Cannon Fodder Strategy

My unparalleled hero (1)

When she returned to the starry sky, Lily thought about her encounter with Li Yanxi on this mission. Although she knew that he was safe and sound, this did not make her feel relieved. On the contrary, it made her feel even more uncomfortable. Her information in the starry sky emerged:

Gender: Female (variable)

Name: Lily

Age: 21

Intelligence: 90 (out of 100)

Appearance: 93 (out of 100)

Physical strength: 90 (full score of 100)

Force: 89 (out of 100)

Spirit: 90 (out of 100)

Reputation: 19 (out of 100 points)

Skills: Nine Yang Manual, Nine Yin Manual, Heaven and Earth Gate Tao Te Ching, Southern Gu Technique, Star Body Training Technique

Specialties: Advanced cooking skills, advanced acting skills, Five Elements and Bagua skills (proficient), bee control skills

Charisma: 60 (out of 100)

Mark: Royal True Dragon Spirit

It was rare in this mission that both the physical strength and force values ​​were increased by one point. This should have been a joyful thing for Lily, whose missions were getting more and more difficult, and the attribute values ​​were also becoming more and more difficult to increase. However, Because she met Li Yanxi and knew his current bad situation, Lily couldn't be happy no matter what.

The mottled light spots that appeared in the starry sky gradually dispersed. Lily did not stay in the starry sky for long. She chose to enter the mission again.

Without Li Yanxi, the space seemed a little deserted. Besides, he had said that although others could not return to the starry sky, if he entered the mission, he might run into him, he said. Having received Rong Li's power, and having his mark, the magnetic fields of the two of them are the closest. Lily has a high chance of meeting him, so she wants to try her luck in the mission again.

He said that if he met him next time, he would tell him a way to help him, and Lily wanted to ask.

Before entering the mission, I wonder if it is because of the most original strength gained from leaving the place calmly. To some extent, it was due to Li Yanxi. When Lily was still staying in the starry sky and not completely leaving, she could vaguely feel many things. She seemed to be able to feel Anna's disappearance after the mission failed this time. She even faintly returned. I can 'see' the original eldest lady of the Roman family for this mission. She probably didn't take it alone. Someone had taken it before and failed. When it was her turn, the difficulty of this task was repeatedly increased because Miss Roman lost too many people to Anna. Hence her arrival.

It was precisely because too many previous missionaries had failed that Lily left. The eldest daughter of the Roman family has a special and extremely powerful mental power, so this is what really affects her, and it is not what Lily thinks. The original owner's mental power has greatly increased after practicing the Holy Scripture of Light, just because she is in the situation. I couldn't see it clearly when I was in the middle of the night. After I came back now, I just felt it vaguely. It’s just that I don’t know if this inexplicable feeling is true or not. After all, the mission this time has been completed, and Anna is dead. She was the one who survived, and she couldn't seek the truth from Li Yanxi. Fortunately, Lily's curiosity was not that serious, so she didn't think much about it and quickly closed her eyes.

When the voice of "Xixisusosuo" sounded from Lily's ears, Lily couldn't open her eyes at all. It was dark all around. One hand took something cold and full of sweat smell and covered her body, which made her subconsciously freeze. shivered.

She should wake up immediately, but her groggy head could not wake her up at all. She gritted her teeth and tried to shrink her body, wishing she could shrink her feet into the cold cold air. Inside the thing, he gradually fell asleep again.

It was already bright when she woke up. Her throat was as dry as if it had been rubbed with sand, her head felt heavy and painful, and her body had long been soaked with cold sweat. A shabby cotton quilt that was so dirty that the color could no longer be seen was wrapped around her. His body was covered with sweat, and the smell was a bit pungent. She wanted to swallow some saliva to moisten her throat, but her mouth was so dry that she couldn't squeeze out any saliva at all. Instead, she felt a tearing pain on her lips as soon as she moved. She stretched out her tongue and licked her lips. The skin has been so dry that it has cracked, and the tongue must have been swollen. Licking the cracked lips feels like being cut with a small knife.

"Cough." Lily coughed. She must have heard her movement. In the corner of the mud wall without a door, a big man with a body like an iron tower rushed in in a panic, holding a pair of pokers in his hand. .

He had messy hair tied up on top of his head, he was tall and round, and his clothes had been mended to the point where his original appearance was no longer visible. His tangled muscles shocked Lily. He had dark skin and a square face. He looked about twenty years old. When he saw Lily waking up, his eyes lit up and his voice was like a bell: "Hahaha, you're alive! Wife, you're awake." !”

As soon as Lily heard this, a bad premonition came to her heart. This original body seems to be the daughter-in-law of this black man who is as big as an iron tower. If this is the case, whether it is based on appearance or temperament, this black man She was afraid that she would have no relationship with Li Yanxi at all. She gritted her teeth and clutched the sweaty stinky quilt tightly with her palms, feeling a chill in her heart.

"Sure enough, Mrs. Zhang is not lying, she is indeed awake, hehehe." He entered the house carrying the poker, as if he was carrying a knife, his footsteps thumped on the ground, and he was about to sit down on the bed. At that time, if Lily hadn't been able to hide quickly, everyone might have sat on her.

This big man was strong and tall. When he sat down, the bamboo bed pressed down a little, making a "creak" sound.

"Hey, it's all good as expected. I'm going to offer incense to my parents. I also have a wife!" He stretched out his hand to touch Lily's head, but Lily turned her face away and hid. She didn't know whether she was cold or depressed. Her body began to sway.

"Water..." She licked her lips and her voice was like a mosquito. The big man didn't pay attention at first. Later, when he saw her saying it a few times, he finally noticed it. He nodded repeatedly and hurriedly left. He came back soon. At that time, he held an old chipped bowl in his hand. He carefully took the other corner of the bowl and wrapped Lily in the quilt. He easily lifted her up by the corner of the quilt.

Lily's hands were wrapped in the quilt by him, and she couldn't get out at all. This big man looked rough, and his movements were not gentle and careful. He poured the water into her mouth, regardless of whether she swallowed it quickly or not. Lily swallowed desperately, Still choking, a few traces of water spurted out from his nostrils, and the big man seemed to have come back to his senses. He let her go with an "ouch" and Lily fell back onto the bed with a bang. As if he remembered something, he hurriedly lifted her up again, stretched out his hand to pat her back, and reprimanded:

"You useless little bitch, you can't even drink some water." He said fiercely, and his glaring eyes were scary, but his body was stiff, and his ears and neck began to feel hot and red, just because of him His skin is so dark that he can't see clearly at all.

Being scolded by him, Lily frowned and said nothing. Now she did not accept the plot and was still confused about the situation. When she entered the mission, the original owner seemed to be suffering from a cold and fever. Even though she was refreshed after drinking water, She felt much better, but after a few struggles, a lot of sweat came out of her body again, and her clothes were soaked. Now they were tightly attached to her body, but with this strange man around, she didn't open her mouth, but instead The worn quilt was wrapped more tightly.

The big man saw that she was silent and looked timid. He peeked at her with his eyes, grinned sillyly for a while, and then turned serious again. He hesitated for a long time, shook his hands and came over to give her. She patted the back. This big man was extremely powerful. Although Lily wanted to hide, her little struggling strength was like an ant in front of the big man, not worthy of his attention at all.

He turned Lily over easily, and the force of his palm hit Lily's back. In just two strokes, her internal organs moved out of place. Lily was already dizzy, but due to this slap, she retched. Two times, he spit out all the water he had just drank, spraying all over the black-faced man.

"..." His face was a little ugly, and his expression was very scary. His not-so-handsome face was so serious at this moment that Lily was really afraid that he would smash her to death with his fist in anger. Seeing this black-faced man, He was tall and strong, with a strong and bad temper. She tightened her body and stared at him warily. Her back was burning at the moment. The two slaps just now probably hurt her skin. They were all swollen, but to Lily's expectation, the dark-faced man just glanced at her, suddenly threw her on the bed, and went out with the bowl in hand.

Not long after, there were heavy footsteps outside, and then the door seemed to be locked, and it became quiet after a while.

As soon as the big man left, Lily let out a sigh of relief. Her heart was in her throat before she finally relaxed.

Although the big man didn't know where he went or when he would come back, but this time the mission was to become someone else's wife inexplicably, Lily was still a little worried. She looked around and saw that this was a dark and damp shabby room. The small thatched house is surrounded by mud walls. At this time, a lot of mud on the walls has fallen off, and the oil paper on the surrounding windows has already peeled off.

There was no furniture in the room, just a short cabinet about half a person's height. Other than that, there was only this bed. He looked very poor. After thinking about it for a long time, Lily decided to accept the plot first. .

In the last mission, because she did not accept the plot first, she was tricked by Li Yanxi, who had not recovered his memory at the time. In order to avoid exposing herself, Lily closed her eyes.

The ancestor of the Zhou family was originally a great scholar in the previous dynasty and was quite famous at that time. The founding emperor of the Qi State rebelled and occupied the throne of the Chen State. He forcibly snatched the dragon vein belonging to the Li family of the Chen State and brought it into the palace. Lord, because the Zhou family was quite famous, they surrendered to the later Emperor Qi, and helped the Emperor Qi to govern the country, they were named Chang Bohou and were hereditary for five generations. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: First update~~~~~~~~

It's the end of the month, so I'd better ask for a monthly ticket. I feel like I haven't been cute for a long time, and everyone has forgotten how cute I am. \u003c

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