
Lin Ze had a casual meal in the cafeteria and headed straight for off-campus.

The mission he received, as long as he arrived at the mission site before one o’clock in the afternoon.

This task is a long-term mount. Until now, it has been almost two months and can be picked up every Sunday.

It is just that the request of the client has not been completed yet.

This task, according to the description, is probably a daughter-controlled father. In order to please her daughter, he specially paid for a large number of Card Masters to play games with her.

The most exaggerated time, I even invited a B-Rank, but the effect was not very good.

The task requirement is actually to make his daughter happy through the game.

As for how to make the little fellow happy, it is naturally to successfully complete the game arranged by the little fellow.

Regarding the content of the game, Lin Ze does not know yet. From the perspective of children’s nature, the content of the game is probably not fixed.

This task sounds extremely difficult.

But Lin Ze doesn’t matter, anyway, it’s a steady profit.

The mission has notes, even if it fails to meet the requirements, it can still receive 1 yuan as compensation.

After all, all the Card Masters are invited, so come here for nothing, so sorry.

However, being able to publish this completely private task of accompaniment to all major task channels, we can see that this father ’s energy in Jiangcheng is not small, otherwise there would be so many Card Masters to accompany his daughter to make fun

Lin Ze called a taxi outside and drove quickly to the task site.


About half an hour later, the taxi stopped at a single villa area.

For such a scene, Lin Ze didn’t have the slightest disturbance in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

Yes, it really is a local tyrant. Such a tyrant should also be exceptionally bright when paying the task costs.

Lin Ze was about to walk in, and the doorman at the gate of the villa immediately called him.

Foreigners who want to enter and exit the villa area need to do identity registration.

Because there are relatively few residents in the villa area, the guards are familiar with every family here, not just people, but even vehicles.

“En? You seem to be … Lin Ze?”

When Lin Ze walked in for identity registration, the guard was suddenly distracted, and then patted his head, remembering who this familiar-looking guy was in front of him.

When looking at the registration done by Lin Ze, the doorman was even more certain, could not help but said with a smile: “Lin Ze, if you are right, you should also take the task of Mr. Bai.”

“Yes, do you know?”

“That is, after almost two years as a gatekeeper here, I am familiar with both new and old residents, but as far as I know, Mr. Bai’s task is not easy to complete. Meet the challenge like City Quota Battle. “

The janitor smiled, jokingly said.

“Here is the bottom of my heart, let’s do stuff.”

Lin Ze was full of energy, and after talking to the doorman for a few moments, he entered the villa area.

According to the information given by the mission, Lin Ze soon found the twelfth villa where Mr. Bai lived.

It was a white stucco, exceptionally clean and beautiful villa with a huge area.

Lin Ze walked up the steps in front of the villa, then rang the doorbell.

After a while, an old man in a steward suit came out, and suddenly asked after seeing Lin Ze: “Are you a Card Master who handles Mr. Bai’s mission?”

“Yes, is it convenient for me to go in now?”

Lin Ze asked politely, seeing that he was looking for the right place.

“Come with me.”

old steward nodded, then made a please gesture, waited until Lin Ze walked into the villa, closed the door gently, then started to lead the way in front.

Lin Ze followed in the footsteps of old steward, and by the way looked at the environment inside the villa.

Soon after entering the villa, what was in sight was an extremely spacious room, neatly decorated with a luxurious and elegant style.

And soon, old steward led Lin Ze up the villa 2nd floor along the spiral stairs, and came to a door.

dīng dīng.

Old steward knocked gently on the door, and after getting a slightly calm “Please come in”, he turned to Lin Ze and said, “Sir, you can go in, Mr. Bai is inside.”

Lin Ze nodded, thanked old steward, and walked into it.

Inside is a huge Conference Hall. There are several bookshelves in the Conference Hall, which are piled with various books. Maybe it can also be regarded as a study room.

As soon as Lin Ze entered the door, he was surprised to find that there were many people in the Conference Hall, about twenty people.

And judging from the different card items on these people, they are obviously Card Masters, but they don’t know how good they are.

After all, as long as you have card aptitude, you can use card item.

Among these people, the most conspicuous was the middle-aged man sitting in the first seat of the conference table, wearing a dark blue nightgown, with a tough face, a beard, and a cup of slow tea.

Obviously, this is the master of this villa, Mr. Bai.

From Mr. Bai’s casual attitude revealed at this time, it is clear that not at all will be more than twenty Card Masters present.

Otherwise, even as a client, you would never dare to act so casually in front of so many Card Masters.

After Lin Ze entered the door, not at all how many people’s eyes projected. They were waiting for the start of the task. Most of the people’s eyes were focused on that Mr. Bai.

A few people noticed Lin Ze, but they couldn’t help expressing it, they seemed to recognize Lin Ze.

It’s not surprising that Lin Ze, now he really has a good reputation in Jiangcheng.

It’s not just the City Quota Battle. The previous exchange match with Shanghai has made him famous, but that’s the real headline news.

At this moment, Mr. Bai suddenly dropped the tea cup in his hand, glanced at the time of the watch, and then suddenly raised his head, his eyes fell on everyone.

“Everyone, I know you have received the Card Master I posted through various channels. I welcome your arrival.”

Mr. Bai opened the mouth and said without saltiness.

“Mr. Bai is polite, and we are flattered to be able to accept the tasks announced by Mr. Bai.”

Someone at the conference table said very politely, this statement is also recognized by many people, all are repeatedly nodded.

It seems that many of them knew Mr. Bai’s identity.

Most of those who were still in the drum also noticed that something was wrong, and calmly put up the impatience on their faces.

They were barely restrained by the Task Reward up to 1 million. Now they are all cautiously observing.

If you accidentally offend some big man, you will lose more than you pay.

“I know that many of you are still puzzled about the meaning of the task I posted, but in fact, what I want to express is very simple. As long as you can get the favor of my daughter, the task is considered complete.”

“The content of the mission is indeed a game with my daughter. What game is it …”

Having said that, Mr. Paused was paused, and he glanced at the time again, “There will be 30% minutes, and she will end her nap, and you will know soon.”


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