“League? That’s the largest and most well-known Card Master competition in the country, and even students from Card Society are invited as guests?”

Lin Ze is a little puzzled. In his opinion, even if guests are invited to this kind of Peak event, they should consider those stars with both traffic strength.

Xiaoyang laughed, explained: “It’s actually normal, you know, the Peak Card Masters who fought in the Card Master League are basically out of major universities across the country.”

“So now, the league invites students from all schools as guests on campus. I also hope that more students can join the league in the future, continuously replenish the blood of new students, and keep the gold signboard of the Peak League.

“It turned out to be this way. Since it is President’s kind invitation, then I would say that rejection would seem to fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. When did it happen?”

Lin Ze is actually very interested in this matter, after all, it is the opportunity to witness the battle of China Peak B-Rank Card Master on the spot.

Xiaoyang saw that Lin Ze had an idea to watch the game, and suddenly said with a smile: “The final on September 9th, the venue is in Shanghai.”

“Finals? I heard that our senior Ye Wenao from Danshui is also a member of the league?”

Lin Ze suddenly thought of this and couldn’t help asking.

Xiaoyang nodded said: “Senior Ye Wenao did go out of Danshui. This year’s results were also good. He made it to the playoffs. Unfortunately, he finally stopped in the semi-finals, but he was considered to be playing at a super level. “

“So what is the format of the Card Master League Finals? Is it a one-on-one single battle, that seems to be over soon?”

Lin Ze wondered.

After all, it is the top-level Card Master, and it is really full of strength. It is not surprising to win and lose in a short time.

“Although it is one-on-one, the two sides that can make it to the finals will be extremely close to each other, and they are also well versed in each other’s cards and play, so the finals will adopt the BO5 format, so that the audience can Enjoy more Peak contests. “

“Furthermore, aside from the final battle between the two sides, there will be a lot of other entertainment programs. In addition, before and after the start of the game, the general audience will also be able to watch a newly released card exhibition for free. A Fusion of COS Culture, New Card Exhibition Sales and Card Master Communication. “

Xiaoyang explained gradually that the more Lin Ze heard, the more interested he became. This kind of words sounds interesting.

“The finals tickets are very expensive. The primary VLP seats are 1888. The double private room in the front row is 5888. The league seat is for the VIP Society. It is the perfect viewing position. The private room is unmatched. . “

A Vice President interjected.

“On this fare, there are still a lot of people robbing it. The position is still very limited.”

Another Vice President is also said with a smile.

Lin Ze, who understood the matter, quickly agreed and said, “That’s the case. Well, before we leave, I’ll let President know.”

“No problem, then you can continue to do your business now.”

Xiaoyang came to Lin Ze this time, in fact, for this matter.

Lin Ze heard said with a smile: “I’m really busy in the next few days, President, is there any good task?”

“The kind of high reward?”

Xiaoyang said in a half-joking tone.

Lin Ze is also polite, nodded and said: “Yeah, I have been nervous recently, so I got rich through some tasks.”

“Really? You really worked hard.”

Xiaoyang laughed, without revealing, of course he knew about Lin Ze becoming an E-Rank Card Master.

For the reward of up to 200 course credit, Xiaoyang can’t believe that Lin Ze has spent it directly.

As everyone knows, although there are many 200 course credits, Lin Ze really needs to be used, and it is also flowing.

Lin Ze’s idea now is to make as much money as possible and help Card Society to complete some tasks.

Zero merit relies here for white course credit. Although Lin Ze is also embarrassed to do it, it is better to give yourself some character if conditions permit.

Soon, Xiaoyang led Lin Ze to the task wall on the first floor. The task wall was covered with white and green notes, and the task wall was mixed with a few red notes.

The difficult task in the red note, not to mention that it represents a high reward of 200 merit, and there will also be a private reward given by the client.

Card Society’s merit shouldn’t mean much to Lin Ze.

However, as Lin Ze is still zero merit, this has led to a lot of merit achievements he can obtain.

You know, the merit achievement was unexpectedly rewarded by the corresponding course credit.

There are a total of three merit achievements in the Card Society at this stage, which are 100, 200, and 500 merit, corresponding to 10, 20, and 50 course credit rewards.

In other words, as long as Lin Ze’s merit reaches 500, he will be able to achieve three merit achievements in one fell swoop, earning a total of 80 course credit rewards.

Counting the rewards of Red Task itself, the price / performance ratio will be exceptionally high!

“President, are there any difficult tasks to recommend?”

Lin Ze is too lazy to make filters on the densely packed task walls, and directly troubles Xiaoyang for help.

Xiaoyang looked at Lin Ze with a faint smile and said, “Are you sure you are willing to do any task?”

“Yes, provided the rewards are generous.”

Although Xiaoyang’s words sound strange, Lin Ze’s idea is very straightforward, and the reward is enough, then everything is good to say.

Is it possible to make him alone in the Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory?

Xiaoyang said with a voice outside the string: “You don’t have to worry about rewards, but you don’t have to be rewarded.”

“Is it a hunting task accepted by many people at the same time?”

Lin Ze immediately thought of this. The nature of the hunting task was such that even if there were many people accepted, only one or two people were able to get rewards in the end.

This kind of task can also be regarded as Lin Ze’s acceptance. Is it hunting down a criminal?

However, Xiaoyang shook the head, gently tearing a red note from an obscure corner of the task wall, and then handed it to Lin Ze with a smile and said, “Let’s see it for yourself.”

Lin Ze took the note, and after reading it carefully, his eyes were incomprehensible, and he looked up towards Xiaoyang and asked, “This is really something special. Is this a wayward manner?”

Xiaoyang still smiled and said unwillingly: “Whether it is or not, but Task Reward is there, and you also see that 1 million is not a small number.”

Lin Ze thought it was nodded, and then he didn’t hesitate anymore. He said boldly: “Do not make money for nothing. I took the task. Do you still believe it can be played?”

“It’s good if you have confidence. I think you’ve been working hard recently. You can relax and have a chance to make money. Why not?”

Xiaoyang smiled. This kind of great task was not accepted by the Card Society before, including he tried it himself, but it also failed.

After all, that kind of task is not really related to strength.

I don’t know if Lin Ze can manage it this time.


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