Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (38)

"It will be soon." Aturi didn't speak immediately. Lily thought he didn't agree, so she added. He nodded and did not let Lily go. Instead, he pulled her towards Anna.

The soldiers began to retreat as he approached, and finally even knelt on the ground, throwing down the shields and weapons in their hands. The big prophecy spell Anna just shouted, coupled with the strength he showed, made these soldiers Fear has arisen in people's hearts. The legendary prophetic curse that can destroy gods is a more illusory existence than the God of Creation, but now it is actually in front of everyone, and such words are shouted from Anna's mouth. After coming out, everyone saw Anna's previous strength.

The emperor's eyes showed a look of shock and fear, but Arturi didn't look at these people at all. He just pulled Lily and walked step by step towards Anna, who seemed to be locked in an invisible cage.

A large number of light groups surrounded her. This kind of light was very comfortable to others, but to Anna at this moment, it was like poison. She let out bursts of screams, and her body was originally full of energy. The temptation, the black robe that tightly wrapped her perfect breasts began to sway in the light, as if the clothes were made of some dark energy and were vulnerable to the light, the clothes melted away, revealing Her beautiful and graceful body comes.

"Why, why? Transformation failed?" Anna's face was distorted at this time. Big beads of sweat kept dripping from her forehead and cheeks. Even the fine beads of sweat between her towering breasts were reflected by the light. And being seen clearly.

At this time, Anna seemed to be surrounded by hunters. The quail, which tried its best to avoid but had nowhere to hide, was trembling.

Her face no longer had the charm and allure of the past, but instead revealed a bit of embarrassment and panic. When she saw Lily being held by Arturi, she collapsed. Her originally cat-like eyes now revealed Despair and disbelief: "How is it possible? How could the transformation into a god fail?" She struggled desperately, but Aturi didn't know what he had done to her. Even though she tried her best, she was still trapped in mid-air, and the black clothes on her body gradually melted away. Even though Anna didn't care about sex, she was still a little embarrassed under the attention of thousands of people. Shrunk up.

It turned out that there was another shadow on her body. At this time, she seemed to be suppressed by the surrounding light power and did not appear again. She gradually regained her rationality. After shouting a few times, she quickly calmed down, as if she had thought of something. He looked towards Aturi:

"My lord, my lord. Spare me." At this critical moment, Anna was no longer as obsessed with arguing with Lily about being a god or not as she was before. There was a seductive and pitiful look in her eyes again. Her expression was like the one when Lily saw her for the first time, when she blocked Aturi's path and sat down on her knees. Her plump buttocks were pressed into an attractive shape by her sitting on her calves. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes: "Sir, you are superior. You have a great prophecy spell that no one else in the world has. Why do you have to be on an equal footing with ordinary mortals? You can definitely have more. I am stronger than her. And my talent is no worse than hers, and I can even give you more. If you let me go, I belong to you, and you have the strength, what else can you get?"

At this point, it was not in her favor, but Anna did not panic. On the contrary, after she regained her consciousness, she began to try her best to persuade Aturi. She tried her best to put on a seductive posture, suggesting that if Arturi By cooperating with her, it's possible to get Lily. She hinted that Aturi didn't even have to kill himself for Lily, a powerful object that could help him and bring him more physical pleasure.

Just as Lily was about to speak, Arturi held her tightly, his palms clasped tightly with her fingertips. Anna's words were tempting enough, but he still had that unmoved look.

"The smell on your body makes me feel very uncomfortable." When he said this, he did not show any disgust, but just because he said such words with an expressionless face, it shocked people even more.

When Anna tried her best to meet him for the first time, Arturi said the same thing. He said that the smell on his body made him feel uncomfortable, but there was obviously no smell on his body. What he said to a woman To say that is tantamount to extreme humiliation. Anna was resentful in her heart, but she was still controlled by Arturi at this moment. Even if she wanted to kill him and make him regret being so rude to her, she still just gritted her teeth in the end:

"...I will let you enjoy extreme pleasure, and I will let you understand that there is another kind of happiness in this world. You can get me, not only my body, but also my strength. I will give you You can use her, I can train her for you..."

"The smell on your body makes me feel very uncomfortable." Before Anna could finish her words, Arturi repeated what he said again. This time, his tone was a little heavier, with an impatient look on his face. Come on, Anna gritted her teeth and pretended not to hear what he said:

"I can even give you the scepter of light in my hand as my sincerity, as long as you are willing to let me go..."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone heard her words clearly. Although they had already guessed that the scepter in Anna's hand was the Scepter of Light, most people did not dare to be sure of this. At this time, listening to her After he admitted it, gasps came from the crowd, and anxious looks appeared on the faces of the people in the temple.

The Scepter of Light was originally a sacred object belonging to the Temple of Light. It was supposed to be passed down from generation to generation in the hands of the Pope. Unfortunately, it has not only fallen into the hands of outsiders, it has fallen into the hands of the Dark Saint. It is already an extreme shame. Now Anna actually uses it to In exchange, it will be handed over to Aturi. The people in the temple couldn't help it, but Arturi's strength was there. Even if they had objections, they would definitely not dare to stand up and resist at this moment.

When Aturi heard Anna's words, he finally couldn't help but smile. He raised his eyebrows with a sarcastic expression. His expression was always calm, but now he looked like this. There is also a bit of evil and awe-inspiring feeling, which does not conflict with his original light temperament, but is like a drop of thick ink dripping into the landscape.

"Give it to me? Madam, I think you don't understand. If I want it, it belongs to me. Do you need to give it to me?" Anna was imprisoned in the space cage by him. She should give it or not. , the scepter is indirectly in his hand. The only difference is whether he wants it or not.

It's not whether Anna wants to give it to him, but whether he wants to receive it.

"Madam, you should be grateful to my wife. If she hadn't wanted to talk to you, in fact, I don't want to see you now. The smell on your body makes me feel uncomfortable." He said such insulting words again if. Anna's face was livid, but she had to lower her head now that she was under the eaves. She gritted her teeth, tightly grasped the scepter of light, and cast a sinister gaze on Lily again. After a long while, Anna suddenly spoke:

"Do you know? We were supposed to have the same blood. We were supposed to be the closest people in the world. We were supposed to be sisters. But just because you were born a few minutes earlier, in order to save your life, the Romans abandoned you. Kill me." She was also smart. Seeing that she couldn't win over Aturi, she wanted to start making plans for Lily. She wanted to arouse Lily's sympathy and then let herself go: "I grew up among slaves. Obviously I should be a noble, but just because of those damn few minutes, whenever you were learning the piano elegantly, When I was painting, growing up carefree and pampered by my parents, do you know what kind of life I lived? I was struggling to survive! Do you know what a slave was like? I couldn’t eat every day I have to endure the beatings and scoldings of the noble gentlemen. In order to have enough to eat, I have to go to the arena and fight with those evil, damn wolves..." She knew that Lily had seen her fight with evil wolves. , now she deliberately told Anna's tragic past in a fierce tone, and Anna's eyes showed a look of despair and hurt.

It's just that her excellent singing and singing performance didn't move Lily. Even under the influence of the original owner, a faint compassion instinctively surged out of Lily's heart, but she still just looked at Anna's performance, Seeing tears welling up in her eyes, she suddenly laughed:

"Why act like this, Anna, why don't we just be honest?"

Anna, a missionary, can enter such a difficult mission and meet a missionary like herself, which proves that Anna herself is a ruthless character.

The more difficult the mission gets, the less likely it is that she will enter the mission many years early when teleporting through the stars. Lily had seen her fight with the wolf before and thought she was extremely skilled, but later she recalled that she When entering a mission, as the difficulty of the mission increases, the situation that occurs in the early stage of the mission rarely occurs, and it will naturally become clear later. Anna should have entered the mission earlier than her, but it must have been earlier but not much earlier. She is the main mission player, and she has certain advantages. The fact that she entered the difficult mission proves that she has completed many tasks in the early stage and accumulated attribute values. She His force value must be very high and he has certain skills, so he has the ability to kill the wolf in a short time.

If she had not been in the mission for a long time, then she had not suffered the pain that Anna had suffered. At best, she had only spent a period of time in a slave camp. These performances with excellent singing and composition should have been retrieved from the memory of the original owner. Now she started to perform in order to escape. Unfortunately, Lily did not follow her lead. When Anna heard Lily's words, her face suddenly changed. changed.

"What do you mean?" She stopped what she was saying, and her expression gradually became a little cold. She narrowed her eyes, and there was a bit of suspicion in her eyes, as if she had thought of something, and her face showed a few... Terrified, she shook her head:

"No, it's impossible..."

Seeing Anna like this, Lily felt an inexplicable and refreshing feeling in her heart. From the beginning to the middle of this mission, she had been kept in the dark, so that she was at a disadvantage in every aspect. Anna was To gain the upper hand, Anna is obviously superior to her in terms of plot, memory and convenience. Even if Arturi hadn't stepped in to help this time, she might have been assimilated inexplicably during the mission, and her spirit She became the so-called goddess of light in this world and absorbed and assimilated the nutrients.

Lily had always been annoyed that she didn't guess the real plot at the beginning, but now she saw Anna looking even more surprised than she was, and she laughed.

Lily couldn't express how happy she was to see someone who knew the truth and facts later than herself. The resentment that had been suppressed in her heart was now released with this smile:

"What is impossible? Everything is possible! You are not the real Anna at all, and you have never suffered like her. You have been here for about a month at most. What kind of suffering are you complaining to me? Miss Anna , why don't you save it?" Lily smiled and narrowed her eyes. Once the long-standing resentment in her heart was vented, she felt indescribably happy: "You can deceive others by pretending, but you can't deceive me. More Besides, you are the real Anna, the original sister, so what does it have to do with me? I am no longer the girl who believes in the goddess of light."

What she said was plausible. The emperor, the royal family members, and the people in the Temple of Light heard these conversations. Monk Du Zhang Er couldn't figure out why he was not Anna but still Anna, why Lily was obviously from the Temple of Light, but she said that she was no longer a girl who believed in the Goddess of Light. Andrew and others looked puzzled, Arturi narrowed his eyes, but Anna felt like she had been hit hard. Staring at Lily, dumbfounded.

"Do you think you are the only one who can come here?" Even if you are the mission leader. There will be times when things go wrong. No matter how convenient the tasker is and how many plots there are, if another tasker appears in the plot, she may not be able to guess it and be on guard against it.

If Lily hadn't been involved in a mission together with a mission leader, and if she didn't know Anna's identity from Aturi, she wouldn't necessarily have thought in this direction. Anna had obviously never encountered anything like this before. She was stunned and stared at Lily. He was trembling all over and speechless.

For the first time, her face lost the confidence and coquettishness it had before. Even when she was trapped by Aturi and her life might be in danger at any time, she had never shown such a desperate look. She seemed to A flower that had lost its color and beauty suddenly became a little pale. Her body seemed to have lost its vitality and vitality for a moment, and her eyes showed fear and uneasiness:

"Impossible? Can the same person enter the same mission? Could it be that the person I have to deal with this time is actually..." She originally thought that she was just entering the mission to deal with a native in the plot, but she didn't Keeping the original Roman in mind, in the plot she accepted, the eldest lady of the Roman family was just a very boring and stereotyped candidate saint who had been brainwashed by the Temple of Light. She wanted to dedicate everything to the temple and was... At the mercy of the vain Roman couple.

Except for the help of a knight who is very loyal and affectionate to her, this kind of woman is simply boring. When Anna entered this mission, she received the plot, which was similar to what Lily had guessed. The original owner died miserably in the plot. She was a slave, but had a beautiful appearance. In the end, she became the darling of many powerful people, and was played by others. The son she gave birth to will be a slave for the rest of her life, and the daughter she gave birth to will repeat the same ending as her. She originally accepted it, but suddenly one day, people from the Dark Temple found her and said that she had dark power in her body, and said that she should not have been She was a slave instead of a noble, and her whole body collapsed.

Anna joined the Temple of Darkness, but was ultimately tried and burned at the stake for being exposed. She saw the eldest daughter of the Roman family standing among the people in the Temple of Light, staying with Brian. They are two sisters, but have such completely different endings? She is unwilling, she is angry, she is jealous!

After Anna enters the mission, she has two wishes. One is to join the Dark Temple and gain the power of darkness to prove that she is no worse than the eldest lady of the Roman family. Although the eldest lady of the Roman family has entered the Holy Temple, Temple, but she is just a candidate saint, not a real saint, and she is not qualified to become a real saint. If Anna can become a saint of the Dark Temple, then she can surpass the Roman family. Above the eldest lady, secondly, it is also because Anna died at the hands of the Temple of Light in the plot. She hated the Temple of Light and wanted to become a saint, possess the endless power of the Dark Goddess, destroy the Temple of Light, and avenge the original owner.

Because Anna in the plot has joined the Dark Temple, she is well aware of some secrets in the Dark Temple, including the whereabouts of the Scepter of Light, and how to obtain the power of the Dark Goddess. It is just because she is too powerful in the plot. Being humble, he couldn't catch people to sacrifice, so he failed in the end.

The second wish, in addition to killing the eldest daughter of the Roman family, making them confess their crimes in front of the Romans and his wife, making them suffer, and letting them watch their hopes being destroyed before their eyes, is to seduce her. Arturi.

In the plot, the Grand Duke of Arturi once appeared and had a date with the eldest daughter of the Roman family. However, it was such a sole date. Nothing happened between the two of them, as if they were dating the eldest daughter of the Roman family. After passing through a layer of gold, her status in the temple and the imperial capital was much higher. The Roman couple were even proud of it. Anna's wish was to make Aturi fall madly in love with her. She wanted to Proving to everyone that her twin sister was only dating Aturi, but she did everything with Aturi, and Aturi fell madly in love with her.

So when Anna entered the mission, she first seduced Brian in order to push the eldest daughter of the Roman family to a point of desperation. She was not a lowly slave like Anna originally. She was confident that she could make Brian fall for her. And her sacrifice required the dedication of one person, so she chose Brian. First, she wanted to take away the beloved person of the eldest daughter of the Roman family and make her suffer. Finally, she killed Brian and made her sad. Originally, Anna hoped to put Lily in the Dark Temple and use her blood to unlock the Scepter of Light. Unfortunately, everything came to nothing because of Arturi's intervention.

Originally, Anna thought that with her own ability, it would not be difficult to charm Aturi and make him fall head over heels for her. Unfortunately, Aturi, the high-ranking Duke in the plot, did not like her at all. He even disliked her because of her status as a slave girl.

Anna once believed that as long as he touched her, with her charming body and various methods, he would definitely fall in love with her. Isn't that how Brian loved her? But it was of no use, Arturi didn't want to touch her, even if she was drugged, but in the end the arrogant Grand Duke almost beat her to death and took advantage of Lily.

If she hadn't held on for a breath and asked Brian to take her away, and because Brian, a fool, couldn't bear to completely kill the two candidate saints in the Temple of Light, he had given her a chance to get the light. Scepter, and finally sacrificed him and obtained the power of the Dark Goddess. She was probably dead long before the Dark Temple that day.

"Why? Why..." Anna was going crazy. She sacrificed that day, but something went wrong. She obviously borrowed the power of the Dark Goddess. She even held the light scepter in her hand that suppressed the Dark Goddess's power, but she In addition to the power of the Dark Goddess, she also got the Dark Goddess. If she hadn't had a staff in her hand, and her mental power was extremely strong, she might have been swallowed up by the so-called Dark Goddess in this world.

In the end, she was even influenced by the goddess of darkness. When Lily was performing the ritual of becoming a god, she deliberately did not interrupt her in order to kill Lily and the goddess of light trapped in her body.

This mission brought her so many unfavorable situations, even she was already worried about the possibility of gradually melting with this dark goddess after completing this mission, how could she leave, but now Anna discovered that this Returning to the mission is much more difficult than I imagined!

"Do you know how difficult it was for me to survive? I once became a prostitute, and I survived the pain! I can't die here, I can't die here!" She stared at Lily with her eyes wide open. : "Now that we have figured out the identities of the two of us, you should also know how difficult it has been for us to reach this point. Considering that we are also peers, otherwise everyone would be counted as one this time. Now! How about I don’t cause trouble for you and you don’t cause trouble for me? We all have nothing to do with each other."

She seemed to make such a suggestion calmly. After hearing this, Lily couldn't help but laugh. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Two updates in one. I originally wanted to finish this story together, but there are still nearly 4,000 words left, so I will only post the first update tomorrow.

Because I am saving manuscripts this month, in order to prepare for the explosion next month, please bear with me for the time being. I am saving manuscripts now and want to update them next month~~~~~~~~~~~~~\u003c

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