Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (End)

Anna thought she was a fool. This time, her mission was unclear. At first, Lily thought that as long as she could escape Anna's pursuit and let her plot collapse, it would be considered complete. But now after discovering Anna's purpose, she suddenly Don’t think so anymore.

This mission must require one of them to die. Either she dies and Anna's mission is completed, or Anna dies and her mission is completed. How can everyone live in peace? Anna was treating her like a fool, and now he wanted to use this excuse to deceive her and treat her like a fool. It was really inappropriate.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Your mission should be to kill me. Let me let you out now, and then kill me when you have the ability?" Lily laughed, and then said: "It's not easy for you to survive. I didn’t get to where I am so easily. Do you think it’s interesting for me to be able to enter such a mission?”

Although Anna's journey is not easy now, Lily's journey now is not any easier than hers. She has suffered so much and there is no way she will fall down at this moment. If one of them is going to die, then she will not do it at all. Hesitantly choose Anna.

"When you plotted against me in the Dark Temple, you should have died!"

Lily glanced at Arturi. She tentatively wanted to touch Anna's body, but there seemed to be a transparent barrier outside her body. She stretched out her hand to touch Anna, but she didn't touch Anna. Instead, it seemed like she was being touched by something. Something is blocked out.

As if Arturi understood her thoughts, he opened his palms, and a large number of water elements around him began to gather in his palms. It rolled around, and soon a lot of cold air began to emerge from his palm. The water molecules began to break into solid ice and turned into the shape of a sharp blade. Lily thanked him and reached out to pick up the knife. , before she could move her hand away, Arturi suddenly held her hand tightly.

His palms were a little cold because the ice elements had just gathered. He grabbed Lily's hand, held the ice blade, and thrust it towards Anna who was trapped in the cage!

"Ah..." Anna was shocked, but now she was trapped and guarded, with nowhere to dodge, even if she tried her best to avoid it. But she had nowhere to hide. Lily's indestructible cage was useless in front of Aturi. Driven by his strength, the ice blade easily entered the formation. For some reason, Aturi suddenly let go. He seemed to understand something.

Lily grasped the ice blade tightly, her strength not diminishing. The transparent weapon with a cold light penetrated Anna's fragile throat. She could no longer scream, but a large amount of dark elements came out of her body, as if she wanted to fight a trapped beast, but unfortunately she could not escape at all. Don't open this cage set by Aturi with the Great Prophecy Curse.

Warm blood sprayed onto Lily's hand, and Anna's eyes widened with resentment in them. Unwilling to give up, Lily whispered to her: "My mission is to kill you, then it will be considered complete." If Anna does not die, the so-called peace, then the mission of the last two people will fail, and Anna will still be with Brian from the front Falling in love together, and then mercilessly sacrificing him the next second, you can see that this person is definitely not weak in character. She will do whatever it takes to survive. In order to complete the task, there is no way she will let herself live!

Lily had the same idea as her, so now she could only blame Anna for her bad luck.

Anna died unwillingly in front of her. None of the missionaries who have reached this point are simple. If it weren't for Arturi, this Lily mission could almost be said to have failed.

Under the personal escort of the emperor, Lily was carried by Arturi into his carriage. In fact, when the mission was completed, she originally wanted to slip back to the starry sky, but Arturi didn't know what he had done. Lily suddenly found that she had no choice. Being able to do things that hurt himself, Arturi seemed to have realized something a long time ago. Lily remembered her previous doubts about the similarities between him and Li Yanxi. After thinking about it, since there was no way to go back for the time being, she decided to follow Arturi back to the fiefdom to find out more.

The people from the temple also came to see him off. Andrew has now become the new pope. The oracle appeared in the temple that day. Although it also caused a whirlwind in the imperial capital, because of Arturi's great prophecy spell, it should have belonged to the temple. At this time, all the glory was snatched away by Aturi. But because he killed Anna and the Dark Goddess, this was an incredible favor to the Temple of Light. In addition, the staff of the Temple took back the Scepter of Light in Anna’s hand. Eternal life owes him a favor. Even if he does not believe in the Temple of Light, the temple will always go all out when he asks for something in the future. Even though Andrew was half depressed to death, in front of the whole city that day, The people of the temple cannot rely on what the temple owes Arturi.

In the carriage, Lily was playing with the purple crystal. The crystal looked brighter than that day. This was what Arturi had stuffed into her hands when she almost turned into a god that day. Originally, when he gave it to her, Lily She didn't want to accept it, but she didn't expect that things would go round and round, and this thing finally fell into her hands.

"How did you cast the prophecy spell?" Lily was lying in Arturi's arms, his hand resting on her soft belly, his fingertips gently rubbing through her clothes, and a numb and itchy feeling came from her toes. Getting up, Lily wanted to turn over and hide, but he held down his hand so that she could not hide.

"Didn't you mean that the Great Prophecy Spell doesn't exist?" Lily really couldn't figure this out.

Arturi laughed when he heard what she said. He held Lily in one hand and took out the book he once called the Great Prophecy Spell from the carriage and placed it on the table.

Lily frowned: "But I can't understand the ancient characters on it."

"You try again." He grabbed Lily's hand that was playing with the amethyst and moved the crystal to the book. Under the refraction of the light of the amethyst, the originally strange words were reflected into his eyes through the amethyst. At that time, it became Lorraine characters that she could understand.

Seeing such a scene, Lily's body suddenly stiffened. She was a little shocked and her mood was complicated: "So..."

The Great Prophecy Spell, which was originally thought not to exist, turned out to actually exist. She had encountered it before, but unfortunately she didn't cherish it, and the opportunity just slipped away before her eyes.

"It turns out that the Great Prophecy Spell does exist, but it only requires a crystal to read." Lily couldn't explain how depressed and regretful she was at this time. If she had agreed to Arturi's request to give her this book, would she have just wanted it? Understood the Great Prophecy Spell. In the end, you don’t have to involve yourself?

At this moment, she couldn't help showing a look of regret on her face. Arturi stretched out his fingers and touched them: "Of course not all crystals will do, this," he said, paused, and grabbed Lily's hand. . He took off the crystal and refracted it through the sunlight of the carriage. The crystal exuded a coquettish and dazzling light. He curled up his lips and said, "This has been mined deep in the earth's core since the early days of creation. The gem that came out was finally embedded into the scepter of light and became the symbol and pinnacle of divine power."

As soon as Arturi said these words. Lily clenched the purple crystal tightly, feeling so regretful that her intestines were blue!

At this moment, she naturally had no doubts about what Arturi said. Whether it was crystals or great prophecy spells, these were the things that were actually put in front of her, which the world wanted to get crazily. Who would have thought that it would almost fall into his own hands?

But at that time, she refused!

If Arturi said he wanted to send her off that day. If she doesn't refuse, will she not have to be controlled by others in the future?

If she had accepted these two things that day and wanted to kill Anna, she could have done so by herself, without Aturi's help at all, and she would not have been forced to make a series of subsequent choices.

She was even almost assimilated by the goddess of light. Not only did she almost fail in her mission, she also almost died in this time and space.

"How do you own this thing?" Lily's heart was bleeding. She never thought that Arturi would give such a valuable thing to her. In addition, the Great Prophecy Spell was fake in the original owner's mind. , preconceived notions influenced her and caused her to miss these opportunities.

Arturi responded to Lily's questions:

"I went to the Dark Temple many years ago. Unfortunately, the scepter must have the blood of the Saint of Light to unseal it. But it was useless for me to hold the scepter anyway, so I broke off the gems on it."

No wonder something didn’t look right when Anna held the scepter of light later. Every time Lily saw the scepter that looked like a stick, she actually doubted whether Anna had held the scepter by mistake, but that thing There was no way to unblock it and it was impossible to get it. She didn't expect that Aturi would be so fierce and domineering, destroying the Scepter of Light and taking off the gems on it! She was a little speechless, but Arturi said slowly: "Because she didn't have any gems, that lady almost had her body taken over when she borrowed the power of darkness."

The Popes of the Temple of Light in the past have held this scepter not only to practice the Temple of Light. In fact, the reason why the Popes have super strength is because they have borrowed the power of the Goddess of Light, but also because of the power on the scepter. Gems, and suppress these so-called gods.

So Anna used her strength to attract the goddess of darkness. Lily's so-called sacrifice almost resulted in the goddess of light taking over her body.

"Thanks to the sacrifice in the temple, the thing was drawn away from the statue and entered your body. Now, the so-called goddess of light is here." Aturi looked at the gem that Lily pinched and laughed softly.

Seeing his smile, Lily couldn't help but ask: "The goddess of light is already here, so in the imperial capital..."

"It doesn't matter if no one touches it. If something touches the statue, of course it will be the same as the goddess statue we saw in the Dark Temple." When Arturi talked about the Dark Temple, his tone was somewhat meaningful, Lily Without looking at him, he felt a little gloating in his heart. Andrew was so calculating, but he never expected that this time he would fall to the iron plate.

He was very unlucky when he met Arturi. He earned his position as pope and got a scepter that had lost an important gem. But in fact, the scepter had no effect, and the light The goddess has been sealed into this gem. It would be fine if no one touches the statue. Once someone touches the statue one day, if the statue is destroyed, the reputation of the temple will be greatly affected again. Then there will be no goddess of light. Even if Andrew sat on the throne of the pope, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to worry about it.

But he still owes Aturi a huge favor, and the temple will never be able to hold its head high in front of Aturi.


Lily's words were meaningless, but Aturi understood them clearly. His eyes were deep and he adjusted his position so that she could lie more comfortably: "There is no reason. They shouldn't seduce you into the temple and try to take you away from me. Although they did not succeed, this is just for them. Just a small warning. It will take a long time to return to the territory. You need to sleep for a while and recuperate your energy so that you have the strength to attend our wedding." His voice became softer and softer. Finally the sound disappeared in the intertwined breaths of the two.

A few years later, the popularity of the Temple of Light has grown steadily, and a large number of believers have poured into the temple. The oracle that appeared on the statue of the Goddess of Light that day spread word of mouth among people in the Loland continent, making the reputation of the temple rise again and again. It seemed to have restored its former glory, but until an ignorant child accidentally touched the statue of the goddess of light, he easily left a fingerprint on it, and in the blink of an eye, with the wind blowing, the statue was already there Norey stayed for thousands of years. The statue, which had survived all the wind and rain, was suddenly destroyed!

No one had time to blame the child who had been frightened and stunned. The sudden disappearance of the statue of the Goddess of Light caused turmoil in the temple.

There are rumors in the mainland that the Temple of Light has been abandoned by the Goddess of Light. Many believers are once again disappointed with the Temple of Light. Faced with such a mess, Pope Andrew has a splitting headache. They intend to rebuild the statue of the Goddess of Light, but they just have to reshape it. alright. They look similar, but they don't have that kind of spiritual power.

What's even scarier is. Andrew discovered that the goddess's metaphors had occasionally appeared in the past. Since Arturi took Lily away a few years ago, these metaphors have never appeared again, which means that the goddess of light has abandoned them.

Andrew seems to have aged a lot in the past few years. Now that the prestige of the temple has been damaged, life is not easy for him as the new pope. Not only does he not have the same momentum as before, there are also a lot of complaints against him in the temple.

Andrew is not stupid. It can even be said that people have become refined as they age. Suddenly, an accident occurred on the statue of the Goddess of Light. He remembered the past many years ago and the scene at the Light Festival many years ago. Logically speaking, the Goddess of Light would enter Lily's body. Yes, but for some reason, Lily became clear again later, and he guessed that this matter had something to do with Lily. It's just that the statue of the Goddess of Light didn't collapse at that time, so he didn't think about it that way.

After a long time, a caravan from the Aturi family appeared and wanted to see the Grand Duke. When Andrew, disguised as a businessman, appeared in front of Aturi, he smiled bitterly:

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke, I would like to discuss another cooperation with you."

Lily waited for Andrew and others to leave with faces full of joy. The goddess of light originally sealed in the purple crystal in her hand had been released and was handed over to Andrew and others by Arturi. She was a little confused:

"Why should you help them?"

Arturi touched her hair: "The price he is willing to pay is big enough!" As for what price Andrew is willing to pay, Lily asked several times before he said helplessly: "He is not the only one who is willing to pay. Yes, and at the cost of the souls of many knights in the temple who believe in the goddesses of light!"

At this point in his life, he can get any kind of fame, fortune and money at his fingertips, but Andrew is able to sacrifice many things for fame, fortune, status and ambition. He doesn't need those, he needs something more substantial.

When he heard this, Lily raised her head and stared at Aturi. He did not look away. There was gentleness in his eyes. It was not the cold and distant look of strangers when they first met. It seemed as if many things had melted into it. Something is inside. Lily closed her eyes. Except for Li Yanxi, what use are these souls to others? Only he would need this. She should have thought that Arturi's demeanor and temperament were so similar to Li Yanxi, but she really didn't expect that Li Yanxi would not remember her. She never expected that Li Yanxi would forget her. !

Even though Rong Li had vaguely mentioned this to her that day, Lily didn't dare to think about it. In order to save her that day, Li Yanxi sent her on a mission. She didn't know what happened next. I was worried about his whereabouts and kept trying to find him, but I didn't expect that the person I had been searching for all over the place would appear next to me.

During these years of living together, she felt that something was wrong. His behavior and speaking style were too similar to Li Yanxi's, but sometimes she was not sure, fearing that she had recognized the wrong person. Until she heard him speak, Seeing his familiar eyes, Lily dared to confirm this.

She reached out to pick up the tea on the table, but her hands were so trembling that she couldn't lift the thin white porcelain pot filled with black tea. Aturi sighed, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms:

"Why are you crying? What's there to cry about? You never cry." She gradually became less fond of crying. As the mission went on for longer, her heart became cold and hard. If it weren't for him at this moment, As she spoke, Lily didn't even know she was crying.

A slender hand gently wiped away the tears on her face. When he didn't think about it, he could plot against her as he pleased, just to get what he wanted. But now that he thought about it, Li Yanxi couldn't bear to leave.

"I've been thinking about more and more things lately, ever since I got married to you." He fought against two elders that day. His soul was incomplete, his strength was sealed, and Yun Munan was holding him back. . Putting him at a disadvantage, when he sent Lily to the mission, he was attacked by two elders at the same time. Coupled with Yun Munan's mischief in his body, he was sealed again.

Only this time, because of the small number of the two elders, he was not divided and sealed again like before. But he lost his original memory, and it was because of Yun Munan. Trapped in a mission.

If he hadn't met Lily, if nothing had happened between the two of them, I'm afraid he wouldn't have remembered it. Living in a big and small world, he was confused, as if he was intoxicated in his own dream, and it was difficult to wake up. .

But thanks to the return of the last trace of love. Let him not end up like that and Rong Li come back. It has a great impact on him. He will instinctively find the person in his heart in the world. Even if he loses his memory, his body and instinct are still used to her.

"So, are you going to go back with me on this mission?" Lily leaned on his shoulder and asked in a low voice after listening to his general remarks.

After confirming Li Yanxi's identity, she naturally had no resistance to Li Yanxi. Her previous reluctance and defensiveness were naturally gone now. Li Yanxi thought of her and woke up. Lily felt a little excited. , knowing that he was okay, she was actually very happy.

But as soon as she asked this question, Li Yanxi hesitated for a moment, but shook his head:

"I can't go back for the time being. I'm trapped. The reason why I remembered something this time is because of you. If we don't meet next time, then there will always be a time when we can meet." Lily got some information from 'him' The power inherited from the body also has his mark. In a way, the magnetic field between the two is the most compatible and the easiest to encounter. "When I recover some strength and break through the seal, I can I took you away."

But when did he break through the seal? Lily didn't ask this question. She had a vague hunch that even if she asked, Li Yanxi might not be able to answer her.

I'm afraid Li Yanxi himself is not sure when his strength will be restored. Otherwise, he would never agree to compromise for the sake of the people on the mission and return the goddess of light to the temple, just for the reward that Andrew and others promised to give him. . This time, his situation may be far more troublesome than he imagined.

Could it be that the two of them can only meet each other on missions in the future? What if she didn't meet him, or what if she did, but she still had to go and find him, and remind him of herself again?

Lily didn't dare to think about it anymore. She bit her lip and looked a little ugly.

Li Yanxi's eyes showed a bit of softness. His appearance was not very similar to before. This was also an important evidence that his strength was damaged. When he appeared in missions before, he always looked like himself, but now he Just like the seven emotions he was separated from before, they also began to incarnate in missions with different faces and became one of the chess pieces he controlled before. Li Yanxi's heart should actually be the most complicated.

"There is still a way, don't worry. If you can't wait any longer, tell me next time we meet and I will tell you."

He touched Lily's cheek lightly and did not say the rest of his words.

In this mission, Lily couldn't wait to return to the starry sky from the beginning, and wanted to stay at the end, but because her life had come to an end, she didn't stay in the end. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Today I still have two updates in one ~ 6,000 words. I don’t want to split them up. I have been seriously lazy recently~~~~~~~~~\u003c

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