Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (36)

"When the temple has reached this point, it is absolutely impossible to play any tricks. This is not beneficial to us. If Anna really has the power of darkness, we are not her opponent. Believe me, I don't dare to use the power of the Temple of Light. In the future, there will be many Light cultists who will come to make such a joke with you." Andrew's expression was serious as never before, "I told you before that we captured the cultists of the Dark Temple, do you remember ?"

What he said before sounded indeed reasonable. Lily heard his question and nodded: "You learned the whereabouts of the Scepter of Light from his mouth."

"Right now, that evil heretic is being held in a place in the Temple of Light, cleansing his sinful heart contaminated by darkness. He is still alive. If you are willing to become a saint, then Miss Roman, we are willing to sacrifice this heretic. This product is dedicated to the goddess of light, so that she can lend her ability to you. You are a body of light, and you are originally another avatar of the goddess of light in the human world. It is most suitable for you to receive the ability of the goddess of light. Then you With the power of God, you can lead us to defeat evil, permanently eliminate and seal the heresy Anna, your name will remain in the history of light, and future generations will always be grateful for your kindness and remember your name, Miss Roman, So, please tell me now, are you willing to take on this great, glorious and arduous task?" Archbishop Andrew's voice was full of temptation and encouragement, and Lily thought for a while, feeling in a dilemma.

Now it seems that the initiative is in her hands, but even though Andrew's words sound so nice, Lily is faintly worried. Things were going so smoothly that she always felt a little uneasy, but now, she had no way out unless she was willing to stay with Aturi and be a coward for the rest of her life.

And although Aturi seems dangerous, Lily has never seen him take action. Now Andrew and others have said that Anna has received the inheritance of the Dark Goddess, and whether Aturi can protect her for the rest of her life. She wasn't sure. The person she trusts the most is always herself.

Lily thought about it and finally agreed to Andrew's request. Anna wanted to kill her. The struggle between the two seemed to be a dead end, and one of them had to die. This knot will be untied. She doesn't want to always rely on others, and others may not be able to completely rely on her. She decides to take a gamble.

Even if the borrowed power cannot belong to him for a long time, as long as he can scare Anna for a moment, he can make time and space for himself. Even if her attributes are suppressed again this time, as long as she works hard enough. She relied on the Star Training Technique to practice again, and one day she would not need to rely on anyone else. Even if Anna obtained the power of God, it would not matter. As long as she was given three to five years, even if Anna was the dark goddess in this world, Lily would not move her back like this and let anyone suppress her.

She nodded and agreed to Andrew's words. The people in the temple were all ecstatic when they saw her nodding. Andrew's face showed a proud look:

"Then, while we are preparing sacrifices, we are also preparing sacrifices. At the Light Festival, in front of the people of the whole city, let them see the emergence of the divine metaphor, which will be more beneficial to us!" The temple originally In recent years, due to the unexpected death of the pope and the vacancy of saints, the prestige of the temple has plummeted. The popularity among the people has long been lower than before. Now the royal family can intervene in the affairs of the temple. People in the temple feel aggrieved by this. of. Now we can take advantage of this opportunity, and if we can make people believe that there really is a god in this world, this is the best way to restore the reputation of the temple!

Several archbishops breathed a sigh of relief and had complicated expressions on their faces when they heard Andrew's words. Andrew took the lead in cooperating with Lily. Now if Lily is about to become a saint, it is conceivable that he will have more advantages in the position of pope. But no matter how envious and jealous they are, under the current situation, several people are speechless.

Arturi said nothing in the face of Lily's promise. He still looked a bit low-key and luxurious in his reserve. His hand slowly touched Lily's hair. Andrew got what he wanted. At this moment Naturally, she no longer stayed. Lily decided to become a saint anyway. All this was her personal wish and had nothing to do with the temple. Even if Grand Duke Aturi wanted to be resentful, he couldn't blame them.

The Festival of Light was suddenly held after two days of promotion. Everyone still had a lot of things to do, not to mention the news they got today and the decisions everyone made. Everyone was happy and everyone was angry. At this time, everyone left. Originally, After Lily became a saint, the other candidate saints would logically become her servants and do things for her, but now that the candidate saints were dead, she was the only one left. She had to do the bathing and dressing up by herself.

She went back to the house to take a shower and put on the official saint's robe. When she came out of the room, Arturi was standing outside her room, holding the railing with both hands. When he heard the sound behind him, he turned around. Looking back, he narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Lily, who was now dressed as a formal saint.

"It's beautiful."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir." When Lily heard him praising herself, the hairs on her back suddenly stood up. Aturi seemed calm at the moment, but for some reason, she didn't dare to look directly into his eyes. Shilan's color was so dark that people could not clearly see the thoughts in his heart. She lowered her head to straighten her skirt and asked carefully, "After the Light Festival, are you going to return to your fiefdom?"

Speaking of this, Lily actually felt a little guilty. She had lied to Aturi. From the time she decided not to marry him, in fact, to a certain extent, she had violated her original promise. Aturi saw that He doesn't seem like someone who is easy to deceive.

"Of course." She didn't have anything to say. Aturi also nodded and stretched out his hand to her. Lily hesitated for a moment, but still put his hand over. He lowered his head and touched her gently, grabbing her hand. , stuffed into his arm:

"Then, I will give you one last chance. Before you are officially crowned, you still have a chance to think about it carefully." Aturi took Lily's hand and led her down the steps. As soon as he said this, Lily was about to Opening his mouth, he shook his head again:

"Believe me, don't refuse in a hurry, it will be good for you." After he said this, Lily smiled and remained silent.

The movement of the temple was indeed fast enough. At this time, the carriage symbolizing the coronation of divine power was ready, and the neatly dressed and majestic knights were already waiting beside the carriage and horses. Although the temple is not as powerful as it was back then, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. , the influence of the temple is still there. The sudden advance of the Light Festival surprised many people in the Imperial City, but the streets were already crowded with people at this time.

When Lily was helped out by Arturi from the temple, loud cheers and shouts erupted from all around.

In the crowd, Mr. and Mrs. Roman's faces turned red with excitement, and they desperately said to the nobles beside them: "This is our daughter! I knew that one day, she would have a great future. Now let's see, will it come true?" Got it!"

Everyone congratulated them, and the two couples were as proud as peacocks. While Mrs. Roman was proud, she felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that she didn't become the wife of the Arturi family." Because their backgrounds were different, they were just one person with no real power. The earl was far from a big shot like Aturi. Lily being his lover was already considered a high achievement. Now that she had become a saint, the couple could count on someone to rely on.

With the support of the knights, Lily slowly boarded an open carriage pulled by four white unicorns. She was going to ride this carriage around the city and stop in front of the largest square in the Imperial Capital.

There is a statue of the Goddess of Light, there she will be crowned, and there she will receive the power of the Goddess of Light.

As they circled the city, residents from all over the city came out in droves. Everyone sang the Holy Book of Light in unison, praising the power of light. The crowds surged, and it seemed as if there was no end in sight. Wherever she went, people burst into exclamations and cheers. She glanced around, but did not see Aturi's figure. Several knights newly assigned to her followed her carriage respectfully. , looking at her eyes full of love.

"Sir, aren't you ready to take action?" Beside the carriage in the crowd, Leon glanced at Aturi with some confusion. If Lily was canonized as a saint, she would never become Aturi again. She was the wife of the family. It was rare for Arturi to be so interested in a woman. Leon didn't believe that his life would be given up so easily. It is easy for a candidate saint to withdraw from the temple, but if she becomes a real saint, it is difficult to withdraw. He was a little anxious, but Arturi laughed in the carriage:

"Don't be anxious." Until the end, his girl will never know what choice to make. Now he is forcing her to get it unwillingly. He wants to make her more than just his own. Even my heart must be his.

The carriage slowly followed the crowd. His Majesty the Emperor's guard of honor had stopped in front of the statue of the Goddess of Light. Lily was helped off the carriage by the knight. Andrew and other archbishops were already standing beside the emperor. When they saw Lily appeared, , the people in the temple began to collectively recite the Holy Scripture of Light, and many people in the crowd also began to recite it, their voices getting louder and louder, with a kind of tranquility.

"...The goddess of light is merciful and bright. Her mercy is spread on every continent, and her light illuminates everyone's chest." Everyone sang in unison, and it was just a song. Andrew suddenly waved his hand:

"Seven years ago, the temple caught a heretic from the Dark Temple. Now on such a great day, we have decided to execute this heretic and celebrate the birth of the Holy Lady of Light!" (To be continued. If you like this Works, welcome to come)

ps: belated second update~


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