The encirclement of the seven spirit objects, a temptation was felt on the body of Tempest at the center.

That suction comes from the maze spirit object in front of it. The walls that make up the maze seem to cling to this weird suction, which makes Tempest unable to escape.

That is a mandatory effect. If you want to get rid of it, you can only choose to defeat the maze spirit object.

However, after this maze spirit object has been continuously cut by Tempest, it is already an arrow at the end of its flight. It only takes a maximum of five seconds for Tempest to easily break free.

But five seconds is enough time for a spirit object that is good at combat to establish a great advantage.

Those spirit objects controlled by different Spirit Masters, from different directions, at a similar speed, with a certain degree of tacit understanding, quickly activated attacks.

But in a moment, the distance from Tempest has been narrowed.

The camouflage war chariot left a long string of green rut marks on the ground. Those marks were aura filled with energy particles.


A crackling sound sounded, and a large artillery shell with a diameter of more than half a meter exploded on Tempest’s blocking arm.

The Tempest expression remains the same, and a strong arm just shows a little bit of scorch, which is not a big deal.

Although Tempest’s offensive nature has made most Card Masters in Fitzinter Empire start to sigh, don’t forget that his defense points are actually not lost to attack points.


There was another shattering sound, this time, but it was the popping sound caused by Tempest’s final blow to the spirit object in front of the maze.

While the maze wall was shattering, Jedi Crocodile was burning with flaming flames. It was obviously a scepter, but Kobold, a close combat mage, shuttled around, and slowed down the long-eared rabbit with a sensitive position. The large tree demon step by step together with the two tree sons who are one step faster are approaching at the moment!

Apart from this, the re-condensed energy beams in the black and purple spiritual eyes have been formed. After rapid brewing, two more energy beams are emitted!

At this crucial moment, the wings behind Tempest trembled quickly, and then quickly took off.

This is not a Land of Miracles. The flying restriction does not exist. With the ability of Tempest, it can fully exert its own ability to stay in the air.

Aggressive, the spirit objects coming from all sides have failed, and they can only watch the Tempest waving his wings quickly as he rises to a height of 10 meters.

But there was no time to get angry, but just staring for a moment, I saw Tempest wielding his wings to quickly bring them together and stretch them out.

Amidst the turbulent Wind Element condensation, a large number of white feather blades showing slightly illusory suddenly moved away towards the spirit objects facing up looking like hiding the sky and covering the earth!

The spirit objects even changed the spirit masters, but everything was too sudden. A large number of feather blades cut the bodies of the spirit objects, blood spattered.

In this case, they are unavoidable, and even the opportunity to fight back cannot be found.

The trickiest part is that Tempest releases a lot of strong winds, forming a violent wind wind zone.

The somewhat confusing spirit objects were even under this gust of wind, like the flat boat at sea swaying, and the long-eared rabbit with weak body stability fell accidentally to the ground.

The remaining Jedi Crocodile, the close combat dog-head, and the large tree demon are a look of desperation and want to vent, but they can only be furious.

“It seems to be interesting.”

In the crowd, it is clear that their own side is already in an extremely bad situation. Crow has been spiritless eyes, but there is a little bit of fun, and it does not seem to hate the situation in front of him.

The spirit masters who saw their spirit object in crisis, but Crow was still this attitude, burst into anger.

However, after such anger was brewed for a long time, they were forcibly swallowed back.

No matter what happens, Crow must not be urged to do anything. This is a warning everyone has received.

This kind of warning is not only a command, but also a kind of advice.

As if it was a taboo careless act, once touched, it will fall into a state of utter danger.

Recalling such advice, several people had to reluctantly slow down their breathing and pin their hopes on another arrogant Card Master.

Named Cebu, he can almost detect his opponent’s strong enemy, so he is determined to take action in person to eliminate the opponent.

Cebu, in fact, is the leader of the Fitzinter Spirit Master team. Facing such an unexpected situation, he was coldly snorted around his arms, and a purple glow flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, the magic staff using the spirit object appeared in his hands, and the spell beads filled with a lot of energy at the top suddenly released black-red rays of light!

The black-red rays of light are in full bloom, wearing a blue hood, completely covering the cheeks, and a silhouette showing a silent temperament suddenly emerges.

Inside the clenched fist of this hood silhouette, the strange blue rune is engraved. Those runes are already activated at this time, oozing a lot of energy aura, and faintly flowing out of the blue light ring from the gap of the fist.

Tempest’s eyes on the sky also suddenly shifted. It seemed to be aware of a strong enough aura, but for a moment, he locked on the blue hood silhouette below.

The blue hood silhouette didn’t say a word, suddenly raised his arm and punched the sky!


The huge blue fist shadow rushed out towards the high-altitude rolls like a storm. The Tempest expression on the top faintly changed, but there was no hesitation. The wings trembled behind him, giving up and continuing to suppress the spirit objects below. far away.

fist shadow was almost passing by the wings of Tempest, and passed through the air all the way, and finally exploded at the altitude of several hundred meters, pouring out a gorgeous blue energy rain.

The energy rain quickly fell to the ground, and those spirit objects on the ground received orders in advance to evacuate to a safe location.

di da di da

When the energy rain hit the ground, the hard soil layer was eroded on the spot without any suspense.

At the same time that the rain was falling, the silhouette of the blue hood was already throwing several punches, and the goal was naturally to avoid Tempest.

Tempest’s flashing speed is very amazing. Even if the blue fist shadow attack speed is also fast, it is still difficult to hit Tempest at high altitude.

But this difficulty, as the blue hood silhouette continues to punch, it is naturally solved.

The dense boxing peaks formed a capture net in the sky that could not escape at all, and was forced to reach the dead end of Tempest without hesitation. The figure turned into a gust of wind again, facing the huge fist shadow in no way And go!

In any case, be sure to delay more time for Lin Ze!

This is Tempest’s only thought at the moment.


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