Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 909: This is too forgiving.

"How is it? I'm not really the kind of person who would go with other people casually."

"Forget it. I'm afraid that if you stay by my side, I will end up like Emperor Dai in the future." Xu Ran shook his head. He felt that Empress Zhu was not a good woman.

"Don't you think you can't control me yourself? As long as you are strong enough, I won't fall in love with anyone else. It's really not good. It's a big deal. You let me wear that and control me." .

This? Queen?

How is it like being in a senior club?

good guy?

The contrast between the identity of the queen and her actual character is a bit big.

However, Xu Ran did not feel completely incomprehensible.

In a depressing place like the palace, almost everyone's character will be distorted. In previous lives, historians have studied too many emperors with eccentricities.

Not to mention the empress who is even more depressing than the emperor. She is locked in the harem all year round, surrounded by palace maids, and not even a man can be seen. After being depressed for a long time, it will indeed be distorted, and it is normal to seek those stimuli.

"You provoked me?" Xu Ran pouted. Empress Zhu knew a lot about a man's temper.

"Can't you? You dared to take advantage of me before, why do you despise me now?" Julia asked, her tone a little sour.

"Cough cough."

Xu Ran touched his nose.

"I don't want you to be responsible, I'm not afraid of what you are afraid of? You are so obedient that you manage so many women around you, so are you afraid of me? And don't think I don't know, that Pope Bibi Dong in the Spirit Hall. It's all yours now. Isn't she the same as me?" Julia meant.

"I'm mainly afraid that Zhuqing and Zhuyun will scold me to death if they find out. And if my father-in-law knows about me and his sister...then I won't die." Xu Ran felt a headache when he thought about so many complicated relationships.

Nima, it's not good to play too much.

Otherwise, should I call Zhu proud father-in-law, or brother?


each shouting? ? ?

"What are you afraid of? Wasn't it the same when you and Zhuyun were stealing chickens before? Why weren't you afraid that Zhuqing's niece would get angry? Man, hum, these are all excuses." Julia was obviously familiar with Xu Ran. As the queen, after a deliberate investigation, it is obvious that she knows everything about Xu Ran before, especially emotional matters.

When Xu Ran and Julia posted, Zhu Zhengao, who was distressed for his sister, quickly swept over to the queen's palace.

The palace was breached, and Zhu proudly felt anxious.

He also knew very well that if Emperor Dai took action against the Zhu family, his sister would definitely report to the family. And the sister didn't say anything, which means that she is very likely to have an accident.

"I hope Leah will be fine, otherwise, I..."

Zhu proud eyes full of sadness.

In fact, he is a sister control, he only has this biological sister, and he naturally loves him more.

If something happened to her, it would also be a huge blow to him.

When Zhu proudly pushed the door and entered, his face was stunned.

Xu Ran was stunned, and kept wrangling with Julia, enjoying the plump and delicate body that Julia put on his body, but he was honestly enjoying the body when he said the words of a scumbag.

So, Xu Ran didn't notice Zhu Zhao's arrival. Seeing Zhu proud, naturally embarrassed.

The front foot had just left with Zhuqing and Zhuyun, and the back foot was attached to Julia.

This Nima.

The former are Zhu's proud two daughters, and the latter is his sister.

Julia was also embarrassed, but at the same time there was a hint of relief on her face. If she was seen by her brother, she would feel better, and she would not have to carry such a heavy psychological burden in the future.

"What a coincidence. Xu Ran, Lia."

Zhu proudly greeted him unnaturally. Looking at the familiar two people, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Kidney Affliction Happened?

"Brother. I..." Julia looked at Zhu Zou like a child who had done something wrong, wearing a **** phoenix robe, looking very delicate.

"I'm injured, so Xu Ran is treating me."

Julia explained.


Zhu proudly looked at the blood that was made up on the broken phoenix robe on his sister's body, his pupils shrank, endless anger emerged in his heart, and he hated Emperor Dai who had gone to hell.

His sister, Dai, dared to do this?

"This is all done by the surnamed Dai? Are you all right now?" Zhu proudly asked with concern. A fellow mother, he really loves this sister. The love that grew up together is more important than anything else.

"It's alright. Xu Ran has healed my injury. However, there is one more thing I want my brother to agree to." Julia took courage, looked at Xu Ran who was hesitant, and was about to tell Zhu proudly.

"I'm in love with Xu Ran."

Listening to Julia's words, Xu Ran wanted to vomit blood.

Although he was a little greedy for her body and took advantage of her in the past, but it couldn't reach the level of love. This is also put on the shelves with ducks?

"It's up to you."

"Xu Ran, as long as you are willing to be nice to Zhuqing, Zhuyun, and Liya. In fact, I support them all." Zhu proudly thought for a while, and then said slowly.

Emperor Dai died. As a brother, he naturally hopes that his sister can have a good home.

And this scene in front of me seems to have explained...

He has long been used to Xu Ran lingering among many peerless women over the years, so even if he sees Xu Ran and his sister together, although it is a bit, it is not unacceptable.

Xu Ran's strengths have made Zhu proud to accept any flaws in him.

Merry, which boy is not romantic?

It's a lot more romantic, although it's absurd, but it's here, what else can I say? Now that Xu Ran has become the backbone of the Zhu family, even if Xu Ran is absurd, the Zhu family cannot lose Xu Ran. Moreover, in this way, the relationship between the Zhu family and Xu Ran will be closer. It's a good thing for anyone except not tolerated by the secular mainstream.

Xu Ran: "..."

This Nima also works? Zhu proud that this is too forgiving.

"I'll go first, you continue." Zhu proudly said no more, turned to leave, and took the door behind him by the way.

Knowing that Zhu proudly left, Xu Ran still didn't react for a while. These **** things are really annoying. What to do with Julia? This is indeed a problem. Do you really treat people like that? This is too impersonal. And if Zhuqing Zhuyun knew that he still had such an evil side, and bullied their aunt with a little leather whip or something, then his character design would not collapse? And it's really not good. Xu Ran is not a completely unfriendly person.

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