The suddenly inflated scarecrow did not scare Lin Ze. He just looked at this scene in amazement, and some wondered why the goods suddenly exploded.

And it is interesting to say that before this scarecrow swelled, not only Lin Ze, but even the little fellow’s perception did not see anomalies in it, of course, this is also related to the little fellow’s entry into depth perception.

In any case, the scarecrow in front of him is obviously not an ordinary Super Source Beast, which is exactly in the mind of Lin Ze.

Regardless of the purpose of the Scarecrow to move behind the castle, Lin Ze has used Tempest, tentatively using a Mystical Space Typhoon moved by the Wind Element to move towards the other party.

The swollen scarecrow turned a blind eye to this Mystical Space Typhoon. It didn’t even pat it, and it just jumped on the spot like a storm.


The ground sinked noticeably, cracks appeared, and the cracks spread rapidly. Lin Ze looked at the scarecrow who was coming forward, and did not respond at all.


A Lan Bai energy beam suddenly burst out of the air, and the original overwhelming scarecrow was stopped in the air after being hit by the blue-white beam. The grass on its chest was scattered, without any blood or internal organs. Imaginary things.

However, the scarecrow’s body with a little stagnation suddenly flickered, but turned around in the air, then fiercely moved towards Lin Ze and kicked it, also a desperate wooden one-legged.


It is another sky-splitting sound, but this time it is no longer the previous energy beam, but an energy aura condensed by Lan Bai. This aura radiates dazzling blue-white rays of light, cold glow is completed Now, obviously has a very strong sharpness.


The Lan Bai halo passed by suddenly, and then the dull fall sound sounded, and it fell, it was a one-legged scarecrow that was forcibly cut by the aura of energy.

It seemed as if it had hit its door. At the moment when the one-leg was separated from the body, the swollen scarecrow suddenly began to shrink, as if it had been forced to lose weight by inhumanity.

Soon, the scarecrow shrank back to its original size, and it fell to the ground after a few laps of slow floating in mid-air.

And just as the Scarecrow landed, Lin Ze’s gaze fell on the moving castle that was a little far away, and then he turned his head and looked towards Lan Bai.

“I’ll get rid of it, Lin Ze be careful.”

Even before Lin Ze spoke, Lan Bai knew what he meant. The figure suddenly turned into a blue-white beam bursting out of the air, and a gorgeous Lan Bai long trail was dragged in the air.

“It’s really lucky.”

Watching Lan Bai leave, Lin Ze couldn’t help but smile with emotion, his eyes locked on the scarecrow who was slowly falling, and lost his one-legged not at all, so he died, but lie on the ground, struggling to look towards The silhouette of Lan Bai’s departure seems to be mindful of the danger of moving the castle.


The little fellow walked around the Scarecrow in a depth-sensing manner, and then seemed to understand something, and immediately relayed the information to Lin Ze.

“It didn’t hurt at all?”

Hearing this information, Lin Ze couldn’t help but show that he had suffered an offensive like Lan Bai, but the scarecrow didn’t even show minor injuries?

If it wasn’t for the little fellow’s perception, Lin Ze would certainly not believe that the scarecrow scarecrow after losing his one leg is actually undamaged.

Can it be a stand-in?

Lin Ze started to associate, but such association was not the correct answer, and little fellow didn’t feel this way.

Without tangling this issue, the best solution to the immediate problem is obviously action.

Lin Ze decided to get started and find out.

Magic Power operate, the sound of gear rotation sounds, and then, the huge silhouette of Ancient Gear Golem suddenly comes, silver-gray rays of light are in full bloom, without any hesitation, Ancient Gear Golem directly enters Rank 3!

The moment that Ancient Gear Golem liberated the Source Body, Lin Ze was surprised to find one thing, that is, Magic Power within the body did not produce any response, but Super Source Power showed some fluctuations.

In this case, to maintain the Ancient Gear Golem, Lin Ze does not need to pay a little bit of Magic Power, but replaces it with Super Source Power, and is only a weak Super Source Power.

The sudden change made Lin Ze somewhat confused, but then overjoyed.

What a special thing!

Suppressing the current excitement for a while, Lin Ze locked his eyes on the appearing Ancient Gear Golem, and then using the Ancient Gear Golem to lift his foot and step on the scarecrow suddenly.

Even if the Scarecrow was really safe at this time, it was too late to dodge it. However, the Scarecrow did not have the idea of ​​moving.


The huge soles were pressed fiercely and splashed with a large amount of dust. When Ancient Gear Golem lifted his feet again, a large pit was left on the ground. The pit corresponds to its footprint, and the depth is at least five meters.

It’s not over yet, Lin Ze immediately used Tempest again, serving a tenacious feather blade, these feather blades twisting around in the footprint holes, which is even worse.

After a while, the inside of the pothole just calmed down, but the perception of the little fellow found that the scarecrow was not actually harmed.

With such a perceptual result, even Lin Ze would inevitably feel the fantasy story, and he began not to believe that the scarecrow in the pothole was his main body.


In Lin Ze’s astonishment, a silhouette suddenly jumped out of the pothole, and jumped into the air in one fell swoop. It was the scarecrow who was attacked repeatedly. Not only that, the one foot cut by the Lan Bai halo has been regenerated. .

“It seems to be an interesting special effect. This Super Source Beast is a bit difficult.”

Lin Ze took a hard look at the scarecrow in front of him, but his complexion has returned to calm. Honestly, the other party’s performance really surprised him, but the characteristics of the scarecrow are more than that.

Another point is that the scarecrow did not show any offensive or even destructive power in the premise of ignoring any harm.

In other words, this is a slag with a battle strength of 0. Its invincible ability is just like the mercy of heaven.

Apart from this, the biggest feature that the Scarecrow showed was its loyalty to the mobile castle. No, it should be, precisely, for some reason, it must follow the mobile castle in any case.

“Having a long time on it is a waste of effort.”

Lin Ze suddenly understood it. Fortunately, the consumption of the Ancient Gear Golem Source Body was replaced by Super Source Power, which is not worth mentioning. His Magic Power within the body is still abundant.

“The key to the problem, then, is that mobile castle.”

Lin Ze’s eyes could not help but look far away. In the depth perception of the little fellow, the castle seemed to be not only as simple as Super Source Beast, but also hidden secrets.


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