When the dozens of people trapped in the chain saw Lin Ze and Su Jianlan, their eyes were almost full of horrified expression.

What did they see?

There are two big living people, walking freely in the treasury of the giant elephant?

Am I right?

Some people want to rub their eyes to see more clearly. Helpless hands are locked by chain lock, unable to move even a little bit.

After the people were shocked for a long while, a great ecstasy erupted in their hearts.

Someone can move freely, which means they have a chance to break free!

Every day they rely on the rough energy provided by that damn colossus to sustain their lives and treat them like prisoners.

If you can really break free, wait until you are strong in the future, then come back and cook this bastard giant elephant!

Many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

These people who have been trapped here have been trapped for a long time and have been trapped for several years. It is really a life that is worse than death.

With their hopeful gaze, Lin Ze and Su Jianlan crept to the wall.

When he reached the wall, Lin Ze ignored the longing eyes for a while, and walked to Jiangcheng.

Lin Ze quickly found Wen Zhengrui and said quietly with a chuckle: “It’s a shame.”

Wen Zhengrui read out the shape of his mouth and laughed, but he was still surprised.

Frankly speaking, the key blow to help Lin Ze evacuate before was to push the boat smoothly. At the time, Wen Zhengrui was unable to break through and it was better to complete them.

As for who Lin Ze chooses to take away, it is because of his consideration that he cannot control himself.

Wen Zhengrui did not expect that Lin Ze really came back to them and found it.

From this point of view, Lin Ze is really very affectionate.

Not knowing what Wen Zhengrui was thinking at the moment, Lin Ze was now thinking about how to unlock the blue shackles locked on their wrists and ankles.

Those shackles were obviously not ordinary shackles, but entrained with energy.

If it is forcibly removed, whether it will succeed is another matter, and more importantly, will it wake up the sleeping giant elephant?

Su Jianlan is also facing the same problem, can’t help but look to Lin Ze, what should I do?

Lin Ze let Winged Kuriboh try to perceive for a while, but the result of the perception is not nutritious.

According to Winged Kuriboh’s feedback, Lin Ze only confirmed that these shackles are indeed condensed by energy.

To be precise, it should be Source Power.

The giant elephant in front of it is undoubtedly the source Beast, otherwise it would not have this abnormal strength.

“Try it first.”

Lin Ze said in a low voice, while operating Magic Power, Rocket Warrior appeared quickly, followed by Legendary Sword.

With the slashing power of the Legendary Sword, if there is no way to cut off the energy shackles on Wen Zhengrui, then things will be a bit troublesome.

Lin Ze looked back at the giant elephant and confirmed that it was still asleep. Using Rocket Warrior, he tried to minimize the movement and swing his sword.


The Legendary Sword fell, and with the sound of a collision, the surface of the energy shackles violently formed, and soon cracks appeared.

“So easy?”

Lin Ze was a bit surprised. He thought it would be difficult to entangle the shackles. As a result, with several cuts from Rocket Warrior, Wen Zhengrui broke a shackle in his hands and turned it into a little blue dazzling light.

Su Jianlan also launched an operation. Although her Butterfly Fairy is not very applicable at this time, her black card is not just a Source Card.

The black card shimmered with luster, and the long beautiful legs stepped on the small roller skates. They gracefully and beautifully displayed their figure and showed charming dance steps.

black card, Icebreaker Dancer, attack points 1700, defense points 1200.

Icebreaker Dancer appeared, kicking Ding Wen’s yoke with her long legs.

Although she was a little bit kicked by her kick, Ding Wen was constantly feasting, and it was a misfortune.

The efficiency of Icebreaker Dancer’s shackle removal is inferior to that of Rocket Warrior with Legendary Sword, but the gap will not be too big.

Lin Ze took about a minute to successfully cut off the shackles on Wen Zhengrui.

“Lin Ze, many thanks.”

Wen Zhengrui, who was rescued, thanked him quickly.

Lin Ze didn’t care about waved his hand and lowered his voice inquired: “You are trapped here, has anyone used the card?”

Card Master summon a card, does not require the assistance of the limbs, as long as the Magic Power within the body can be output normally, the card can operate.

Wen Zhengrui suddenly shook the head, saying: “These energy shackles seem to be able to draw our Magic Power within the body, and the new Magic Power will soon be taken away.”

“It was really restricted …”

For such a result, Lin Ze is not surprised. He saw that many people were trapped at this moment, and guessed that.

Otherwise, it will not be calm here.

Especially Qiu Sihao, he is not the kind of man who is willing to sit and wait and be trapped here.

“Old Wen, take this and add Magic Power within the body.”

Lin Ze operate Magic Power, take an energy stone from the card glove and throw it to Wen Zhengrui.

Wen Zhengrui reached out to catch the small blue stone, looked for a moment, and suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face. He looked up towards Lin Ze and said, “This is a magic stone. Looking at this color, the grade should not be bad. “

While speaking, within the body’s rapidly filling Magic Power, Wen Zhengrui even said: “E-Rank Magic Stone!”

Lin Ze asked with a surprised look: “What’s the price?”

Wen Zhengrui glanced at Lin Ze with some doubts, but still answered: “The market price should be around 500,000, modern Card Master, more energy cards are used, but this magic stone itself is a necessary material made of energy cards. For one, the energy inside is also more pure. “

Lin Ze couldn’t help asking: “Isn’t the energy card made from Eternal Card Soul?”

Wen Zhengrui explained: “Eternal Card Soul is one of the necessary materials and the main material. Magic stone is regarded as an auxiliary material, but it is also necessary. The higher the grade of energy card, the more it needs to be made of magic stone as an auxiliary material.

Lin Ze nodded said that he understood, but he was more excited.

The value of this blue stone is higher than he thought. Keep a part of it in case of need, and the rest can be sold for money, so that Lin Ze can be used for the current resources.

During the conversation between Lin Ze and Wen Zhengrui, the actions of Rocket Warrior and Icebreaker Dancer were not slow at all. The few people who were arrested were almost released.

Right now, Ma Jichao from Jiangcheng and Hu Yifan from Pingchuan are still waiting for rescue.

Things went so smoothly, and Lin Ze’s nervous string, which had been tight, was slightly relaxed.

Lin Ze’s eyes looked towards Rocket Warrior, Rocket Warrior was waving the Legendary Sword at this moment, and a sword cut the blue yoke of Hu Yifan’s right hand.

After the shackles quickly shattered, they turned into a little blue dazzling light, and those dazzling lights drifted away quickly.

But at this moment, looking at those blue lights, Lin Ze suddenly thought of a problem.

Wen Zhengrui said just now that those blue shackles seem to be able to draw their Magic Power within the body, but when those shackles are shattering, Lin Ze did not feel the slightest remaining magic fluctuations.

Did Magic Power disappear?

or is, who are the Magic Powers that have been absorbed?

and many more.

If it is feeding back to that giant elephant, then the giant elephant captures humans, and the purpose should be more than just treating them as collectibles.

Regardless of the total amount of Magic Power of human within the body, it has a characteristic, a considerable speed of magic natural recovery!

If there is enough human nutrition, it is always renewable.

Over the years, it has obviously learned a lot from the huge power of Magic Power.

Lin Ze suddenly realized that the real intention of the giant elephant to capture humans.

“So it is …”

Lin Ze was relieved, but at the same time he realized that he had another terrifying fact!

If it is said that the giant elephants are constantly being nourished by multiple strands of Magic Power, then the transmission of so many Magic Powers is suddenly cut off in a short time. Will the sleeping giant elephants be completely ignorant?

At the same time as expression became heavy, Lin Ze’s gaze turned sharply behind him. When he saw the giant elephant still asleep, he couldn’t help being relaxed.

But just when Lin Ze exhaled this breath, a pair of thick eyelids, wrapped in endless anger and killing intent, opened in vain!


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