person who played chess. She didn't rely on external forces and could win the game when all developments were not in her favor. She was really overjoyed to get such an answer. She originally thought that after all, the Temple of Light had existed for many years, and that there might be some good stuff at the bottom of the box that could save her life. Now the temple has actually proposed to enhance her strength. If her strength can be increased quickly, firstly, she can protect herself, and secondly, she no longer has to be controlled by others. This is naturally the best.

It's just that there is no free lunch in the world. Lily understands this truth better than anyone else.

Therefore, even if her heart was beating, she didn't show it at all on her face. She saw the eager expectant expressions on the faces of Andrew and others, and deliberately remained silent for a while. When Andrew and others were obviously losing their composure, Lily finally He slowly asked:

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Archbishop, I can't agree to you easily! After all, you concealed too many things during our previous cooperation." Including this time when he went to get the Scepter of Light, and many things, Andrew did not say anything. Let’s be honest: “I can’t trust you. I won’t promise you anything until I see the proof and make me believe it.”

Her refusal made Andrew look embarrassed and embarrassed. He glanced at Aturi several times, as if hoping that he would leave voluntarily and stop interfering with the internal affairs of the temple, so that he could persuade Lily properly. But Aturi was still sitting there indifferently, as if he didn't see his eyes. Andrew really didn't dare to break up with Aturi in public when he had asked for help before. In the end, he could only sigh. :

"I have it. What if I tell you, my child, that we have a way to lend you the power of the Goddess of Light?" He slowly finished speaking, and a bright light gradually appeared in his eyes: "What if, we have a way to lend you the power of the Goddess of Light?" What method can make you, like Anna, have the power of God in an instant? Then my child, should you believe that I am extremely sincere in our cooperation this time?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)\u003c

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