The giant elephant’s angry pupils widened, and the soul-screaming roar squeezed out from the throat. The blue substance was secreted from its body.

At this moment, the people who originally thought that they would be saved immediately fell to the bottom of the valley.

The giant elephant was awakened!

It’s over, it’s over!

Lin Ze’s expression also became extremely heavy. I did not expect that this giant elephant could really sense the cut off of Magic Power.

“Never mind him, since he woke up so quickly, he will just send him to sleep this time!”

Lin Ze quickly launched fiercely. The enemy has only one giant elephant, the one to emerge victorious, which is still unknown.

By this time, Rocket Warrior and Icebreaker Dancer had also rescued Hu Yifan and Ma Jichao.

The situation now is that almost all representatives of Jiangcheng National Tournament are present!

Only Gao Yuan didn’t know where the goods had gone. There was no small movement here, and he hadn’t come by now.

Lin Ze immediately used Rocket Warrior and Invincible Mode Gold Shield, facing the colossus that was about to riot.

Both vertical and horizontal are wars, it is better to start first!

At the same time, Lin Ze quickly threw a magic stone to Qiu Sihao.

Qiu Sihao also seems to know magic stone, and a moment of accident emerges in his eyes, but he restores that arrogance in an instant, as if he didn’t put the giant elephant in his eyes at all.

Qiu Sihao, who quickly recovered from Magic Power, immediately appeared with his own Tyranny King.

“Crap, that’s magic stone, Danshui’s people have been so extravagant, carry this thing with you?”

Hu Yifan’s eyes caught the scene where Lin Ze lost the magic stone to Qiu Sihao, exclaimed immediately, but he was not idle, and activated his own Elf Monster as well.

Although their Magic Power is now basically evacuated, they can resume the Magic Power naturally within the body after leaving the shackles.

As long as it absorbs the sporadic Magic Power, activated Source Card with almost zero consumption is not a problem.

After a while, their respective cards, Lin Ze’s Rocket Warrior, were activated, but at this time they rushed to the giant elephant first, and the Legendary Sword in their hands was chopped down!

The giant elephant that couldn’t hold back the anger snarled, and the blue material in the hand was diffused, quickly condensing into a giant wild knife, and the surface of the wild knife shot many blue light spots.

The giant waved the wild knife in his hand and slashed at Rocket Warrior holding the Legendary Sword!

The collision is only between the lightning flint.

Just when Ye Taidao and Legendary Sword collided, with a crackling sound, Lin Ze was shocked to see that Legendary Sword was just shattering!

Not only that, even the gold shield on Rocket Warrior’s head was completely dimmed, followed by a cracking sound. This time even the Invincible Mode Gold Shield cracked on the spot!

The giant elephant didn’t give any chance. In the hands of the wild Taidao, the two swords were completed in one second. Rocket Warrior exploded in an instant!


At the same time as Rocket Warrior shattering, Butterfly Fairy’s butterfly powder and Fairy Butterfly Light Cannon and Flash Exiled’s energy storage light beam blasted on the huge body of the giant elephant!

However, the body of the giant elephant was not shaken halfway, and those offensives seemed to tickle it and did nothing.

However, the emergence of Butterfly Fairy and Flash Exiled caught the attention of the giant elephant and became its next attack target.

Just when the giant elephant took a step forward, a round particle entrance, a steel particle impact cannon, suddenly broke into the air, suddenly strikes on the giant elephant’s thigh!

A small piece of blue material dropped on the giant elephant’s thigh, but it was restored as soon as possible, but this shot was once again looking away from the giant elephant.

Not only giant elephants, Jiangcheng everyone looked at the door, where a large-faced man was standing there calmly, as if to be able to support both heaven and earth.

In front of him, the Alloy Dragon spliced ​​from steel is glare like a tiger watching his prey watching the huge giant elephant.

Gao Yuan, finally came over!

However, before waiting for the Alloy Dragon to spray a second mouthful of steel particle impact cannon, everyone saw it. The giant elephant suddenly lifted the wild Taidao and slashed down in the direction of the Alloy Dragon!

A realistic blue blade glow, tearing the air in no time, and not giving the Alloy Dragon any reaction time, chopping on its steel body!

A section of steel was cut off, and Alloy Dragon’s 1800 defense points were at the moment under the giant elephant’s blade glow.

Gao Yuan complexion slightly changed, I did not expect that the strength of that giant elephant would be terrifying to this point.

The body-split Alloy Dragon struggled to the ground without immediately shattering, but apparently lost its battle strength.

Although Gao Yuan can help Alloy Dragon reshape his body through Magic Power input, the Magic Power required to do so is very expensive. Even if he can do it, it is not meaningful.

The scene just now is reality. Even Gao Yuan’s Alloy Dragon, which can be called Peak Back Card, has no resistance in front of the giant elephant!

This giant elephant is a real monster. If you haven’t guessed it, its attack points have reached at least 2500!

The powerful destructive power of the giant elephant shook everyone’s heart. Even Hu Yifan, who has always laughed, likes to die, can’t help quietly swallowed saliva now, some have lingering fears.

Qiu Sihao, who had always been proud, also frowned deeply at this moment, but his face still had no intention of retreating.

The black card flipped, and the omnipotent loudspeaker appeared in his hands.

“Fell me to the ground!”

Qiu Sihao uttered coldly, the sound quickly spread out through the loudspeaker, and the sound wave quickly fell on the giant elephant.

The giant elephant’s body trembled slightly, and the steps suddenly took a half step back, but only half a step, it stabilized the figure.

After stabilizing the figure, the giant elephant’s angry eyes locked Qiu Sihao for the first time, and it seemed to have insight into the culprit that caused him to step back.

Qiu Sihao still hugged his arms, standing arrogantly there, while Tyranny King was holding a bloody sword, trying to cut the giant elephant at any time.

bang! bang!

The Fairy Butterfly Light Cannon and the energy storage light beam are coming again, and they continue to hit the giant elephant.

This continuous offensive, even the giant elephant, also suffered some minor injuries, but to such a degree of damage, it can quickly recover.

Although the injury was not serious, the giant elephant was really a little irritable. It began to wildly wave the wild knife in its hand, and the blade glow was continuously cut out.

It was Tyranny King of Qiu Sihao who became the primary target!

Nothing else, Tyranny King’s Supreme Emperor overlooking the scornful eyes of all sentient beings, making the giant elephant feel uncomfortable subconsciously.

铿锵 ——! !!

Tyranny King greeted the sword continuously, but his sword-wielding action only lasted twice, and the blade glow was cut off by the giant elephant, even the people with the knife completely disintegrated!

At this moment, everyone’s mood was sinking to the bottom.

Qiu Sihao and Gao Yuan’s comprehensive battle strength is basically top 3 among Jiangcheng National Tournament representatives.

But at the moment, their Source Cards have been easily smashed by giant elephants.

That crushing power is simply desperate.

Ma Jichao and others are gritting their teeth. Their Source Card is in front of the terrifying giant elephant, like a brat standing in front of the giant.

Negative emotions spread throughout the cave.

bang! bang!

Su Jianlan and Wen Zhengrui still have no choice but to give up, constantly injecting Magic Power into their respective cards to do as much damage as possible to the giant elephant!

However, it is strange that Lin Ze has not taken a take action since the Rocket Warrior smashed. Instead, he stands in the distance and does not know what he is doing.

Ma Jichao, Ding Wen, they all noticed this, but no one accused Lin Ze of anything.

It is also normal for them to lose their fighting spirit under such desperate pressure. They are the same.

What’s the point of strong support like Su Jianlan and Wen Zhengrui?

It’s awkward, but just a senseless struggle.

At this time, the goal of the giant elephant was finally transferred to Butterfly Fairy and Flash Exiled. It did not cut out blade glow any more, but figured flashed.

The speed is exceptionally fast, and the body size is also not small Flash Exiled. The bright yellow particles attached to the chest quickly condense. When I was planning to radiate an energy storage light beam again-

The figurine of the giant elephant came to him in an attitude of pressing more than one flash over Flash Exiled. Instead of wielding the wild knife, he squeezed into a fist with the free left hand.


A fierce punch banged directly on Flash Exiled’s chest, and the energy storage light beam just brewed out in the stillbirth was blown open within the body.


No suspense, Flash Exiled shattered on the spot!

Butterfly Fairy reacted, and the transparent purple wings fluttered behind her, flying back.

But without waiting for her to fly far away, the giant elephant raised Yetadao again, and it was a commanding blade glow, chasing forward and chopping Butterfly Fairy in the air!

In less than five seconds, Jiangcheng’s top ten spokesperson, and two more Source Card shattering!

Such an ending, Ma Jichao and others had long anticipated, but still could not help but sigh.

After sighing, the eyes of several people were all lightly red, the blue muscles on their clenched fists were angry, and there was an unspeakable anger in their hearts.

Not to giant elephants, but to themselves.

Damn, at a critical moment, even the girls at his mother’s school could not be protected, but instead counseled without a fight, really a waste of material!

A strong sense of shame filled their hearts, but the huge sense of despair and oppression made them unable to raise any sense of fighting spirit at all.

That’s not just a moment’s anger to complete a child’s play.

But at the moment when a few people’s inner world was trembling, in the large space, there was no sign in vain, and an unusually strong white rays of light shone.

Even if you don’t feel it deliberately, you will have a sense of sacredness in your heart.

what happened?

Some of them turned around somewhat blankly, but suddenly realized that the intense white light originated from the little brown monster with wings and fluffy brown that always followed him in front of Lin Ze. of.

At this moment, in front of Lin Ze showing a bit of cold temperament, the brown card flipped.

The sacred wings, with the meaning of shelter and evolution, act on Winged Kuriboh’s small body!


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