ka-cha, ka-cha.

A crisp cracking sound came from the ground, and it was Lin Ga’s eyes that was a high-top cave illuminated by dazzling blue light.

No, the palace should be more appropriate.

The cave looks extremely spacious, the top of the cave is at least two 10 meters above the ground, and various crystal blue rectangular stones are inlaid on both sides of the cave.

Lin Ze landed firmly on both feet, did not feel any pain from falling to the ground, and fell more naturally into the transparent cave of this palace.

But he didn’t care about it, there was a big problem right now.

That giant elephant is gone.

Not only that, but even Gao Yuan and Su Jianlan were gone.

It stands to reason that they fell into the earth’s entrance almost at the same time, but fell behind, but heaven and earth’s difference to separate.

“Little fellow, can you still feel them?”

Lin Ze quickly headed towards the side Winged Kuriboh, little fellow as his Source Card, it was not scattered.

Winged Kuriboh perceives it a little, but frustrated to shook the head. The space here is not small, and its perceptual distance is limited.

Previously, the traces of savages could be traced from a long distance. It was only because there were too many savages and the remaining traces were also obvious. This allowed Winged Kuriboh to find them smoothly.

“It’s okay, the place is here, and you’ll always find it.”

After Lin Ze’s consolation, the little fellow quickly became active again, but it didn’t seem to be entirely because of Lin Ze’s consolation.

Winged Kuriboh flew to the mountain wall and stretched out short claws to buckle a blue rectangular stone from the wall.

The stone seemed to be not firmly embedded in the cave wall, and Winged Kuriboh as easy as blowing off dust removed it without causing a reaction from the mountain wall.

Winged Kuriboh turned the stone into Lin Ze’s hand with excitement.

Lin Ze looked suspicious, but the moment he touched the rock, a sense of coolness came from him, and then he really felt that his Magic Power within the body was recovering at a super fast speed.

The Magic Power that was consumed on the road before was quickly compensated. Then, the transparent blue stones in Lin Ze’s hands quickly became dim.

“A stone capable of restoring Magic Power?”

Lin Ze was shocked. This recovery effect was more powerful than the black energy recovery card he had used before!

“Little fellow, is there such a rock, is there any more?”

Lin Ze immediately asked Winged Kuriboh. Although this blue stone is inlaid on both sides of the mountain wall, not every piece has such a role, otherwise little fellows don’t have to go to high places to find it.

Winged Kuriboh felt it again, and soon found three identical blue stones in the cave.

Looking at the three stones, Lin Ze couldn’t help but realize that this palace-like cave is likely to be a huge treasury!

But walking with these things is also a problem.

After pondering for a while, Lin Ze operate Magic Power, the golden card glove of the left hand flashed, and those stones were immediately pulled into it.

This result made Lin Ze happily said: “Sure enough, these stones must also contain Magic Power-related energy, so the built-in energy space of the card glove can be absorbed.”

After a brief test, Lin Ze didn’t stay long.

Whether treasury is here or not, it is more important now to find those who have been taken away.

Moreover, finding people and making money do not conflict.

While Lin Ze was moving forward, Winged Kuriboh was not idle, perceiving the energy stones on both sides of the mountain wall.

After half an hour, Lin Ze finally stepped out of this passage, and in front of him, a wider place came into view, almost like the palace’s atrium.

On the way, the number of energy stones discovered by Winged Kuriboh has reached 23.

Such gains can be called huge!

For example, a Black Energy Recovery Card of the same quality, the unit price is close to 300,000 Yuan, 23 energy stones, converted to Yuan, that is a huge wealth close to 7 million!

Lin Ze didn’t miss the joy, and walked to the cave atrium. There are three exits in the atrium, which are directly in front and left and right.


Winged Kuriboh stretched out a short finger and pointed straight ahead, which was obvious, and signaled Lin Ze to take that exit.

Lin Ze hastened his pace, quickly passed through the atrium, and walked down the exit, where there was another straight high ceiling passage.

There was a figure in the aisle facing away from him. Looking at the familiar figure, Lin Ze quickly shouted, “Su Jianlan?”

The figure immediately turned around with a little surprise, Su Jianlan looked at Lin Ze with joy, apparently saying relaxed: “It’s great, I thought I fell into a different place from you.”

Lin Ze stepped closer and said with a smile: “I also thought so at the beginning, what about Gao Yuan? Isn’t he with you?”

Su Jianlan shook the head, and said with some anxiety, “No, I don’t know if he is OK.”

“It’s okay, probably like us, scattered in different places.”

Lin Ze tone barely fell, Winged Kuriboh’s body suddenly floated in front of the passage, as if he felt something again.


Winged Kuriboh waved short claws and pointed forward hurriedly. Lin Ze and Su Jianlan looked at each other, and they hurried forward without a word.

Running and running, Lin Ze’s ears faintly heard a sound, and the sound was a bit disturbing and had an inexplicable intimacy.

Su Jianlan also heard it, and there was a trace of doubt on his face, like where he heard this voice, and he wanted to do not raise.

It wasn’t until the two ran a few 10 meters forward again that the sound became louder, Lin Ze and Su Jianlan both looked at each other, but they couldn’t help it.

What a snoring sound for a long time!

Who is snoring? Hit so loud?

You don’t have to think about it, it is the snoring of that giant elephant!

That giant elephant is resting?

This is great news!

Receiving such good news, Lin Ze and Su Jianlan’s feet moved more quickly, with some Magic Power attached, and they went a step further.

After running for a little while, she appeared in front of a one-way corner.

When Lin Ze and Su Jianlan ran across the corner, a high-diameter circular entrance appeared in front of them.

Looking through the circular entrance, the first thing I saw was the giant elephant!

Somewhat strangely, the giant elephant turned out to sleep.

Judging by the sound of its thunder, the giant elephant should have fallen into deep sleep.

Compared to this giant elephant, Lin Ze’s eyeballs are more eye-catching, all kinds of things scattered all over the huge space.

Just a cursory look, Lin Ze found several Super Source Essences from unknown sources among those scattered randomly!

Lin Ze turned his gaze and looked towards the prominent blue wall beside this huge space, his face suddenly changed and changed.

On that blue wall, all Jiangcheng people, a lot of them, were all locked on it, each wearing a blue shackle on their wrists and ankles.

However, the wall was locked, not only several National Tournament representatives from Jiangcheng, but also no fewer than twenty other unknown persons.

Could it be considered a collectible by that giant elephant?

While Lin Ze’s eyes fell on them, those people also noticed the sudden appearance of Lin Ze and Su Jianlan!


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