In front of Lin Ze at this moment, a large number of smooth mirrors were staggered and overlapping, and the mirrors were bright and bright reflecting the sunlight.

If you look deeper, you can capture the silhouettes of Cursed Blood Demon and Clayman in the depths of those mirrors.

The two figures quickly dissipated like illusion, and the sound of cracked mirror sounded one after another. In Boda’s perception, Cursed Blood Demon had escaped from the abnormal reaction just now and returned to his control.

But after a few seconds of getting out of control, Chen Jiu on the side was killed because he was caught off guard.

Apart from this, the Tempest trapped by the huge blood sphere seems to have regained its strength. The powerful strikes on the blood sphere, the blood sphere is exploded in vain.

Blood-stained Tempest breathing heavily Seeing the sky, slowly adjusting his state.

Recalling the situation just now, Boda’s expression was gloomy and husky: “The card just now has a hand.”

The situation evolved into a heads-up, but from Boda’s expression, it didn’t seem to be much affected.

He just confirmed the state of Cursed Blood Demon again, in case the strange rebellion just happened.

The bloody pupil of Boda brewed blood glow, the wings on the side of Cursed Blood Demon in front of him trembled slightly, baring fangs and brandishing claws, the bloody illusory shadow full of fangs suddenly formed, and was like a wolf that devoured prey, Swallow the corpse of the dead Chen Jiu.

The blood-colored wings of light are more abundant, and a blood-colored inscription is faintly visible, which is constantly being activated.


The screams screamed loudly, and it was chilling that the screams seemed to originate from the dead Chen Jiu, who seemed to be suffering from some kind of torture on the soul level.

The scream only lasted for a while, but after the scream, the energy aura pervaded by Cursed Blood Demon became significantly larger.

According to Lin Ze’s estimation, that intensity has probably reached around 3500 attack points.

By absorbing the energy of the dead companion, using itself becomes stronger, which is indeed in line with the criminal’s combat style.

Lin Ze glanced at Tempest on the side, because of the death of Chen Jiu and the loss of the Special Trap Card supported by Magic Power, the effect has been declared over.

In this case, the battle strength of Tempest has been raised to Peak.

But that’s just not enough to be a chip against Boda’s Cursed Blood Demon.

What’s more, Boda seems to have learned the lesson from the previous lesson, and is highly focused.

He also found out that in the situation just now, most of his own cards formed an exchange of control with the opponent’s cards. This kind of effect sounds surprising, but in World of Cards, it is not surprising to have this effect. .

The main cause of Chen Jiu’s sudden death was his paralysis. He thought he had a winning ticket and did not get distracted to observe the changes in the battle situation.

At this moment, Cursed Blood Demon raised his hand slightly, and when the blood surged, a sharp and abnormal Blood-colored Trident was held.

Cursed Blood Demon expressionless seems to be completely unaffected by the accidental killing incident just now, and the figure flashes and approaches Lin Ze suddenly!

This is intended to kill Lin Ze directly on the spot. Naturally Tempest will not allow such things to happen. On the surface of the body, a scarlet-red lightning current flashes.

With the power of Winged Kuriboh and Clayman, the 2400 high attack and defense bonus brought by United We Stand played a role in this.

Tempest’s soaring momentum punched out with a punch, far faster than Cursed Blood Demon, a punch punched through his abdomen, and a lot of blood flowed out.

But those strange blood did not fall to the ground, but reunited together, filling the absent abdomen, and even the arm that had fallen into the body with Tempest was locked.

The figure of Tempest instantly turned into a gust of wind, centered on the chest of Cursed Blood Demon, ran and slashed around to create a complete body that was cut into a large number of shards.

The wings of the Tempest returned to its original shape trembled, and quickly lifted off, and then stretched together again. A large piece of tenacious white feather blade wrapped around the illusory Wind Element, cut and penetrated the flesh and blood that tried to reorganize again!

Boda’s expression is slightly ugly, blood glow flashes in the eyes, and three brown cards flip.

Standing on the spire peak above the raging sea, the black robed sillhouette expression is piety and crazy, raising his arms and shouting something, lightning dense clouds, fierce and violent lightning slashing down!

Three cards were clearly activated, but only one appeared.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ze suddenly remembered that the same situation had occurred when activated Cursed Blood Demon before.

However, speaking of which, since it is abnormal-card, it is not surprising that there is a mutation in any direction.

Maybe after stacking activated, the formidable power of single target card will become stronger, just like Cursed Blood Demon.

At this time, after activating the three brown cards, Boda’s Magic Power was obviously weaker, which seemed to be a card that had a great consumption for him.


When the thunder roared and the lightning slammed down, little fellow suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.


The little fellow reminded that while the silhouette on the mountain was buried under the lightning.

But at the same time as he died, Tempest, who had just smashed Cursed Blood Demon through a series of chasing combos, suddenly burst without warning, shattering!

“Is there a Single Point Instant-kill Special Spell Card?”

Lin Ze looked at this scene unexpectedly. The side Clayman suddenly turned into a strange mass of clods, overflowing and shattering.

But at the moment of Clayman shattering, Tempest, which was supposed to be killed because of Boda’s powerful Spell Card that was exhausted, is like going back in time, back to the original!

Tempest’s special effect activated, exempts one damage from any card on the field except itself.

This exemption skill is the special skill of Tempest, but it also has weaknesses.

For example, the various bonuses targeted at Tempest will be dissipated from this. The only exemption is only its own damage, but it will not allow the additional effect to continue.

Even so, with the release of a large number of cards in succession, especially for Boda with single target destroy cards, Magic Power has fallen to a certain extent.

As criminals who have been imprisoned all year round, they have not recovered all items such as at magic stone.

What’s more terrible is that the seemingly powerful Cursed Blood Demon, in the short time just now, has endured the extremely fierce combo of the strengthened Tempest.

Even with that weird evasion method, I did not let myself fall into the shattering situation, but at this moment, it looks like a very difficult situation.

Boda also seemed to feel that the situation was very bad. The expression on his face became more and more ugly. He didn’t think of it, but he was a student alone and had such a difficult combat ability.

However, just at his awkwardness, the invisible magnetic field collision sounded, and countless high-rise buildings rose up in vain!

The surrounding scene changes instantly. Under the night, there are many high-rises, and Tempest is standing somewhere on the top of the high-rise!

Cursed Blood Demon with blood flowing back and bleeding from the corners of his mouth can’t react in the future. Above the high-rise building, Tempest is surrounded by several azure vortex.

The huge vortex with a diameter of more than 10 meters suddenly fell from the tall building of several hundred meters off the ground!

Azure vortex tears the air, rolls out the seats along the way, the building falls over it, and the picture of Cursed Blood Demon shattered on the spot covered by the speed of light reflects into Boda’s enlarged pupil.


Azure vortex rolls out several hundred meters along the way, a large number of buildings are shattering one after another, and the ground shows irregular cracks.

On a rooftop, witnessing all this Lin Ze lightly let out a breath, feeling the Magic Power that consumes more than half of the inside of the body, could not help but shook the head.

“It’s still harder to cook than you think.”


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