121 – Outing to Kolhen

Hearing the word arena, Harin’s eyes furrowed.

Perhaps it was because he saw that reaction, Priest Rien quietly moved away without asking.

Seeing that she headed towards the bench where the other party was sitting, I brought up the main topic that came to him today.

“Since it is the promised time for a duel tomorrow, we must come to a conclusion now.”

“That is probably the reason G-House came.”

I nodded.

Otherwise, there is no reason to keep coming here for days.


“I know this is a big deal, but I will add one more word.”

Before Harin opened his mouth.

I kept my voice low and told him what I had to say.

Because at least he needs to know.

“The curse of the ghost you were worried about is real. And now it is gone.”

“The thing that disappeared?”

“It is the same as what you are experiencing now. Mr. Ronen Harin.”


Harein stopped talking and opened his mouth after a while.

“I thought a lot.”

It was just one word.

But there are things in the world that you know without saying anything.

“And I remembered one thing. The reason why I studied space magic even though I changed my major.”

“So you’re saying you’re going to withdraw from the duel?”

“It should be. Because what I want to do is remain in college. Apparently, the only thing I gained from these two years was pain.”

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With the fatigue that hasn’t been erased from his face, for some reason, something I don’t know is peeking out.

“I don’t want to regret later.”

I don’t know its name.

As a person from another world, I couldn’t experience that in this world.

But being ignorant doesn’t mean you can’t respect your choices.

“I see.”


Paper and pen were placed on an empty bench.

I handed the pen to him after writing down the contents that I would cancel the duel.

“Please sign. Harin.”

His hand holding the pen hesitated for a moment, but then quickly wrote down the name.

The Harin, who finished the battle, held out a piece of paper to me and said.

“Thank you for your hard work. Mr. Ghouse.”

There was a hint of relief on his face.

And I still don’t know the name of that thing that still remained on the corner of my face.


After obtaining a signature from Harin to withdraw from the duel.

We headed straight to the Sandwich Hall.

The graduate school was still very gloomy, but the weak wind was giving it a fresh feel.


Like that, Priest Rien’s feet stopped for a moment after entering the building.

“What are you doing?”


She stretched her hand, but then moved her feet.

A very low prayer was heard from Priest Rien, who was leading the way.

Seeing that his body was getting warmer, he seemed to have bestowed blessings, but it was clear that he felt the energy of a curse.

As expected, the professions where private workers were involved were different.

Would it have turned out like that if I had also gotten a master’s degree?

I went to Professor Jenton’s lab with those strange thoughts in my head, but he wasn’t there.

She was Reina, whom she had seen once before. She was only a graduate student who annoyedly welcomed unscheduled visitors.

“Professor Jenton has business to come. When can I see him?”

In response to the question of her young lady who revealed her identity, she put down the pile of books she was holding on her sofa cushion and said.

“I got a call from the university and just left…”

She guessed the reason, but she didn’t bother pretending to know.

“Then, will you deliver this to Professor Jenton as soon as he arrives? And please sign here too.”

When I handed out the envelope with his signature and the confirmation of receipt, she nodded her head.

As if she hadn’t done it once or twice, Reina spoke to herself skillfully while stamping her name and the seal of her lab.

“After receiving the letter the other day, the professor kept letting me leave work early. Seeing you receive something like this makes me feel a little better.”



After receiving her receipt from her who shook her head, we left her lab.


As the front door opened, a weak wind greeted us again.

Now, the sudden request is almost over.

“Good job everyone.”

I looked back at the party with a smile.

“I’m sorry for making you wander here and there since morning. As an apology, I’ll buy you a car-“

Then Priest Rien approached me with a smile.

“G-house mercenary. The car is nice, but I think we need to know what happened before that!”

Come to think of it, I think I should explain to Priest Rien.

That’s a little too much.


One piece of evidence is surer than a thousand words.

And the one word ‘I’ve found something sinister’ and the accursed evidence before her priest gave her a little more certainty.

In a sparsely populated bush near University Square.

Priest Rien, who had completely lost his smile, looked at me and asked.

“G-house mercenary?”

“Yes, priest.”

Unlike my rather plain voice.

Embarrassment emanated from her trembling voice in a place where there was no wind.

“Why is this here? Mercenary, why do you know this?”

“It is the medium of the curse. We also found it quite by accident.”

I told the story of how I found it.

When she heard enough information that she could report to her church, minus all her TMI, such as the murder of her professor, Priest Rien nodded her head.

“That’s why the Harin-san from earlier became like that!”

“An unfortunate thing almost happened. G-House stopped that.”

After answering that, Priian looked at me and smiled softly.

Priest Rien’s golden eyes shone slightly, and she looked over at the party and said.

“Have you contacted the church or other places?”

The young lady, who was watching from a little distance, helped with a word.

“I thought so, but the mercenary said don’t let anyone know until the culprit is caught.”

Priest Rien looked at her for a moment, but she nodded her head and spoke to her.

“Then, judging from the fact that you showed me this, it looks like you’ve caught the culprit!”

“Fortunately, yes.”

I pointed to that ship and asked Priest Rien.

“I’m sorry for asking you so many times, but may I ask you to do it for me?”

Then she shook her head, her golden eyes shining.

“You don’t have to ask for my responsibilities!”

After a while, Priest Rien knelt down in her meadow and began her prayer.

The sunlight shattered on her leaves wrapped the veil she wore, and then the light gathered at her fingertips wrapped around her box.

A hazy smoke rose from inside the box, like when a magnifying glass was shining on black paper.


With the sound of thin ice fading, the unknown presence felt in the box disappeared.

The priest bowed his head to see off the sublimated curse.

But her own knee couldn’t see her off the ground.

“…Priest Rien?”

“Ah! Wait, wait!”

It was clear that she had overused her divine power, seeing as she couldn’t move even with sweat dripping from her forehead.

“It will happen in just a little bit like this!”

I walked towards the priest and held out his hand.

Even though she couldn’t get her body up, she raised her head and looked at my gloved hand.

“Catch it.”

After a moment of hesitation, her hand wrapped around her glove.

“Take my hand too, Priest Rien.”

Then, within her, Priani An also followed and supported her from the other side of her.

“One, two.”


For a moment, Rien Priest staggered towards me, but immediately balanced himself and gave a slightly troubled smile.

“Ahahahaha, it’s really hard without an incense burner!”

Her embarrassing smile made me laugh and thank her.

“You worked hard. From the first day I see you again, I make you do all sorts of things.”

Then Priest Rien shook her head.

“There is always something to do! It’s just that today’s job was a little harder!”

In her smile, her golden eyes twinkled for a moment, there was only innocence.

“Then how about quitting work and going to rest?”

The young lady, who was holding a book by her side, suggested it.

“Even though it was cursed, there is nothing good about being in a place like this for a long time.”

“Right. This is not a good place for patients.”

As Prianian’s sympathy was added, there was no reason to stay here anymore.

I looked at the party and asked.

“Then shall we go to a tea house?”

For some reason, it was a day when I wanted to drink black tea.


It was quite hot on the streets of Colchen in midsummer.

The stone floor heated by the sunlight was enough to heat the inside of the boots he was wearing, and the heat emitted by passers-by made his attire lighter.

It can be said that it is a day that makes the eyes happy because of it.

At least the eyes of the people in front of me were focused on three people.


“Did you just see it?”

Priani An, who was wearing a bright dress, Priest Rien, who was wearing a slightly clinging priest’s uniform, and the young lady wearing her white robe.

Perhaps it was because they had looks that were hard to see anywhere except for the young lady, who even covered her face, so most of the whispers were compliments.

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But the three people in front of me didn’t care about that and were walking along talking to each other.

In that attitude that seemed natural, I felt something unapproachable.

‘Oh, the famous people are scary.’

I was intimidated by the splendid atmosphere that I couldn’t bear to touch, and I was following behind like a puppy.

Occasionally Priest Rien and Prianian looked back, but I beckoned them to go first.

And a few people who were attracted by their gaze took an interest in me.

“Why did that person wear rags again?”

“It looks like cloth armor, not just rags.”

“Hey, look at those gloves. Wouldn’t it be hot to walk around like that in this hot weather?”

The party that was advancing in front of me, drawing people’s attention, stopped at some point.

Then Prianian walked up to me and asked.

“Why didn’t you come to the side and stay behind?”

I couldn’t say that because I was afraid of feeling like an insider.

“I enjoy just looking from behind. All three of them seemed to be on good terms, so I didn’t even have time to intervene.”

When she heard that, she put on an expression of incomprehension, but then she raised her hand and pointed to one place.

“I decided to go here.”

From where Priian An pointed, the faint scent of her coffee wafted through.

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