Magic Power support dissipated, and Skyscraper gradually dissipated.

Lin Ze, who returned to his original position, fell in front of a key engraved with a brown vein pattern and exquisite shape without losing its connotation, thinking in his heart.

The key was undoubtedly dropped by the dead Boda.

Card Master’s death will drop items. This is unheard of by Lin Ze. Don’t think about it, this key should be specially set by Alliance.

What does it mean to set a key on these traitors? Lin Ze immediately thought of something to do with Divine Altar.

However, two people were clearly killed, but only one of them lost the key. Is it based on their strength to decide whether to drop the spoils of war?

Indeed, the two of them, the traitor with bloody pupils, are obviously stronger than the man named Chen Jiu.

However, Chen Jiu did not have time to show how much strength he had, and died hastily because of his negligence, so it is impossible to judge hastily.

It was just the falling key that made Lin Ze associate with this.

Lin Ze didn’t have time to think too much. Looking at Divine Altar ahead, the road still had to catch up.

Although the consumption caused by the fighting just now is huge, it is still not enough.

However, Lin Ze resolutely took Tempest back.

At this time, not to mention the consumption caused by the continuously activated Tempest, the conspicuous flying attitude, if it provokes a different traitor, can be a bit troublesome.

Of course, because it is a flying restriction area, even if Tempest wants to fly, its height is quite limited. It is impossible to effectively cross this dense forest, and the speed is bound to be greatly limited.

In previous battles, under the influence of Skyscraper’s environment, Tempest could escape the flying restriction.

But it didn’t make sense, after all, after the lifting of Special Field Card, Lin Ze would still return to its original position.

In summary, Lin Ze approached Divine Altar on foot.

In this case, Lin Ze would be able to wait for the magic natural recovery within the body, and he would not be too slow to walk.

From the current situation, it is obviously an impossible task to reach Divine Altar in a short time.

Although the local Source Card looks a little weak, those traitors are not simple goods.

Just two of Lin Ze’s encounters are genuine C-Rank Card Masters, and they are quite good, at least above the average.

At this level, no one would be inferior to the strength of the glory students.

However, in the situation of two people joining hands just now, among glory students, there are no more than ten people who can escape.

This is about getting out of the way, if it is a counterattack opponent like Lin Ze, you have to calculate separately.

Based on this reality, Lin Ze is sure that the speed of other people’s actions will also be greatly affected.

“Gao Yuan’s manifest action, it shouldn’t matter …”

Lin Ze suddenly thought of this problem. Although Gao Yuan’s strength has now become stronger, frankly, he is not one of the ten people “capable of getting away” as Lin Ze imagined.

In other words, Gao Yuan may face a prehistoric crisis on his way to Divine Altar.

Anxiety was instantaneous and was quickly forgotten by Lin Ze.

At this time, meaningless worry is meaningless, it is better to choose to believe that the other party has the ability to settle the plight.

The number of traitors is unknown. Although I don’t want to admit it, in Lin Ze’s opinion, I have obviously made an African emirate this time.

If the number of traitors really overflows, then the number of glory students that will survive this assessment is likely to be single digits.

No matter how you think about it, Alliance will not give such an extreme assessment.

Lin Ze, who had put away his thoughts, went nonstop to Divine Altar. The combat just now did delay a lot of time. Resting in situ was a luxurious imagination.

As Lin Ze continued to hurry and rushed towards Divine Altar, a regular snoring sound was faintly heard in the small wood house 1000 meters below Divine Altar.

In the wood house, a young boy of about XNUMX or XNUMX years old who looked short and looked awkwardly watching the wooden bed fell asleep and kept snoring red haired man.

It wasn’t the disturbing snore that bothered him. In fact, the snarl of the red haired man was a little heavier than ordinary breathing, and it wasn’t harsh.

For some patients with insomnia, maybe it can also work wonders to help sleep.

What shorty felt speechless was that the red haired man’s nerve-minded attitude clearly belonged to Divine Altar Holy Land and played the role of Hunter, but ended up falling asleep as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Before going to bed, the red haired man just pats his shoulders, and kindly says with a smile: “Liu Bo, in two days, no one can approach here. Rather than looking forward and backward, it is better to cultivate and rest with me.”

After saying this, the red haired man fell asleep quickly.

Liu Bo is really convinced, the red haired man is not afraid that he will kill him? Is it really okay to trust yourself so much? There is a problem in the head, there must be a problem!

However, after thinking about the strength of the opponent, Liu Bo was even more depressed. Speaking of which, even if the opponent is sleeping, he seems unable to solve it.

No way, after Energy Transformation, the fleshhy body ability of this product is enough abnormal.

Depressed thinking, the boring Liu Bo was fortunate to ignore the red haired man, and his head seemed to be thinking of something interesting.

“Zhang Zhicheng is so boring and desperate, so I’ll play with the children and let those children know what despair is.”

The moment when shorty made the plan, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud, looking at the deep forest, Magic Power operating.

Between white rays of light, hundreds of paper planes emerged, and many paper planes were forcibly compressed to a flying height of five meters under the restriction of flying restrictions.

But this did not affect the flying speed of the paper plane. A large number of paper planes, like naughty spirits, began to shuttle rapidly through the huge forest.

The paper plane soon disappeared without a trace, a shorty excitement jump, fell on the branches of a large tree, did not rush, but lay free and unconstrained, caught in some kind of waiting.


The walk lasted about six or seven hours. The magic power of Lin Ze within the body has basically returned to peak status. Although the journey is not smooth, the troubles encountered are completely worthless compared with those of the Alliance traitor.

Looking forward, as it was already night, the outline of Divine Altar became more blurred, but it was significantly closer than in impression.

This surprised Lin Ze, but quickly realized what.

Perhaps after entering the flying restriction zone, Divine Altar will not be so far away.

In this case, one day at most, you should be able to get completely close to the Divine Altar.

Although Lin Ze is more satisfied with the current progress, he still did not choose to stop.

Instead of relying on power of cards, simply use Magic Power to advance.

The closer you get to Divine Altar, the risk factor will increase dramatically. You must always maintain the peak status to cope with it.


After another hour or so, the little fellow seemed to find any unusual response and quickly whispered the information.


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