“Mr. Muhai, Fitzinter’s Spirit Master is just under 3,000 meters ahead. What should we do?”

A black man uses a giant rock as a sentry post, closely watching the traces left by the “flash bomb” in front of him. That is not only a trap that hinders the opponent’s progress, but also a means to observe distance.

Mu Sea God remains the same, and the power from Tempest beside him makes him feel calm.

“Just at the end of the forest ahead, intercept them as much as possible, and delay enough time. As long as Lin Ze can operate Power of God, even the biggest difficulties and challenges can be surpassed in an instant.”

After Muhai loudly shouts, Magic Power surged and figure quickly rushed forward while turning back: “Those Spirit Masters are not your strength to counteract. Try to hide in a safe position. If there is any accident in the battle, you must be the first Time passed to Lin Ze. “

“He is an indispensable God’s Chosen, and as long as he can survive, there is hope for a comeback.”

Muhai said chop nails and sever Iron, but many black people who took care of him still looked hesitant, someone loudly said: “Mr. Muhai, we …”

Speaking of which, the follow-up “common advance and retreat” words are a bit shy, and they all know that with their ability, even if they stay here, they can only become a burden on Muhai.

But even so, what is it to let them leave Muhai and leave alone? !!

“Don’t delay time, go!”

Muhai suddenly scolded and took off the mask on his cheek, exposing a cold and severe temperament, a sharp-edged face.

What the black people wanted to say came to an abrupt end, and it was not the first time for Muhai to take off the mask.

But every time he removes the mask, it means that Muhai is at the tipping point of extreme impatience.

Perceiving this, no one dared to say anything more. After gritting his teeth, it was difficult to make a determination and turn around and leave.

The fact is the same. In the case of that number of Spirit Master teams, these are at most relatively strong ordinary persons, not even as powerful as an Empire soldier.

What really can be called a pillar at this moment is Muhai’s Tempest with Wind Element beside him.

“Tempest, please take care of you now.”

Muhai watched the black people go away, turning his head and looking towards Tempest.

Although Tempest did not follow Muhai’s assignment directly, he still understood the meaning of the other party. After the lightly nodded, the white wings trembled at high speed behind him.

Just before Muhai had responded, Tempest’s figure flew out like a gust of wind, and in a few blinks, it narrowed the distance with the Spirit Masters who were constantly advancing.

Seeing that they were about to step out of the forest, many Spirit Masters stopped one after another. The two Spirit Masters in front of the road were moving their eyes slightly, and the magic staff on their hands waved.

Under the unique power operate, one black and one purple ghostly silhouette floated out, and energy was brewing in the hollow and sharp eyes.


The slender energy beams in black and purple suddenly burst out, and they apparently noticed the Tempest coming.

However, facing such two energy beams, the combat strategy adopted by Tempest was to meet them directly.

He didn’t mean to concede at all. When the wings trembled behind him, the whole person was so incarnation as a fierce wind, wrapped in a strong cutting force, and constantly rushed forward.


Two energy beams, black and purple, fall on Tempest, which can be turned into a tempest of tempest, but it seems to be attached with a strong offensive shield.

It is completely a hedging method, and the two energy beams are crushed on the spot!

The shattering particles of energy are overflowing, and the incarnation of Tempest in the wind is inevitable.

“How can it be!”

Among the Fitzinter team, the two Card Master expression changed who were responsible for probing and opening the road, did not expect that they joined forces to activate the offensive with all their strength, so they were cracked by the opponent with no difficulty.

In the team, Crow grabbed the hair that was scattered and scratched. Spiritless eyes seemed to be full of troubles. He didn’t seem to think that it was difficult to cope with the current problem.

In contrast, he is more like being lazy by nature and too lazy to solve problems.

This trip seems to be perfunctory.

Crow didn’t do it, but the surrounding companions also seemed to understand the virtues of the goods. Although the situation seemed more dangerous at this moment, not at all people forced him to do it.

Hastened Crow, but the consequences were unimaginable.

Among the crowd, a Spirit Master has a strong body, brown skin, and a black robe that swells abnormally because of his body shape.

Facing the Tempest cut by the strong wind, the strong man waved magic staff one step in advance, and the dark spell beads on the magic staff flashed a strong black glow.

A zigzag labyrinth suddenly appeared. The labyrinth seemed to have personal consciousness. When it felt the danger approaching, it was actively using its own thick zigzag body to come forward to resist.

chi chi bang!

The strong wind began to cut continuously, but the hard maze structure began to fall off quickly. Shattering marks appeared in many walls, and a large number of megaliths were cut out and swept out.

“The really strong spirit object is devastating beyond imagination.”

The sturdy Spirit Master expression couldn’t help showing shock, Tempest’s fierce attack points, even from his perspective, were absolutely first-rate.

Even if the Spirit Master has the most powerful Fitzinter Empire as a whole, there are Card Masters that can withstand this intensity Spirit Object, and the number is definitely not more than five!

But in this group of people, there are two of them!

This represents the imperative determination of Empire!

It’s a pity that one of these two people didn’t put their minds on the fight at all, and at the moment was slanted glanced around.

As for the other person, he stood idly by and looked a bit arrogant, thinking that it was only this level of Tempest, and it was not worth his take action for the time being.

As for the personality of the two, the Spirit Masters of their peers are very clear and helpless.

Fortunately, even if the intensity of Tempest is unexpected, it is far from uncontrollable.

As long as there are more than five Spirit Masters taking action at the same time, that spirit object will be unable to set off another wave.

In fact, at this moment in Fitzinter Empire, several Card Masters are ready to fight at the same time.

While the labyrinth spirit object is fully resisting, they each use the magic staff in their hands and use the power of spell beads to release their respective spirit objects.

baring fangs and brandishing claws, Jedi Crocodile wrapped in iron gray armor, holding a scepter, Kobold overflowing with weird blue light.

A long-eared rabbit with extremely sensitive movements, a camouflage war chariot that relies on gears to trample the ground, and a large-scale tree monster laughing at the feet with two small tree monsters.

In addition to the previous two ghosts of black and purple, a total of seven spirit objects, loomingly surrounded, will gradually escape from the state of strong winds, re-emerged Tempest!


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