122 – Leisurely Tea Time

When I opened the door, I could feel the strong aroma of coffee from the front of the shop along with the refreshing sound of bells ringing.

The clerk, who had been sitting and resting by the door, reflexively stood up and greeted us with courtesy.

“Welcome. How old are you?”

“There are four, do you have a seat?”

The clerk nodded and led us into the store.

Perhaps because the windows were left open, the pleasant yet cool interior of the store was full of people who came in from the scorching sunlight from the morning.

Passing them and leading us to a lowly divided seat, he raised his hand and pointed.

“You can sit over here.”

A comfortable, secluded, comfortable place for conversation was today’s seat.

“Thank you.”

After naturally going inside and settling down, I took out a menu from a pocket hanging on the wall next to me and put it down.

There were two menu boards. Then, naturally, I saw it with the person next to me.


Priyanian raised his hand and brushed his flowing hair.


There was a sound as the red hair brushed over Gambison, but I couldn’t bear to turn my head to the side.

‘It’s too close.’

“G-House, how about this?”

Along with the voice that sounded like a whisper, the red hair that occupied one side of the field of view flowed down a little more.

A slender, white finger pointed at one of the tea leaves.


“I guess this isn’t good enough.”

Just like that, one by one.

For some reason, as my hand gradually moved to the right, the red silk covered my shoulder.

Thanks to Gambison for not feeling the texture of my hair. I opened my mouth.

“No, I think it’s fine.”

But the red one didn’t stop.

“Then what about this?”

“Oh, I never drank that.”


When he summoned up the courage to turn his head, he saw the profile of Priani An, who was staring at the menu board.

The sun-drenched hair flowed red, and the nape of the neck and collarbones stood out even more white.


As if she noticed her gaze, her blue eyes turned to me, and the corner of her mouth moved slightly.

By the time she turned her head to the menu board that she couldn’t even see again, feeling guilty for some reason.

“Mercenary, Mercenary.”

I heard Priest Rien calling me like a savior.

Right after her, I raised my head and looked across from her and saw her still smiling.

“Yes, priest.”

“Sorry for the hard selection, but could you recommend a car?”

“Is it tea?”


The priest, who smiled as if he was embarrassed, soon held out the menu and said.

“I’m saying this because I don’t know much about cars, but the G-House mercenary knows better than I do!”

Then Priani An, who straightened her upper body again, held out her hand to Priest Rien and said.

“Then let me help you. Priest Rien.”

“Thank you! Mr. Prianian!”

Seeing the priest with a smile on his face, she sighed softly and began to ask Priest Rien about her taste in tea.

In front of me as I laid down on her back, I saw the young lady who had been quietly reading a book.

“Young lady?”

Seeing that, I raised my healthy right arm and held out the menu to the young lady.

She suddenly looked at me and her wooden board in front of her.

“Why however, mercenaries?”

I took out a piece of paper and a pen from my belly band and put it on top.

“I don’t think I’ve heard what you’re ordering, but if you tell me, I’ll write it down.”

“Ah. After that, I didn’t say anything. I chose strawberry shortcake and orange juice.”

“One strawberry, one orange.”

I quickly finished my notes and wrote down the darjeeling I was going to drink below it.

‘My God, I never thought Darjeeling would be this cheap.’

After putting down the pen, his hand trembled at the strange phenomenon that a filthy rare car is cheaper than a tire.

I involuntarily sun-dried in midsummer until the two people next to me decided on an opinion.


It was summer.

Three people who heard my tired voice looked at me, and I, tired from the warmth, asked with only rolling my eyes.

“Why is that?”

Then, after hesitating for a while, Prianian looked at me and said.

“Unlike anything happened, you just looked a little like an old man, Mr. G-House.”

“Everyone who has served in the military is a man. Miss Prianian.”

At least that’s how it is in a country in another dimension.

After hearing my answer, Priest Rien asked with interest.

“G-house mercenary, were you a soldier by any chance?”

“That? Me? Aye, would you?”

I had been a soldier for about a month in my life, but it was just like the army demo version.

Since his status as a soldier disappears in a month, if you have to compare him, you can call him a jumping character.

“Where else is a soldier like me?”

So he waved his hand with his right hand and denied me when he was an agent, but Prianian didn’t let go.

“Come to think of it, even when I first saw him, Mr. G-House’s behavior was not like that of an ordinary mercenary. Should I say that I have plenty of room?”

As my older sister says, if you have lived a life of being shot through the window by Hwaran with a crossbow while doing errands in the bathroom for 5 years, you can say that this is a basic level of knowledge.

“What do you think I was like?”

“Doesn’t G-House know?”

“How was it, just Mr. Prianian?”

“Don’t use the word ‘just’, just priest Lien. Anyway, how was it-“

“Ah. I remember that too, Miss Prianian. As for what it was like-“



With that word, I silenced her and clung to her chair again.

I’m glad. If it didn’t end with that, I was going to say, ‘We had a first meeting that I still can’t forget’.

“Anyway, I lived a very normal life.”

“I lived and lived.”

“I think there is more…”

After he succeeded in expressing the ups and downs of life with just one letter, what followed was archaeologists without degrees exploring the past.

“I lived. However, I am living this moment that is a little more special because I have met you, including the Lady.”

With a single word from her lips, secrets become commonplace.

Maybe that’s why the two girls and a young lady with an unknown face were quietly silent.

Just as their mouths continued to respect the strike, a word came out.

“…So when do we order our car?”

What I had to do as a customer was because I found out that there was a strike.



The two people, who forgot the most important thing, hurriedly decided on their order.

“For me, Darjeeling. Is Priest Rien going to do it with that?”


Like a group assignment right before the deadline, we confirmed our order in an instant and called the clerk and handed out the paper.

“Yes, thank you.”

While the clerk was processing the order, we returned to our conversation.

Priest Rien looked at my Gambison and asked.

“By the way, G-House mercenary, aren’t you hot?”

“I don’t really like the heat or the cold.”

The young lady, who was covering her whole body with a robe like me, asked me.

“By the way, why do mercenaries keep wearing those rags?”

“Not rags, but cloth armor called Gambison. Without it, my body would be empty, and in case of emergency, my real body could become empty, so it became a habit to wear it all the time.”

“It’s amazing, can you defend yourself with a cloth like that? It looks soft.”

Then Prianian spoke very quietly.

“It was hard.”


While I was taken aback by the rather sudden impression, Priest Rien, who was still smiling, tilted her head and asked.

“How does Mr. Prianian know that?”

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Priani An immediately lowered his right hand under the table and scratched my left arm lightly with his fingertips.

It was so soft that only I could hear it.

“I happened to hold it, and it was harder than I thought.”

The eyes were focused on me.

“Well, to prevent any misunderstanding, let me explain. I was trying to save Miss Prianian because she was in danger.”


After hearing my explanation, Priest Rien asked while still laughing.

“I don’t know what happened, but in the end, didn’t you say you did it to save people?”


“Then, G-House mercenary, would you have done that even if that situation happened again?”


Without playfulness, he spoke firmly.

“At least it’s better than having your face forgotten.”

“I see!”

Then Priest Rien smiled benevolently and said.

“Good job, mercenary.”

“I did what I had to do.”

At that indulgences-like smile, I let out a sigh of relief and said,

I took ten years.


After a while. When the drink came out, I filled it up right away.

Then, I had time to quietly reconstruct the taste in my head with a glass that smelled of green grapes.

After imprinting green grapes in my head,


As I put down the empty glass, I heard Priest Rien’s voice.

“G-house mercenary eats real tea specially!”

“I tend to eat a little differently. By the way, is the incense okay?”

“It’s still a little hot!”

When she lifted the still glass, I nodded her head and stood up.

“Mercenary, where are you going?”

“I’ll come back to get some fresh air.”

When I went to the bathroom, finished my work, and returned to my seat, a strange phenomenon was happening.

“What the f*ck is that?”

There were 6 people in the 4-person seat we sat in.

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