Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 908: Dai's family is too miserable

The green light shone down, and a little bit of energy with a life-healing breath landed on Empress Zhu's body.

Those injuries healed in an instant.

The pain in her body disappeared, and Julia's beautiful eyes were full of shock, and her eyes were full of brilliance when she looked at Xu Ran.

How good would it be if she could meet such a man when she was young? At that time, she might have loved Xu Ran to the death like Zhuqing and the others, and even eloped with him and left the country.

It's a pity... her life is not good, not as lucky as Zhuqing Zhuyun and the others.

I was born before you were born, but when you were born, I was already old.

Now she is still young, although she is a milf, she still has a charm.

But compared to Xu Ran's light, she was too small.

No one in history can compare to a man as strange as Xu Ran.

"This is really incredible." At this moment, Julia not only could not feel any pain in her body, but felt a little unexpectedly comfortable, and her body felt like she was ten years younger.

"Is your current strength strong, stronger than the average Title Douluo?" Julia was very interested in Xu Ran's strength and asked like a curious child.

"Can you release me first, and then we can talk?" Xu Ran said with a wry smile.

He could always feel the two squeezing **** on his back. The Zhu family's genes are really good, not only Zhuqing and Zhuyun, but it seems that every generation is perfectly developed like this.

Julia is naturally the most beautiful of their generation.

This feeling makes him a lot of pressure, right?

"Pfft. It turns out that you are also afraid sometimes?" Julia laughed, looking at Xu Ran's embarrassed appearance, and the laughing branches trembled.

In her impression, all the rumors she heard about Xu Ran pointed to Xu Ran as a perfect person.

And now, he actually has such a time.

"It's not a question of whether you're afraid or not. Don't you think this is inappropriate?" Xu Ran's mouth twitched. Julia is indeed beautiful, but it doesn't make him easily tempted.

"What's wrong? Am I not beautiful?" Julia stretched her black and beautiful hair and looked at Xu Ran with a pouty mouth.

"Pretty." Xu Ran said honestly.

In terms of appearance and stature, Empress Zhu is no worse than Zhuqing and the others.

I have to compare it, Empress Zhu is the young woman's version of Zhuqing. Fit and graceful.

"That's fine. I don't need you to be responsible. I won't blame you if you lift your pants and don't admit it." Empress Zhu said indifferently.

"This..." Xu Ran looked at Julia dumbfounded, which was different from the dignified and elegant Empress Zhu in his impression.

"What are you looking at me for? Do you think my queen is a bit cheap? Now the empire is no longer from the Dai family, and I am no longer the queen, so I naturally need to find another powerful person to protect myself."

"Of course, there is one more point. I liked you a little when I saw you before." Empress Zhu gave Xu Ran an angry look.

"Ah? When did this happen?"

Xu Ran was stunned.

"At that time, you and Zhuqing came to see me, the queen. You kid took advantage of me at that time. Do you really think that the queen's bed is accessible to anyone? Not to mention that you touched me at that time. Her legs and feet. Could it be that you don’t know that a woman’s feet cannot be touched casually? No one but her husband.”

"You really think I'm stupid, can't you see that you are taking advantage of me?" Julia recounted the old days.

And Xu Ran was a little embarrassed and remembered that scene.

At that time, he took advantage of his excellent medical skills under the banner of relaxing Julia's muscles and bones. He still remembered that Julia was lying on her side on the bed at that time, her body extremely enchanting. Falling asleep on the side of that body curve is really uncontrollable.

Recalling that time, Xu Ran's heart swayed.

At that time, Xu Ran was not so strong, and he was worried that the royal family would deal with them because he and Zhuqing were together. At that time, as long as he saw a beautiful girl, he...

Ahem, it's human nature, the true nature of a man.

But then Julia would have feelings for her? impossible.

Xu Ran was completely dumbfounded.

If I had known that such things would happen, I shouldn't have taken advantage of others at that time.

At that time, I touched and touched, and pinched, and now, no matter what, no matter how you deal with Julia, you can't go too far.

"At that time, I really wanted someone to pull a daring guy like you out to death." Julia said angrily when she remembered the previous time.

"Then why didn't you do that?"

"It's not because after you pressed me, I feel good, and my body feels more comfortable and strong. My whole body seems to have the vitality of a girl. So when my heart softened, I let you go. Otherwise, you will be doomed for the crime of blasphemy against the Queen." Julia continued.

"Later I often heard rumors about you from the outside world and went to collect information about you, and then slowly and secretly fell in love with you." Julia's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Also, it's not all because of you that His Majesty wanted to attack the Zhu family. Because the family hadn't shown any desire for the throne at that time, it was impossible for the Dai family to suddenly do such a thing. The Dai and Zhu family have been ups and downs for so many years. , the royal family will not be so hasty to destroy the good family relationship."

"It's because His Majesty knew my ingenious attention to you, so he was angry and tortured me so much. I was the fuse that caused His Majesty's bloodbath on the Zhu family."

Julia kept talking, while Xu Ran was completely stunned.


If there is no evidence, just suspect and directly attack the Zhu family without warning? Even if he wanted to destroy the Zhu family, he would not do that to Empress Zhu's wife.

And now, UU reading it seems that everything has come to the fore.

good guy.

Xu Ran is a direct good guy.

This Nima is really exciting.

So Emperor Dai has been taken by him...

Before Zhu Zhuqing and Xu Ran were together, the royal family had lost a lot of face, and later on, Emperor Dai had lost all face. And Zhu Zhuyun and Xu Ran together made Emperor Dai a big blow and went crazy.

Xu Ran understood Emperor Dai's actions somewhat.

It is really useless to be a human being to do this.

The Dai family and the Tang family are just as miserable.

"So now do you understand my feelings for you? Before, His Majesty was furious. When I was whipping me, I was still angry and called your name." Julia pouted and said aggrieved.

Xu Ran was a little speechless. He also understood why Emperor Dai was so cruel. When his wife called another man's name, this man would be furious.

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